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Документы ITU-T

Читайте также:
  1. Б). Деньги, документы и ценные вещи -- надо хорошо убирать и при людях никогда не доставать, чтобы не привлечь к себе внимания -- непорядочных людей.
  3. Дипломатические документы
  4. Документы по происшествию
  5. Документы по связи, разрабатываемые в мотострелковом
  6. Имеет ли сотрудник милиции право изъять ваши документы (паспорт) или взять его в залог выплаты штрафа?

1.E."21 Network grade of service parameters and target values for circuit-switched services in the evolving ISDN

2.G. 109 Definition of categories of speech transmission quality

3.G.711 Pulse code modulation (pcml of voice frequencies

4.G.~23.1 Dual rate speech coder for multimedia communications transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit s

5.G.~26 40, 32. 24. 16 kbit/s adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)

6.G.~2S Coding of speech at 16 kbit/s using low-delay code excited linear prediction

7.G.~29 Coding of speech at 8 kbit s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP)

8.H.323 Packet-based multimedia communications systems

9.H.248 Gateway control protocol

10.1.432 B-ISDN User-Network Physical Layer Specifications

11.1.35b B-ISD\ ATM layer cell transfer performance

12.1.363.1 B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification: Type 1 AAL

13.1.353.2 B-ISDM ATM Adaptation layer specification: Type 2 AAL

14.1.363.3 B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification: Type 3,4 AAL

15. 1.363.5 B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification: Tvpe 5 AAL

16. L.371 Traffic control and congestion control in BISDN

17. P.80I Methods for subjective determination of transmission qualitv

18. P.830 Subjective performance assessment of telephone-band and wideband digital codecs

19. Q.1901 Bearer independent call control protocol (BICC)

20.Q.931 ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic call control

21. ISDN user-network interface - Data link layer specification


Документы ETSI

1. ETSI TS 100347. Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks (SPAN)- V.5.2 interface for the support of Access Network(AN):Release notes for V.5.2. April.2002

2. ETSI TR 101 301. Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks (TIPHON). Release 4. April. 2004

3.ETSI TR 101 308. TIPHON. SIP and H.323 Interworking. December. 2001.

4. ETSI TR 101 327. TIPHON. Guide to numbering options for public network based on VoIP technology.N ovember 1999.

5. ETSI TR 101 329 TIPHON. General aspects of Quality of Services(QoS). June. 1999.

6. ETSI TR 1011 332. TIPHON. Extended H.248/MEGACO Package (EMP) Specification. June. 2002.

7.ETSI TR 101 878. TIPHON. Release 5. Service Capability Definition. Februarv. 2004

8.ETSI TS 102 141. SPA N. M2UA. Mav 2003

9.ETSI TS 102 142. SPAN. M3UA. Mav 2003

10.ETSI TS 102 143. SPAN. SUA. Mav 2003

11. ETSI TS 102 144.SCTP.May.2003.

12.ETSI EG 201 898.SPAN.Relation ship between IP and Telecommunication networks. April.2001.

13.ETSI EG 201 992. SPAN. Intelligent Networks(IN). Architectures and signaling requirements for IN-based networks interworking with IP-based networks. December.2001

14.ETSI EG 202 314. Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking(TISPAN).April.2004.

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