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The work of local government.

Читайте также:
  1. Government.
  2. The State and Local Government.
  3. To identify, verify and validate answers/local solutions regarding the satisfaction of the needs and aspirations specific to the local/regional time and context.

The Preservation of Order. — The first and most impor­tant function of any government is the preservation of order. We think of this function most frequently as exer­cised in the arrest of offenders who violate the law. In fact, most young persons receive their earliest ideas of government by seeing that embodiment of governmental authority, the policeman, or constable. But he is not the only officer who is concerned in the preservation of order. The police officer who makes an arrest cannot punish his prisoner, but must merely hold him until it is decided that he deserves punishment. This is the work of a court, with its justice, or judge, and the jury. If the prisoner is declared guilty, then the police officer executes the orders of the court by collecting a fine or by imprisoning him. We have here illustrated two divisions of governmental authority: (i) the judicial, which decides whether the law applies in particular cases; and (2) the executive, which carries out the requirements of the law and the orders of the court.

Law-making. — The executive and the judicial officers are both subject to higher authority: the one applies and the other executes the law. The framing of the law con­stitutes the third function of government. This is the work of legislation, carried on by such bodies as the town board, the village board, and the city council. But these law­making bodies do not possess independent authority; they are bound more or less strictly by the opinions of those who elected them to office; i.e. the body of voters.

The Three Divisions of Government. — We say, then, that in our country government is based finally upon the will of the people. For the expression of their will they choose numerous officers, who may be grouped under three heads, corresponding to the general divisions of govern­ment: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Just as it would be impossible for all the voters to take part in applying or interpreting the law, so it is in most cases impossible for theni to assemble in a body and make the laws. They generally dele­gate this work to legislators; but in some States the voters of a town (or township) assemble yearly in town meeting, where all may take part in discussion and in voting.

Roads and Streets. — The preservation of order is but one of the functions of government. In towns where the population is scattered, roads must be built, and it is still more necessary that in villages and cities, where many people live within a small area, streets should be graded and paved and sidewalks maintained. This is an illustra­tion of the way in which, through the machinery of govern­ment, people provide themselves with many conveniences that it would be impossible for each citizen to provide for himself. The legislative bodies already mentioned deter­mine the extent to which these things shall be done: the town board orders the laying out of a new road; the vil­lage board or the city council passes ordinances saying what streets shall be paved and what materials shall be used in the work.

Executive Officers, General and Special. — The actual execution of the work involved in public improvements is generally in charge of a special officer, such as the road or street commissioner. But since there are many other matters of public concern that require attention, each under the control of an executive officer, it is necessary that a general officer should be in authority over all of these as the chief executive of the local government This officer is known by various titles, as, in the town the chairman, in the village the president, and in the city the mayor. In any case, he has all or most of the important executive work of government under his control. It is his duty to see that the laws are obeyed, so the police officers are subject to his orders. The chief executive is guardian of the people's interests; for he must see that the minor officers do not injure the public welfare by neglect of duty, and he must defend the public from all persons who would encroach upon its rights.

Let us now consider some of the other ordinary func­tions of local government.

The Poor. — Poor relief may be mentioned first. How much aid shall be granted to paupers, and how shall it be distributed, are questions that everywhere require attention.

Public Health. — Public health is also an important sub­ject upon which local laws must be enacted. In cities, particularly, the council passes strict regulations for pre­venting the occurrence of diseases and for checking the spread of such as are contagious. City ordinances are also enacted regulating the construction of sewers and drains. The health commissioner and the city physicians are the particular officers who direct the execution of laws upon these subjects.

Education. — Public education is among the most impor­tant of the local government's functions. The free schools which exist everywhere.in our country are supported and controlled chiefly by the towns, villages, and cities. In many States, however, there are other divisions, called school dis­tricts, which have boards and officers for this purpose.

Other Necessary Functions. — Protection from fire is so important in communities where population is dense that special officers and apparatus must be provided. So, too, streets must be lighted, and a pure water-supply provided.

Parks, Museums, and Libraries. — Besides the functions of government that are readily seen to be necessary, there are others which may not at first appear to be so. We have cities providing parks, with beautiful lawns and flower-gardens; museums, where articles of historical and scientific interest are kept; aquariums and zoological gardens; libraries, with books, magazines, and papers for the free use of all citizens. If one looks closely, he will see a reason in each case why the government undertakes these various enterprises.

Why Taxes are Levied. — We have now to consider a power of government, without which none of the others so far enumerated could be exercised. This is the taxing power. In every instance money must be used by local governments in exercising their functions. Officers, who are agents of the people, depend largely upon taxes for their salaries. Taxes are levied by the legislative bodies that we have found in towns, villages, and cities. Other officers, assessors and treasurers, determine the amount to be paid by each citizen and collect the taxes. The treas­urer also has custody of public money, and pays it out when ordered to do so by the proper authorities.

All of the operations of government are matters of record. While each officer is expected to keep strict ac­count of the operations of his own department, the general records of towns, villages, and cities are kept by the clerks.


1. SUMMARIZE The Functions of Local Government.


- Make a study of your local (town, village, or city) government.

Group the officers as legislative, executive, and judicial, respec­tively.

How many different methods are used in paying these officers?

- Do all the voters ever assemble to make laws? If not, how is the will of the majority expressed?

- What are some of the local regulations regarding the poor? public health? protection from fire?

- Who pays for the education that young people receive in the public schools?

- How much has your local government done toward furnishing things that are not merely conveniences? How do you justify expenditures for these purposes?

- Does the management of local government excite as much interest among the citizens as it should?

- In what ways are students directly interested in having efficient local governments?


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 68 | Нарушение авторских прав

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