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Political System of Ukraine

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Ukraine is a sovereign state. On June 16, 1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. On August 24,1991, Ukraine’s independence and the formation of the independent state of Ukraine was proclaimed by the Ukrainian Parliament.

On December 1,1991, an all-Ukrainian referendum was held, involving 84.18 percent of citizens.

Winning 61.6 percent of the votes, L.Kravchuk, the former head of the Verkhovna Rada, was elected President of Ukraine.

In 1994 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections and became the new President of Ukraine.

A new state, Ukraine, appeared on the world political map in 1991. It is a democratic state, which is ruled by the law. It includes 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea. Ukraine has its own Constitution, which was adopted in 1996. The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters (161 articles). The day of its adoption (June, 28, 1996) is a state holiday – the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine.

The political system of Ukraine is really democratic. The powers of the Government are divided into legislative, executive and judicial. The President is the head of the state. He is elected for a term of five years. The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada. It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the state.

The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. It includes 450 deputies who are elected for a term of four years. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget and controls the execution of it.

Judicial power in Ukraine is led by the Supreme Court.

There are very many political parties in Ukraine. The main parties are: the Social Democratic Party, the People’s Rukh of Ukraine, the Batkivshchyna, the Communist Party, the Women of Ukraine.

The National Emblem of Ukraine is a Golden Tryzub (trident) on a blue shield. The National Flag of Ukraine is a rectangular cloth with two horizontal stripes of equal width, the upper colored blue and the lower golden yellow. The National Anthem has been performed since January 1992 (music by M.M.Verbytsky).

The National Holiday, Independence Day, is celebrated on August 24.

Now Ukraine establishes new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with them signing agreement and treaties.

ІІІ. Post-reading stage:

3. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

- to elect

- to divide

- to rule

- to carry out

- the Supreme Court

- the national anthem

- domestic policy

- to be accountable to

- foreign policy

4. Give English equivalents for the following:

- суверенна держава

- незалежність

- президентські вибори

- законодавча влада

- виконавча влада

- судова влада

- приймати (про закон)

- державне свято

- проголошувати

5. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. On August 24, 1991, Ukraine’s independence was proclaimed by the Ukrainian Parliament

2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the only body of the executive power.

3. Ukraine includes 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.

4. The powers of the government are divided into legislative, executive and judicial.

5. The National Holiday, Independence Day, is celebrated on August 28.

6. In 1993 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections and became the President of Ukraine.

7. L.Kravchuk was the first President of Ukraine.


6. Answer the following questions:


1. When did the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine pass the Declaration of State Sovereignty.

2. Who proclaimed Ukraine’s independence?

3. What event took place in Ukraine on December 1, 1991?

4. Who was elected the first President of Ukraine?

5. When did L.Kuchma become the President of Ukraine?

6. How many regions does Ukraine include?

7. How are the powers of the government divided into?

8. What is the National Emblem of Ukraine?

9. Who was music to the National Anthem written by?

10. When is Independence Day celebrated?

11. When is the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine celebrated?

7. Speak on the topic “Political System of Ukraine”. Use the chart:





IV. Practice Drills:

1. Role–play the following situations:

Situation 1. Paula Smith, a British guide of the Ukrainian students in London is going to visit Ukraine. She is interested in information on Ukraine. Answer her questions on geographical position, history, natural resources of Ukraine.

Situation 2. A student of the Law faculty is taking an exam in the Constitutional Law of Ukraine. He has difficulty with the question about the political structure of Ukraine. The teacher asks him questions and helps to reveal the question about the political system of Ukraine.

Situation 3. A young businessman has a possibility to invest money in the development of our country. He is interested in Ukrainian industry. Prove him that investing money in the development of industry will give a profit. Tell him about the main industrial centres of Ukraine.

Useful expressions: I’d like to say a few words about – я б хотів сказати декілька слів про …; As I know як відомо; I think that – я думаю що; Quite on the contrary – навпаки; Certainly – звичайно; (Could) Can I ask you – чи можу я вас запитати;

I want to give a few examples to prove it – я б хотів навести декілька прикладів,щоб довести це; As far as I know – наскільки мені відомо; I am interested in – мене цікавить; What can you say about – що ви можете сказати про …; You are welcome – будь ласка; Thank you – дякую.


І. Pre-reading stage:

1. Study the following words and combinations:

to set contacts встановлювати контакти
an agreement an agreement
а treaty договір
joint venture спільне підприємство
to provide забезпечувати
to enable дозволяти
to implant застосовувати
to be run проводитися
Embassy посольство


2. Look through the text “Ukrainian-British relations”. Be ready to answer the following questions:


1. How does Ukraine set new contacts with foreign countries?

2. When did Ukraine and Great Britain establish diplomatic relations?

3. What does Know-how fund offer?

4. What are the aims of fund programs?

5. Which possibilities does the British Council provide?


ІІ. While-reading stage:

3. Read and translate the text:

Ukrainian – British relations

Since Ukraine became an independent state it has become to establish new relations with the countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with many foreign countries, signing agreements and treaties. A lot of joint ventures in the leading industries have appeared recently in our cities and towns. Many delegations, businessmen, specialists and tourists from other countries keep coming to Ukraine. Scientific contacts are also very important.

In 1992 Ukraine and Great Britain established diplomatic relations and since then Ukraine has got its Embassy which is situated in the center of London.

It’s not secret that Ukraine passes through a difficult period of time. In Great Britain there are organizations which support the development of Ukrainian sciences, economy, and project cultural contacts. One of such organizations is Know-How fund of the British government. The fund offers different programs for managers, providing them with management training courses in Great Britain. The main objectives of these programs are: to introduce managers to the market economy and to enable them to get practical experience of management in market conditions, so that they can implant reforms of their own enterprises.

British Council offices have been opened in main cities of Ukraine to support English language training in Ukraine. British Council Center offers a wide choice of English books, textbooks, cassettes and video films for teaching of English. Computer Literacy Courses and Seminars on teaching English are regularly run in the Center, besides each year the British Council sends 30-40 Ukrainian teachers of English to the UK to participate in British Council summer schools.

There are many other programs for students, young scientists and specialists in different fields, which are implemented by the British Council. The cultural and scientific exchange is going on.


ІІІ. Post-reading stage:

4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following.

· Direct contacts

· Management training courses

· Main objectives

· Market conditions

· Practical experience

· To sign an agreement

· A wide choice

· To establish new relations

5. Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences.




1. Ukraine is establishing new economic relations throughout the world.

2. In 1992 Ukraine and Great Britain established diplomatic relations.

3. In Great Britain there are organizations which support the development of Ukrainian sciences, economy, and project cultural contacts.

4. The Know-How fund offers different programmes for managers.

5. The cultural and scientific exchange is going on.


6. Say it in English:

1. Україна започатковує економічні стосунки з країнами всього світу.

2. В містах нашої країни з'явилося багато спільних підприємств.

3. Наші туристи, бізнесмени, студенти виїжджають за кордон в різноманітних справах.

4. Посольство України в Великобританії знаходиться в центрі Лондона.

5. Фонд британського уряду пропонує різноманітні програми для фахівців всіх сфер діяльності.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 199 | Нарушение авторских прав

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