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The Pronoun.


  The Personal Pronouns. The Nomina­tive Case. The Personal Pronouns. The Objective Case. The Posses­sive Prono­uns. The Posses­sive Prono­uns. The Absolute Form The Reflex- ive-Emphasi-zing Pro­nouns.
I - Я me - меня, мне my - мой mine - мой myself

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he - он she - она it - он, она, оно we - мы you - вы they - они him - ему, его her - ей, ее it - его, ему, ей us - нас, нам you - вас, вам them - их, им his - его her - ее its - его, ее our - наш your - ваш their - их   his - его hers - ее its - его, ее ours - наш yours- ваш theirs- их himself herself itself ourselves yourself yourselves themselves  

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the personal pronouns.

1.... are married.

2.... have a young sister, whose name is Rosemary.

3. The next lesson is English.... likes it.

4. There are a lot of boys in our group, but... don't li­ke History.

5. How old are...?

6.... does her homework regularly.

7. At half past twelve... is time for lunch and... go to the students' canteen.

8.... are at the theatre now.

9.... always change my books at the library.

10.... is the beginning of November now.

11.... am sure he will have a bright future.

12. There are many flowers in the garden.... are so beauti­ful!

13. Lida is a bright student.... is a good friend, too.-

14. My parents have many books.... are of great interest.

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Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences, using the personal pro­nouns. Example: Michael lives in a big house - He lives in a big house.

1. Mary opens the window.

2. Vera and Susan go home.

3. The book is on the table.

4. Thomas and I sit in the car.

5. John sees a boy.

6. After supper my parents usually watch TV.

7. Her friend gets to town by train.

8. Barbara lives with her mother.

9. Nickolas and Erica can play the piano. 10. Mr. Brown is a doctor.

Exercise 3. Use the possessive pronouns.

Example 1: Give me... (вашу) pen, please -

Give me your pen, please. Example 2: This is not... (моя) pen,... (моя) is

blue -This is not my pen, mine is blue.

1. This book is... (моя).

2. They gave us... (их) books.

3. I haven't got a dictionary. Can you give me... (ваш)?

4. How difficult... (моя) life is!

5. That bag is... (ее).

6.... (его) mother wrote this letter.

7. Johnny does... (свою) homework every day.

8. Those girls are... (ее) sisters.

9. Take... (мою) pen.... (моя) is better.


10. I know ... (его) brother but I do not know..., (твое­го).

11. This dictionary is... (наш).

12. This young man is... (их) brother.

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13. What colour are... (ее) eyes?... (его) are blue.

14.... (мой) friend is a young pilot. What about... (их) friends?

15.... (наша) classroom is large, and... (ваша)? Exercise 4. Translate the sentences, using the reflexive -emphasizing pronouns. Example: Я видел это сам. - Я saw it myself.

1. Он говорил о себе.

2. Она сама написала это письмо.

3. Они сами это сказали.

4. Он сердился сам на себя (to be angry with).

5. Я всегда сам делаю домашнюю работу.

6. Они сами сделали этот эксперимент.

7. Она увидела себя в зеркале.

8. Мы можем это сделать сами.

9. Я видел это сам.

10. Вы сами это можете написать?

The Indefinite Pronouns.


Неопределенные местоимения Исчисляемые существительные
many - многие, много few - мало (очень мало) a few - немного, несколько books cars people children students
Неопределенные местоимения Неисчисляемые существи- тельные
much - много little мало (очень мало) a little - немного, некоторое количество time work news coffee

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Exercise 5. Use mich, many.

1. How... eggs are there in the fridge, Paul?

2. We don't need... orange juice.

3. Is there... meat in the fridge?

4. There isn't... fruit at home, and there isn't... fish either.

5. Do you really need so.... sugar?

6. He says he couldn't bring... carrots.

7. Have you got... money?

8. There is... snow in the streets.

9. Susan is an excellent student. She has... books and... friends.


10.... people walk along the street during business hours.

11. There are... cities in the United States.

12.... of what he says is true.

13. He has so... problems at present.

14. I've got... time.

15. How... sugar is there in ray tea?

Exercise 6. Use (a) few, (a) little.

i. There is... milk in the jug.

2. Is there so... salt left?

3. I'm delighted. Tom has made very... mistakes in the

4. There are... lumps of sugar left.

5. There is... sugar left.

6. Is there really so... bread left?

7. Three biscuits are not many, they are....


8. I know... about painting.

9. There are... flowers in my garden.


10. I have... free time.

11. I have... English books at home.

12. Give me... time, please.

13. She has very... friends here.

14. Ann has... French books, she wants to buy some more.


  + some ? any - no, not any
There are somebooks on the table. There is someIbread on the plate. Are there anybooks on the table? Is there anybread on the plate? There are nobooks on the table. There are not anybooks on the table. There is nobread on the plate. There is not anybread on the plate.


somebody / + someone something ? anybody / anyone anything - nobody / none nothing
Give me something to read, please.   Somebodyis oo- ming here. Can you give me anythingto read? Doyou see anybodythere? I have nothinginteresting to read. I see nobodyin the iroom.


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a. Everybody is here. b. Has anybody seen my boy? с I probably left them somewhere in the house. d. He goes everywhere by train. e. Somebody robbed met f. Nobody helped me.

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Exercise 7. Translate the following into Russian.

Pay attention to the pronouns some, any, no.

1. There are some pictures on the wall.

2. There is not any bread on the plate.

3. There is some chalk in the box.

4. He has no English books at home.

5. Is there any clean water here?

6. There is some clean paper on the table.

7. There are some magazines on the shelf.

8. There is not any shop in this house.

9. Have you got any friends in your group?


10. Have you any classes today?

11. I have no car of my own.

12. Are there any students in the lab?

13. Give her some clean notebooks.

14. Give me some English books.

15. I put no sugar into my coffee.

16. There is no milk in the cup.

Exercise 8. Choose the right word: some, something, somebo­dy, any anything, anybody, no, nothing, nobody.

1. I have... relatives in London.

2. There is... at home.

3. There is... interesting on TV tonight.

4. Is there... on this desk?

5. Have they... chairs in the kitchen?

6. Is there... in the bathroom?

7. We have... friends in Paris.

8. There is... in the fridge.

9. There is... in the house.


10. Have you got... questions?

11. Is there... interesting in today's paper? 12. There is light in the flat.... is at home.

13.... knows their new address.


14.... asked you to do it.

15. 0ive me... to eat.

16. He said....

17. We did not take... from the table.

Exercise 9. Combine the sentences below.

1. Where is my purse?

2. Mike doesn't like to drive.

3. We must begin the meeting.

4. I lost my keys.

5. Where did Johnny go?

6. The exam was very difficult.

Exercise 10. Give negative answers.

Use anybody, nobody, anything.

Example: Is there anybody behind the door? -No, I think there's nobody there.

1. Have you anything to eat?

2. Is there any coffee in the house?

3. Are there any clerks at the meeting?

4. Is there any news?

5. Is anybody waiting for me?

6. Are there any mistakes in my translation?

7. Are there any questions for me?


8. Is there any sugar in my tea?

9. Have you got any money on you?


10. Is there anything new in this programs?

11. Are you going to buy anything on the way home?

12. Is hereading anything now?

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13. Is there anybody in the lab at the moment?

14. Have you got anything to tell me?

15. Is there anybody from London at the conference?

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with no, not any

and compound pronouns of some, any, no:

See, what our morning is like.

It's busy morning in fact. Mr. Bridge has... free ti­me. He is dictating... to the secretary. Miss Brooks is talking to... on the phone. Jane is looking through She isn't talking to....

- Is... having coffee?

- No,... is having coffee.

~ Is there... unusual this morning?

- No,... unusual. Every morning is like that.

- Why are you not doing...?

- There is... work for me today. I am a trainee (прак­тикант).

- Is there... in the boss's room?

- Yes, there is... there. They are discussing... impor­tant.

- Is there... I can do for you?

- No, thank you. There is... urgent at the moment.

- Are you looking for...?
- No.

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