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Навчальна програма

Читайте также:
  1. Виробнича програма гарячого цеху
  2. Навчальна мета заняття
  3. Навчальна мета.
  4. Навчальна практика. Редакторська
  5. Навчальна програма.
  6. Орієнтовна програма спостереження та аналізу виховного заходу







Київ – 2015




(Програма затверджена Вченою Радою НаУКМА)


Програма дисципліни «Практика усного і писемного мовлення англійської мови -1» базується на розвитку мовленнєвих компетенцій та комунікативному підході до навчання мови і належить до нового типу сучасних навчальних програм. На перший план висувається завдання практичного активного оволодіння англійською мовою. В основі розробки програми такого типу – теорія комунікативного навчання мові (Communicative Language Teaching), вичерпно представлена в працях Холідея, Хаймса, Манбі, Брамфіта, Ріверо та інших.

Комунікативна програма чітко визначає:

· цілі навчання, які модифікуються і уточнюються як в залежності від кінцевої мети курсу, так і від результатів поточного тестування;

· специфікацію певних мовленнєвих навичок і умінь (а саме, комбінацію чотирьох основних макронавичок – читання, письма, слухання, говоріння, на основі яких визначаються мікронавички, наприклад, написання завдань з продуктивного письма: параграфу – опису, порівняння - протиставлення, біографії, та інше);

· систему типових моделей спілкування для тієї чи іншої мовної ситуації, що вимагає вивчення функціональної граматики.

Комунікативна програма обов’язково передбачає попереднє вивчення мовних потреб студента (“needs analysіs”) і вироблення компромісу між груповими та індивідуальними потребами.

Основною передумовою розробки такої програми є перегляд традиційної ролі викладача-інструктора. Зорієнтований на студента підхід, який по суті є одним з основних принципів теорії комунікативного навчання, передбачає повний перехід від ролі викладача як домінуючої особи в масі до ролі порадника, консультанта, ініціатора і стимулятора різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності аудиторії, програма дисципліни з англійської мови передбачає комбінацію тематичної концепції з концепцією, орієнтовною на розвиток макро- та мікронавичок. Це добре систематизована і водночас гнучка програма, здатна врахувати усе різноманіття факторів, які зумовлюють успішне вивчення мови.

Програма передбачає системне і комплексне застосування технічних засобів навчання, а також інші методичні засоби і прийоми, що сприяють навчанню усній мові і ситуативному мовленнєвому відтворенню. Банк роздаткових матеріалів з розмовних тем, проведення дидактичних ситуативно-рольових ігор поряд з іншими видами аудіовізуального унаочнення, допомагає створити фон мовного середовища.

Програма розрахована на 4 роки.

Програма дисципліни «Практика усного і писемного мовлення англійської мови -1» орієнтована на вироблення комунікативної компетенції студентів на рівні B2 згідно CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment - Загальноєвропейські рекомендації з мовної освіти: вивчення, викладання, оцінювання) на основі активізації та розвитку чотирьох основних мовленнєвих навичок (skills): читання, письмо, активне спілкування, аудіювання), необхідних для професійного користування мовою.

З цією метою програма включає такі взаємопов’язані напрями:

По-перше: деталізує конкретні методичні засоби та прийоми, необхідні для вироблення вищезазначених базових навичок, як, наприклад, слухання та читання текстів:

§ Для визначення основної ідеї;

§ Для вилучення конкретної інформації;

§ З метою їх конспектування і тощо.

По-друге: пропонує засвоєння лексичної бази спілкування шляхом тематичної організації учбового матеріалу. Теми, на основі яких у студентів першого року навчання відпрацьовується необхідна для усного та писемного мовлення лексика та виробляються комунікативні навички, включають:

Третім основним елементом програми є орієнтація на засвоєння конкретного граматичного матеріалу, а саме:

§ Часи англійського дієслова

§ Граматичні категорії іменника

§ Артикль

§ Займенник

§ Прикметник, прислівник

§ Модальні дієслова

§ Пасивний стан дієслова

§ Непряма мова

§ Сполучники та сполучні слова

У програмі передбачається, що після кожного семестру студенти складають залік, а в кінці навчального року (по завершенню 2д) - іспит (система оцінки знань в НаУКМА фактично знімає різницю між заліком і іспитом).


1st TERM



R – Reading L – Listening S – Speaking W – Writing V – Vocabulary


I. Family. Personal Information. History of Life.

1. Beyond Language. U.4 p.67 Personal Relationships, U.5 p.89 Family Values R/S

2. More than Words 2. U.1 p.27 Families, U.2 p.33 Relationships R/S

3. Patterns Plus. p.160 Friends, Good Friends – and Such Good Friends R/S/W

4. Inside Out U-I. U.2 p.14 Problem parents R/S

5. Student Voices. p.48 My Parents. Myself R/S

6. Avenues First Certificate. Relationships U.10 p.124Bridging the generation gap (a Japanese experience) R/S


II. Household and Kinship.

1. Wordbuilder p.13 Family relationships V/S

2. Patterns Plus p.133 The Family/Career Priority Problems, p.175 Three Disciplines for Children R/S/W


III. Romance. Dating. Marriage.

1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 p.85 T.43, 44 Blind date; U.2 p.19 T.8, 9 Meeting the parents; U.5 p.49 T.29 The big day, Marriage is... R/S/L

2. On a Roll. U.10 p.102 Fred’s Date R/S/L

3. Wordbuilder p.15 Marital status V/S

4. Student Voices. p.130 Marriage: Bond or Bondage? R/S


IV. Disenchantment

1. Beyond Language. U.5 p.107 Family Value (divorce) R/S

2. Student Voices. p.116 Whose Right to Life, p.152 Whose children are those? (surrogate mother), p.176 A Complex issue (abortion), p.178 Rape R/S


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 1 p.6-48


Grammar and Functions

• Tenses (Active Voice) • Questions • Answers

1. FCE 1. U.3 p.31, U.12 p.186

2. Grammarway 4. U.1 p.6, U.12 p.180

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.1-5; U.31 p.163

4. Azar. U.1-25; p.A8 – A17

5. Azar (new). U.1-4; p.A8 – A18



1. Mosaic I Writing p.12-26, 57-66

2. Patterns Plus. U.2 p.11 Narration (The warmest memory of my childhood)

3. Patterns Plus.U.10 p.335 Argumentation and Persuasion



1. Inside Out U-I. Oh, happy days U.8, Meet the folks U.2, Wedding bells U.5

2. Focus on American Culture

Segment 1 Mid-Life Moms, Segment 2 Fast-Track Parents, Segment 6 The Joys and Risks of the ‘Daddy Track’

3. Nine month

4. Stepmother

5. Barack Obama (biography)



Narration. Argumentation and Persuasion


1. The warmest memory of my childhood

2. Bridging the generation gap (your own experience)

3. The role of the father in raising a daughter/mother in raising a daughter

4. Should children be always brought up by their own parents? (adoption, surrogate mother)

5. Marriage: bond or bondage?

6. Are you family or career oriented?





I. Character and Personality

1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 Attraction p.82 Speed dating V/R

2. Think First Certificate. U.8. p.96 Adjectives of personality V/L/R/S/W

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.12 p.229 People and Behaviour V

4. More than Words 1. U.15 p.148 Character and personality 1; U.16 p.155 Character and personality 2 V/S/W

5. Wordbuilder p.39 Character and personality V/S


II. Judging by Appearance

1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 p.78 Attraction, The perfect face,U.1 p.9 Image queen R/L/S

2. Think First Certificate. U.8 p.94, 98 Judging by Appearance R/S/W; U.9 p.106 Teenage Cults, New generations R/S

3. Avenues First Certificate. U.3 p.32 People (describing people’s appearance) V

4. More than Words 1. U.2 p.57 Physical appearance and description V/S/W

5. Wordbuilder. p.34 Compound adjectives V/S


III. Perception (feelings, emotions, moods)

1. Wordbuilder. p.50 Moods V/S

2. More than Words 1. U.13 p.133 Feelings and moods R/S/W/V

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.17 p.248 Feelings and Opinions V


IV. Psychological Manifestations (e.g. Colours)

1. Wordbuilder. p.119 Colours V/S

2. Think First Certificate U.8 p.100 Colour Choices R/S/W


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 1 p.6-48


Grammar and Functions

• Adjective • Adverb

1. FCE 1. U.5 p.75

2. Grammarway 4. U.3 p.42

3. First Certificate Language Practice U.24 p.124

4. Azar. p.A2, A3, A5

5. Azar (new). p. A4, A5



1. Patterns Plus. Classification and Division U.5 p.143

2. Patterns Plus. U.3 p.55 Description

3. Patterns Plus. U.6 p.187 Contrast and Comparison



1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 Cindy Jackson

2. Anger management



Describing a person. Contrast / Comparison


1. Describe the personality of somebody you look up to.

2. Describe the personality of your role-model.

3. Describe the character of your friend.

4. What personal traits seem the most/least attractive to you? Why?

5. Strong and weak traits of your personality

6. What situations can make you lose your temper or what can set you in a good mood?

7. Describe the appearance of one of your group mates / a special person.

8. Think what you can judge by the appearance of your desk/group mate.

9. How the appearance and personality interact.



TOPIC № 3. Garments


I. Types of Clothing

1. Wordbuilder. p.107 Clothes V/S

2. Patterns Plus. p.36 The Jeaning of America R/W


II. Fashion or Style?

1. First Certificate Language Practice. U.4 p.198 Clothes and Appearance V

2. More than Words 1. U.3 p.63 Clothing V/S/R


III. You are what you wear

1. Inside Out U-I. p.11, 145 T.5 You are what you wear R/L/S


IV. Shopping for Clothes

1. NEW proficiency GOLD course book p.151 R/L/S


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 2 p.49-73


Grammar and Functions

• Linking words

1. FCE 1. U.4 p.46

2. Grammarway 4. U.10 p.144

3. First Certificate Language Practice U.13 p.68, U.32 p.168

4. Azar. U.8, 9

5. Azar (new). U.19



1. Patterns Plus. U.5 p.143 Classification and Division

2. Patterns Plus. U.3 p.55 Description

3. Patterns Plus. U.6 p.187 Contrast and Comparison



Describing a thing. Contrast / Comparison


1. You are what you wear.

2. Compare the kind of clothes you are wearing now to the ones you consider your Sunday best.

3. What would you wear for different occasions?

4. How do a personality and a style interact?






1. Describe the personality of your role-model (a person you want to be like).

2. Describe the appearance of a person you find very attractive.

3. Which factors do you consider when you buy a new piece of clothing? Where do you usually shop for clothes?

4. Talk about a day in your life when you felt really happy.

5. Describe the outfits (casual, formal, smart) which you wear to different occasions.

6. What traits of character (good and bad) do you normally associate with typical representatives of the following professions: a politician; a teacher; a nurse; a top executive of a multinational company?

7. In what way is a person’s character, mood, social status reflected in his or her clothes?

8. Which outside factors and circumstances can influence your mood? In what way?

9. What is the interrelation between people’s appearance and personality?

10. Talk about the warmest memory of your childhood.

11. What are your family values?

12. What is your attitude towards adoption and surrogate parenting?

13. What do you think the saying “You are what you wear” means?

14. Compare and contrast male and female roles in a society.

15. Describe the features of your own personality which you like and the ones you’d rather get rid of.

16. What do you think is your parent’s role in shaping up your personality? Will you raise your children in the same way your parents brought you up?

17. What is a “generation gap”? Have you had a personal experience of this phenomenon?



2nd TERM


TOPIC № 4. Nourishment


I. Kinds of food

1. Lexis. U.6 p.121-127 Nourishing Nations: Past and Present

2. Patterns Plus. p.21 The Discovery of Coca-Cola, p.272 Why Eat Junk Food?


II. Cooking

1. More than Words 2. U.19 p.159 Preparing and eating food, p.164 recipe (classification)

2. First Certificate Language Practice. U.7 p.210 Food, Restaurant and Cooking


III. Eating Out

1. On a Roll. U.1 p.3 The Potluck, U.5 p.45 The Restaurant

2. Patterns Plus. p.242 Eating Alone in Restaurants


IV. Shopping for food

1. First Certificate Language Practice. U.8 p.214 Shops and Shopping

2. On a Roll. U.3 p.23 Thursday Night at the Supermarket

3. More than Words 2. U.15 p.131 Stores, shops and services


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 3 p.74-93


Grammar and Functions


• Noun

(singular/plural, regular/irregular, count/non-count, noun/verb agreement)

1. FCE 1. U.9 p.144

2. Grammarway 4. U.4 p.58

3. First Certificate Language Practice U.21 p.106

4. Azar. p.197-209

5. Azar (new). U.7.1 – 7.6


• Articles

1. FCE 1. U.9 p.144

2. Grammarway 4. U.4 p.58

3. First Certificate Language Practice U.22 p.113

4. Azar. p.A20

5. Azar (new). U.7.7 – 7.8



Family Album. Episode 6, Thanksgiving



Classification and Division. Explaining process. Narration


1. Your approach to a balanced diet

2. Where to eat out. Your last visit to a restaurant or a cafẻ

3. Share your cooking skills (“Show and Tell” activity). Describe the way you cook your favourite dish.

4. What places to go shopping for food do you prefer?

5. Foods and dishes in Ukrainian cuisine. What national dish would you recommend to a visitor? Why?

6. Compare dishes and eating habits in different cultures.

7. Advantages and disadvantages of eating out


TOPIC № 5. Medicine


I. Bodily organs

1. More than Words 1. U.1 p.52 The human body

2. Wordbuilder. p.25 Build, p.26 From the neck up, p.29 From shoulder to fingerprints, p.31 From the bottom down,

p.32 Inside and outside the torso

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.15 p.241 Health and the Body


II. Health challenges (symptoms, diseases, specialists)

1. Lexis. Ch.7 p.141-147 Enabling the Disabled

2. Wordbuilder. p.149 Health and illness

3. More than Words 1. p.78 Sickness and cure

4. Headway U-I. p.51 T.18 Holistic Medicine

5. Patterns Plus. p.166 Fatigue, p.325 Migraines

6. Mosaic I R. p.65 Dental Health


III. Emergencies. First aid

1. Headway I. p.46 T.22 First Aid

2. Mosaic 1 Gr. p.125 Emergencies, p.131 First Aid


IV. Modern health killers: drugs, smoking, drinking, stress

1. More than Words 1. U.4 p.71 Health and exercise

2. Patterns Plus. p.40 Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds? p.237 Think Thin and Get Thin

3. Patterns Plus. p.330 What Is a Drug? p.292 The Thirsty Animal

4. Inside Out U-I. U.4 p.39 I will quit. Soon


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 4 p.94-125


Grammar and Functions

• Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expressions

1. Ability in the present and past: can, be able to, could, was/were able to, managed to

Azar. p.109, 2-21, 2-22; Azar (new). p.193

2. Permission: can, be allowed to, could, may, might

3. Obligation: for the present or future: must, have to, have got to; for the past: had to

Azar. p.75, 2-6; Azar (new). p.157

4. Lack of necessity in the present: must not, don’t have to, haven’t got to, don’t need to, needn’t

Azar. p.76, 2-7; Azar (new). p.158

5. Advice: should, ought to, had better Azar. p.78, 2-8; Azar (new). p.160;
the past form of should and ought to Azar. p.81, 2-9

6. Degrees or certainty (possibility: may, might, could, can) Azar (new). p.176-184

7. Used to (habitual past) Azar. p.101, 2-18

8. Expressing preference: would rather in the present and past

Azar. p.106, 2-20; Azar (new). p.197

9. Requests, offers, suggestions: let’s, why don’t, shall I/we

Azar. p.86, 2-11; Azar (new). p.169

Azar. p.69, 2-2; Azar (new). p.152

Azar. p.70, 2-3; Azar (new). p.153

Azar. p.73, 2-5



1. Patterns Plus. U.8 p.263Cause and Effect


1. Inside Out U-I. U.4 Good health!

2. Focus on Health

3. Focus on American Culture. Segment 11, Health Care for the Poor

4. Focus on Innovators and Innovations. Segment 6, Conquering Fear at Camp Courage

5. Focus on Innovators and Innovations. Segment 9, James Grant (a man with a dream of helping the world’s children, who suffer from lack of nutrition and medical treatment)

6. Family Album. USA (Keeping Fit)



Cause and Effect. Narration. Contrast / Comparison.


1. Medical service and care: modern medicine, traditional medicine. Holistic and Western Approach: Pros and Cons

2. How does holistic medicine differ from a western approach?

3. Types and symptoms of fatigue. Efficient ways to recover

4. First aid in case of emergency

5. Tell about any day when you were ill.

6. Bad habits and related diseases. How bad habits affect your life

7. How bad habits affect our lives

8. Causes and effects of student neurosis



TOPIC № 6. Accommodation


I. Types of dwelling

1. First Certificate Language Practice. U.5 p.202 Towns and Buildings

2. Wordbuilder. p.91 Buildings and rooms

3. More than Words 2. U.16 p.139 The home and accommodation


II. Urban or rustic lifestyle?

1. More than Words 2. U.14 p.124 Towns and cities

2. Student Voices. p.40 Home, Sweet Home, p.4 City Slickers/Country Bumpkins, p.68 Life in the Country,

p.125 For the Sake of Appearance


III. Exterior and interior

1. More than Words 2. U.17 p.146 Furnishing and decorating the home, U.18 p.153 Housework

2. Wordbuilder. p.94 Furniture and household


IV. A place to rent| to sell | to let

1. On a Roll. U.8 A Place to Rent


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 5 p.126-163


Grammar and Functions

• The Passive Voice

(formation; use; (in-)transitive verbs; by/with; It is said that he.../He is said to…; have sth done; make/let)

1. FCE 1. U.6 p.90

2. Grammarway 4. U.6 p.86

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.9 p.45

4. Grammar Azar. U.3.1 – 3.7

5. Grammar Azar (new). U.11.1 – 11.8



1. New Headway U-I. U.1 Home Sweet Home

2. Focus on Innovators and Innovations. Segment 6

3. Headway pre-i. U.11 The Village

4. New Headway I. U.1-6 Wide open spaces

5. Focus on American Culture. Segment 10 New Suburban Designs for Living

6. Inside Out U-I. U.13 A special place

7. History of Housing in the USA



Contrast / Comparison. Describing a place/thing. Cause / Effect


1. Urban and Rural Life: Pros and Cons. Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city and in the country

2. Accommodation you occupy. Your dream dwelling

3. Advantages and disadvantages of living in a flat, a private house, a hostel

4. What types of accommodation seem the most attractive and the least convenient to you? Why?

5. The factors you consider when buying or renting accommodation

6. Describe the place you live in (location, exposure, plan, furniture, decoration, gadgetry)

7. The most common problems around the house




1. Describe in detail the accommodation you have at the moment.

2. Compare holistic and western approaches to treating diseases. Which do you prefer? Why?

2. The factors you consider when buying and renting accommodation.

4. Compare advantages and disadvantages of urban and rural lifestyles.

5. What is the connection between bad habits and health? Give examples.

6. Compare different types of accommodation.

7. What are the most common problems around the house and the ways to deal with them?

8. Describe a dwelling of your dream.

9. Describe the location, layout, interior decoration of your current accommodation.

10. What is your idea of a healthy life style?

11. Tell us about first-aid measures you would take to help a victim in emergency

12. Describe the park you enjoy walking in?

13. What causes a fresher’s neurosis?

14. Compare Ukrainian cuisine with any other national cuisine.

15. Give the recipe of your favourite dish and explain how to cook it.

16 Describe the place you like eating out.

17. Contrast and compare shopping for food at a supermarket and an open-air market.



2d - TERM


TOPIC № 7. Money Matters


I. Modern values and money

1. Inside Out U-I. U.3 p.28; wb p.16


II. Taxation. Charity

1. Contact USA U.11 p.182-197 Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes

2. Expert First Certificate student’s book MODULE 9A p.82 Charity work

3. Instant Discussions p.11


III. Dealing with money

1. First Certificate Language Practice U.16 p.245 Money V


IV. Personal budget management

1. Avenues First Certificate p.108 The pound in your pocket

2. Wordbuilder p.146 Earning and spending money


Grammar and Functions


Ways of expressing quantity

(some / any / no, none, much / many, a lot of /lots of/plenty of, (a/very)little, (a/very)few, whole, all, every, each, both…and, either…or, neither…nor)

1. FCE 1. U.11 p.169

2. Grammarway 4. U.11 p.164

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.23

4. Azar. U.5-8 – 5-15

5. Azar (new). U.7.9 – 7.13


Pronouns. Determiners

(personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, one(s), forms of other)

1. FCE 1. U.11 p.169

2. Grammarway 4. U.11 p.164

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.33

4. Azar. U.5.16 – 5.21

5. Azar (new). U.8



1. Tax system in Ukraine

2. Dodging taxes

3. Charity funds and money-laundering

4. Saving is the most reasonable approach to budgeting money.

5. Love for (of) money is the root of all evil.

6. Money is a good servant but a bad master.


TOPIC № 8. On the move

I. Kinds of travelling

1. First Certificate Language Practice. U.1 p.186 Travel and Holidays

2. More than Words 2. U.21 p.175 Rail, air and sea travel

3. Avenues First Certificate wb. p.58 Package Tours

4. Wordbuilder. p.178 Travelling

II. Asking for and giving directions

1. Wordbuilder. p.21-24 Location


III. Holiday and accommodation

1. Avenues First Certificate. p.88 Exotic holidays (Going away, A good holiday?)

2. Think First Certificate. U.5 A Sense of Adventure

p.60 The Best of Times? p.62 What a Nightmare! p.64 Once in a Lifetime, A holiday with a difference, p.66 Future Plans, p.68 Travellers

3. Inside Out U-I. U.8 Escape p.68 A day at the seaside


IV. Means of transportation and traffic problems

1. First Certificate Language Practice. U.6 p.206 Vehicles and Transport

2. Wordbuilder. p.100 Vehicles


Vocabulary and Practice

1. Master at Words. Unit 6 p.164-197



1. Headway El. U.4 Heathrow Airport

2. Headway pre-i. U.3 Car Hire, U.5 The Hotel, U.9 The Mini

3. New Headway I. U.3 The Sea, U.4 Taxi!

4. New Headway U-I. U.2 Lonely as a cloud, U.3 Mach 2 to New York

5. Family Album (asking directions), episode 4


Grammar and Functions

• Sequence of Tenses• Reported Statements• Reported Questions• Using the to infinitive • Indirect Questions

1. FCE 1. U.7 p.106

2. Grammarway 4. U.7 p.102

3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.6

4. Grammar Azar. U.7.6, 7.7; 7.1 – 7.4

5. Grammar Azar (new). U.7.1 – 7.6; 12.1 – 12.4



Narration. Description


1. Ukraine sights which are worth visiting.

2. Kinds of holidays and ways of travelling: camping, hiking, hitch-hiking, spa, seaside holiday

3. Pros and cons of package and self-catering holidays

4. Which way to travel would you prefer if you could choose? Why?

5. Advantages and disadvantages of a camping holiday and a package tour

6. You are a guide around Ukraine and your native town.

7. Recollect the most pleasant travelling you have ever had.

8. The places of attraction in your native town




I. Structure – 3 points (3 components: topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence)

II. Grammar – 3 points

3 points – only 1 or 2 major mistakes but only a few minor ones

2 points – major mistakes which lead to difficulty in understanding – lack of mastery of sentence construction

1 point – numerous serious mistakes – no mastery of sentence construction – almost unintelligible

III. Vocabulary (correct spelling necessary) – 4 points

4 points – good use of new words acquired, use of appropriate synonyms

3 points – attempts to use words acquired – fairly appropriate vocabulary on the whole but sometimes restricted

2 points – restricted vocabulary – use of synonyms (but not always appropriate)

1 point – very restricted vocabulary – inappropriate use of synonyms – seriously hinders communication


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