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Структура The re +be

  There is     a some   pen chalk in my hand on the blackboad
There are   some   books     on the table


  There is There are no soap pencils in the bathroom in my bag
There isn't   a any bed soap in that room on the shelf
  There aren't any maps in this book

- 9 -


is there a picture on the wall? Yes,   is
  any chalk in the class-     (some)
    room?   No, there are isn't
Are there any students in room ten?     (any)


What is there in your beg? What's there on that shelf? How many pencils are there on the desk? There is a note-book there There are some books there There are six

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with suitable noun-phrases:

a dean's office; a computer; a lot of stu­dents; English - Russian dictionaries; a lot of snow; a few exams; many historical places; a meeting; old houses; a library; not much furniture; modern conviniences; journals; Eng­lish classes.

1. There is _ on the second floor. 2. There are __ in

the corridor. 3. There is __ in the classroom. 4.There are

_ in the bookcase. 5. There are _ in our town. 6. There

are __ in the library. 7. There was _ on the ground last

winter. 8. There were __ last week. 9. There was___ at

our University. 10. There will be _ this spring. 11. The­
re were__ in this street. 12. There is ___ in the room.

13. There are all__ in our house. 14. There is _ on the

first floor of this building.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to get information. Use the words in brackets. Example 1: There are (were) many churches in this town

(your town)

- 10 –

- Are -

there many churches in your town?
A: 1. There is a fine picture gallery in our town (in your
place). 2. There is a bus-stop near the department store
(in the next street). 3. There are a lot of bridges over
the Thames (the Tura). 4. There are a lot of monuments in
Tobolsk (In your town). 5. There were a lot of old buil­
dings in our town some years ago (in this street). 6. There
is a church in this street (in some other place). 7. There
is a computer - class on the ground floor (a dean's offi­
ce). 8. There are a lot of English - Russian dictionaries
in our library (in the reading-hall). 9. There were many
flowers in our garden last summer (your garden). 10. There
are some interesting articles in this newspaper (in this
journal). 11. There was a concert after a meeting (dance).
12. There was a lot of snow in January last winter (in Feb­
ruary). 13. There are twelve faculties at our Institute (at
the University). 14. There was much work to do yesterday (a
week ago). 15. There were many rainy days in August (last

Example 2: T here will be a lecture on physics tomor- row.

Will there be a lecture on mathematical
analysis tomorrow?

B. 1. There will be a meeting in this room (in the hall). 2. There will be a seminar next week (in a week). 3. There will be a dance after the concert (after the picture). 4. There will be many guests at the party (at the conference). 5. There will be five exams this spring (next term). 6. There will be a lot of new buildings in this part of the town (in the next street). 7. There will be many dictiona­ries in our library (our reading - hall). 8. There will be a lecture on physics tomorrow (on history). 9. There will be many students at the lecture (at the seminar).

- 11 -

Eercise 3. Disagree with the following.
Example: There isn't
much paper on the desk, is there?
But there is! There is a lot of paper here.
There aren't many English books in our libra-
But there are! There are a lot of English

1. There aren't many good students in your group, are the- re? 2. There aren't many desks in the lecture - room, are there? 3. There isn't much furniture in this room, is the- re? 4. There aren't many good-looking girls at your facul-ty, are there? 5. There aren't many well-equipped laborator-ries in our building, are there? 6. There aren't many mis-takes in our dictation, are there? 7. There aren't many mo­numents in our town, are there? 8. There aren't many compu­ters at our faculty, are there? 9. There weren't many sunny days last summer. 10. There weren't many flowers near this building last summer. 11. There weren't many churches in our town seventy years ago. 12. There wasn't much snow in the yard last month. 13. There weren't many seminars on physics last term. 14. There weren't many tests last term.


Exercise 4. The following will occur in the future. Express it making some changes if necessary. Example: There are two bridges over the river. In a year there will be three bridges oyer the river.

1. There is a lecture on mathematics today. 2.There is a seminar on physics this week.

3. There is a dance in this hall in the evening.

4. There are many guests in the party.

5. There are many new houses in this street.

6. There are five exams this term.

7. There is a skating - rink not far from here.

8. There are English classes this week.

- 13 -

- 12 -

9. There is a meeting at our University today. 10. There are a lot of English books in our library.

Exercise 5. Ask questions to get more exact information: Example: There are (were) (will be) bridges over the river.

How many bridges are (were, will be) there over the river?

What bridges are (were, will be) there over

the river?

There is (was, will be) a book on the table.

How many books are (were, will be) there on

the table?

What book is (was, will be) on the table?

1. There are many desks in the lecture - room.

2. There are some students in the dean's office.

3. There are some computers in the class - room.

4. There are museums in our town.

5. There are some libraries in our town.

6. There is a picture- gallery near this building.

7. There was a church opposite this house.

8. There were many meetings last year.

9. There Were many scientists at the conference.


10. There will be English classes next week.

11. There Will be a lecture tomorrow.

12. There Will be many laboratories on that floor.

13. There are some shops in this street.

14. There is a grammar rule on this page.

15. There was an international students' club at the facul­ty last year.

Exercise 6. Extend the statements according to the model. Make use of the noun in brackets. Example 1: There is a book on the table (a dictionary).

- It's a pity, but there is no dictionary on the table, there is only a book there.

1. There is a text on this page (grammar rule).

2. There is a computer in the classroom (a TV - set).

3. There is a lecture - room on the second floor (a libra­ry).

4. There is a secretary at the dean's office (a dean).

5. There was an exam on mathematics last term (exam on English)

6. There is a desk in the room (a chair).

7. There was a church in this street (a museum).

8. There is a pen on the desk (a dictionary).

9. There was a monument in the centre of the town (a cine­ma).

10. There is a lecture on physics on the time-table (lectu­re on mathematics). 11. There was a history class yesterday (an English class). Example 2: There are only some books on the table, there are no dictionaries there.

1. There are some teachers in the hall (students).

2. There are some shops in the street (cinemas).

3. There are a lot of English - Russian dictionaries there (French- Russian dictionaries).

4. There are lecture - rooms on this floor (laboratories).

5. There are two computers in this classroom (other devi­ces).

6. There are many pictures in the classroom (flowers).

7. There were some interesting articles in the journal (advertisments).

8. There were a lot of old houses in this street (monu­ments).

9. There were English classes yesterday (history classes).


10. There were a lot of warm days in April (cold days).

11. There are some mistakes in my test (in his test).

- 14 -

12. There are two bus-stops in this street (in the next street).

Exercise 7. Disagree with the following statements.

Example: There will be a lecture on physics tomorrow. There will be no lecture on physics tomorrow.

1. There will be English classes next week.

2. There will be a conference at the end of the term.

3. There will be a dance after the concert.

4. There will be many exams this spring.

5. There will be a lot of students at the conference.

6. There will be many guests in the party.

7. There will be a skating rink in this place.

8. There will be a new school here.

9. There will be laboratories on this floor.

10. There will be new dictionaries in our reading hall.

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

A. 1. В нашем городе много красивых и новых зданий. 2.
В нашем городе много достопримечательностей (places of in­
terest). 3. В центре города находится новая библиотека. 4.
В городе есть два театра и много кинотеатров. 5. Есть четы­
ре музея. 6. Через реку ведут три моста. 7. Напротив уни­
верситета стоит старая красивая церковь. 8. В центре города
находится картинная галерея. 9. В городе много памятников.

B. 1. В нашем городе два университета и несколько инс­
титутов. 2. В нашем университете тринадцать факультетов. 3.
На нашем факультете учится 400 (500) студентов. 4. В нашем
здании несколько лабораторий, компьютерный класс и актовый
зал. 5. На втором этаже - деканат. 6. На первом этаже много
лекционных аудиторий. 7. В аудиториях много столов и стуль­
ев. 8. На стене висит доска и разные таблицы (tables). 9. В
компьютерном классе много компьютеров. 10. В лабораториях
много приборов (devices), И. В нашем здании есть библиоте-

- 15 –

ка и столовая. 12. В библиотеке много книг, журналов и сло­варей. 13. На первом этаже висит расписание занятий.


Глагол to have


    +   -     ?  
  I   a book   bag   I     book?
We have   have no chalk Have we a chalk?
You   some pens   book you any    
They     haven't pens they pens?
            a (ny)            
He   a map   map   he a map?
She has   has no chalk Has she any chalk?
(It)   some chalk hasn't bag milk   (it)   bags?
      a (ny)          

Note: Для разговорного английского языка характерны две формы: have got или глагольные формы со вспомогательным глаголом do: Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Exercise 1. Use to have (have got) in the right form:

1. He... a large family. 2. They... a very nice flat in our town. 3. His father... a farm in the North of Eng­land. 4. His mother is a housewife and she... a lot of

work to do about the house. 5. I... a lot of problems with my exams. 6. We... a lot of English books at home. 7.... she a family of her own? 8. How many children... your pa­rents (...)? 9. My friend... a good job. 10. My cousins... not (...) much money. 11. The students of our group... three classes every day. 12. Yesterday we... an English

- 16 -

lesson. 13. My friend... a nice car. 14. My sister... not (...) a house, she... a flat.

Exercise 2. Ask your friends to answer your questions:


Has Have you students of our group your girl (boy) your friend your father our teacher Tyumen we they (got)   many English classes a week? many well-equipped laboratories a tape-recorder? much paper on the desk? a car? many good books? an English - Russian dictionary? any historical places? a dog? a flat?

Exercise 3. Ask your friend: if he (she) has got a flat;

what furniture he (she) has got in his (her) flat; if he (she) has many relatives;

how many sisters or brothers he has; if he has got any pictures in his room;

what flowers he has got in his room; if his parents have got a country-house; if his father has got a car;

what car he has got;.

where he has his flat or house; if he has any English books at home;

what records he has.

- 17 -

Exercise 4. Answer your friend's questions:

Example: We've got a good record-player and what about them?

So have they.

He has got a lot of English records and what about you? So have I.

1. I've got a nice tape - recorder and what about him? 2.
My friend has got a new car and what about his cousin? 3.
They've got two English classes every week and what about
the students of that group? 4. The Blacks have got a lot of
books in different languages and what about the Smiths? 5.
This artist has few pictures and what about that artist? 6.
They've got a big house in the countryside and what about
you? 7. Our town has many sights and what about your place?
8. Our building has got high ceilings and what about the
new one? 9. My friend has got a dog and what about your
friend? 10. They have a test on physics and what about us?

11. Mary has got a boy-friend and what about you?

Exercise 5. Answer your friend's questions negatively. Example: He hasn't got a car.

And what about his cousin?

Neither has his cousin.

We haven't got many English books at home and

what about you?

Neither have I (we). 1. The girl hasn't got a new dress and what about her sis­ter? 2. We haven't much free time and what about you? 3. Nick hasn't got a big family and what about Paul? 4. This lecture-room hasn't got many desks and chairs and what about that lecture-roan? 5. Small towns haven't many pla­ces of interest and what about villages? 6. She hasn't got an English - Russian dictionary and what about her classma­te? 7. They haven't got any chocolate here and what about

- 18 -

that shop? 8. We haven't got physics lessons today and what about you? 9.I haven't got a phone and what about Nick? 10. You haven't got new records and what about her?

Exercise 6. Ask questions using the example:

Example: There is an English lesson in the time-table


Have we got a math lesson in the time-table?

Yes, we have. /No, we haven't.

We have no math lesson in the time-table on Monday. 1. There is a church in this street (museum). 2. There are a lot of English - Russian dictionaries in our reading -room (any special dictionaries). 3. There are a lot of lo­vely postcards there (albums). 4. There are newspapers in the information bureu (magazines). 5. There are pictures in this store (slides). 6. There are a lot of new records in our house (English records). 7. There is a lift in our hou­se (chute for refuse). 8. There is a computer hall in our faculty (a language laboratory). 9. There is a pen in the box (a pencil). 10. There are some apples in the house (oranges).

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Читайте в этой же книге: UNIT 5. | МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ И ИХ ЭКВИВАЛЕНТЫ, ВЫРАЖАЮЩИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ | May (Might). | UNIT 7. | The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense. | The Perfect Tenses. | The Passive Voice | The operation will be watched by young doctors. | Nobody laughed at him when he said it. | Disjunctive Question. Разделительный вопрос. |
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