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EXERCISE 2. Translate into English. 1. Она была счастлива, что тяжелые времена прошли

Читайте также:
  1. EXERCISE 1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous or the Past Continuous.
  2. EXERCISE 1. Rewrite these sentences in Past.
  3. EXERCISE 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
  4. EXERCISE 10. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
  5. EXERCISE 10.Translate into English.
  6. Exercise 2, p. 16
  7. EXERCISE 2. Fill in the appropriate articles where necessary.

1. Она была счастлива, что тяжелые времена прошли. 2. Когда мы вернулись, все хотели знать, где мы были. 3. Я надеялась, что он сделал правильный вы­бор. 4. Мы были коллегами. Мы проработали вместе десять лет. 5. Я была уверена, что никогда раньше не слышала этого выражения. 6. Судья объявил, что он изменил свое мнение об этом деле. 7. Они поняли, что жизнь очень изменилась. 8. Оказалось, что эта женщина уже тринадцать лет была нашей соседкой. 9. Он пришел к нам за помощью, потому что всегда нам верил. 10. Адвокат был доволен - он получил хорошие новости. 11. Он был благодарен своим ро­дителям. Они так много сделали для него. 12. Мар­тин ничего не ответил. Жизнь научила его быть осто­рожным. 13. Марина выглядела необычно - она из­менила прическу (hair style). 14. Когда мы встретились, то мой одноклассник сказал, что я очень изменилась. 15. Он влюбился в нее, хотя и знал ее всего лишь пару недель. 16. Она не знала, как начать, потому что раньше не выполняла такой работы.

THE VERB – Future Forms: Level B

  Future Simple (Will) Be Going To Future Continuous Future Perfect
a Decisions taken at the moment of speaking (on-the- spot decisions) Since it’s getting dark I’ll turn on the light. Actions intended to be performed in the near future She’s going to visit her parents tomorrow. Actions in progress at a stated future time He’ll be sunbathing in Sochi this time next week. Actions which will be finished before a stated future time She will have come back by the end of July. Note: by or not… until/till are used with Future Perfect. Until/till are normally used with Future Perfect only in negative sentences. She will have finished by 8 o clock.(Not: until/till) She won’t have finished until 8 o’clock.
b Hopes, fears, threats, offers, promises, warnings, predictions requests, comments etc, esp. with: expect, hope, believe, I’m sure, I’m afraid, probably etc I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late. Planned actions or intentions Now that they’ve settled in their new house, they’re going to have a party. Actions which are the result of a routine (instead of Present Cont.) I’ll be seeing John tomorrow. (We work in the same office so we’ll definitely mmet.)
c Actions or predictions which may not happen in the future She’ll probably buy the dress (prediction) Actions which we cannot control and will inevitably happen He will be ten next year. Evidence that something will definitely happen in the near future Ann is going to have a baby. Look at the dark clouds in the sky! It’s going to rain. When we ask politely about people’s arrangements to see if they can do smth for us or because we want to offer to do smth for them Will you be going to the supermarket? Can you buy me some tea? Future Perfect Continuous
Duration of an action up to a certain turn in the future. By the end of this year she will have been working here for two years.
d Things we are not sure about or haven’t decided to do yet She’ll probably be promoted. (not sure yet) Thins we are sure about or we have already decided to do in the near future He’s going to be promoted. (the boss has decided to do it.) Present Simple (future meaning) Present Continuous (future meaning)
Timetables/programs The plane reaches London at 8.45 Fixed arrangements in the near future Sally is seeing her dentist this week (Sally has fixed an appointment)


Time expressions used with:

Will/ Be Going to / Future Cont. Tomorrow, tonight, next month/week, in three/two days etc, the day after tomorrow, soon, in a day/week etc
Future Perfect Before, by, by then, by the time, until (in negative sentences)
Future Perf. Cont. By… for e.g.: By next year he will have been working here for two years.


Time words with no Future forms:

-We never use future forms after: when (time conjunction), while before, until, by the time, if (conditional), as soon as, after etc. However, we can use when or if + will if “when” is a question word and “if” means “whether”. She’ll send us a letter when she has time. BUT: When will he meet us? I don’t know ifhe will accept. (= whether)
-With go and come we use Present Continuous rather than “ be going to ”. She’s going to London next week. RATHER THAN:She’s going to go to London next week.

Future-in the-Past

If the Main clause (главное предложение) is in the past tense, then in Subordinate clause (придаточное предложение) instead of Future tenses you should use Future-in- the-Past Tenses. (Shall / will → should / would)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 356 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: EXERCISE 2. Translate into English paying attention to the usage of the modal verbs. | EXERCISE 1. Rewrite these sentences in Past. | LEVEL B | EXERCISE 2. Insert the article if necessary. | EXERCISE 6. Choose the correct form. | EXERCISE 2. Put the adjectives in the correct order. | EXERCISE 3. Translate into English. | State verbs | EXERCISE 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or present continuous tense. | Present perfect continuous tense (in some cases either could be used). |
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EXERCISE 2. Translate into English.| EXERCISE 2. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense.

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