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Mixed Conditionals

Study the following information.

All types of conditionals can be mixed. Any tense combination is possible if the context permits it.

If-clause Main clause
Type 2 If nobody paid the bill, Type 1 the electricity will be cut off.
Type 2 If he had money, Type 3 he would have brought her a gift
Type 3 If he had won the lottery, Type 2 he wouldn’t be asking for money now.

1. Make Type 1 conditional sentences as in the example.

E.g. If we cut down all the forests, the world climate will change.

1. cut down / all forests / world’s climate / change; 2. not stop / use / aerosols / destroy / ozone layer; 3. find / alternative sources of energy / solve / some of our environmental problems; 4. temperatures / go up / by a few degrees / sea level / rise; 5. recycle / waste / save / natural resources; 6. population / continue to increase / not be enough food for everyone.


2. Translate into English. Use Type I conditional

1. Якщо завтра буде морозно, ми не підемо кататися на лижах. 2. Цікаво, чи він прийде. Якщо прийде, він буде дуже здивований, побачивши нас тут. 3. Якщо я знайду її адресу, я відвідаю її. 4. Вона буде хвилюватися, якщо ви не зателефонуєте. 5. Вони отримають повідомлення вчасно, якщо ви відішлете його негайно. 6. Він із задоволенням прийде, якщо його запросять. 7. Якщо я буду вільним завтра ввечері, я відвідаю своїх батьків. 8. Вона розсердиться, якщо ти не виконаєш завдання. 9. Якщо він буде працювати, коли ви повернетеся, порадьте йому піти спати. 10. Я думаю, що якщо їй запропонують роботу, то вона погодиться. 11. Якщо ви будете працювати наполегливо, то до кінця дня закінчите роботу. 12. Ти не станеш вправним спортсменом, якщо не будеш багато тренуватися.

3. Study the situations, then make Type 2 conditional sentences.

A: 1.You don’t have a car, so you have to wait for the bus every day. If I ________ (have), I _________ (not / have to) wait for the bus every day. 2. I never do my homework, so my teacher always gets angry with me. If I ___________ (do) my homework, my teacher _________ (not / be angry) with me. 3. I live in a small house, so I can’t invite friends over. If I __________ (live) in a bigger house, I ___________ (be able to) invite friends over. 4. I never get up early, so I am always late for university. If I …………… (get) up earlier, I ……… (not/be) late for university.

B: If I _______ (know) his number, I _________ (phone) him. 2. I _______ (not/buy) this coat if I were you. 3. I _________ (help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t. 4. We would need a car if we ___________ (live) in the country. 5. If we had a choice, we ____________ (live) in the country. 6. This soup isn’t very good. It _________ (taste) better if it ________ (not / be) so salty. 7. I wouldn’t mind living in London if the weather _________ (be) better. 8. If I ______ (be) you, I __________ (not/wait). I _______ (go) now. 9. You’re always tired. If you __________ (not/go) to bed so late every night, you ________ (not/be) so tired all the time. 10. I think there are too many cars. If there __________ (not/be) so many cars, there _________ (not/be) so much pollution.


4. Translate into English. Use Type 2 conditionals.

1. Якби ви знали граматику краще, ви б не робили стількох помилок у ваших вправах. 2. Якби він був зараз тут, він, звісно, допоміг би нам. 3. Якби не було так пізно, я зателефонував би їй зараз. 4. Якби вона була більш терплячою, з нею було б легше мати справу. 5. Я б зайшов до тебе наступного тижня, якби мав вільну годину. 5. На вашому місці я б поїхав на південь. Я певен, це пішло б вам на користь. 6. Ви почувалися би краще, якби проводили більше часу на свіжому повітрі. 7. Якби ви справді любили читати, ви б завжди знайшли час для читання. 8. Якби в нього зараз були заняття, нам довелося б довго чекати. 9. Ви не запізнювалися б на заняття, якби виходили на 10 хвилин раніше. 10. Не будь він таким ледачим, він був би найкращим учнем. 11. Якби в нас було менше багажу, ми могли б піти до вокзалу пішки. 12. Вона не губила би речі так часто, якби не була такою неуважною.

5. Complete the sentences to make Type 3 conditional sentences.

1. If he ________________ (not/notice) the mould in one of his glass dishes, Alexander Fleming _______________ (never/discover) penicillin. 2.If he ____________ (sell) some of his paintings, Van Gogh ____________ (get) some recognition during his lifetime. 3. If Barbara Streisand ___________ (change) the form of her nose, her career ____________ (never/be) the same. 4. If Anne Sullivan ____________ (not/teach) her, Helen Keller ___________ (not / be able) to communicate. 5. If Naomi Campbell ___________ (not/be) so beautiful, she _________ (never / become) a supermodel.

6. Put the verb into the correct form.

1. I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I __________ (know), I ____________ (go) to see you. 2. Sam got to the station just in time to catch the train to the airport. If he ___________ (miss) the train, he ____________ (miss) the flight. 3. I’m glad that you reminded me about Amanda’s birthday. I ____________ (forget), if you ____________ (not/remind) me. 4. Unfortunately I forgot my address book when I went on holiday. If I ___________ (have) your address, I _________ (send) you a postcard. 5. A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time? A: It was OK, but we _____________ more if the weather_____________ (be) nicer. 6. I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad. It _______________ (be) quicker if I _________ (walk). 7. I’m not tired. If I ________ (be) tired, I’d go home now. 8. I wasn’t tired last night. If I _________ (be) tired, I _____________ (go) home then.


7. Translate into English. Use Type 3 conditionals.

1. Якби ти відправив мені SMS, я зайшов би до тебе вчора. 2. Ми б не запізнилися по потяг, якби взяли таксі. 3. Якби я не був так зайнятий на минулому тижні, я приєднався би до вашої екскурсії. 4. Якщо б він не відмовився допомагати нам, ми би вже закінчили роботу. 5. Якби вчора не було так холодно, ми, можливо, пішли на каток (skating-rink). 6. Можливо, ми б не заблукали, якби не було так темно. 7. Якщо ти прийшов би на лекцію вчора, ти б почув багато цікавого. 8. Якби я знав, що тобі потрібна ця книга, я б взяв її з собою. 9. Я б не зробив цієї помилки, якби був більш уважним, коли писав диктант. 10. Навіть якщо ти зателефонував мені вчора, я б не зміг прийти. 11. Він не впав би, якби не були так слизько. 12. У мене пішло багато часу, щоб перекласти цю статтю. Якщо б у мене був гарний словник, я б витратив менше часу.

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense,

1. A: Lauren was walking down the street and found a wallet. She took it to the police. B: If I ____________ (find) it, I ____________ (not/take) it to the police. 2. A: I decided against taking the examinations. Now I regret. B: Well, if you … (pass) them, you _________ (can/become) a successful businessman. 3 A: Should I buy that car? B: Why not? If I________ (be) you, I __________ (buy) it myself. 4. A: My sister seems very upset at the moment. B: If you ________ (be), I _________ (talk) to her about it. 5. A: What time will you be home tonight. B: I’m not sure. If I _________ (have to) work, I ___________(call) you. 6. A: Unless you ___________ (hurry), you _______ (be) late again. B: No, I won’t. There’s plenty of time. 7. A: Oh! I forgot to ask Sarah over to dinner. B: If I __________ (speak), I __________ (ask) her for you. 8. A: May I go out? B: Provided you _________ (do) your homework. 9. A: Mums seems very busy at the moment. B: If I _______ (be) you, I _________ (offer) to help you. 10. A: Hurry up, or else we ________ (miss) the train. B: I know, I’m being as quick as I can 11. A: Unless you _________ (work) hard, you ________ (fail) your exam. B: I know. I’ve been studying hard every evening. 12. A: Peter won’t help me with my homework. B: I’m sure he _________ (help) you if he ________ (have) the time. 13. A: I’m not going to tell him what happened. B: What if he ________ (find) out on his own? 14. A: If I _________ (not / buy) that lottery ticket, I ______________ (never / win) all this money! B: I know. Isn’t it amazing? 15. A: Unless you ________ (go) to bed now, you ________ (be) tired in the morning. B: I know. I’m going.


9. Choose the correct answer

1. The state of the economy …… provided that there is a change of the government.

a) improve; b) will improve; c) would improve;

2. ……. his advice, they couldn’t have hoped to receive such results anyway.

a) But for; b) Provided; c) Unless;

3. ‘Where is my book?’ – ‘If you ….. in the drawer, you’ll find it.’

a) will look; b) would look; c) look

4. ….. we get up on time, we will catch the train.

a) Unless; b) Provided; c) Supposing;

5. Were I you, I ….. him.

a) wouldn’t trust; b) won’t trust; c) don’t trust;

6. ‘You … a lot if you watch the news.’ – ‘I know. I watch it every day.’

a) learn; b) were learning; c) would learn;

7. ‘…. you wear warm clothes, you won’t get cold.

a) Unless; b) Providing; c) Supposing;

8. ‘Shall I invite John to the party?’ – ‘Well, if I were you, …. him.’

a) would invite; b) will invite; c) invited;

9. Suppose you …. the exam, what would you do?

a) failed; c) would fail; c) have failed;

10. …. the teacher comes back now, what will you?

a) When; b) Providing; c) Supposing;

11. ‘Could I see the menu, please?’ – ‘Yes, sir. If you... a seat, I will fetch it for you.’

a) had taken; b) take; c) will take;

12. ‘Don’t cry. Everything will be all right.’ ‘Yes, but if I … the bus, I wouldn’t have been late for school.’

a) didn’t miss; b) hadn’t missed; c) don’t miss;

13. When water boils, it … steam.

a) would produce; b) produce; c) produces;

14. ‘Can you help me, please?’ – ‘Well, if I wasn’t studying, I …. you.’

a) would help; b) help; c) will help;

15. ‘John crashed his car yesterday.’ – ‘I know. If he hadn’t been changing the CD, he ….’

a) won’t crash; b) wouldn’t crash; c) wouldn’t have crashed;

16. ‘Can I have some chocolate, please?’ – ‘If you behave yourself, I … some later.’

a) would buy; b) might buy; c) buy;

17. ‘Should you see Colin, … and tell me.’ – ‘I will.’

a) come; b) to come; c) will come;

18. If you hadn’t watched that film, you … nightmares.

a) wouldn’t have; b) wouldn’t have had; c) won’t have;

19. If I were rich, I … around the world.

a) will sail; b) can sail; c) could sail;

20. ‘Dad shouted at me today.’ – ‘Well, if you … the window, he wouldn’t have shouted at you.’

a) didn’t break; b) hadn’t broken; c) wouldn’t have broken


10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If I ________ (be) you, I wouldn’t drive in the snow. 2. If Peter was here, he ________ (be able to) help you. 3. If I had closed the window, the burglars __________ (not/break) into her house. 4. I __________ (call) for help if I got stuck in a lift. 5. Had I known him, I __________ (talk) to him. 6. John __________ (may/lose) his job if he is rude to the boss. 7. If you _________ (save) some money, you would have been able to go on holiday last year. 8. You may win if you __________ (take) part in contest. 9. If I had a toothache, I ________ (go) to the dentist. 10. They would have helped us move house if we ___________ (ask) them. 11. If Jane _______ (be) older, she could live by herself. 12. We would have changed our plans if we ___________ (hear) the weather forecast. 13. Emma __________ (send) a card if she had remembered it was their anniversary. 14. Robert ________ (feel) better if you talked to him. 15. If Sam was still living nearby, we ______________ (can/invite) him for dinner. 16. If you _________ (put) your money in your wallet, you would not have had it stolen. 17. If you _________ (like) chocolate, you will love this cake. 18. If Bill __________ (come) home early, he will eat dinner with us. 19. Sandra will join us later unless she _________ (have) a lot of work to do. 20. Unemployment will decrease provided the government …………. (take) appropriate measures.

11. Rewrite the sentences, as in the example.

1. He doesn’t know her. That’s why he didn’t speak to her. If he knew her, he would have spoken to her. 2. He lost his job. He’s unemployed now. ______________________3. His pet died. That’s why he’s unhappy now. ______________________ 4. She doesn’t have a mobile phone. That’s why she couldn’t be contacted yesterday. ________________________5. Tom didn’t see the boss earlier. He’s waiting for him now. ________________________ 6. He is allergic to seafood. That’s why he didn’t eat paella last night. ___________________________ 7. I lost my map. That’s why I’m asking for directions now. _______________________ 8. She doesn’t speak French. She didn’t have a good time in Paris. _________________________________ 9. He lost his wallet. He is unhappy now. ____________________________ 10. She didn’t go to the bank yesterday. That’s why she hasn’t got any money now. __________________________ 11. They went to a party last night. That’s why they are tired now. ________________________ 12. I crashed my car. That’s why I’m taking the bus today. ______________________________ 13. She didn’t do her homework yesterday. That’s why she is in trouble with her teacher. _____________________________________ 14. She is so disorganised. That’s why she missed the deadline._________________________15. The children were playing in the garden all day. That’s why they are dirty now. _____________________________________ 15. He doesn’t take his job seriously. That’s why he was dismissed. _______________________________

12. Rewrite the following as mixed conditional.

1. He’s not a good worker, so he wasn’t promoted. If he were a good worker, he would have been promoted. 2. They walked 40 kilometres, so they are exhausted now. __________________________ 3. You didn’t make an appointed, so we can’t see you tomorrow. ___________________________ 4. She didn’t take the medication and now she’s ill again. ___________________________ 5. The flight left on time, so they will be on time in Moscow by now. _________________________________ 6. They were working in the rain all day, so they are soaking wet now. ________________________________ 7. She didn’t study at all so she’ll do badly in the test. 8. He’s so gullible (довірливий) that he believed everything you said. ________________________ 9. She was talking all day, so her throat is sore now. _______________________________________10. He doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice, so he didn’t do what you suggested. ________________________________________11. He is not an honest person, so he didn’t tell the truth. ____________________________________ 12. They were awake last night so they are tired now. 13. You didn’t tell me earlier, so we are not going to the cinema to night. _________________________________ 14. She didn’t cancel the milk, so the milkman keeps delivering it. ________________________________ 15. The ship left Plymouth yesterday, so it will be in Spain now.



Study the following information.

We use the verb wish and the expression if only to express regret. If only is more emphatic than I wish.

a) for a polite imperative e.g. I wish you would stop shouting. (Please, stop shouting.)

b) to express our wish for a change in a situation or someone’s behaviour because we are annoyed by it. E.g. I wish the wind would stop blowing. (wish for a change in a situation) If only John would stop insulting people. (wish for a change in someone’s behaviour)

1. Wendy has just started university. It isn’t what she expected, and she is disappointed. Read what she says and make sentences, as in the example.

Example: My room is so small. – I wish my room wasn’t / weren’t so small.

1. The classes start so early. 2. I have to share the bathroom. 3. The kitchen is such a mess. 4. The tutors are so strict. 5. The classes are so hard to understand. 6. The people are not friendly. 7. I can’t visit my family because they are so far away. 8. I don’t have any friends.

2. Write sentences with wish.

1. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely). I wish _______________ 2. I don’t have a mobile phone (and I need one). I wish _________________ 3. Helen isn’t here (and I need to see her). I wish ________________ 4. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather). I ___________________ 5. I live in a big city (and I don’t like it). ____________________ 6. I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to). _____________________ 7. I have to work tomorrow (and I’d like to stay in bed). ____________________ 8. I don’t know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down). ___________________ 9. I’m not feeling well (and it’s not nice). ______________________


3. Jason has been for an interview. He didn’t get a job. Read what he says and make sentences, as in the example.

Example: I didn’t know much about the company. – I wish I had known more about the company.

1. I wasn’t wearing a suit. 2. I was nervous. 3. I didn’t shake hands with my interviewer. 4. I forgot what I wanted to say. 5. I didn’t answer the interviewer’s questions properly. 6. My letter of application was badly typed. 7. I spilt the cup of tea I was given.

4. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish.

1. You’ve eaten too much and now you feel sick. You say: I wish I ______________ 2. There was a job advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. Now you think your decision was wrong. You say: I wish _________________ 3. When you were younger, you never learned to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this. You say: I wish __________________ 4. You have painted the gate red. Now you think that red was the wrong colour. You say: ___________________ 5. You are walking in the country. You’d like to take some photographs, but you didn’t bring the camera. You say: ______________________ 6. You have some unexpected quests. They didn’t phone first to say that they were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them You say: _____________________


5. Elise is a famous singer. These are some of the things she finds annoying. Read what she says and make sentences, as in the example.

Example: People stare at me everywhere I go. – I wish people wouldn’t stare at me everywhere I go.

1. Paparazzi follow me everywhere. ___________________ 2. People ask me to sing at parties. ______________________ 3. Magazines print false stories about my private life. ______________________ 4. Photographers take photos of me all the time. ________________ 5. People make me sign autographs wherever I go. ________________________ 6. People never give me any privacy. _________________


6. Put the verb in the correct form.

1. It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I ___________ (not/say) it. 2. I’m fed up with this rain. I wish it __________ (stop). 3. It’s a difficult question. I wish I ___________ (know) the answer. 4. I should have listened to you. I wish I ___________ (take) your advice. 5. You’re lucky to be going away. I wish I _________ (can/go) with you. 6. I have no energy at the moment. I wish I __________ (not / be) so tired. 7. It would be nice to stay here longer. I wish we _________ (not / have) to leave now. 8. Aren’t they ready yet? I wish they ________ (hurry) up. 9. ‘When you were in London last year, you didn’t have time to see all the things you wanted to see.’ – ‘I wish I __________ (can / stay) longer.’ 10. It’s freezing today. I wish it __________ (not / be) so cold. I hate cold weather. 11. Joe still doesn’t know what she wants to do. I wish she __________(be) a doctor. 12. I really didn’t enjoy the party. I wish I __________ (not / go).


7. Translate into English.

1. Жаль (Шкода), що тебе зараз немає. 2. Я б хотів, щоб вона не була такою сором’язливою. 3. Жаль, що ви покарали хлопчика. 4. Жаль, що він такий байдужий до спорту. 5. Було б добре, якби дощ скінчився. 6. Жаль, що ви не оцінили його досвіду. 7. Як жаль, що ви розчарувалися в цьому методі. 6. Жаль, що ви не прийняли цієї пропозиції. Вона видається цілком розумною. 7. Я б хотів, щоб ви змогли переконати свою сестру, що вона не права. 8. Жаль, що експеримент закінчився невдачею. Його, напевно, погано підготували. 9. Мамі хотілося, щоб її син більше любив музику. Їй би не доводилося примушувати його грати на піаніно. 10. Шкода, що ми не почали роботу відразу, як прийшли. 11. Шкода, що мене не навчили говорити якоюсь іноземною мовою в дитинстві. 12. Шкода, що ми не замовили квитків на цей рейс.


Study the following information.

We use the verb wish and the expression if only to express regret. If only is more emphatic than I wish.

a) for a polite imperative e.g. I wish you would stop shouting. (Please, stop shouting.)

b) to express our wish for a change in a situation or someone’s behaviour because we are annoyed by it. E.g. I wish the wind would stop blowing. (wish for a change in a situation) If only John would stop insulting people. (wish for a change in someone’s behaviour)

1. Wendy has just started university. It isn’t what she expected, and she is disappointed. Read what she says and make sentences, as in the example.

Example: My room is so small. – I wish my room wasn’t / weren’t so small.

1. The classes start so early. 2. I have to share the bathroom. 3. The kitchen is such a mess. 4. The tutors are so strict. 5. The classes are so hard to understand. 6. The people are not friendly. 7. I can’t visit my family because they are so far away. 8. I don’t have any friends.

2. Write sentences with wish.

1. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely). I wish _______________ 2. I don’t have a mobile phone (and I need one). I wish _________________ 3. Helen isn’t here (and I need to see her). I wish ________________ 4. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather). I ___________________ 5. I live in a big city (and I don’t like it). ____________________ 6. I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to). _____________________ 7. I have to work tomorrow (and I’d like to stay in bed). ____________________ 8. I don’t know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down). ___________________ 9. I’m not feeling well (and it’s not nice). ______________________


3. Jason has been for an interview. He didn’t get a job. Read what he says and make sentences, as in the example.

Example: I didn’t know much about the company. – I wish I had known more about the company.

1. I wasn’t wearing a suit. 2. I was nervous. 3. I didn’t shake hands with my interviewer. 4. I forgot what I wanted to say. 5. I didn’t answer the interviewer’s questions properly. 6. My letter of application was badly typed. 7. I spilt the cup of tea I was given.

4. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish.

1. You’ve eaten too much and now you feel sick. You say: I wish I ______________ 2. There was a job advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. Now you think your decision was wrong. You say: I wish _________________ 3. When you were younger, you never learned to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this. You say: I wish __________________ 4. You have painted the gate red. Now you think that red was the wrong colour. You say: ___________________ 5. You are walking in the country. You’d like to take some photographs, but you didn’t bring the camera. You say: ______________________ 6. You have some unexpected quests. They didn’t phone first to say that they were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them You say: _____________________


5. Elise is a famous singer. These are some of the things she finds annoying. Read what she says and make sentences, as in the example.

Example: People stare at me everywhere I go. – I wish people wouldn’t stare at me everywhere I go.

1. Paparazzi follow me everywhere. ___________________ 2. People ask me to sing at parties. ______________________ 3. Magazines print false stories about my private life. ______________________ 4. Photographers take photos of me all the time. ________________ 5. People make me sign autographs wherever I go. ________________________ 6. People never give me any privacy. _________________


6. Put the verb in the correct form.

1. It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I ___________ (not/say) it. 2. I’m fed up with this rain. I wish it __________ (stop). 3. It’s a difficult question. I wish I ___________ (know) the answer. 4. I should have listened to you. I wish I ___________ (take) your advice. 5. You’re lucky to be going away. I wish I _________ (can/go) with you. 6. I have no energy at the moment. I wish I __________ (not / be) so tired. 7. It would be nice to stay here longer. I wish we _________ (not / have) to leave now. 8. Aren’t they ready yet? I wish they ________ (hurry) up. 9. ‘When you were in London last year, you didn’t have time to see all the things you wanted to see.’ – ‘I wish I __________ (can / stay) longer.’ 10. It’s freezing today. I wish it __________ (not / be) so cold. I hate cold weather. 11. Joe still doesn’t know what she wants to do. I wish she __________(be) a doctor. 12. I really didn’t enjoy the party. I wish I __________ (not / go).


7. Translate into English.

1. Жаль (Шкода), що тебе зараз немає. 2. Я б хотів, щоб вона не була такою сором’язливою. 3. Жаль, що ви покарали хлопчика. 4. Жаль, що він такий байдужий до спорту. 5. Було б добре, якби дощ скінчився. 6. Жаль, що ви не оцінили його досвіду. 7. Як жаль, що ви розчарувалися в цьому методі. 6. Жаль, що ви не прийняли цієї пропозиції. Вона видається цілком розумною. 7. Я б хотів, щоб ви змогли переконати свою сестру, що вона не права. 8. Жаль, що експеримент закінчився невдачею. Його, напевно, погано підготували. 9. Мамі хотілося, щоб її син більше любив музику. Їй би не доводилося примушувати його грати на піаніно. 10. Шкода, що ми не почали роботу відразу, як прийшли. 11. Шкода, що мене не навчили говорити якоюсь іноземною мовою в дитинстві. 12. Шкода, що ми не замовили квитків на цей рейс.

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