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VI. Fill in the gaps with the words or word combinations which suit best. There are two extra words which you do not need to use. Then write three questions to the text.

Читайте также:
  1. Activity 4. Read the text and answer the questions 1—10.
  2. Are you a successful writer?
  3. B) Answer the following questions.
  4. B. Answer the questions.
  5. EXERCISE 1. Rewrite these sentences in Past.
  6. EXERCISE 10. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
  7. I thought I would have translated this article by tomorrow, but there are too many new words in it.

Text 1

lymph, liquid, nervous, support, healthy, cells, coverings,contraction, protection


Tissues are materials made up of groups of similar ___ cells __.There are four main types of tissue in the human body. Epithelial one forms __ coverings _____ like the skin, liningmembranes and glands.Connective tissue helps to _ support __ and bind parts together, holding them in place.There are several types of connective tissue includingbone, cartilage, ligaments, fatty and elastic tissue, alsoblood and _ lymph ___ (the fluid tissues).Muscular tissue has the power of _ contraction ___,which causes movement. __ nervous __ one conducts nerve impulses. Tissues are jointed into larger units called organs, suchas the heart, lungs, brain, liver. A system is a group of organs, which together carry outone of the essential functionsof the body. There are ninesystems in the human organism. All of these systems work harmoniouslytogether in a _ healthy _ body.

1. ___ What does tissue consist of _______________________________________________?

2. ____ What are the types of the connective tissue __________________________________?

3. ___ What nervous tissueis responsible for ______________________________________________?

Text 2

protects, nutrients, unit, cells, reproduction, nucleus, membrane, controls, waste products


All living things, including the human body, are made upof living _ cells ___. The cell is the structural and the functional _ unit __ with which the human body is built.Just as manykinds of materials may be used in theconstruction of a large building, in the same way many differentkinds of cells are found in the body. A cell has the following parts:cell _ membrane __ outer covering;protoplasm, the main substance of the cell; a nucleus, which _ controls ____ activities of the cell. Cells perform the following functions:digestion– intake of the _ nutrients ____; excretion– eliminating of _ waste products ___;respiration– taking and using oxygen, and giving out carbon dioxide; growth and repair; _ reproduction _______ – simply dividing one cell into two. Besides, some cells move about and some have special functions.

1. _______ What is the cell _______________________________________?

2. ____ What reproduction is ___________________________________________________?

3. ___ What nucleus is responsible for _____________________________________________________?

Text 3

oesophagus, cardiovascular, skeleton, separated, reproductive, cavities, cranial, stomach, protected


The body has a strong framework of bones called the _ skeleton ___. The skeleton is covered by muscles and other softtissues, and by skin on the outside.Some body parts form spaces called _ cavities _____, in whichimportant internal organs are protected.The _ cranial ____cavity or skullcontains the brain. The thoracic cavity or chest contains the lungs, the air passages – trachea and bronchial tubes, the _ oesophagus ____, which lies behind the trachea, the heart, the great blood vessels, and the thoracic duct. The abdominal cavity, which is _ separated _____ from the thoraciccavity by a dome-shaped muscle called the diaphragm, contains the _ stomach ______, the intestines, the liver, the spleen and other organs. The pelvic cavity contains the _ reproductive ____ organs, the bladder when empty (when full it rises into theabdominal cavity), and the rectum.

1. __ What does the cranial cavity store ____________________________________________________?

2. __ _Where does the liver situated _______________________________________________________?

3. _____ What structure separates thoracic and abdominal cavities ___________________________?

Text 4

deficiencies, avitaminosis, water, organism, small, source, carbohydrates, received, contracted


Nutrients are the nutritious components in foods that an _ organism ___ uses to survive and grow. They can be ___ received ____ from the environment. They are used to build and repair tissues, regulate body processes, and are converted to and used for energy. Organic nutrients include __ carbohydrates __, fats, proteins (or their building blocks, amino acids), and vitamins. Inorganic chemical compounds such as dietary minerals, _ water _____, and oxygenmay also be considered nutrients. A nutrient is called "essential" if it must be obtained from an external _ source _______, either because the organism cannot synthesize it or produces insufficient quantities. Nutrients needed in very _ small ______ amounts are micronutrients and those that are needed in larger quantities are called macronutrients. The effects of nutrients are dose-dependent and shortages are called _ deficiencies ________.


1. ______ Where can we receive nutrients _________________________________________________?

2. _____ What quantity of nutrients do we need ___________________________________________?

3. ________ What kind of inorganic nutrients must we consume ______________________________?

Text 5

contract, connective, organelles, cells, function, tissues, contact, surfaces, protect


__ cells _____ are the smallest units of life. In complex organisms, cells group together with one another to form __ tissues ____. Tissues provide the numerous functions of organs. The study of tissues is called histology. The human body is composed of four basic types of tissues: epithelial, _ connective _____, muscular, and nervous tissues. These tissues vary in their composition and their _ function _____. Epithelium forms the coverings of _ surfaces ____ of the body. Connective tissue is the most widely distributed tissue type in the human body. Its role is to _ protect _____, support, and bind together parts of the body. Muscular tissue is a tissue characterized by the ability to __ contract _____ upon stimulation. It is extremely elastic and can produce movement. Nervous tissue receives stimuli and conducts impulses. It is the main component of the nervous system and the brain.

1. _____ How many types of tissue human body includes _____________________________________?

2. ______ What is the function of the connective tissue ____________________________?

3. ______ What is the main components on nervous system and ________________________________?

Text 6

capillaries, bone marrow, lymph, ducts, tissue, proteins, central nervous system, blood, brain


The lymphatic system consists of organs, ___ ducts _____, and nodes. The lymph vessels form a network in the body as the blood network. It transports a watery clear fluid called _ lymph _____. This fluid distributes immune cells and other factors throughout the body. Lymph organs are found in every part of the body except the__ brain ________. The major parts of the system are the _ bone marrow _____, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and the tonsils. The other organs of the body, including the heart, lungs, intestines, liver, and skin also contain lymphatic _ tissue ____. The ducts of the lymphatic system provide transportation for _ proteins ______, fats, and other substances in lymph. The lymph is drained from the tissue in microscopic blind-ended vessels called lymph__ capillaries ______.

1. __ What are the main structures of the lymphatic system ___________________________________?

2. ___ What organ doesn’t include any lymphatic tissue __________________________________?

3. __ For what does lymphatic system provide transportation ____________________________?

Text 7

contains, donor, emergency, diseases, surface, supports, platelets, transfusion, recipient


Blood __ transfusion ______is a very common hospital procedure nowadays. But this is more than just taking blood from one person and using it to help another. Although all blood __ contains ___ the same basic components (red cells, white cells, _ platelets ____, and plasma), not everyone has the same types ofantigenson the _ surface ______ of their red blood cells. So, the four main blood groups are: blood group A, blood group B, blood group AB, and blood group O. Blood cell markers are microscopic. Each unit of blood goes through a dozen tests to check for infectious ___ diseases ___ and establish the blood type. Only after these tests the blood transfusion can be given to the _ recipient _____. Sometimes, a transfusion is an __ emergency ____(like losing blood after an accident). Sometimes it's expected (as with treatment for cancer).

1. _________ What do we call emergency transfusion _________________________________?

2. ___ How many blood types can blood be divided on ___________________________________?

3. __ When transfusion is not emergency but expected __________________________________?

Text 8

involuntary, heart, striated, nervous, skeletal, contain, nuclei, stomach, thigh


There are three basic types of muscles in the body (smooth, cardiac, and _ skeletal _____). Smooth muscle or "_ involuntary _____ muscle" is found within the walls of organs and structures such as the esophagus, _ stomach ______, intestines, blood vessels, etc. Smooth muscle cells contain only one nucleus.Cardiac muscle is also an "involuntary muscle" but it is striated in structure. Like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle cells _ contain ____ only one nucleus. Cardiac muscle is found only within the_ heart ___.Skeletal muscle or "voluntary muscle" is fixed by tendons to the bone and is used to produce skeletal movement such as locomotion. Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated with the __ nuclei ____ peripherally located. Skeletal muscle is called '__ striated ___' because of the stripes seen under light microscopy.

1. ____ How many types of muscle tissue is in the body ______________________________________?

2. ___ Why do we call skeletal muscle “striated” _______________________________________?

3. ___ Where cardiac muscle can only be found ____________________________________?

Text 9

forearm, movement, heart, force, protected, tissue, nervous system, germ, controlled


The muscular system is the biological system of humans that produces _ movement __. The muscular system is controlled through the _ nervous system ____, but some muscles, like cardiac muscle, can be completely autonomous. Muscle is contractile __ tissue ___ and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic _ germ ___ cells. Its function is to produce _ force ____ and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Much of muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival, like the contraction of the ___ heart _____or peristalsis. Voluntary muscle contraction is used to move the body and can be __ controlled ____, such as movements of fingers or movements of biceps and triceps.

1. __ What layer of the embryonic germ does muscle tissue derived from _____________________?

2. ___ Why do we can contract some of our muscles without a thought ________________________?

3. ___ Movements of which muscles can be controlled ______________________________________?

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