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Grammar: система часів англійського дієслова (повторення); узгодження часів; пряма та непряма мова.

Читайте также:
  1. IS-54 система
  2. Quot;ЗАВТРА". Вы дали понять, что действующая в Северной Европе система уничтожения семьи поощряет сексуальное насилие над детьми. Как работает этот механизм?
  3. SCADA-система
  4. V11 Мочеполовая система, органы
  5. VI. Система оценивания портфолио
  6. Англосаксонская правовая система.

X. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, підкресліть присудок, визначте час та стан:

A.1. Most modern historians agree that the British hero Arthur did exist, but he may not have been a king. 2. He was probably a cavalry chieftain who defeated invading Saxons in the 6th century. 3. The tale of his prowess spread. 4. He was first written about in the 10th century Welsh chronicles. 5. Stories of Arthur were told by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his 12th-century History of the Kings of Britain. 6. Geoffrey made Arthur a great king who had won many famous victories and held court at Camelot. 7. Called to fight in Rome, Arthur leaves his nephew Modred to guard the kingdom, but Modred betrays his trust and abducts Arthur’s queen, Guinevere. 8. When Arthur returned he defeated Modred in battle but was mortally wounded. 9. After Breton minstrels had brought the story of Arthur to Europe, local legends were added to it. 10. For a long time French writers were working in new themes, including the Round Table, a means of avoiding disputes over precedence among knights. 11. The legend of Arthur ends with the prediction that he will one day return and rule England.


B. 1. Sir Christopher Wren(1632—1723) is one of the geniuses of the Age of Enlightenment that swept Europe after the Renaissance. 2. The dome of St.Paul's Cathedral dignifies the heart of London, and will always be a glorious memorial to this England's greatest architect. 3. He was a brilliant Oxford student, described by Isaac Newton as one of the greatest geometricians of his age. 4. Wren was first a scientist, working in physics, and became professor of astronomy at Oxford at the age of 29. 5. His career as an architect began in 1663 when his uncle, the Bishop of Ely, asked him to design the chapel for Pembroke Col­lege, Cambridge. 6. He went to France to study architecture in 1665. 7. The Fire of London (1666) gave Wren the opportunity to exercise his creative genius. 8. He was one of the commissioners in charge of rebuilding, and although his ideas for sweeping avenues and spa­cious squares were not accepted, many of his 52 churches, built between 1670 and 1686 in distinctive classical styles, are still noted London landmarks. 9. St. Paul's, Wren's masterpiece, was begun in 1675, and his son Christopher laid the last stone in 1710. 10. Wren himself was the first man to be buried there. 11. Other Wren's buildings include Trinity College Library, Cambridge (1676—1684), Chelsea Hospital (1682—1692), and the south and east wings of Hampton Court Pal­ace (1689—1694). Wren was knighted in 1673.

XI. Перекладіть речення, зверніть увагу на правила узгодження часів:

1. He said (that) the boy had lost his way in the forest. 2. I was sure they needed my help. 3. We did not know she was working as a secretary and a typist. 4. I knew he would go to New York one of these days. 5. I thought Ann had already been examined by that time. 6. I was afraid Nick did not know anything about this story. 7. He asked me if (whether) I had seen the film "Rome". 8. The librarian asked me what books and periodicals I wanted to read. 9. I was asked when and where I had been born. 10. The doctor asked me how I felt in rainy weather. 11. He was asked why he hadn't passed his ex­amination on time. 12. She asked us when we should come and see her. 13. In reply to his question whether I should attend his lecture I said I couldn't because of my illness. 14. Daddy asked me whose tapes they were.

XII. Розкрийте дужки, використайте дієслова у відповідній формі:

1. I thought that you (to make) some decision. 2. They said they (to work) 7 hours a day. 3. Mr. Fox promised that he (to deliver) his lecture in the nearest future. 4. My former teacher asked me if I (to get on) well with my English classes at the Institute. 5. I was sure that the foreign delegation (to arrive). 6. Did you think that the meeting (to approve) such a resolution? 7. No­body knew that Robin Hood (to be going to take part) in the shooting competition. 8. I was sure you (to come and see) me next Sunday. 9. We did not know that they (to be discussing) the problem at that moment. 10. I was afraid he (to fail) me at the forthcoming examination.

XIII. Замініть пряму мову непрямою за зразками:

Зразок 1. Не said: "I am busy." - Не said (that) he was busy.

He said: "I have lost the key." - He said he had lost the key.

He said: "I shall leave tomorrow." He said he would leave the next day. She said: "I am tired and I can't work any more."

“I am writing a letter to my parents."

"I have seen this film twice."

"I lived in Odessa before 1998."

"My father was sent abroad a week ago."

"I shall help you with your English."

Зразок 2: He asked me: "Do you live in Kaniv Street?" - He asked me whether I lived in Kaniv Street.

He asked me: "Are you busy now?" He asked me whether I was busy then.

He asked me: "Have you a large family?" He asked me whether I had a large family.

He asked me: "Will you go to the club?" He asked me whether I should go to the club.

She asked me: "Do you like detective stories?"

"Does your sister know German?"

"Did you take part in the conference?"

"Have you many friends in Kyiv?"

"Can you play chess?"

"Are your parents on pension?"

Зразок 3: Не asked me: "Where do you work?" He asked me where I worked.

She asked me: "Where do you live?"

"Where did you begin learning Eng­lish?"

"What films do you like?"

"Who must do this work?"

"Why didn't you tell me before about it?"

"How long will it take you to get to the station?"

Зразок 4: He said: “Go there immediately.” – He told me to go there immediately.

He said: “Do this work attentively.”

“Don’t go there alone.”

“Do the translation today.”

XIV. Перекладіть підрядну частину речень, зверніть увагу на правила узгодження часів:

1. I was sure that (ви прийдете сюди разом зі своїми друзями). 2. I thought that (діти грають у саду). 3. I didn't know that (ви послали листа). 4. I knew that (він буде виступати проти цієї пропозиції). 5, The teacher said that (він збирається проводити експеримент). 6. I was afraid that (вони забули включити це питання до обговорення). 7. It was announced that (новий закон був прийнятий). 8. It became known that (нова книга була опублікована). 9. Не asked me whether (чи знаю я французьку мову). 10. She asked him (що він пише зараз).

Дата добавления: 2015-08-21; просмотров: 230 | Нарушение авторских прав

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