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Who Suffers Or Benefits From Inflation?

Inflation affects people differently: some suffer, while others benefit.

Those most likely to suffer from inflation are people living on relatively fixed incomes, savers, lenders and business.

During periods of inflation the cost of living increases. Therefore it is necessary to earn more just to maintain your present living standard. How much of an increase is necessary? At least as much as therate of inflation.

Some people put their money into savings accounts or bonds that guarantee a fixed rate of returns (usually called "interest"). Unless the rate of return is at least as high as the inflation rate, the money returned to a saver will purchase less than the sum he or she set aside. Those who lend money are in the same position as those who save.

Business is hurt by inflation because it causes uncertainty and makes it hard for managers to predict future costs. Besides, it raises production cost.

Those who can easily increase their incomes, borrowers and government, can benefit from inflation.

Certain professions, industries and labour groups find it easier to increase prices and wages during periods of inflation than at other times. A case in point is the retail jewelry trade. During periods of inflation the price of jewelry has generally increased faster than the cost of living. The result has been higher profit margins for jewelers.


1. Перепишите следующие предложения и письменно переведите их на русский язык. При переводе обратите внимание на место предлога в русском языке.

1. The nature of the problem is such that empirical approach can be relied upon. 2. Old traditions cannot be easily done away with. 3. These days the Conservative Party is often referred to as the party of business directors. 4. This discovery was followed by the others in Europe and North America. 5. The migration of workers to the United Kingdom in recent times has been influenced more by the demand in labour in Britain than by unfavorable conditions at home.


Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, выбирая русские глаголы с дополнением без предлога.

1. The problem of pollution was not even touched upon some fifty years ago. 2. The British Minister of Education said that that the government had been concerned about the ability of British children to speak other languages. 3. The best-known example of an artificial language is Esperanto. A young Warsaw doctor who in 1887 published a book called «International Language» created it.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 100 | Нарушение авторских прав

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