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academic art – n. style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies or universities

accessory –n. 1) additional or extra thing; 2) small attachment, fitting or subsidiary item of dress (e.g. shoes, gloves)

acetate – n. 1) salt or ester of acetic acid, especially the cellulose ester; 2) fabric made of this

achieve – v. 1) bring to a successful conclusion; accomplish; attain; 2) gain as by hard work or effort

acrylic – n. acrylic fibre or fabric. – adj. of synthetic material made from acrylic acid

actor –n. person who acts in a play, film, broadcast, etc.

ad – n. short for advertisement

Adobe After Effects – n. (plural) digital motion graphics and compositing software published by Adobe Systems

adopt – v. 1) choose and follow (a plan, technique, etc.); 2) take over (an idea, etc.) as if it were one’s own

adorn – v. add beauty to, decorate

advanced – adj. 1) being ahead in development, knowledge, progress, etc.; 2) ahead of the times

advent – n. arrival or coming, especially one which is awaited

advertise –v. 1) promote (goods or services) publicly to increase sales; 2) make generally known

advertisement –n. 1) public announcement, especially of goods or services for sale or wanted vacancies, etc.; 2) advertising

advertising – n. 1) promotion of goods or services for sale through impersonal media, such as radio or television; 2) business that specializes in creating such publicity

advertising photography – n. art of taking and processing photographs for the purpose of illustrating and usually selling a service or product

aesthetics – n. 1) branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and expression of beauty, as in the fine arts; 2) study of the rules and principles of art

air – v. 1) expose or be exposed to the air so as to cool or freshen; ventilate;

2) expose or be exposed to warm or heated air so as to dry

amateur – n. 1) person who engages in an art, science, study, etc. as a pastime rather than a profession; 2) one lacking the skill of a professional as in an art. – adj. 1) of or performed by an amateur; 2) made up of amateurs; 3) not professional; unskillful

animation –n. technique of producing a moving picture from a sequence of drawings or puppet poses, etc.

appeal – n. 1) power to attract, please, stimulate or interest. – v. attract, please, stimulate or interest

appearance – n. 1) act or an instance of appearing, as to the eye, before the public, etc.; 2) outward or visible aspect of a person or thing

applied art – n.refers to the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday use

appropriate – adj. right or suitable; fitting

archetype – n. 1) perfect or typical specimen; 2) original model or pattern; prototype; 3) constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, etc.

architect – n. one who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures

architecture – n. 1) art and science of designing and erecting buildings; 2) buildings and other large structures; 3) style and method of design and construction; 4) overall design or structure of a computer system, including the hardware and the software required to run it, especially the internal structure of the microprocessor

archival storage – n. method of retaining information outside of the internal memory of a computer

arrange – v. put into a proper, systematic or decorative order

art movement – n. tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy or goal followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time

artificial fiber (synthetic fibre) – n. filament made from materials such as glass, rayon or nylon

artist – n. 1) person who practises or is skilled in an art, especially painting, drawing or sculpture; 2) person who displays in his work qualities required in art, such as sensibility and imagination; 3) person whose profession requires artistic expertise, especially a designer

attachment – n. 1) something such as a tie, band or fastener that attaches one thing to another; 2) supplementary part; an accessory

audience – n. spectators or listeners assembled at a performance or attracted by a radio or television program

audio file – n. computer file that contains digitized audio

authentic – adj. of undisputed origin or authorship; genuine

authoring – n. speciality application-dependent software allowing to develop interactive multimedia applications

availability – n. quality or state of being available

avant-garde – n. group active in the invention and application of new techniques in a given field, especially in the arts. – adj. of, relating to or being part of an innovative group, especially one in the arts


background – n. 1) ground or scenery located behind something; 2) general scene or surface against which designs, patterns or figures are represented or viewed; 3) part of a pictorial representation that appears to be in the distance and that provides relief for the principal objects in the foreground

ballad opera – n. opera consisting of popular tunes to which appropriate words have been set interspersed with spoken dialogue

bang – n. fringe or section of hair cut straight across the forehead. – v. cut (the hair) in such a style

Baroque – n. style of architecture and decorative art that flourished throughout Europe from the late 16th to the early 18th century characterized by extensive ornamentation

bead – n. small, often round piece of material such as glass, plastic or wood that is pierced for stringing or threading; 2) (plural) necklace made of such pieces

bed sheet (sheet) – n. large rectangular piece of cotton, linen, etc., generally one of a pair used as inner bedclothes

bedroom – n. room used primarily for sleeping

bespeak – v. engage, request or ask for in advance

black-and-white – n. photograph, picture, sketch, etc. in black, white and shades of grey rather than in colour

blazer – n. fairly lightweight jacket often striped or in the colours of a sports club, school, etc.

blended – adj. combined or mixed together

bloom – n. 1) flower of a plant; 2) condition of being in flower

bold – adj. clear and distinct to the eye; conspicuous

bolster – n. 1) long narrow pillow or cushion; 2) any pad or padded support

bouquet – n. bunch of flowers, especially professionally arranged

boutonniere (buttonhole) – n. flower or floral decoration worn by men

braid – n. 1) length of hair, fabric, etc. that has been braided; plait; 2) narrow ornamental tape of woven silk, wool, etc. – v. 1) interweave several strands of (hair, thread, etc.); plait; 2) dress or bind (the hair) with a ribbon, etc.; 3) decorate with an ornamental trim or border

brand-new – adj. absolutely new

breastplate – n. piece of armour covering the chest

brightness – n. degree or intensity of lightness in a colour

brush – n. 1) device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle used in scrubbing, polishing or painting; 2) act or an instance of brushing. – v. clean, polish, scrub, paint, etc. with a brush

buckle – n. 1) clasp for fastening two ends, as of straps or belt, in which a device attached to one of the ends is fitted or coupled to the other; 2 ) ornament that resembles this clasp such as a metal square on a shoe or hat. – v. fasten or be fastened with a buckle

bulky – adj. awkwardly large

business card – n. card bearing business information about a company or individual


cane – n. slender rod, usually wooden and often ornamental used for support when walking; walking stick

carpet – n. heavy fabric for covering floors

celebrity – n. 1) famous person; 2) renown; fame

centerpiece – n. object used as the centre of something, especially for decoration

chainmail (mail) – n. type of armour or jewelry that consists of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh

character – n. 1) person represented in a play, film, story, role; 2) outstanding person; 3) letter, numeral, etc. which is a unit of information and can be represented uniquely by a binary pattern

chemise – n. 1) woman’s unwaisted loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders; 2) loose shirtlike undergarment

closet – n. cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies or clothing

cloth – n. 1) fabric formed by weaving, felting or knitting wool, cotton, etc.; 2) piece of such fabric used for a particular purpose as for a dishcloth

clothe – v. 1) dress or attire (a person); 2) provide with clothing or covering

clothes – n. (plural) articles of dress

clothing – n. 1) garments collectively; 2) something that covers or clothes

coat – n. 1) outdoor garment with sleeves covering the body from the shoulder to waist, knee or foot; 2) any similar garment, especially one forming the top to a suit; 3) hair, wool or fur of an animal

coated paper – n. paper which has been coated by a compound to impart certain qualities to the paper including weight and surface gloss, smoothness or ink absorbency

collaboration – n. 1) act of working jointly; 2) something created by working jointly

colophon – n. 1) publisher’s emblem on a book; 2) inscription at the end of a book showing the title, printer, date, etc.

colour – n. 1) sensation produced on the eye by rays of light when resolved as by a prism into different wavelengths; 2) one or any mixture of the componentsinto which light can be separated as in a spectrum or rainbow sometimes including black and white; 3) colouring substance, especially paint; 4) use of all colours in photography, etc.; 5) one of the elements of design (art) with three properties: hue, intensity, value. – v. 1) apply colour to something, especially by painting, dyeing, etc.; 2) give a convincing or plausible appearance to something; 3) take on colour; blush

colour negative – n. film, plate or other photographic material containing an image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light

colour scheme – n. planned combination or juxtaposition of colours as in interior decorating

colour wheel – n. radialdiagram of colours in which primary and secondary, and sometimes intermediate colours are displayed as an aid to colour identification, choosing and mixing

comb out – v. arrange the hair loosely by combing

comedy – n. 1) dramatic or other work of light and amusing character; 2) genre of drama represented by works of this type; 3) humour or comic style

comfortable – adj. 1) giving comfort or physical relief; 2) at ease

comforter – n. 1) (US) quilted bed covering; 2) (Brit) woollen scarf

comic opera – n. play largely set to music employing comic effects or situations

commercial photography – n.art of taking and processing photographs the primary focus of which is to sell products or services

communication -n. 1) act or instance of communicating; the imparting or exchange of information, ideas or feelings; 2) something communicated such as a message, letter or telephone call; 3) (often plural) study of ways in which human beings communicate, including speech, gesture, telecommunication systems, publishing and broadcasting media, etc.

communication design – n. design which is concerned with how media intermission such as printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people

complement – n. one of two parts that make up a whole or complete each other. – v. add to, make complete or form a complement to

complementary colours – n. (plural) colours that are directly opposite each other on the colour wheel such as red and green, blue and orange, and violet and yellow

computer-aided design (CAD) – n.use of computer techniques in designing products, especially involving the use of computer graphics

conformity – n. 1) similarity in form or character; agreement; 2) action or behaviour in correspondence with socially accepted standards, conventions, rules or laws

Constructivism – n. movement in abstract art evolved in Russia after World War I. It explored the use of movement and machine-age materials in sculpture and had considerable influence on modern art and architecture

Contemporary art – n. art produced at this present point in time or art produced since World War II

content – n. 1) (often plural) everything that is inside a container; 2) (usually plural)chapters or divisions of a book; 3) meaning or significance of a poem, painting or other work of art as distinguished from its style or form

contrast – n. 1) juxtaposition of dissimilar elements as colour, tone or emotion in a work of art (principle of design (art)); 2) difference or degree of difference between things having similar or comparable natures. – v. 1) set together so as to reveal a contrast; 2) have or show a contrast

contribution – n. 1) act of contributing; 2) something contributed such as money or ideas; 3) article, story, etc. contributed to a newspaper or other publication

convenient – adj. 1) suitable for one’s purpose or needs; opportune; 2) easy to use;

3) close by or easily accessible; handy

corporate communication – n. communication issued by a corporate organization, body, institute to all its public(s)

corporate identity – n. way an organization is presented to or perceived by its members and the public

corporate image – n. representation which the company creates about itself with the help of advertising. It refers to how a corporation is perceived

corsage – n. 1) waist or bodice of a dress; 2) arrangement of flowers worn as a fashion accessory

corset – n. 1) close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays worn to support and shape the waistline, hips and breasts; 2) medieval outer garment, especially a laced jacket or bodice

cosmetic – n. any preparation applied to the body, especially the face, with the intention of beautifying it. – adj. 1) serving or designed to beautify the body, especially the face; 3) decorative rather than functional

costume – n. 1) style of dress including garments, accessories and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period or people; 2) outfit or disguise worn in a play by an actor or at a fancy dress ball; 3) set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season. – v. 1) put a costume on; dress;

2) furnish the costumes for (a show, film, etc.)

costume design – n. design of the appearance of characters in a theater or cinema performance. This usually involves designing or choosing clothing, footwear, hats and head dresses for the actors to wear, but it may also include designing masks, makeup or other unusual forms

costume designer – n. person whose responsibility is to design costumes for a film or stage production

costume plot – n. list or chart that shows which characters appear in each scene, what they are wearing and their overall movement throughout the play

couture – n. high-fashion designing and dressmaking

couturier – n. fashion designer

craft -n. 1) special skill or technique especially in handiwork; 2) occupation or trade requiring special skill, especially manual dexterity; 3) members of such a trade regarded collectively. – v. make in a skilful way, especially by hand

craftsman – n. member of a skilled trade; someone who practises a craft, artisan

create –v.1) bring into existence; cause; 2) originate (actor creates a part); 3) be engaged in creative work

creative – adj. 1) having the ability to create; 2) characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination; 3) designed to or tending to stimulate the imagination. – n. creative person, especially one who devises advertising campaigns

crinoline – n. 1) stiff fabric originally of horsehair and linen used in lining garments; 2) petticoat stiffened with this worn to distend skirts, especially in the mid 19th century

Cubism – n. one of the most influential art movements of the 20th century. In cubist artworks objects are broken up, analyzed and re-assembled in an abstracted form. Instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent it in a greater context

cultural movement – n. change in the way a number of different disciplines approach their work. This embodies all art forms, the sciences and philosophies

culture – n. 1) intellectual and artistic achievement or expression; 2) refined appreciation of arts, etc.; 3) customs,achievements, etc. of a particular civilization or group (Chinese culture); 4) particular civilization at a particular period

curly – n. having or arranged in curls

cushion – n. pad or pillow with soft filling used for resting, reclining or kneeling

customer – n. 1) one that buys goods or services; 2) individual with whom one must deal

cutting – n. 1) piece cut off from the main part of something; 2) process of shaping and forming (a dress); 3) article, photograph, etc. cut from a newspaper or other publication


damask – n. reversible figured woven fabric, especially white table linen. – adj. made of damask

dancer – n. performer who dances professionally

decor (décor) – n. 1) style or scheme of interior decoration, furnishings, etc. as in a room or house; 2) stage decoration; scenery

decoration – n. 1) act, process, technique or art of decorating; 2 ) something used to decorate

decorative art – n. ornamental and functional work in ceramic, wood, glass, metal or textile. The field includes ceramics, furniture, furnishings, interior design and architecture

delineate – v. 1) trace the shape or outline of; sketch; 2) represent pictorially as by making a chart or diagram; depict

department store – n. large shop divided into departments selling different goods

depict – v. 1) represent by or as by drawing, sculpture, painting, etc.; delineate; portray; 2) represent in words; describe

design – n. 1) plan, sketch or preliminary drawing; 2) arrangement or pattern of elements or features of an artistic or decorative work; 3) finished artistic or decorative creation; 4) art of designing; 5) plan, scheme or project. – v. 1) work out the structure or form of something as by making a sketch, outline, pattern or plan; 2) plan and make something artistically or skillfully; 3) form or conceive in the mind; invent

detergent – n. cleansing substance that acts similarly to soap but is made from chemical compounds rather than fats and lye

determining factor – n. argument that is conclusive

diagram – n. plan, sketch, drawing or outline designed to demonstrate or explain how something works or to clarify the relationship between the parts of a whole

digital – n. 1) of digits; 2) representing data as a series of numerical values

digital photography – n. form of photography that utilizes digital technology to make digital images of subjects

dimension – n. (often plural) measurement of the size of something in a particular direction such as the length, width, height or diameter

diminish – v. make or become smaller, fewer or less

director – n. person responsible for the artistic and technical aspects of making a film or television programme

display – n. 1) act of exhibiting or displaying; show; 2) something exhibited or displayed; 3) arrangement of certain typefaces to give prominence to headings, captions, advertisements, etc. – v. 1) show or make visible; 2) give prominence to (headings, captions, etc.) by the use of certain typefaces

distinguish – v. 1) (often followed by ‘from’, ‘between’)differentiate; see or draw distinctions; 2) be a distinctive feature of; characterize; 3) classify; categorize;

4) make (oneself) noteworthy

documentary photography –n.popular form of photography used to chronicle significant and historical events. Usually refers to a type of professional photojournalism, but it may also be an amateur or student pursuit

drafting – n. systematic representation and dimensional specification of mechanical and architectural structures

drape – v. 1) hang or cover loosely, adorn with cloth, etc.; 2) arrange (hangings, etc.) especially in folds. – n. 1) (often plural) cloth or hanging that covers something in folds; drapery; 2) way in which fabric hangs; 3) (US and Canadian) curtains, especially ones of heavy fabric

draw – n. act of drawing. – v. depict or sketch (a form, figure, picture, etc.) in lines as with a pencil or pen, especially without the use of colour; delineate

drawing – n. 1) picture or plan made by means of lines on a surface, especially one made with a pencil or pen without the use of colour; 2) sketch, plan or outline; 3) art of making drawings; draftsmanship

dress – n. 1) one-piece garment for a woman consisting of a skirt and bodice;

2) complete style of clothing; costume; 3) (modifier) suitable or required for a formal occasion (a dress shirt). – v. 1) put clothes on; attire; 2) decorate or adorn; 3) arrange a display in (e.g. dress a store window); 4) comb out or arrange (the hair) into position

dress code – n. set of rules or guidelines regarding the manner of dress acceptable in an office, restaurant, etc.

dressmaker – n. person whose occupation is making women’s clothes

dry cleaning – n. act of cleaning (clothes, etc.) with solvents without water

duvet – n. thick soft quilt used instead of sheets and blankets


easy-to-manage – adj. not difficult, not requiring great effort; one which can be mastered

eclectic – adj. 1) (in art, philosophy, etc.) selecting what seems best from various styles, doctrines, ideas, methods, etc.; 2) composed of elements drawn from a variety of sources, styles, etc.

edit – n. 1) assemble, prepare or modify (written material for publication); 2) be editor (of a newspaper, etc.); 3) prepare (data) for processing by a computer; 4) alter (a text entered in a word processor, etc.)

editorial – adj. 1) of or relating to editing or editors; 2) of, relating to or expressed in an editorial; 3) of or relating to the content of a publication rather than its commercial aspects

editorial photography – n. type of photography which illustrates a story or idea within the context of a magazine

elaborate – adj. 1) intricate and rich in detail; 2) planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details

electronic media – n. (plural) media that utilize electronics or electromechanical energy for the end user (audience) to access the content (e.g. video recordings, audio recordings, multimedia presentations, slide presentations, etc.)

element – n. 1) component part; contributing factor; 2) small amount; hint; 3) basic component used by the artist when producing works of art

elements of design (art) – basic components used by the artist when producing works of art. Those elements are colour, value, line, shape, form, texture and space

emboss – v. carve or decorate with a design in relief

embroidery – n. decorative needlework done usually on loosely woven cloth or canvas, often being a picture or pattern

emphasis – n. 1) special importance or significance; 2) object, idea, etc. that is given special importance or significance; 3) vigour or intensity of expression; 4) one of the principles of design (art) which means occurrence of differing elements, such as colour, value, size, etc.

emphasize – v. put emphasis or prominence to, stress

engraved publication – n.1) sheet of paper folded in half to make two leaves for a book or manuscript; 2) book or manuscript of the largest common size made up of such sheets

engraving – n. 1)art or technique of one that engraves; 2) design or text engraved on a surface; 3) engraved surface for printing; 4) print made from an engraved plate or block

enrich – v. 1) make more beautiful; adorn; decorate; 2) improve in quality, colour, flavour, etc.

environment – n. 1) external conditions or surroundings, especially those in which people live or work; 2) operating system, program or integrated suite of programs that provides all the facilities necessary for a particular application

evening dress – n. attire for wearing at a formal occasion during the evening, especially (for men) a dinner jacket and black tie or (for women) a floor-length gown

ever-changing – adj. marked by continuous change or effective action

exaggerate – v. make greater, more noticeable, etc. than usual

exceptional – n. forming an exception; not ordinary

exposure latitude – n. extent to which a light-sensitive material can be over or underexposed and still achieve an acceptable result

Expressionism – n. artistic and literary movement originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century which sought to express emotions rather than to represent external reality. It is characterized by the use of symbolism, exaggeration and distortion

exquisite – adj. 1) characterized by intricate and beautiful design or execution; 2) of such beauty or delicacy as to arouse intense delight; 3) excellent; flawless


fabric – n. 1) any cloth made from yarn or fibres by weaving, knitting, felting, etc.; 2) texture of a cloth

fading – n. process of losing brightness, colour or clarity

farthingale – n. support such as a hoop worn beneath a skirt to extend it horizontally from the waist used by European women in the 16th and 17th centuries

fashion – n. 1) style in clothes, cosmetics, behaviour, etc., especially the latest or most admired style; 2) (as modifier) e.g. ‘a fashion magazine’; 3) (modifier) (especially of accessories) designed to be in the current fashion, but not necessarily to last; 3) manner of performance; mode; way; 4) way of life that revolves around the activities, dress, interests, etc. that are most fashionable; 5) shape, appearance or form; 6) sort; kind; type. – v. 1) give a particular form to; 2) make suitable or fitting

fashion designer – n. someone who designs clothing

fashion house – n. establishment in which fashionable clothes are designed made and sold

fashion photography – n. popular genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. It is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines

fashion plate – n. 1) illustration of the latest fashion in dress; 2) fashionably dressed person

fashion show – n. event put on by a fashion designer to showcase his or her upcoming line of clothing

fashionable – adj. 1) conforming to fashion; in vogue; 2) of or favoured by high society

feather – n. 1) light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds; 2) (plural) dress; attire

feature – n. 1) prominent or distinctive part or aspect as of a landscape, building, book, etc.; 2) item or article appearing regularly in a newspaper, magazine, etc.;

3) item advertised or offered as particularly attractive or as an inducement. – v.

1) inducement; 2) depict or outline the features of

figurative art – n.describes artwork, particularly paintings and sculptures which are clearly derived from real object sources and are therefore representational

filling – n. substance or thing used to fill a space or container

fine art – n.refers to arts that are concerned with a limited number of visual and performing art forms including painting, sculpture, dance, theatre, architecture and printmaking

fine art photography – n. refers to photographs that are created in accordance with the creative vision of the photographer as artist

fitted sheet – n. sheet (usually with elastic edges) tailored to fit a particular mattress

fitting – n. 1) accessory or part; 2) (plural) furnishings or accessories in a building; 3) act of trying on clothes so that they can be adjusted to fit. – adj. appropriate or proper; suitable

flock – n. 1) tuft as of wool, hair, cotton, etc.; 2) waste from fabrics such as cotton, wool or other cloth used for stuffing mattresses, upholstered chairs, etc.; 3) very small tufts of wool applied to fabrics, wallpaper, etc. to give a raised pattern. – v. fill, cover or ornament with flock

floral design (floristry, flower arranging, floral arrangement, floral art) – n. art of creating flower arrangements in vases, bowls and baskets or making bouquets and compositions from cut flowers, foliage, herbs, ornamental grasses and other botanical materials

floriography (language of flowers) – n. Victorian-era means of communication in which various flowers and floral arrangements were used to send coded messages, allowing individuals to express feelings which otherwise could not be spoken

flower-only outlet – n. store that sells flowers

focal point – n. 1) point on the axis of a lens or mirror to which parallel rays of light converge or from which they appear to diverge after refraction or reflection;

2) portion of an artwork’s composition on which interest or attention centers

folk dance – n. 1) traditional dance originating among the common people of a nation or region; 2) music accompanying such a dance

food photography – n.still life specialization of commercial photography aimed at producing attractive photographs of food for use in advertisement, packaging, menu or cookbook

form – n. 1) shape and structure of an object; 2) design, structure or pattern of a work of art; 3)essence of something; 4) total structure; synthesis of all the visible aspects of that structure and of the manner in which they are united to create its distinctive character (element of design (art)). – v. 1) give shape or form to, or take shape or form, especially a specified or particular shape; 2) come or bring into existence; 3) make, produce or construct, or be made, produced or constructed; 4) be an element of, serve as or constitute

frill – n. 1) decorative edging to a piece of cloth made of a strip of cloth gathered along one side and sewn on; 2) (often in plural) something unnecessary added as decoration. – v. adorn or fit with a frill or frills; 2) form into a frill or frills

frilly – adj. having decorative ruffles or frills

fringe – n. 1) edging consisting of hanging threads, tassels, etc.; 2) ornamental border or margin. – v. 1) adorn or fit with a fringe or fringes; 2) be a fringe for

functional – adj. 1) of, involving or containing a function or functions; 2) practical rather than decorative; utilitarian; 3) capable of functioning; working

fundamental variable – n. essential peculiarity

fur – n. 1) thick coat of soft hair covering the skin of a mammal such as a fox or beaver; 2) hair-covered, dressed pelt of such a mammal used in the making of garments and as trimming or decoration; 3) garment made of or lined with the dressed pelt of a mammal; 4) coating similar to the pelt of a mammal

furnish – v. 1) provide (a house, room, etc.) with furniture, carpets, etc.; 2) equip with what is necessary; fit out; 3) give; supply

furnishings – n. (plural) furniture and accessories including carpets and curtains with which a room, house, etc. is furnished

furniture – n. movable, generally functional articles that equip a room, house, etc.

Futurism – n. artistic movement that arose in Italy in 1909 to replace traditional aesthetic values with the characteristics of the machine age


garment – n. 1) (often plural) article of clothing; 2) outer covering

gingham – n. cotton fabric, usually woven of two coloured yarns in a checked or striped design

glamour photography – n.genre of photography whereby the subjects, usually female, are portrayed in a romantic way. It is generally a composed image of a subject in a still position. The subjects of glamour photography are often professional models and the photographs are normally intended for commercial use

gown – n. 1) long loose flowing garment such as a robe or nightgown; 2)long, usually formal dress for a woman

graphic design – n. visual communication by a skillful combination of text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, books, etc.

grid – n.framework or pattern of criss-crossed or parallel lines


hair colouring – n.process or art of dyeing or tinting one’s hair

hair spray – n.sticky, quick-drying liquid sprayed on the hair to keep it in place

hairdresser – n. person whose occupation is to cut or style hair in order to change or maintain a person’s image

hairdressing – n. 1) occupation of a hairdresser; 2) act of dressing or arranging the hair; 3) cosmetic or medicinal preparation for dressing the hair

Hanakotoba – n. Japanese language of flowers

hang – v. 1) (of cloth, clothing, etc.) drape, fall or flow, especially in a specified manner; 2) furnish, decorate or appoint by suspending objects around or about;

3) display as in a gallery or office

hard wear – n. elastic, durable and tough clothes

harmony – n. 1) agreement in action, opinion, feeling, etc.; accord; 2)principle of design (art) which refers to the way of combining elements of art to accent their similarities and bind the picture parts into a whole

hat – n. any of various head coverings, especially one with a brim and a shaped crown

haute couture – n. 1) high fashion; 2) leading establishments or designers for the creation of exclusive fashions

headband – n. ribbon or band worn around the head

heavy-duty – adj. made to withstand hard wear, bad weather, etc.

helmet – n. piece of protective or defensive armour for the head worn by soldiers, policemen, firemen, divers, etc.

highlight – n. 1) (often plural) bleached blond streak in the hair; 2) area of the lightest tone in a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.

hook – n. piece of material, usually metal, curved or bent and used to suspend, catch, hold or pull something

horticulture – n. art or science of cultivating gardens

human-computer interaction – n. study of interaction between people (users) and computers. It is often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioural sciences, design and several other fields of study

hypertext markup language (HTML) – n. text description language that is used for electronic publishing, especially on the World Wide Web


ideogram – n. sign or symbol that directly represents a concept, idea or thing rather than a word or set of words for it

ikebana – n. Japanese decorative art of flower arrangement

illusion – n. 1) deceptive or misleading image or idea; 2) fine transparent cloth used for dresses or trimmings

illustrate – v. 1) clarify or explain by use of examples, analogy, etc.; 2) be an example or demonstration of; 3) explain or decorate (a book, text, etc.) with pictures

illustration – n. 1) pictorial matter used to explain or decorate a text; 2) example or demonstration; 3) act of illustrating or state of being illustrated

image – n. 1) representationof an object; 2) mental representation or picture; idea produced by the imagination. – v. 1) picture in the mind; imagine; 2) make or reflect an image of; 3) portray or describe; 4) project or display on a screen or visual display unit

imagery – n. 1) set of mental pictures or images; 2) ability to form mental images of things or events

imagination – n. 1) ability or action of producing ideas, especially mental images of what is not present or has not been experienced; 2) mental creative ability

imaging – n. visual representation of an object using different computerized techniques

incorporate – v. 1) unite (one thing) with something else already in existence;

2) give substance or material form to; embody

industrial design – n. art or practice of designing any object for manufacture

information architecture – n.art and science of expressing a model or concept of information used in activities that require explicit details of complex systems. Among these activities are library systems, web development, user interactions, database development, programming, technical writing, enterprise architecture and critical system of software design

infrared camera (thermographic camera) – n. device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light

in-house – adj./adv. within an organization or group

innovative – n. using or showing new methods, ideas, etc.

intensity – n. 1) state or quality of being intense; 2) strength of a colour, especially the degree to which it lacks its complementary colour

interaction design – n.discipline of defining the behaviour of products and systems that a user can interact with. The practice typically centers around complex technology systems such as software, mobile devices and other electronic devices. Interaction design defines the behaviour (interaction) of an artefact or system in response to its users

interior – n. 1) inside of a building or room with respect to design and decoration;

2) picture of the inside of a room or building as in a painting or stage design; 3) film or scene shot inside a building, studio, etc.

interior architecture – n.combines practices of interior design and architecture. The field is similar to architecture as it deals with architectural elements. It is similar to interior design as it focuses on interior spaces

interior design – n. planning and realization of the layout, furnishing and decoration of an architectural interior

interior landscaping – n.decorative and functional modification and planting of grounds, especially at or around a building site

invent – v. create or devise (new ideas, machines, etc.)

invention – n. 1) act or process of inventing; 2) something that is invented;

3) creative power or ability; inventive skill

iron – v. smooth (clothes or fabric) by removing (creases or wrinkles) using a heated iron; press


Jack of all trades – person who is competent with many skills but is not outstanding in any one

jacket – n. 1) short coat, especially one that is hip-length and has a front opening and sleeves

jersey – n. 1) knitted garment covering the upper part of the body; 2) machine-knitted slightly elastic cloth of wool, silk, nylon, etc. used for clothing

jewellery – n. objects that are worn for personal adornment such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. considered collectively


keyframe – n. (in animation and filmmaking) drawing which defines the starting and ending points of any smooth transition

king-size (queen-size) – adj. very large

knitted – adj. made by intertwining threads in a series of connected loops rather than by weaving


label – n. 1) piece of paper, card or other material attached to an object to identify it or give instructions or details concerning its ownership, use, nature, destination, etc.; tag; 2) distinctive name or trademark identifying a product or manufacturer, especially a recording company

lace – n. 1) fine open fabric or trimming made by weaving thread in patterns; 2) cord, etc. passed through holes or hooks for fastening shoes, etc.

lampshade – n. any of various protective or ornamental coverings used to screen a light bulb

landscape photography – n. popular style of photography intended to show different spaces within the world, vast and unending, or microscopic. Photographs typically capture the presence of nature and are often free of man-made obstructions

lapel – n. part of a garment such as a coat or jacket that is an extension of the collar and folds back against the breast

launch – v. formally introduce (a new product) with publicity. – n. act of launching

laundering – n. act of washing clothes and linen (usually with soap and water)

layout – n. 1) arrangement or plan of something such as a building; 2) arrangement of written material, photographs or other artwork on an advertisement or page in a book, newspaper, etc.; 3) act of laying out

leather – n. material consisting of the skin of an animal made smooth and flexible by tanning, removing the hair, etc.; 2) (plural) leather clothes; 3) leather part(s) of a thing

leotard – n. tight-fitting garment covering the body from the shoulders down to the thighs and worn by acrobats, ballet dancers, etc.

light-hearted – adj. 1) cheerful or carefree in mood or disposition; 2) casual

lighting designer – n. one who works with the director, set designer, costume designer, and sometimes the sound designer and choreographer, to create an overall ‘look’ for the show in response to the text while keeping in mind issues of visibility, safety and cost

light-sensitive – adj. (of a surface) having a photoelectric property such as the ability to generate a current, change its electrical resistance, etc. when exposed to light

line – n. 1) element of design (art) which refers to the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point; 2) mark used to define a shape or represent a contour; 3) any of the marks that make up the formal design of a picture. – v. mark with a line or lines; 2) draw or represent with a line or lines; 3) be or put as a border to (e.g. tulips lined the lawns)

linear perspective – n. form of perspective in drawing and painting in which parallel lines are represented as converging so as to give the illusion of depth and distance

linen – n. 1) hard-wearing fabric woven from flax; 2) clothes, sheets, tablecloths, etc. made from linen cloth or from a substitute such as cotton. – adj. made of linen

living room – n. room in a private residence intended for general social and leisure activities

lock – n. strand, curl or cluster of hair

logo (logogram, logotype) – n. name, symbol or trademark designed by a graphic designer and commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic or are composed of the name of the organization

luxurious – adj. 1) characterized by luxury; 2) enjoying or devoted to luxury


makeup artist – n. artist who creates makeup and prosthetics for theatrical, television, film and other similar productions including all aspects of the modeling industry

man-made – adj. made or produced by man; artificial

manufacture – n. 1) production of goods, especially by industrial processes;

2) manufactured product; 3) creation or production of anything. – v. 1) make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation; 2) make or process (a product), especially with the use of industrial machines

marketing – n. 1) act or process of buying and selling in a market; 2) commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer

mask – n. 1) any covering for the whole or a part of the face worn for amusement, protection, disguise, etc.; 2) image of a face worn by an actor, especially in ancient Greek and Roman drama, in order to symbolize the character being portrayed

mass-produced – adj. produced in quantity often by assembly-line techniques

masterpiece – n. 1) outstanding work, achievement or performance; 2) most outstanding piece of work of a creative artist, craftsman, etc.

material – n. cloth or fabric

mend – v. 1) repair (something broken or unserviceable); 2) improve or undergo improvement; reform

merchandise – n. goods for sale. – v. 1) buy and sell goods; trade commercially;

2) advertise or promote (goods, ideas, etc.)

merchant – n. 1) one whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit; 2) one who runs a retail business; a shopkeeper

model – n. 1) representation, usually on a smaller scale, of a device, structure, etc.;

2) standard to be imitated; 3) representative form, style or pattern; 4) person who poses for a sculptor, painter or photographer; 5) person who wears clothes to display them to prospective buyers; mannequin; 6) preparatory sculpture in clay, wax, etc. from which the finished work is copied; 7) design or style, especially one of a series of designs of a particular product. – v. 1) make a model of (something or someone); 2) form in clay, wax, etc.; mould; 3) display (clothing and accessories) as a mannequin; 4) plan or create according to a model or models

monochrome – n. 1) black-and-white photograph or transparency; 2) (photography) black and white; 3) picture, especially a painting done in different shades of a single colour

mosaic – n. 1) design or decoration made up of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, etc.; 2) process of making a mosaic

motion design – n. subset of graphic design. It uses graphic design principles in a film or video context through the use of animation or filmic techniques

motto – n. 1) brief statement used to express a principle, goal or ideal; 2) sentence, phrase or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object

multimedia – n. (plural) 1) combined use of media such as movies, music, lighting, CD-ROMs and the Internet, as for education or entertainment; 2) combined use of media such as television, radio, print and the Internet as for advertising or publicity. – adj. 1) of or relating to the use of a combination of media; 2) of or relating to any of various systems which can manipulate data in a variety of forms such as sound, graphics or text

musical comedy – n. 1) play or film, usually having a light romantic story that consists of dialogue interspersed with singing and dancing; 2) such plays and films collectively

musician – n. one who composes, conducts or performs music, especially instrumental music


nap – n. raised pile on textiles, especially velvet

natural – adj. 1) present in or produced by nature; 2) not artificially dyed or coloured

navigation – n. process of reading and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another

needle – n. 1) pointed slender piece of metal, usually steel, with a hole or eye in it through which thread is passed for sewing; 2) somewhat larger rod with a point at one or each end used in knitting; 3) similar instrument with a hook at one end for crocheting

New Look – n. fashion in women’s clothes introduced in 1947 by Dior characterized by long full skirts

nylon – n. 1) tough light elastic synthetic fibre; 2) nylon fabric


oil painting – n.1)picture painted with oil paints; 2) art or process of painting with oil paints

opacity – n. 1) state or quality of being opaque; 2) degree to which something is opaque; 3) opaque object or substance

optical filter – n. (photography) device which selectively transmits light having certain properties while blocking the remainder

optics – n. (plural) any of the lenses, prisms or mirrors of an optical instrument

ornament – n. 1) anything that enhances the appearance of a person or thing;

2) decorations collectively; 3) small decorative object. – v. 1) furnish with ornaments; 2) serve as an ornament to

ornamental grass – n. grass grown as ornamental plant

ornamentation – n. 1) act or process of decorating, adorning or embellishing;

2) state of being decorated, adorned or embellished; 3) something that decorates or adorns; an embellishment

outline – n. 1) preliminary or schematic plan, draft, account, etc.; 2) drawing or manner of drawing consisting only of external lines. – v. 1) draw or display the outline of; 2) to give the main features or general idea of

overtone – n. additional meaning or nuance


page layout – n.part of graphic design that deals with the arrangement and style treatment of elements (content) on a page

paint elevation – n. scale painting of each element that requires painting supplied to the scenic painter

painter – n. one who paints, either as an artist or worker

painting – n. 1) art or process of applying paints to a surface such as canvas, to make a picture or other artistic composition; 2) composition or picture made in this way;

3) act of applying paint to a surface with a brush

palette – n. 1) flat piece of wood, plastic, etc. used by artists as a surface on which to mix their paints; 2) range of colours characteristic of a particular artist, painting or school of painting; 3) available range of colours or patterns that can be displayed by a computer on a visual display unit

pants – n. (plural) US and Canadian name for ‘trousers’. Garment shaped to cover the body from the waist to the ankles or knees with separate tube-shaped sections for both legs

parchment – n. 1) skin, especially of sheep or goat, prepared for writing or painting on; 2) manuscript written on this; 3) high-grade paper resembling parchment

patchwork – n. needlework done by sewing pieces of different materials together

pattern – n. 1) arrangement of repeated or corresponding parts, decorative motifs, etc; 2) decorative design; 3) style; 4) plan or diagram used as a guide in making something; 5) representative sample. – v. 1) model; 2) arrange as or decorate with a pattern

performance – n. 1) act of performing or the state of being performed; 2) act or style of performing a work or role before an audience; 3) presentation, especially a theatrical one, before an audience

performer – n. artist who participates in performing arts in front of an audience (actor, comedian, dancer, magician, musician, singer)

permanent wave – n.1) hairstyle produced by treatment with heat, chemicals, etc. which gives long-lasting waves, curls or other shaping; 2) act of giving or receiving such a hairstyle

petticoat – n. woman’s light undergarment in the form of an underskirt or including a bodice supported by shoulder straps

photographer – n. person who takes photographs, either as a hobby or a profession

photographic lens (objective lens, photographic objective) – n. optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media capable of storing an image chemically or electronically

photographic paper – n. paper coated with light-sensitive chemicals used for making photographic prints

photography – n. process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium such as a photographic film or an electronic sensor

pigment – n. colouring matter used as paint or dye

pillow – n. 1) cloth case stuffed with feathers, foam rubber, etc. used to support the head, especially during sleep; 2) decorative cushion

pillow case – n. removable washable cover of cotton, linen, nylon, etc. for a pillow

pin – n. ornament fastened to clothing by means of a clasp

pixel – n. basic unit of the composition of an image on a television screen, computer monitor or similar display

pleat – n. fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place. – v. arrange (material, part of a garment, etc.) in pleats

polyester – n. synthetic fibre or resin

polyurethane foam – n. foam made by adding water to polyurethane plastics

popularize – v. 1) make popular; make attractive to the general public; 2) make or cause to become easily understandable or acceptable

porcelain – n. 1) hard white translucent ceramic made by firing a pure clay and then glazing it with variously coloured fusible materials; china; 2) object made of this substance or such objects collectively

portrait – n.painting, photograph, sculpture or other artistic representation of a person in which the face and its expression is predominant

portraiture – n. 1) practice or art of making portraits; 2) portraits collectively

positive – n. photographic image in which the lights and darks appear as they do in nature

power loom – n. textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile operated mechanically

preference – n. 1) selecting of someone or something over another or others; 2) state of being preferred

press – v. apply heat or pressure to (clothing) so as to smooth out creases; iron

press release – n. announcement of an event, performance or other newsworthy item that is issued to the press

prêt-à-porter – n. ready-to-wear clothing

primary colours – n. yellow, red (magenta) and blue (cyan) colours from which it is possible to mix all the other colours of the spectrum - also known as the subtractive or colorant primaries. Thus pigments that reflect light of one of these wavelengths and absorb other wavelengths may be mixed to produce all colours

print – n. 1) design or picture printed from an engraved plate, wood block or other medium; 2) positive photographic image in colour or black and white produced, usually on paper, from a negative image on film; 3) fabric with a printed design;

4) printed publication such as a newspaper or book. – v. 1) press (a mark or design) onto or into a surface; 2) offer in printed form; publish; 3) produce a photographic print from (a negative)

producer – n. 1) person responsible for the artistic direction of a play including interpretation of the script, preparation of the actors and overall design; 2) person who takes overall administrative responsibility for a film or television programme

productivity – n. quality of being productive or having the power to produce

prop – n. (abbreviated from ‘theatrical property’) any object held or used on stage by an actor which contributes to the plot or story line of a theatrical production

propmaster – n. (abbreviated from ‘property master’) artistic and organizational employee in a film, television or theatrical production who is responsible for purchasing, acquiring or manufacturing any props needed for a production

proportion – n. 1) principle of design which refers to the comparative, proper or harmonious relationship of one part to another or to the whole with respect to size, quantity or degree; ratio; 2) balance or symmetry; 3) (plural) dimensions or size

prowess – n. outstanding or superior skill or ability

publisher – n. company or person engaged in publishing periodicals, books, music, etc.

puffed – adj. gathered for protruding fullness

pullover – n. garment such as a sweater that is put on by being drawn over the head

purchase – n. something that is purchased, especially an article bought with money. – v. obtain (goods, etc.) by payment


quality – n. 1) distinguishing characteristic, property or attribute; 2) degree or standard of excellence, especially a high standard. – adj. having a high degree of excellence

quilt – n. 1) thick warm cover for a bed consisting of a soft filling sewn between two layers of material, usually with crisscross seams; 2) anything quilted or resembling a quilt


rayon – n. textile fabric made from cellulose

ready-to-wear – adj. (of clothes) not tailored for the wearer; of a standard size. – n. article or suit of such clothes

realism – n. 1) inclination toward literal truth and pragmatism; 2) representation in art or literature of objects, actions or social conditions as they actually are without idealization or presentation in abstract form

refinement – n. small alteration that you make to something in order to improve it

reflect – v. 1) throw back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a surface; 2) show or express

rehearsal – n. session of practising a play, concert, speech, etc. in preparation for public performance

rendering – n. 1) act or an instance of performing a play, piece of music, etc.;

2) perspective drawing showing an architect’s idea of a finished building, interior, etc.

repetition – n. 1) act or process or an instance of repeating or being repeated;

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