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Starting-up financing

The young businessman must find sources of money that will last until revenue begins to exceed cash outflows. He must be creative in finding start-up funding. New small businesses can start with the businessman's own assets. On top of that, start-up financing may conic from freinds and relatives. The larger businesses can obtain funds from venture capital investors.

One of the personal assets the businessman can use to raise funds for the business is his home. The value of the home (hat the own has paid for is called the owner's equity in the home. By pledging this equity, the homeowner can obtain a second mortgage or a home equity loan.

A businessman can find another source of start-up financing by a life insurance policy. Many policies build up cash surrender value- the money that the policy holder can borrow at a low interest rate.

Those who need more funds can obtain a variable rate installment loan. It is a personal loan with an interest rate tied to the prime rate or some other index. When the index changes the rate changes in the same direction.

Some good sources of start-up funds are family members and friends. Many people can afford to lend at a low interest rate. The lender can share ownership of the business or can become a partner or shareholder in a corporation.

In some cases new companies can obtain cash from venture capital firms. These financial intermediaries specialize in funding ventures with good promise and invest in bysinesses which generate high profits within five years. Initially venture capital firms invested in high-tech industries, but now other branches enjoy this kind of financial especially those working in the health-care field. The venture capital firms provide seed money to start a new company, funds to help the venture grow and gain the market and money to buy out a business.




In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, The Careers Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first jobs. Career Officers give practical advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, National Insurance and Trade Unions.

This is an extract from a leaflet which is given to young people by Dorset

Careers Service:


You've got an interview for a job - good! So now for the hard work. To do well at an interview you need to put in some thought first.

The employer wants to know if you are the person he wants, so you'll be asked about yourself. Think about it now;

What do I do well?

What are my good points?

Why would I like this job?

Spare-time interests? Hobbies?

Marital status?

What is family like?

What do I like doing and why?

What do I not like doing and why?

School activities?

School subjects?

Previous work? (Previous experience?)

Saturday job?

You will want to ask questions too.

The job itself?



Further education?


Can I see where I would be working?


Write your questions down and take them with you.

When applying by letter:

1. Remember that first impressions are important.

2. Write clearly and neatly on good notepaper, unlined if possible.

3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word.


profit прибыль
syn: income доход
ant: a loss убыток
net profit чистый доход
profitable прибыльный, доходный
a consortium консорциум
to agree соглашаться
ant: to disagree не соглашаться; не соответствовать; быть вредным (о пище, климате и т.п.)
to agree to smth соглашаться с ч-л
to agree with smb соглашаться с к-л
an agreement соглашение, договор
to be binding(on) быть обязательным (для)
A good command of business English Is absolutely binding on an up-to-date manager. Хорошее владение деловым английским языком безусловно обязательно для современного менеджера.
a job работа; (разг.) место, служба, занятие
syn: an occupation занятие, род занятий
to get a job получать (находить) работу
ant: to lose a job потерять работу
to offer a job предлагать работу
to apply for a job искать работу; присматривать себе работу
syn: to look for a job I'm applying for a job as computer programmer.   Я ищу работу (место) программиста компьютера.
to apply for a job to … - обращаться по вопросу трудоустройства в...
to apply for a post - подавать заявление о приеме на должность
to apply by letter - обращаться с письмом
an application заявление
an application form- анкета (поступающего на работу)
an applicant претендент на должность; проситель
a school leaver выпускник школы
a graduate выпускник университета
He’s a graduate of Oxford. Он окончил Оксфордский университет).
The Careers Advisory Service Консультационное бюро по профориентации  
a career officer - консультант по профориентации
syn: a career master  
a carver woman работающая женщина, имеющая специальность  
She had the choice a home and a career. У нее был выбор между домом (семьей) и работой.  
to pay платить
pay - оплата, зарплата
What's the pay like here? Сколько здесь платят?


Victor Petrenko, the new Commercial Director of TST Systems, is going to England on business. He is telephoning John Cartwright. Victor is asking John to reserve a room at a hotel. After that Victor is buying an air ticket to London.


Telephone Conversation with the English Firm Телефонный разговор с английской фирмой
— Continental Equipment. Can I help you? — Continental Equipment. Чем я могу быть Вам полезна?
— I'd like to speak to Mr Cartwright, please. — Я бы хотел поговорить с м-ром Картрайтом.
Mr Cartwright? What isyour name, please? — С м-ром Картрайтом?Простите, а с кем я разговариваю?
— I am Victor Petrenko,fromTST Systems. — Я — Виктор Петренкоиз компании ТСТ Системз.
— Wait a minute, please.I'll find out if he is in. — Одну минуту, пожалуйста. Я узнаю, на месте ли он.
— What is it,Miss Elliot? — В чем дело, мисс Эллиот?
— Mr Petrenko wants to speak to you, sir. — С Вами хочет поговорить м-р Петренко.
— I'm very busy at the moment. Ask him to phone later. — Я сейчас очень занят. Попросите его позвонить попозже
— Yes, sir. — Хорошо, сэр.
— Oh... wait a minute. Miss Elliot. What is Mr Petrenko? — О... подождите одну минуту, мисс Эллиот. А кто он – этот м-р Петренко?
— He said he was from TST Systems. — Он сказал мне, чтоон изкомпании ТСТ Системз
— From TST Systems?...Oh,ask him what his telephone number is. I'll ring him back. — Из компании ТСТ Системз?... Узнайте его телефонный номер. Я позвоню ему сам.  
— Hello? This is Mr Cartwright's secretary speaking. — Алло. Это говорит секретарь м-ра Картрайта.
— Yes... Petrenko, here. — Да... Петренко слушает
— I'm sorry Mr Cartwright's very busy at the moment. Can you tell me your telephone number, Mr Petrenko? Mr Cartwright'11 call you later. — Я прошу прощения, но м-р Картрайт сейчас очень занят. Не могли бы Вы мне назвать свой телефонный номер? М-р Картрайт перезвонит Вам позже.  
— Of course. Double five-nine-three-six-four-two. — Конечно. 559-36-42.
—... and where areyou calling from? —... а откуда Вы звоните?


Дата добавления: 2015-08-09; просмотров: 89 | Нарушение авторских прав

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