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  1. A. 1200 700 500 B. 750 250 500 C. 600 100 500 D. 400 100 500 E. 300 200 500 F. 250 250 500 G. 0 500 500 ВСЕГО: 3500 1050 1050 3500
  2. А ведь самообеспечение основными сельхозпродуктами - это прежде всего вопрос безопасности страны.
  3. А как Вы считаете, какой немецкий самолет труднее всего было сбить?
  4. А.Д.: - С точки зрения электрооборудования, что выходило из строя, что приходилось больше всего ремонтировать?
  5. Больше всего он боялся, что место пребывание его будет открыто, и Софья Андреевна явится к нему.
  6. Будучи комиссаром 3-го гвардейского истребительного авиаполка, с кем из ведомых больше всего любили летать?
  7. В тех местах, где атаки на них были наиболее яростными, всего лишь несколько лет спустя братья Уэсли встречали самый теплый прием и получали наивысшие почести.

- в Одессе (региональная программа 1998-2000 г.г., программа субсидий для безработных, начинающий собственный бизнес) 2

- в Киеве (программа субсидий для безработных) 1


В заключение

· Спасибо CDG за предоставленные обучающие материалы и инструменты;

· Отдельное спасибо за возможность сделать это сообщение;

· Приглашение организаторам и делегатам конференции посетить Одессу, познакомиться с нашим опытом, принять участие в наших инновациях и, почему бы и нет?

· Приглашение провести следующую конференцию тренеров в Одессе. Опыт и возможности для этого имеются (2-я кооперационная встреча 19-20 сентября по линии делегата немецкой экономики имела масштаб в примерно 50 участников от Германии и примерно 200 от Украины)

· Последнее спасибо за внимание.


Alexandr Yatzenko report for the trainers conference

The program TRANSFORM, Berlin, October 26-31, 2000


Theme: Business, as an active method of transformation and social protection.

Subject: Experience of educational tools application of the program TRANSFORM and prospect of its animation in Ukraine

* Before reorganization in Ukraine we had not business education, because had not business

* With the beginning of market reforms the opportunity and necessity has appeared to have business - formation

* But there was no sufficient experience of organization business education, methodology and technology of teaching

* Participation in the program TRANSFORM «the Training for the trainers» has supplied us with tools: modules, programs, equipment for business - formation.

* The training in Germany has given invaluable experience of supervision behind real application of such tools in practice business education and achievable results

* Distinctions in organization business space of Germany and the Ukraines have delivered some problems:

- to what objects and subjects is best to apply the trainer's tools, received in Germany;

- in what target groups interests it is necessary to conduct training and the consultation;

- what sharpest social problems of market transformations should be allowed on the basis of training and consultation;

- how to facilitate use of results of training by the students business of rates in their own business to practice.


In result:

* business situation analises in the Odessa region

* the previous business education experience

* the previous experience of assistance business to practice

* taking previouse communications with officials and public organizations,

the following concept of application of training tools TRANSFORM:

was formulated

· object of application for training small business and business, with which such features, as dinamic, acceptable, wide palette of the organizational forms, industrial technologies, circuits of management and connections with the market are peculiar

· Educational process of the students, magisters and post-graduate students, taking place regular training till business to specialities

· Objects of application for consultation - the regional economy of the Odessa area, which includes various industries, transport, has advanced recreativity complex, high potential of intermodal logistics

· Diversified complex of the enterprises of the State Committee of industrial policy, which enterprises pass now procedures of re-structuring, corporation and other system transformations

· The subjects of target groups

- unemployed lost jobs during re-structuring and privatization of the state enterprises past officers from the armed forces, fleet and militia

- Any other citizens wishing to begin own business,

- Already begun own business on «the intuitive basis», with which needs regular normal educational and consulting support

- The managers of state enterprises, taking place processes of re-structuring

- The civil servants of various departments, adjoining with business for want of fulfilment of the functions

- The students, magisters and post-graduate students of business specialities.


· Space of achievable results:

- paid by a service of employment from Gorverment and high motivation on quality of quota training

- reduction of a load on staff of a service of employment in searches of new jobs for "traditional" finding job by unemployed

- formation of such new jobs in new businesses, created by the citizens, past business training

- increase of a reflexivity of the budgetary funds through the taxes from enterprise activity of the citizens, past training till business to the programs

- acceleration of processes of re-structuring of state enterprises at the expense of increase business - qualification of their managers

- increase of organization efficiency and financial management in state management, establishment of reasonable mutual relation of these directions about business - structure at the expense of increasing officials business qualification

· Simplification of process Europe integration of the Ukrainian business in questions of the organization standards of production and management

· Opportunity of approbation of the organizational decisions arising as a training process product (business - plan, organizational structures, constituent documents, circuit of management) in small business and their animation for the large enterprises

· The necessary system decisions:

- aftergratuade support and consultation of the unemployed, beginning own businesses consulting support of restructuring state enterprises

- lobby of business interests of structures in officials and state management

- attraction of opportunities for international organizations and programs for assistance сreation and business development

- PR - support of training and consultation processes

· The organizational decisions realization

- The creation by separate from institute entering, innovation, consulting structure including of the program TRANSFORM and is (partial of the equipment of firm ILTIS materials

- Development and acceptance at a state level of a regional comprehensive programme of business development and re-structuring of state enterprises

- Opening of educational / consulting items in cities of region Izmail, Kotovsk, Balta, Savran’

- Establishment of the partnership relations with professional Unions of the businessmen

- Establishments of the partnership relations with professional and public organizations of mass media.

The realization of such concept provides complex versatile and connectable application of training tools of the program TRANSFORM for the decision of training and developing problems of market transformations in Ukraine, its integration in Europe Unit.

During realization of the concept the following results are achieved:

Here quantitative data on number trained, created businesses and conducted measures. (1-2 sheets of the data on mine and Natasha to realizations).

The questions and problems which have arisen during realization, which require the system decision at a level of a management of the program TRANSFORM (CDG, ILTIS, МИД,?????).



· copywrite on german training tools and materials for their transfer and use at educational centres of region by the trainers - multiplicators;

· Organization of constant upgrade system of materials and tools;

· Opportunity of operative consultations reception on application of materials and tools of the program TRANSFORM in a mode On-line through Internet;

· Exchange by experience with the trainers - participants of the program in other countries of East Europe;

· Coordination of opportunities represented by the program TRANSFORM with opportunities of other programs, sold by Germany in East Europe (for example, cooperating of innovative communication on a line of Office of the delegate of german economy, Bavarian house, Guns Zoidel fund etc.)


Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 71 | Нарушение авторских прав

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