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Москва 2007

Читайте также:
  1. Бад-Ишль – Зальцбург - Чешский Крумлов* – Прага – Карловы Вары* – Вроцлав* – Брест - Москва
  2. Г. Москва, 29 апреля 2014 г.
  3. Г. Москва, ул. Усиевича, д. 21, офис 19.
  4. Глава 21 Москва-колбаса
  5. Гримм Д.Д. «Лекции по догме римского права.- Москва, издательство `Зерцало`, Воспроизводится по пятому изданию - С-Петербург,1916г.
  6. Д. м. н. О.М. Буткевич, профессор Т.Л. Виноградова Правительственный медицинский центр, Москва. РГМУ имени Н.И. Пирогова
  7. Декабря 2014 года, Москва, Кремль




Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования



В. А. Стороженко


По развитию навыков и умений чтения научно-технических

Текстов по пищевой промышленности на английском языке

(для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей)

Утверждено научно-методической комиссией Департамента гуманитарной подготовки 27 ноября 2006 года

Москва 2007




Лейченко Е. В., доцент кафедры иностранных языков МГУПП;

Расторгуева Т. И., доцент кафедры иностранных языков МГУПП



Настоящие указания предназначены для обучения студентов чтению оригинальных научно-технических текстов на основе комплексов взаимосвязанных рецептивных и репродуктивных заданий, обеспечивающих целенаправленное формирование и реализацию определенных навыков и умений чтения и способствующих развитию навыков и умений говорения и аудирования.

Задачей каждого комплекса является обучение пониманию межпонятийных и/или синтаксических связей, а также логических связей между единицами текста на основе соответствующих лексико-грамматических опор. Последовательность заданий в комплексах обеспечивает постепенный перенос внимания с языковых средств на содержание сообщения и постепенное усложнение смысловых задач.

В комплексах используются различные виды рецептивных и репродуктивных заданий (рецептивные со зрительным восприятием, рецептивные со слуховым восприятием, репродуктивные с письменным воспроизведением, репродуктивные с устным воспроизведением) и смешанные виды рецептивно-репродуктивных заданий, что позволяет создавать более прочные связи при формировании навыков и умений чтения.

Комплексы заданий построены на материале оригинальной научно-технической литературы.



Комплекс 1. Обучение пониманию структуры и значения

предложений, содержащих сказуемые в

различных видо-временных формах

Комплекс 2. Обучение пониманию структуры и значения

предложений с глаголом-сказуемым в

страдательном залоге


Комплекс 1


Понимание структуры и значения предложений, содержащих сказуемое в различных видо–временных формах. Дифференциация между настоящим неопределенным и настоящим продолженным временами.


Задание 1. Прочитайте данные предложения и укажите номера тех из них, в которых сказуемое обозначает действие, совершающееся в данный момент.

e.g. 1. The baker is cooling the loaves. 2. Modern dough-mixers copy the action of the human arm.   – 1


1. Scientists are working at new techniques of pasteurization.

2. The varying colours of wine depend on the colours of the grape skins.

3. Many food scientists are attempting to develop cheap sources of proteins.

4. Food specialists are now developing new classes of freeze-dried products for space feeding.

5. In a modern biscuit factory the biscuits pass through the ovens on trays, carried on chain conveyors.

6. The miller is now grinding wheat into flour.

7. Each grind gives a mixture of flour and larger particles.

8. The potato consists mainly of water and starch.


Задание 2. Прочитайте данные ситуации и из двух имеющихся вариантов продолжения каждой выберите соответствующее по смыслу предложение. Укажите номера соответствий.

e.g. 1. The biscuits are not ready yet. 2. Her biscuits are always delicious. 1. She is just making the dough. 2. She mixes the ingredients very carefully.
  1 – 1, 2 – 2
A. 1. This article is very difficult. 2. He knows English well. 1. He is translating it very slowly. 2. He translates articles very quickly.
B. 1. He can’t go with us. 2. He wants to become a good specialist. 1. He studies chemistry very seriously. 2. He is studying chemistry.
C. 1. The boy is a good sportsman. 2. Look, this boy will win. 1. He runs very fast. 2. He is running ahead of other boys.
D. 1. Let’s go and help her. 2. She will become a good chemist. 1. She is making a very important experiment. 2. She makes experiments very skillfully.
E. 1. He is very thirsty. 2. He is fond of tea. 1. He is drinking a second cup of tea. 2. He drinks tea three times a day.
F. 1. This engineer is always very helpful. 2. This engineer has already come. 1. He is preparing the laboratory equipment for the experiment. 2. He prepares the laboratory equipment for experiments.
G. 1. She is a very good cook. 2. She is in the kitchen now. 1. She cooks potatoes in 10 ways. 2. She is cooking stuffed potatoes.
H. 1. The wine can’t be bottled yet. 2. The sparkling wine is always bottled before the fermentation is over. 1. It ferments in the bottle. 2. It is still fermenting.


Задание 3. Составьте письменно связные утверждения, подбирая для каждого утверждения логичный вариант его продолжения.

e.g. Don’t make so much noise, 1) she is reading for the exam. 2) she reads a lot. – 1


1. The fermentation process is not finished yet, 1) the dough is still increasing its volume. 2) the dough may increase its volume 3 times during fermentation.
2. We can’t speak to him now, 1) he works in the library. 2) he is working in the library.
3. He always helps us to make experiments, 1) he is very good at chemistry. 2) he is not very skillful.
4. There are bubbles of air in the wine, 1) it is still fermenting. 2) it doesn’t ferment well.
5. Now you see the first stage in the process of canning, 1) the workers are preparing the raw material. 2) the workers prepare the raw material very carefully.
6. The baker is busy now, 1) he works very hard. 2) he is mixing the dough.
7. The cans are not sterilized yet, 1) the workers seal the cans very quickly. 2) the workers are sealing them.
8. Wood burns well, 1) when there is enough oxygen in the air. 2) because we are pouring petrol on it.


Задание 4. Сочетание (be + V + ing) является сказуемым в Present Conti-nuous, если предшествующее слово означает субъект, совершающий действие. Это же сочетание является составным именным сказуемым, если подлежащее обозначает предмет или процесс, суть которого раскрывается в именной части сказуемого. Прочитайте следующие высказывания. Отметьте буквой «а» форму (be + V + ing), если она является формой настоящего продолженного времени, и буквой «b», если она является составным именным сказуемым в настоящем времени.


e.g. 1. The baker is busy: he is mixing the dough and making loaves. 2. The processes in the baking industry are mixing the dough, making loaves, baking and cooling
  1 – a, 2 – b


1. The interaction of an oxidant with another substance is burning.

2. Look! This piece of wood is burning well because there is enough oxygen.

3. The baker is making a loaf now.

4. Brewing is making malt into beer.

5. The first stage in the process of canning is preparing the raw material.

6. The engineer is preparing the laboratory equipment for the experiment.

7. A new method of pasteurization of milk is heating it to 205º - 207º F with a hold time of 3 sec. or less.

8. The assistant is heating the substance.


Задание 5. Письменно уточните следующие утверждения. Если форма «be + V + ing» означает действие, совершающееся в данный момент, замените ее выражением «be busy doing something», если же она раскрывает суть объекта, выраженного подлежащим, то замените ее выражением «consist in».

e.g. 1. The most important processes in canning industry are sealing the cans and sterilizing them. – The most important processes in canning industry consist in sealing the cans and sterilizing them. 2. The cans are not sterilized yet: the workers are sealing them. – The cans are not sterilized yet: the workers are busy sealing them.


1. One of the earliest known chemical processes is refining salt.

2. The experiment has not been finished: the chemist is refining the final compound.

3. The brewer now is putting the barley in water and then he will spread it out evenly on the floor of the malt-house to receive malt.

4. The first step in malting is putting the barley in water and spreading it out on the floor of the malt-house.

5. Broadly speaking making the dough is mixing flour with water.

6. The student is mixing yeast with water and a small quantity of flour.

7. Milling is passing the grain between two long steel rollers.

8. You see, now the miller is passing wheat between two long steel rollers which are designed to separate the endosperm from the bran coats.

9. The system of “preslicing” bread is cutting the loaf into slices by machinery and then wrapping the sliced loaf in airproof paper.


Задание 6. Быстро определите намерение автора и уточните его устно (т.е. воспроизведите предложение), вставляя в пропусках одно из следующих слов, а именно:

а) если речь идет о действии, совершающемся обычно или регулярно, вставьте соответственно “always” или “usually”;

б) если речь идет о действии, совершающемся в данный момент, вставьте “now”;

в) если автор говорит о том, в чем состоит суть объекта или процесса, вставьте “mainly”.

e.g. 1. Cooking scalloped potatoes is … mixing sliced raw potatoes with flour, fat and milk and baking them. (mainly) 2. Doctors … recommend cod-liver oil to built up resistance against infections. (usually)


1. If the temperature rises above 80º F, chocolate … softens and becomes liquid.

2. Electrical pasteurization is … passing the milk between electrodes arranged in such a manner so as to heat the milk to 161 – 163º F.

3. Most fruits … change their natural colour during sterilization.

4. As you can see, the dough is … increasing its volume.

5. The first stage in making beer is … changing the barley into malt.

6. Flour … keeps better when most of the germ is removed.

7. Making self-raising flour is … adding small amounts of bicarbonate of soda and calcium phosphate to the flour.

8. Scientists are … developing new methods of food pasteurization.


Задание 7. Прочитайте следующие тексты и будьте готовы отметить плюсом номера тех утверждений после них, которые соответствуют их содержанию (не заглядывая в текст). Время ограничено.

1. Look carefully at the way I am making the dough. This rather complex process is mainly mixing yeast with milk, eggs, flour, salt and sugar and beating it into a mixture. As a rule, I mix all the ingredients together at the same time, and let the mixture “rest” for several hours. But, as you can see, I am using a new technique: I am just mixing yeast with warm milk and a small quantity of flour. I want to add the remaining flour and other ingredients in half an hour.

(1) The speaker is preparing the dough.

(2) The speaker is beating the yeast, milk and a small quantity of flour into a mixture.

(3) She usually adds flour in half an hour.

(4) The mixture is “resting” now.


2. Potatoes can be cooked in a great variety of ways. My sister knows about ten recipes of cooking them. Now she is making stuffed potatoes, though she doesn’t often make this meal as it takes rather much time. But today she is expecting guests and wants to make something very tasty.

You see, she is selecting potatoes of the same size, washing them and cooking them in their skin. After that she is carefully removing the baked interior, mixing a part of it with cheese and butter and the rest with meat and butter. The last step in making stuffed potatoes is replacing the mixture in the skin. It is not very easy, but look, how well she is doing it.

(1) My sister knows very few ways of cooking potatoes.

(2) She seldom makes stuffed potatoes.

(3) She is peeling the potatoes.

(4) It is very easy to put the mixture into the skin.


Дифференциация между Прошедшим неопределенным и

Настоящим совершенным временем.


Задание 8. Прочтите утверждения в левой колонке и укажите номер того из них, продолжением которого служит фраза из правой колонки.

e.g. A. 1. He discovered a new chemical element. 2. He has discovered a new chemical element. It was the beginning of his long and successful career.
  B. 1. I put the kettle on and sat down in an armchair. 2. I have just put the kettle on. I can’t leave the kitchen at the moment.
  A – 1; B – 2.


A. 1. The nature of matter has interested men since ancient times. 2. The nature of matter interested men many centuries ago.   The result is chemistry.
B. 1. The Frenchman Antoine Augustin Parmentier invented twenty different ways of cooking potatoes. 2. The Frenchman Antoine Augustin Parmentier has invented twenty different ways of cooking potatoes.     He was one of the pioneers in the cooking potatoes.
C. 1. The word “sandwich” has appeared in all South European languages. 2. The word “sandwich” appeared in all South European languages.   It is also used in the Arabic and Turkish languages.
D. 1.The fisher folk of Norway, Greenland have used the liver oil of cods as a medicine. 2. The fisher folk of Norway, Greenland used the liver oil of cods as a medicine. Now the liver oil of cods and other fishes is given to babies in many countries besides Norway and Greenland.
E. 1. The egg has been a symbol of fertility. 2. The egg was a symbol of fertility. The ancient Persians worshiped it.
F. 1. Zero degrees centigrade has been adopted as the standard temperature for reporting gas volumes. 2. Zero degrees centigrade was adopted as the standard temperature for reporting gas volumes.   So the standard conditions are now 760 mm and 0º C.
G. 1. New classes of freeze-dried products, such as meat salads, have been developed for space feeding. 3. New classes of freeze-dried products, such as meat salads, were developed for space feeding.   These foods solved many problems of the first manned space flights.
H. 1. The cans have been sterilized. 2. The cans were sterilized. But we could not put them into boxes yesterday.


Задание 9. Напишите следующие утверждения, вставляя глагол в нужной форме.

e.g. At the end of the 18th century Appert (discovered, has discovered) the principle of canning food. – At the end of the 18th century Appert discovered the principle of canning food.


1. Now the potato (became, has become) a staple food in Britain, Northern Europe, parts of America, and Australia.

2. The potato (was unknown, has been unknown) in Europe until the second half of the 16th century.

3. Alchemy (interested, has interested) many learned men in the 12th and 13th centuries.

4. Since the middle of the 19th century two new and very important branches of chemistry (grew up, have grown up): these are organic chemistry and physical chemistry.

5. In the 19th century the science of chemistry (grew up, has grown up) very rapidly with the development of the atomic theory.

6. The closed sandwiches (steadily increased, have steadily increased) in popularity since the 18th century.

7. Scandinavia, Germany and East European countries (invented, have invented) their own open sandwiches which they call “butter breads”.

8. For centuries eggs (were, have been) the subject of legends and myths.


Дифференциация между сказуемым в Прошедшем неопределенном времени и определением, выраженным страдательным причастием.


Задание 10. Вторая и третья форма глаголов, оканчивающаяся на –ed, а также ряда неправильных глаголов одинаковы, поэтому если слово с данными признаками следует непосредственно за существительным, оно может быть либо сказуемым в прошедшем неопределенном времени, либо определением, выраженным страдательным причастием.

А) Прочитайте следующие утверждения и против номера каждого предложения отметьте, является ли подчеркнутая форма глагола сказуемым или определением. Для этого отбросьте мысленно всю подчеркнутую группу слов, относящихся к данному слову. Если остаток является законченным осмысленным утверждением, то данная глагольная форма является определением, а если нет, то сказуемым.

e.g. 1. The yeast added to the dough helps it rise. (Attribute) 2. The pepper added flavour to the meat, but made it spicy. (Predicate)

1. The centigrade scale used now in many countries was devised by Anders Celsius.

2. The earlier thermometers used alcohol coloured with a dye as the liquid in the tube.

3. The inert gases needed further investigation.

4. The amount of protein needed by the body varies with the age, sex, size, work and health.

5. The periodic table made the discovery of the unknown elements easier.

6. Bread made of barley flour is heavy.

7.Less than 30 years ago, hens consumed almost nine pounds of feed to produce a dozen eggs.

8.Today the amount of feed consumed by the hen is twice as little for the same number (a dozen) of eggs.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 53 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Задание 1. а) Прочитайте данные предложения, найдите в них сказуемое и назовите его. | Как, каким образом совершается действие, по каким критериям оценивается. | Прочитайте предложения и назовите сказуемые. | The preparation of fruit for canning | SANDWICHES |
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Смазка муфты производится двумя прижимными масленками.| Задание 12. Прочитайте начало следующих утверждений, найдите конец каждого из них и прочитайте их вслух целиком. Время ограничено.

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