Читайте также:
• We use the past continuous 10 talk about something that was going on around a particular time in the past, as in example a).
• We often use the past continuous to describe an action which was already in progress when something else happened, as in example h).
• We use the past simple to talk about actions or even is thai we sec as completed, as in example c). page 121
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Read the first part of the Max Factor story and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
In many parts of (he world, Max Factor has become a famous brand of cosmetics. Yet few people know that Max Factor, who was born in Poland in 1877, is also the name of the inventor of those cosmetics. Apparently, it was
while Max....................... ' (worked /was v/orking) as an apprentice to a
pharmacist, mixing all kinds of potions, that he..................2 (developed/
was developing) an interest in cosmetics.
He....................... 3 (lived /was living) in Moscow when he.......................,4
(opened /was opening) his own shop, selling a range of handmade cosmetics.
Now complete the second part of the story with either the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs given.
The story goes that one day, some members of the Russian nobility
,.,,.,...........,,,.' (notice) the beautiful make-up worn by some travelling
theatre actors who......................2 (perform) for them. So they
..,...,.,..,.....,3 (appoint) Max Factor the cosmetic expert for the royal family.
In 1904, Factor,....«.,,......,..4 (emigrate) to the USA. He...........................5
(create) a new kind of make-up for cinema actors in Los Angeles, where he
....__________ 6 (live). By the time he....................... 7 (introduce) his
products to the public, all major actresses...,..,.,......... * (visit) his salon.
Successful meetings
Which of the following do you agree with? Why?
1 The best number for a meeting is six people orfewer.
2 Never have food or drink during a meeting.
3 Always start and finish a meeting on time.
4 You should sit round a table when you have a meeting.
5 A meeting must always have a leader.
6 At a formal meeting each person should speak in turn.
(|)4.4 Freestyle is a sports equipment company. It has developed a new product, a pair of swimming goggles which adapt to each person's face and eyesight The Marketing Department held a meeting to discuss the launch of the product. Listen to the meeting. Then answer these questions.
1 What are the two aims of the meeting?
2 Why does Katharina want to launch the goggles early in the year?
3 Which months for the launch do the participants discuss?
4 Which types of shops does Julia want to target?
4 Great ideas
Listen again. Tick the expressions which Inge, the chairperson, uses.
1 Can we start, please? 1^
2 The purpose of this meeting is to decide the date of the launch. U
3 Katharina, what do you think? G
4 OK, let's hear a few more views. U
5 Nadia, how do you feel about this? G
6 You're right, Katharina. Let's get back to the point. G
7 OK everyone, I think on balance we agree... L 3 I want us to talk about sates outlets now. G
Listen to the meeting again and complete these extracts,
Katharina I'm in.... JQMQUC....J1 of February or March. There's a gap in the market for our products. Why wait any longer?
Inge... Kenneth, what's your opinion?
Kenneth Mmm, I........................................,.,.,' about February. It's a bit
early in the year. I..................3we..................MnMay or
June. People go on holiday then.
Nadia...The price should be high. I'd say, at least Ј50.
Katharina,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,.............,,,,,,„,...,,,* a minute. I thought we were
talking about the launch date, not about promotion or price.
Inge... Which outlets do you think we should target?
Julia.........................................................6 we should start with the
specialist stores. That's where most swimmers buy their goggles.
Inge What.,..,,.,.........,,....,.,....,....,,.,....,........./by
specialist stores, Julia?
Useful language
Beginningthe meeting Can we start please? Right, let's begin.
Stating the aim The main aim of the
meeting is to... The purpose of this
meeting is to...
Giving opinions
I think...
I'm in favour of...
Making suggestions Perhaps we should... We could...
Asking for comments
What do you think?
How do you feel about this?
Changing the subject Let's move on now to... The next item on the agenda is...
I think you're right.
I (totally) agree.
I don't know about that. (I'm afraid) I don't agree.
What do you mean by Sorry, I don't quite understand.
OK, lefs summarise.
Right, let's recap...
Hold on (a moment). Can I say something?
Role-play, Work in groups of up to five people. Role cards are on pages 137, 140,14?, 343 and 144.
Freestyle has developed a new tennis racket called Worldbeater. It Is light but gives players increased power and control. It will be launched in the US. The Marketing Department holds a meeting to discuss a strategy.
Read your role card.Then hold the meeting. At the end, the chairperson should summarise your decisions.
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in <
Fabtck is a small company based in Hamburg. It has produced a revolutionary type: of labric called Protean.
Listen Co an excerpt from a company presentation and complete the feet sheet alxnii Pro lean. Use up lo three words each time.
i Made from fibres....................,'
nylon and polyester; can be made
very thick, or so thin that it can let
some...................... r through.
2 It is very soft to the touch, and also
3 Can be made in any...................... \
• fable k believes that Protean has great
Wants to increase sales by
...................... * other manufacturers
to produce new products with Protean.
Already has a licensing agreement
withAzra, a..,..................... 'which
has created some...................... B
using Protean.
Here.ire three of Azra's award• winning products.
1 'Dazzle* — A range of shoes for young women
Selling points:
• I a gh t an d com I o riabl c — adapt ro the shape of a person's foot
• Their colour can be changed at. any rime
♦ Shiny, smart and very durable
* Ideal for dancing
2 Protean steeling wheel
Selling points:
♦ Be t ler grip f or d rivers
• Safer than all other steering wheels
• Very- pleasant to the touch
♦ Low* production costs
3 ProLcan watch straps Selling points:» Waterproof and easy lo clea n
♦ A n vone ca n wea r
Ilium - non-allergic
• Moxc beautiful than
■ Light up in rhe dark
see - Fton> <n.web«*Wobtck.de |
An opportunity for Gadget Pic
Recently, l*abtek contacted Gadget I'lc, a company with over 2.000 products and a worldwide network ol' sales oil ices, (iadgel has designed and developed many best-selling electronic, house hold and automobile products. Fahtck has asked Gadget tit come up with new ideas lor iLsing Protean. Here is an extract from an e-mail which Fabick's (IhieCF.xecuiive seni lo Gadget's Development Manager.
To: tf p. BntJersonfflgedget ptc.com
Subject. Protean Devolopmcnt
We are looking (or partners lo manufacture products using Protean. We want tc work with firms that are creative and which can design exciting, innovative products.
We invite you to send us three concepts for new products in (he following forrrn
1 A description of (he product
2 Its selling points
3 Ways in which the product is really new
4 Its target consumers and main buyers
5 Price which will attract the most buyers
6 Places where you can sell It
7 An advertising and promotion plan
Work in small groups. You are a member of Gadget's Product Development Department. Hold a meeting to propose ideas for exciting new products which use Protean. Use the points in the e-mail as a guide. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal.
Choose the three products which you will propose to Fabtek in order to get a licensing agreement.
You arc a member of (iadgel Pic's Product.
Development. Department. The dhiei' Executive oCFahtek has asked you to write a shore i*eporl on imeol' the pro due is you have chosen. Outline the product's key
I can ires and say why it p res en is a
commercial oppotiunity,
Writing file page*!&">
3atD@(lff ti>M
New Product Development Team
This report lists the key features of an exciting new product made from Protean, It also looks at its key selling points and examines its commercial potential.
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Starting up
Add the verbs from the box to the phrases below to create some common stressful situations.
■gotRg finding having making being travelling queuing going
i....... QQiOfj....... tothedentist 5
2.,.,.................. in the supermarket 6
3.................. stuck In a traffic jam 7
4.................. aplacetopark 8
to the hairdresser an interview
a speech by air
Which of these situations is the most stressful for you? Can you add any others to the list?
Q What do you do to relax? Which of these activities are the most effective for you and why? In what other ways do you relax?
playing a sport reading eating/drinking having a bath
walking gardening massage shopping listening to music
watchingTV meditating surfingtheNet
5 Stress |
Q Rank these situations from 1 (most stressful) to g (least stressful). Then discuss your choices.
• making a presentation to senior executives
• leading a formal meeting
• telephoning in English
• writing a report with a tight deadline
• n egotiat in g a ve ry va lu ab le co ntract
■ meet in g i m p o rta nt visitc rs fro m a b road fa r t he fi rst ti me
• asking your boss for a pay rise
• dealing with a customer who has a major com plaint
• being afraid of losing your job
Q What do you think are the main causes of stress at work?
(J w5.1 Alan Bradshaw is a director of In Equilibrium, a stress management consultancy. Listen to the first part of the Interview and complete these notes.
• The most common cause of stress Is usually a..................s of things
rather than..................*.
• For example, a very bad combination is where someone is under a lot of
.....,,.,.,......,3T but they also feel thatthey have no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,
and they feel unsupported.
• That combination can cause severe stress and..................... 5. People
in that situation often feel that nothing they can do will make ..................*', and that's a very bad feeling.
©Oa.2 Listen to the second part of the Interview and answer this question,
What are the two main ways in which In Equilibrium helps companies deal with stress?
Q W5.3 Listen to the third part ofthe Interview. Choose the correct answer, according to Alan Bradshaw- Then discuss whether you agree with him.
1 Men/Women report less stress.
2 Men/Women are better at asking for and getting support.
3 Men /Women don't like to appear vulnerable.
4 Men /Women are in fact often more vulnerable.
5 Men /Women cope with pressure better.
Q In your opinion, which of the following apply more to men or women. Why?
Men /Women
1 are better time managers.
2 are less worried about deadlines.
3 have more pressure outside work.
4 are less ambitious.
5 worry more about making mistakes.
6 pay more attention to detail.
7 are better at doing many things at the same time.
8 are more likely to become angry when stressed.
I s Stress
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Present simple and present continuous | | | A career change |