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Your portfolio grade is based on an evaluation of the following standards

Читайте также:
  1. B) Answer the following questions.
  2. B. Transform the following sentences from active into passive voice.
  3. Basic standards and requirements
  4. EXERCISE 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
  5. EXERCISE 4. Turn the following into reported speech.
  6. EXERCISE 6. Translate the following sentences into English.
  7. EXERCISE 7. Translate the following sentences into English.
Criteria Level Basic (0-3) Marginal (4-6) Advanced (7-9) Proficiency (10-13) Your Score
4 Steps of Writing Process: Prewriting Planning Drafting Polishing All steps are not clearly illustrated, or not all steps for each assignment are represented. (More than 11 omitted or not clear) All steps are not clearly illustrated, or not all steps for each assignment are represented. (6-10 omitted or not clear)   All steps are not clearly illustrated, or not all steps for each assignment are represented. (1-5 omitted or not clear) All four steps of the writing process are clearly illustrated for each assignment.  
Final Version & All Drafts   More than 3 previous drafts are missing, and/or there is not clear evidence of drafts for the assignment(s). Some previous drafts are missing, and/or there is not a clear/logical progression from the first to the final version. (1-2 omitted or unclear.) All previous drafts are present, but there is not a clear/logical progression from the first to the final version. All previous drafts are present, and there is a clear/logical progression from the first draft to the final version.  
Copies of Peer Assessment and other Assessment forms There are some review forms missing for more than 3 assignments. There are different review forms missing for 1-3 assignments. There is at least one type review form for each writing assignment. There are more than one type of review forms per each writing assignment.  
Inspiration for Assignment The purpose for writing the assignment. There are less than 5 assignments that include the inspiring motive. There is evidence of the inspiration for 5-7 of the assignments. Most of the assignments have clear evidence of what inspired the writing assignment. (7 or more) There is clear and undisputed evidence of what inspired the writer for each assignment. These may be apparent through the writing steps, or the reflection journal gives clear indication of the same, or separate evidence is included in the portfolio for each assignment.  
Reflection Essay   No /essay or paper does not include an analysis of individual works, does not rank work, does not include strengths and weaknesses of your writing overall, and does not identify a writing goal for the near future Essay does not include an analysis of individual works, does not rank work, includes a few strengths and weaknesses of writing overall, and includes a vague or unrelated writing goal for the near future Essay includes an analysis of three or more pieces of work, a brief reason for ranking, strengths and weaknesses of your writing overall, and a writing goal for the near future Essay includes an analysis of five pieces of work, a brief reason for ranking, strengths and weaknesses of each, what you learned from writing the piece, and how that will influence your future writing  
Cover and Presentation Evidence of a point in time Missing cover; or cover includes partial name, is partly or entirely incomplete, missing date, no signature on honesty statement Cover includes name, partial date, incomplete or no signature on honesty statement Easy to read cover with name, complete date, and signature on honesty statement, most important work neatly typed. Attractive, easy-to- read cover with name, complete date, and signature on honesty statement, all important work neatly typed  
Table of Contents Completeness of the work Required pages missing, no pages numbered, TOC missing or incomplete, required sections not represented. Some required pages included, no pages numbered, TOC missing or incomplete, required sections incomplete or not represented All required pages included, pages numbered, TOC mostly matches numbered pages, most required sections represented. All required pages included, all pages numbered, TOC matches numbered pages, all required sections represented, divider pages or tabs separating each mode of writing.  
Organi Zation and Neatness Materials are not in any discernible order, and there are no dividers and labels used, making it extremely difficult to follow the assignment from beginning to end. Not all materials are arranged in a clear logical order from beginning to end. Use of dividers and labels is not used effectively, making it difficult to follow the assignment from the beginning to its end. Materials are arranged in a clear logical order from beginning to end, but dividers, labels, etc., are not used effectively; hence detracting from the overall clarity of the portfolio. Materials are arranged in a clear logical order, so that following the assignments from beginning to end is easy. Proficient and effective use of dividers, labels, etc., add to the overall clarity of the portfolio.  


Дата добавления: 2015-08-21; просмотров: 57 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Your Writing Portfolio | Are you a successful writer? | For Self-Assessment or Peer-Assessment | Writing Evaluation Rubric of Project Tasks: Integrative Scale | For Self-Assessment or Peer-Assessment | Letter Writing Assessment Rubrics: Holistic Scale | Achievement Level Descriptions in Writing |
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Writing Portfolio Assessment Scale: Holistic Scale 2 for Self-Assessment or Peer-Assessment| Integrative Scale: Expert Assessment

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