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The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense.

Читайте также:
  1. Future Progressive or Future Simple
  2. Future Work Will Determine
  3. Grammar Exercise. Transform the sentences from Future Indefinite into Future-in-lhe-PasL
  5. Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or Present Perfect).
  6. Task 15. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.
  7. Task 16. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.


  +   -     ?  
s hail/will + V   shall/will + V. ■ sh all/wi ll + V
I He She We You They shall will write shal1 work will get I He She We You They   shall not (shan't) will not (won't) write shall not work get-will not Shall Will Shall Will I he she we you They write..? work...? get...?

Exercise 1. Agree or disagree.

Example: - You work hard every day, don't you?.' - Yes, I do. I have a lot of work. (- No, I don't. I have a rest). 1. You live in this street, don't you? 2. Your friend lives at. home, doesn't he?


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3. He gets up at 7, doesn't he?

4. You leave home very early, don't you?

5. Your sister takes her bath in the morning, doesn't she?

6. You study at the University, don't you?

7. Your brother leams English at school, doesn't he?

8. You meet her in the library, don't you?

9. They always watch TV in the evening, don't they?
10. She comes back home late, doesn't she?

Exercise 2. Give negative or positive answers. Example: - Does your friend get up early?

- No, he doesn't. He gets up late.

(- Yes, he does. He gets up earlier than me.)

1. Do your friends call on you on Sundays?

2. Does your friend know your sister?

3. Do you go to bed late at night?

4. Do you switch off the light when you leave the room? 6. Does your father leave for work early?


6. Do you have breakfast at 7 o'clock?

7. Does she leave the office at 6?

8. Does Alex work at a joint venture?

9. Do your lessons begin at 8?

10. Does your mother go abroad on business?

Exercise 3. Agree, follow the example.

Example: (Pete / to play chess well.)

- I think, Pete plays chess well, doesn't he?

- Yes, you are right. He really plays chess well.


1. Petrov / to swim well.

2. She / to drive a car badly. 3. Ann /to write English well.


4. Their director / to speak Japanese badly.

5. Our friend / to translate letters quickly.

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6. She / to speak German fluently.

7. Ann / to sing beautifully.

8. Nick / to play football badly.

9. She / to answer the questions quickly. 10. They / to do well at the University.

Exercise 4. Express surprise.

Example: - Nick takes a shower in the morning.

- Does Nick really take a shower in the mor

1. Nelly comes home very late.

2. We have dinner at home.

3. She often walks in the park on evenings.

4. They get uр early every day.

5. TV programmes begin at 10 o'clock.

6. His parents work at the factory.

7. My sister has two little children.

8. Mary does morning exercises.

9. He likes to read detective stories.

10. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the University.

Exercise 5. Disagree with the following statements. Example: - Pete lives in a new district.

- Pete doesn't live in a new district.

1. He likes to watch TV every evening.

2. His son comes to see him rather often.

3. Nelly studies very well.

4. My friend works regularly.

5. They take part in social life of the faculty.

6. Our students always take notes.

7. We study three foreign languages.

8. We have 7 lectures weekly.

9. Nelly makes mistakes when she speaks English.
10. Our students solve all tasks quickly.

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Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

1. What foreign languages do you need in your work?

2. How many hours do you work every day?

3. When do you usually have your classes?

4. How well do you know English?

5. Do you make many mistakes when you speak English?

6. Where does your friend study?

7. When do you get up?

8. Why do people want to know foreign languages?

9. Where does your father go abroad on business?


10. Who brings the letters and cables in the morning?

11. How long does it take you to get to the University?

12. Where do you go every day?

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Мой друг изучает два иностранных языка.

2. Его сын не живет в Москве.

3. Вы читаете много английских книг?

4. Они работают в нашей библиотеке после уроков.

5. Этот студент переводит английские тексты очень легко.

6. Мы изучаем много интересных предметов.

7. Ане требуется 40 мин., чтобы добраться до университета

8. Мои друзья знают французский очень хорошо.

9. Что вы делаете обычно в выходные дни?


10. Иногда она заканчивает работу позже 6 часов.

11. Вечером я обычно читаю газеты, журналы или смотрю теле-визор.

12. Русские ученые сотрудничают с зарубежными учеными,
13. Они принимают важные решения каждый раз.

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Exercise 8. Open the brackets and put verbs according to the Tense.

1. He (leave) home at 9 every day.

2. Children usually (sleep) very soundly.

3. Englishmen seldom (speak) at breakfast.

4. What he (do) after breakfast?

5. I (speak) English fairly well and (know) German a litt­le.

6. It often (rain) in autumn.

7. Where she (come) from?

8. How you (get) usually to the University?

9. At the end of each term we (take) several examinations.
10. After lessons some of the students (go) to the library

and others (work) at home.

Exercise 9. Say that you did the same.

Example: - Jane got up at 8 yesterday. And you?

- I got up at 8, too.

1. My brother had breakfast at 9 yesterday. And you?

2. He finished work at 6 yesterday. And you?

3. My sister telephoned her friend last night. And you?

4. My parents went to bed at 10 yesterday. And you?

5. They came home early last night. And you?

6. The guests left late at night. And you?

7. Ann met her friends some days ago. And you?

8. They were pleased to see you. And you?

9. We asked her about her children. And you?

10. He invited his friends to the party. And you?

Exercise 10. Agree with the following sentences.

Example: - Ann went to the cinema yesterday, didn't she?

- Yes, she did. She saw a new French film

1. Kate went to the theatre the other day, didn't she?

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2. She came to the theatre on time, didn't she?

3. We answered all your questions, didn't we?

4. They got a very interesting letter from their friends, didn't they?

5. She took a book from a library last week, didn't she?

6. My brother read much when he was a school- boy, didn't he?

7. You met your parents at the airport a day ago, didn't you?

8. She understood all the laws, didn't she?

9: The Students helped you to solve that task, didn't they? 10. She came home late yesterday, didn't she?

Exercise 11. Express surprise.

Example: - They discussed a very interesting book last

time. - Did they really discuss a very interesting


1. My brother left for work early yesterday.

2. He received people from our University.

3. He worked from 9 to 9 yesterday.

4. They saw many people when they went to the cinema.

5. He spoke to the President a week ago.

6. Last winter I spent a lot of time in the library.

7. I often went to the country last summer.

8. They discussed problems with the Dean.

9. He played football very well some years ago.

10. I often swam in the swimming - pool at the University.

Exercise 12. You don't hear what your friend is saying-Example: - I played tennis yesterday. - Pardon. What did you play? 1. I played the piano some time ago. (What) 2. I danced at the party last night. (Where)

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3. I watched TV last Sunday. (When)

4. I missed the morning train.' (What)

5. I trTecTto contact you yesterday. (Whom)

6. I went to a concert last week. (Where)

7. I telephoned my friend last week. (When)

8. I got a letter from my foreign friend a week ago. (What)

9. I read a very interesting book last month. (What)
10. I spent my holiday in the country. (Where).

Exercise 13. Disagree with the following.

Example: - She answered their questions.

- She didn't answer their questions.

1. My friend came home early that night.

2. They gave him a cup of tea after dinner.

3. We saw him at the pictures.

4. It stopped raining in the evening.

5. He lived in the country last summer.

6. 1 bought this book a Week ago.

7. She told me about her tea - party.

8. He asked me to give him your telephone number.

9. I phoned you yesterday.

10. The students finished their work last week.

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

1. Вчера вечером я решала очень трудную вадачу.

2. За ужином все говорили о погоде.

3. Я не поверил этой истории.

4. Когда декан вернулся из командировки?

5. Студенты читали и переводили тексты на прошлом уроке.

6. Я прочитал вашу статью на прошлой неделе.

7. Вчера мои друзья посетили новую выставку.

8. На прошлой неделе мы проводили опыт в лаборатории.'

9. Никто не заметил ату ошибку.

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10. Когда я был моложе, я не любил такую музыку.

Exercise 15. Open the brackets and put the verbs according to the Tense.

1. My friend (enter) the University last year.

2. She (write) this exercise last week.

3. When you (see) that new film?

4. We (enjoy) our holidays very much.

5. I (go) to the South with my friends last summer.

6. We (take) many pictures.

7. When you (receive) the last letter?

8. We (begin) our meeting a few minutes ago.

9. I (have) a very good time in Karelia last year.

10. He (speak) to a manager about this problem when he was in Kiev.

Exercise 16. Express surprise.

Example: - We shall see each other tomorrow.

- Shall we really see each other tomorrow?

1. Nelly will come in the evening.

2. He will thank you for it some day.

3. I shall come back to you in a few days.

4. You will find it out very soon.

5. She will stay with him.

6. In a week our group will take an exam.

7. There will be a lot of people at the lecture today.

8. I hope Nick will remember us.

9. I shall be able to go to classes soon,

10. The talk will be interesting for you.

Exercise 17. Answer the following questions.

1. Why will you have to get up early tomorrow?

2. How long will it take you to get to theUniversity?

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3. What will you do after lessons?

4. Where will you go with your friend?

5. When will your sister come back?

6. What will your teacher ask?

7. Where will your parents go for their holidays?

8. What shall we do" in the evening?

9. What will you have for dinner?


10. Why will you leave your home early?

11. What books will you take from the library?

12. How long will they stay in the laboratory?

Exercise 18. Agree with the following statements. Example: - He will come tomorrow, won't he? - Yes, he will. He promised.

1. My sister will do it herself, won't she?

2. The weather will be fine tomorrow, won't it?

3. The days will get longer very soon, won't they?

4. It will rain in the evening, won't it?

5. Your parents will soon return from abroad, won't they?

6. You will carry the box, won't you?

7. You will listen to the tape, won't you?

8. You will write a letter for me, won't you?

9. You will introduce me to her, won't you? 10. They will Start tomorrow, won't they?

Exercise 19. Complete up the following sentences. Example: Next year he will go to England.

1. In a week I (to go to the theatre).

2. Tomorrow his brother (to come to see us).

3. Tonight he (to find time for it).

4. In summer they (to leave for Moscow).

5. In the morning the doctor (to visit your child).

6. Next summer our family (to live in the country).

7. In a day or two she (to bring a book).

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8. On Sunday the children (to go to the Zoo).

9. Tonight all of them (to gather in the club). 10, The day after tomorrow we (to go shopping).

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Завтра у нас будет интересная дискуссия. 2. В субботу будет плохая погода.

3. Вы пойдете в театр на следующей неделе?

4. Мой друг вернется через день или два.

б. Студенты будут работать в этой лаборатории.

6. Когда вы начнете новый эксперимент?

7. Мы встретимся послезавтра.

8. Делегация посетит новую выставку.

9. Они ответят вам по телефону.

10. Мой брат пойдет в школу через год.

ШИТ 8.

The Continuous Tenses.

to be + Participle I


Present Past Future
I am + playing he sne is + playing it   we you are + playing they   I he was + play- she ing it   we you were + play- thev ing   I shall be + playing he she will be + play-it ing we shall be + play- ing you they will be + play- ing

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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use am /is /are.

1. Listen! Helen... playing the piano.

2. They... building a new hotel in the city centre now.

3. Look! Somebody... swimming in the river.

4. The children... doing their homework at the moment.

5. Don't go out now. It... raining.

6. "Where are you, Ann?" "In the kitchen. I... cooking a meal".

7. "... you watching TV?" - "No, I... not."

8. "What... the girls doing?" - "They... playing in the garden."

9. Please don't make so much noise. My brother... study­ing.


10. Nick is in England now. He... learning English.

11. Can you hear those people? What... they talking about?

12. That machine... not working. It broke down this mor­ning.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

l.Are you sitting in the laboratory?

2. Are you looking at the blackboard?

3. Are you writing notes?

4. Are you thinking about your lesson?

5. What are you thinking about?

6. What are you looking at?

7. Who is sitting to the left of you?

8. Who is sitting to the right of you?

9. What are you doing now?

10, What lesson are you having now?

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Exercise 3. What's happening at the moment? Write true sentences. Example: I/wash/my hair.

- I am not washing my hair now.

1. It / snow. -

2. I / sit / on a chair. -

3. He /learn / English. -

4. My mother / listen / to the radio. -

5. the sun / shine /. -

6. I / smoke / a cigarette. -

7. We / read / a newspaper. -


8. I / wear / shoes. -

9. They / eat / apples. -


10. We / have / dinner. -

11. I / watch / TV. -

12. The telephone /ring. -

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions. Say what people were doing at the time mentioned. Example 1: What were you doing yesterday morning? (to have an English lesson). -Yesterday morning I was having an English lesson.

1. What was Fred doing at 7.30 this morning? (to get ready for the trip).

2. What were the children doing all Sunday afternoon? (to


3. What was your daughter doing at 8 last night? (to watch


4. What were your family doing the whole Saturday? (to

sunbathe on the bank of the river).

5. What were Peter and John doing in the afternoon? (to
play football).

6. What was your friend doing at 2 today? (to write a let­

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7. What were you and your groupmates doing all the mor­ning? (to file the programme on the disc).

8. What was Mary doing when you. rang her up? (to have bre­akfast).

9. What were the girls doing when the teacher came in? (to discuss the latest news).

10. What was Jack doing in the library in the morning? (to get ready for the report).

Example 2: What were you doing on Sunday when it was raining? (to get ready for my lecture). - When it was raining I was getting ready for my lecture.

1. What were you doing while your children were doing the­ir homework? (to work at my report).

2. What was Henry looking through while you were talking to the chief? (to look through the prospect).

3. What were they listening to when we came in? (light mu­sic).

4. What was Jimmy reading while he was waiting for you? (a magazine),

5. What was your wife listening to while she was cooking dinner? (the concert).

6. What was your son doing on the bank while you Were
• swimming? (to play tennis with Jack).

7. What were they doing when it was snowing yesterday? (to drive home).

8. Who were you waiting for while I was having a talk with the professor? (to wait for his secretary).

9. Who was discussing the plans for the coming week-end when George returned home? (his parents).

10. What was Mr. Wilson doing when 1 entered the classroom? (to answer the questions).

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Exercise 5. Are you going to do these things tomorrow?

Example: To buy a car. - 1 am not going to buy a car or I am going to buy a car.

1. To get up at 6.30. 7. To buy some books.

2. To have lunch. 8. To write a report.

3. To watch TV in the morning. 9. To phone you tonight.

4. To cook a meal. 10. To play the piano.

5. To ride a bicycle. 11. To pass an exam.

6. To visit me again. 12. To lend you money.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences. Use to be going to +

one of these verbs: Example: My hair is dirty. I am going to wash it.

watch rain lie leave eat walk give pass study rain

1. I don't want to go home by bus. I...

2. John's university course begins in October. He....


3. Take an umbrella with you. It...

4. I'm hungry. I..... this sandwich.

5. It's Peter's birthday next week. We.... him a pre-


6. I feel tired. I.... down for an hour.

7. Carol is very busy now. She.... an examination.

8. The sky is overcast. It.....

9. There is a very interesting TV programme tonight. We...... it.

10. It is 8.00. Tom.... his house at 8.15.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences.

1. "Can you help me for a minute?" "I'm sorry, I... (work / am working)


2. How many languages...? (do you speak / are you spea­king)

3. "What...?" "I am looking at the weather forecast". (do you do / are you doing).

4. "What time...?" "At seven o'clock, usually" (do you get up / are you getting up)

5. Pete... football most weekends. (plays / is playing)

6. "What...?" "Chocolate" (do you eat / are you eating)

7. "Have you got a cigarette?" "Sorry, I..." (don't smoke / am not smoking)

8. I usually... on Saturdays. (work / am working)

9. "Is John here?" "No, he... tennis (plays / is playing)

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Читайте в этой же книге: UNIT 2. | UNIT 4. | UNIT 5. | МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ И ИХ ЭКВИВАЛЕНТЫ, ВЫРАЖАЮЩИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ | May (Might). | The Passive Voice | The operation will be watched by young doctors. | Nobody laughed at him when he said it. | Disjunctive Question. Разделительный вопрос. |
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UNIT 7.| The Perfect Tenses.

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