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Переведите предложения, обращая внимание па разные функции одного и того же слова.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Под транзитивной зависимостью понимают зависимость одного атрибута от другого через третий атрибут
  2. A]цены предложения, цены реализации, цены спроса
  4. I. Функции и классификация органов чувств
  6. III Архангельского международного туристского форума
  7. III. Корейская война и укрепление «международного престижа» КНР

a) 1. The constituents of this compound have been determined.

2. Have you determined the distance between these points?

3. The conditions determined, the engineers reduced the temperature.

4. Having determined this magnitude, he will modify the whole system.

5. This value having been determined, the students could calculate the equation;

6. This value is always determined this way.

7. The ratio determined in this experiment is very important,

b) 1. Having lifted this body to this height we should determine its kinetic energy.

2. The body has been lifted to the necessary height. You may begin your experiment.

3. The body lifted to this height may be used for this experiment.

4. When a weight is lifted to a given level it possesses potential energy due to its position.

5. This weight could be lifted only automatically.

6. The potential energy of a body lifted to a given level is expressed by the equation E = mgh.

c) 1. Supporting the point of view of this scientist he referred to his article.

2.He is supporting his family.

3.The columns supporting this roof are made of white stone.

4. Reading this article he looked up several words in a dictionary.

5. When I came home he had been reading for an hour.

6. Reading aloud improves your pronunciation.


d) 1. Introducing new words the teacher explained some of their meanings in English.

2. While introducing new words the teacher gave some examples.

3. The new words introduced at the last lesson are to be repeated at the next lesson.

4. The words introduced are not very difficult to remember as they are of international origin.

5. The new words being introduced at this lesson are easyto comprehend as they are international ones.

6. Being introduced new words should be repeated by the students in chorus.

7. Having introduced new words the teacher asked us to repeat them after him.

8. Having been introduced, new words were repeated by the students in chorus.

9. When introduced new words were repeated by the students.

15. Найдите предложение, где слово "acting" означает "действуя".

1. A body consists of small particles between which forces are acting.

2. This force has been acting upon the body for some time.

3. Acting upon a body the external forces do work which may be transformed into the potential energy.

4. The force acting upon the body was balanced by another force.

16. Найдите предложение, где слово "destroyed" означает "разрушенный".

1. No energy can be destroyed or created in any transformations.

2. The monument destroyed by the fire was restored several yearsago.

3. The explosion almost completely destroyed the building.

Переведите предложение, обращая внимание, на (функции ParticipleII. Пользуйтесь алгоритмом.


1) The Government has approved the general plan for the development of Kiev.

2) The scientists of our University have invited professor N to take part in the discussion.

3) Nobody has answered this question properly.

4) All the machines were looked at with great interest.

5) At this chemical plant the huge automatic unit was looked after by only a few men.


1) This machine-tool is mounted on a work bench.

2) We are provided with the necessary literature.

3) I am given the most difficult task to do.

4) Precise data are indicated in a special table.

5) The delegates were shown new types of machinery, which are produced at the plant at present.


1) The device tested is looked upon as an experimental one.

2) The data obtained will he taken into account by our engineers.

3) The machine designed by him will help us greatly.

4) The design seen by you yesterday meets all the modem requirements.

5) The fibres produced by our shop are of high quality.


1) Most of the laboratories equipped with the latest apparatus are housed in the main building.

2) The thermocouple used consists of 2 wires of different metals joined at each end.

3) Electrification followed bya wider use of electrical devices was the foundation ofautomated production processes.

4) Artificial satellites carried instruments and the information obtained was then returned back by radar to the ground.

5) The charged particles gradually increase their speed.


1) The methods applied improved the quality of production.

2) The device invented showed good performance.

3) The engine tested required further improvement,

4) The substances investigated showed quite interesting properties.

5) Yesterday the engineer demonstrated improved mechanisms


1) When heated the polymer changed its properties completely.

2) If alloyed with aluminium, magnezium will make a useful, light alloy.

3) Magnets also lose some of their magnetism if hammered.

4) As seen from the article these engines are produced in Minsk.

5) Unless tested the machine must not be put into operation.


1) When heated, the molecules move more intensely.

2) When passed through a motor, electric current can do work.

3) Unless repaired this part cannot be used in the radio set.

4) When written, the translation will be given to the teacher.

5) If cooled the water becomes ice.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции ParticipleI. Пользуйтесь алгоритмом.

: I.

1) The number of electronic devices in our country is increasing constantly.

2) The tests of new transistors are being conducted in the laboratory.

3) At that time the engineers were testing a new receiver for the application in this system.

4) New transmitting stations are being built in this region.

5) The scientists are conducting a series of experiments for the improvement of space communication.


1) The efficiency of these tubes is now being improved.

2 ) The communication network is expanding rapidly.

3) Electronicsis being used more and more throughoutthe industry.

4) Astronomy is studying the sky.

5) Astronomy is already being studied for many years.


1) The existing conditions were considered...

2) The moving air is called...

3) The operating unit was invented by...

4) A revolving electron can jump...

5) A splitting atom was used...


1) The mixture igniting instantly consists of...

2) The heat increasing up to 80° С was necessary...

3) A science dealing with physical phenomena is...

4) The airplane carrying out an important mission was of a new type...

5) The engine supplying the plane with power was...


1) The overhaul requiring much time must be performed...

2) A mixture containing air and fuel was...

3) A unit reducing the pressure... '

4) The engine using much fuel must be...

.5) The mechanism performing these functions can be...


1) Translating the article, he consulted the dictionary.

2) Coming up to the Institute I saw a group of people greeting somebody.

3) Being built of coloured stone and plastics, the cinema look fine.

4) Moving the body we apply a force.

5) Finishing her work, the girl spoke to her friend



1) Speaking of the peaceful uses of atomic energy, it is also necessary to mention icebreakers.

2) While writing the translation, he consulted the dictionary.

3) When moving any body does work.

4) Having lived in England for two years she speaks English perfectly.

6) When using this device we learned much about the nature of electricity.


1) The professor entered the lecture hall, the assistant following him.

2) The plan was discussed in detail, many workers taking part in this discussion.

3) The lecturer spoke on the problems of space research, his lecture being illustrated

by diagrams.

4) Water exists as ice at low temperatures and as steam at higher temperatures, the

temperature depending upon pressure.

6) Computers represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them having

appeared not so long ago.


1) The mechanic repairing the motor at that time, I went to the chief engineer instead of him.

2) The motor being repaired, we shall be able to use it in our work.

3) The mechanic having repaired the motor, the engineer examined it.

4) The motor having been repaired, we could use it in our work.

5) Everybody being ready, we can start making experiment.


1)Our age is the age of exploring the atom and space.

2) Machines capable of handling data with very little human help are being used in this process.

3) The data recorded for processing are called an input.

4) The automatic closing and opening of garage doors is used nowadays.

6) The scientists have succeeded in developing quantum generators called lasers. \


1) By reading more English books you will considerably enlarge your vocabulary.

2) This method of reading is very interesting.

3) He spoke of reading by this method.

4) He made his report without reading this article.

5) The reading of such books is extremely useful.



Тренировочные упражнения.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции Participle I, Particle II и герундий.

1. Maintaining constant temperature and pressure during the test was absolutely necessary.

2. The task of the factory was turning out corrosion - resistant polymers in far larger quantities.

3. The experimenter suggested utilizing the recently found synthetic film for covering the outer walls of the technical chamber.

4. The new heating and lighting installations housed in a special building supplied the shops of our plant with heat and light.

5. By subjecting air to very great pressure and cooling it is possible to transform it to the liquid state.

1. Our age is the age of exploring the atom and space.

2. Electronics plays the leading role in automation, which is generating a second industrial revolution of wider social significance than the first.

3. We have entered the age of "thinking machines".

4. The speed of an electricity generating unit must be held constant, this is achieved by regulating the energy supply.

5. "Automation" is a modem term signifying the use of machines to do work that formerly had to be done by people.

1. Being supplied with a special appliance a television set may have a remote control.

2. When working with these substances one must be very careful.

3. We insisted upon the reporter's telling us about the principle of automated processing as we knew of his having taken part in constructing this system.

4. Having been cooled water turned into ice.

5. Having told us about the principle of automated data processing the engineer demonstrated the system.

1. Being built on the basis of transistor lasers are successfully used in technology.

2. The turning of the tiny crystal into a transistor device is achieved by adding mixture to it.

3. The temperature being increased, the resistivity of the semiconductor decreases.

4. Transistors being very sensitive to light is a well-known fact.

5. We have been speaking about the reactors from which no power is being taken.

1. Semiconductor lasers open up great prospects for solving various scientific and technical problems.

2. In future the nuclear reactor must be one of the most reliable furnaces producing atomic energy.



3. Atomic energy being developed in a reactor in the form of heat, we can get both heat and power.

4. It should be made clear that adding electrons to or taking them away from an atom

does not change it chemically but only gives it a negative or a positive charge.

5. The construction of power stations operating on atomic fuels and generating

electric current is quite necessary.

1. Being a source of heat and power atomic energy can also serve as a source of new useful products.

2. The energy sources of the world decreasing, it is necessary to turn to atomic energy.

3. Ruby crystals about ten centimeters long can intensify light ten times, the same result being obtained from semiconductor crystals only a few microns long.

4. Protecting buildings from lightning strokes was a great achievement in the field of electricity.

5. Speaking of the magnet inventor made reference to its property of attracting iron and steel.

1. Experiments showing the changes in substances are very important for industry.

2. The teacher is against our translating such an easy text with a dictionary.

3. In studying magnetism we cannot help observing the relation between magnetism and the electric current.

4. Having invented the lighting conductor. Franklin continued working on the problem of atmospheric electricity.

5. The atoms of different substances have different weights, their properties being also different.

1. Having experimented with electricity and magnetism, Gilbert wrote a book on magnetism.

2. Gilbert greatly contributed to the study of magnetism, Galileo taking great interest in Gilbert's achievements.

3. For heating a body, we place it in contact with another body at a higher temperature.

4. Comparing the data obtained by our tests is the only means of solving the problem in question.

5. There are two diagrams in this figure, one of them showing the temperature difference.

1. The instrument for measuring the temperature of not flowing metals is similar to that widely used in our laboratory.

2. The engineers carried out the experiment looking at the scale of the thermometer from time to time.

3. Thermometers are employed for measuring temperature differences.

4. On the Centigrade scale the freezing point of water is marked 0°C, the boiling point being marked 100°C.

5. On being rubbed amber obtained the ability of attracting objects.

1. The atoms of different substances have different weights, their properties being also different.

2. The new method of reading rapidly is of great importance in our age of enormous amount of information we get.

3. The problems of radio engineering were considered at the conference.

4. Atomic energy can supply power for lightening towns and cities.

5. The proton having a positive charge is one of the most important particles.

1. Measuring the speed of this vehicle required special devices.

2. The rocket is capable of operating in the air in any weather

3. There is a heater mixing a small amount of fuel with air and igniting this mixture for starting a tank engine in cold weather.

4. The resulting hot gases pre-heat the engines and pistons providing warm air for easy starting.

5. The increased use of light weight materials in the vehicle has resulted in reducing weight and cost of the vehicle.

1. Passing through the air alpha particles ionize it.

2. While operating the power plant produces thrust.

3. Each copper atom has 29 electrons in four shells moving around the nucleus.

4. A slowly moving electron has more time to act.

5. Making experiments a researcher can compare the weight of various elements.

1. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force causing it.

2. The forces acting between atoms within a molecule are very great.

3. Being 93 million miles from the Sun, the Earth receives one-two-thousands of a millionth part of energy the Sun gives into space.

4. Subjecting to loads and stresses machines and structural members are changing.


5. Elasticity affecting the degree strength of materials depends upon heat treatment.

1. Being heated magnetized steel loses its magnetism.

2. The now measuring instrument being developed in this laboratory will be tested by that engineer.

3. New data being obtained are necessary for future investigations.

4. Being perfected the device operated successfully under all conditions.

5. Being equipped with modem instruments the laboratory carried out important experiments.

1. His offering new temperature conditions for the system will make it possible to use me system with much greater efficiency.

2. Their aim is finding new ways of utilizing this first-class polymer in light industry.

3. The researcher took great interest in our improving the properties of the manufactured rubber-like substance.

4. Instruments for measuring the pressure of gases and liquids are called manometers.

5. In converting water into ice we do not change its composition.

1. The engineers using semiconductors achieved good results.

2. The engineers using semiconductors, good results have been achieved.

3. The designers used some new tubes, the main characteristics remaining the same.

4. Using some new tubes the designers didn't change the main characteristics.

5. Transistors are very sensitive to light, some of them reacting to starlight.

1 Electrons moving through the conductor, electrical energy is generated.

2. The speed of light being very great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods.

3. The current in a circuit was decreased when the resistance was increased, other factors remaining the same.

4. Some radioactive materials have been found in nature, uranium being one of them.

5. Chemistry and physics are interconnected sciences, any chemical change resulting in a physical change.

1. The principle of action being extremely simple, the device was widely used for various purposes.

2. Many metals are good conductors, silver presenting one of them.

3. Radio-activity discovered, many great discoveries were made in atomic physics.

4. The pressure being known at some point in the flow of air the pressure at another point in the flow is easily calculated.

5. The system operation has been improved the main changes being made in the transmitter.

1. The data required were analyzed in our laboratory.

2. When required these data will be applied in our practical work.

3. Heated glass is plastic.

4. When heated, glass can be easily worked.

5. Some heat-resistant types of glasses can be heated until they are red and they do not break, if then placed into ice water.

1. The spaceship made a flight last year.

2. Spaceships made of polymers will be much lighter and will withstand high temperatures and cosmic radiation.

3. Ships, which will be made of plastics will be totally resistant to corrosion by sea water.

4. When transported, gases are compressed and pumped into very strong steel cylinders.

5. Increasing pressure we decrease gas volume.

1. Practically the nuclear power installation is new from the point of view of design, the materials used and technological methods applied.

2. When heated substances not only melt, but turn into gas.

3. When cooled a substance can be converted from liquid state into the solid.

4. The lecture was followed by many questions.

5. The Prime Minister represented Great Britain and the USA was represented by the President at the conference.

1. When used plastic sections will radically change the usual method of building houses.

2. While making experiments one should write down everything he observes during the work.

3. The results achieved helped to solve the problem.

4. The engineers measure the work done by the force acting and the distance moved in the direction of the force.

5. When applied to production processes automation will enable workers to operate several machine tools simultaneously.

1. While rubbing two pieces of metal we may produce heat.

2. The engine tested required no further improvement.

3. When compressing a gas heat may be developed.

4. A piece of vulcanized rubber stretched exhibited better properties of elasticity when tested.

5. The equipment improved resulted in higher labour productivity.

1. When strained beyond the elastic limit a body may not recover completely if

strained for a long time.

2. The results obtained showed that the tested material possessed the property of recovering its original state.

3. When acted upon by an external force a body will change its state of rest to a stats of motion.

4. Iron and steel magnetized caused the molecules to from a new arrangement.

5. The experiments carried out differed in the data obtained when analyzed.

1. The methods applied improved the quality of production.

2. The machine used showed good results.

3. The experiment described attracted everybody's attention.

4. The appliance received required some improvement.

5. The substances utilized neutralized each other.

1. The amount of electricity generated depended on the quality of the coal.

2. The scientists mentioned contributed greatly to the development of science.

3. The experiment carried out resulted in the improvement of all parts of the system.

4. The capsule separated landed successfully in a given region.

5. Some converters used the energy released from fission.


Переведите предложения, пользуясь алгоритмами на -ing, -ed формы


1. These problems were solved as early as (еще) in the 19thcentury.

2. Theoretical work was followed by experimental work.

3. Mechanical calculators were designed by Pascal aid Leibnitz in the seventeenth century.

4. When heated magnetized steel will lose its magnetism.

5. The results obtained differed depending on the substance.

6. Professor Rask was a famous Danish linguist: he had a capacity for acquiring new languages which was astonishing. He succeeded in writing dictionaries of 28 languages.

7. The mechanic having tested the motor, we began to use it in our work.

8. Working at his new device, the inventor made numerous experiments.

9. While determining the quality of the alloy the engineer took into account all the factors influencing its properties.

10. The properties of the ionosphere consisting of several layers depend upon many factors.

1. Analog computers are used for solving scientific and engineering problems in which great accuracy is not required but reasonably accurate answers are needed quickly.

2. Thomson's discovery of the electron was followed by new exciting discoveries.

3. This article is much spoken about.

4. If arranged according to their atomic weights, the elements show the periodicity of their properties.

5. The discovery mentioned remained unknown to most scientists for a long time.

6. This method of training scientists is very convenient for those who work.

7. The motor having been tested, we were sure that its performance would be perfect.

8. When combining hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen we produce water.

9. Iron, cobalt and nickel are the only metals possessing considerable magnetism at room temperature.

10. Water falling from its raised position changes potential energy into kinetic energy.


1. Such a question cannot be answered at once.

2. This is the principle the electronic computer is based upon.

3. The performance of the new computer will be demonstrated tomorrow.

4. When produced in one tube, minimum grid voltage is produced in the other tube.

5. The solution of the problem required concentrated efforts of many scientists.

6. Advanced students are capable of conducting profound research.

7. The dictionaries brought, we were given articles from the journals for translating.

8. While working at. the University, the scientist, combined research with a great deal of practical work.

9. The two engineers carrying out a highly interesting investigation suggested a new way of treatment of the rare alloy.

10. Elements are characterized by some properties distinguishing them from other substances-

1. Two of the elements in the Table are named in honour of Russian scientists.

2. The elements predicted by Mendeleyev were later discovered by scientists from different countries.

3. The lecturer will be given thirty minutes.

4. When required these data will be applied in our practical work.

5. The investigations analyzed resulted in an interesting discovery.

6. You can't get an idea of a London fog without seeing it.

7. The frequency of the current being unchanged, the parameters of the system didn't change either.

8. Measuring the temperature at various points was followed by studying its


9. While studying various elements, Mendeleyev read and analyzed an enormous

amount of special literature.

10. A student dealing with these devices must be careful.

1. The Mendeleyev Table is and will always be referred to in special works.

2. The conference was attended by famous scientists from different countries.

3. This problem will be dealt with in the next chapter.

4. When heated, glass can be easily worked.

5. The scientists mentioned contributed greatly to the development of science.

6. Look at the readings of the meter!

7. This physical law having been explained, a student was asked to give an example illustrating this law.

8. While improving the operation of the system, engineers used low weight equipment

9. The first buildings housing the research laboratories have been constructed.

10. The ionosphere property of bending radio waves and returning them to the ground at considerable distances from the point of transmission was referred to in that text-book.




Переведите тексты, обращая внимание, на -ing,-ed (формы).


A Few Words About Electron.


The tiny electron discovered by J.J.Thomson as you already know is the giant in modem times. Thomson's discovery paved the way to many exciting new discoveries. Scientists are moving forward towards a better understanding of its laws. Electrons do wonderful things in calculating machines, which besides working hundreds of which besides working hundreds of times faster than any human calculator, can hear, see, feel, touch. It is hard to imagine how we could calculate without using electronic calculating machines. More and more often we hear of scientists' using these machines in new fields. With the help of electronic calculating machines the scientists succeeded in reading the language of an ancient people of Mexico.


During the past twenty years significant gains have been made in the fields of science, industry and engineering. Change and growth require rational decisions. The latter demand that reliable data be obtained instantly and be transmitted rapidly. The period of the 1960's has been an extraordinary decade.

The advancement of technology has brought man to the outer limits of the known Universe.

The growing demands for instant data have resulted in the invention of the electronic computer.

Computers are information handling machines. Computers handle large amounts of information rapidly and precisely. When a satellite is launched, thousands of computations are made with the help of computers.

The system for processing records makes maximum use of the automation. Manual (ручной) operations are replaced by those that require little, if any. (почти не требуют) human assistance.



Life is now unthinkable without electricity. Technical progress in any country is dependent to a high degree on producing electric energy. Great progress was achieved in generating electricity in our country. The scientists are looking for the most efficient ways of getting electricity on a wide scale. Not long ago they succeeded in designing special reactor for the Beloyarskaya Station. This atomic power station is the first in the world, where the so-called nuclear steam superheating up to 500°C was employed. The scientists and engineers at the station. now engaged in creating the power unit with a fast neutron reactor capable not only of generating electricity but of producing nuclear fuel as well. Every kilogramme of uranium used in this new reactor will yield 1.5 kilogrammes of new fuel.



Conductors are materials having a low resistance, so that current easily passes through them. The lower the resistance of the material, the more current can pass through it.

The most common conductors are metals, and silver and copper are the best of them. The advantage of copper is that it is much cheaper than silver. Thus, copper is widely used to produce wire conductors. One of the common functions of wire conductors is connecting voltage source to a load (нагрузка) resistance. Since copper wire conductors have a very low resistance a minimum voltage drop (падение) is produced in them. Thus, all the applied voltage can produce current in the load resistance.

Most materials change the value of resistance when their temperature changes.


Capacitors (Конденсаторы)

A capacitor is one of the main elements of a circuit. It is used to store (хранить, накапливать) electric energy. A capacitor stores electric energy provided (при условии) that a voltage source is applied to it. The main parts of a capacitor are metal plates and insulators. The function of insulators is to isolate the metal plates and in this way to prevent a short (короткое замыкание). There are two common types of capacitors nowadays: a fixed capacitor and a variable capacitor. The plates of a fixed capacitor cannot be moved, for the reason (по этой причине) its capacity does not change. The plates of a variable capacitor moving, its capacity changes. The greater the distance between the plates, the less is the capacity of a capacitor. Variable capacitors are commonly used by radiomen; their function is to change the frequency in the circuit. Fixed capacitors are applied in telephone and radio work. Fixed capacitors have insulators produced of paper, ceramics and other materials, variable capacitors have air insulators. Paper capacitors are commonly used in radio and electronics; their advantage is their high capacity.

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