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Little Red Riding Hood Puppet Script

Читайте также:
  1. A brief description of the corridor №2
  2. Course Description
  3. Description
  4. Description of the Baseline Environment
  5. Description of the project
  7. Ex. 11. Fill in A few, B a few, C little, D a little.

Сцена1 дом красной шапочки

Narrator: Once there was a little girl who lived with her mother in a house at the edge of the forest. The little girl always wore a red cloak and hood that grandmother had made for her. That's why everyone, even her mother, called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother said to her:

(в это время за окном случайно подслушивал лепрекон)

Mother: Grandmother is not feeling well. I have packed a basket with Golden; you know it is sort of apples, and honey, when person gets sick, it is worth its weight in gold. Will you take it to her?

Red Riding Hood: Yes, Mother.

Mother: Be careful going through the forest. And don't play around along the way. Grandmother is waiting for you.

Кр.ш.: Yes, Mother.

Leprechaun: I heard the word GOLD…It must be mine!

Сцена 2 красная шапочка и охотники

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood took the basket and was on her way to Grandmother's house. Little Red Riding Hood had gone but a short way into the forest when a great leprechaun stepped out from behind a tree.

Leprechaun: Good Morning, Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going on this fine day?

Кр.ш.: I am going to see Grandmother on the other side of the forest. She is ill.

Leprechaun: Why not bring her spruce twig as well? The spruce twig is a little symbol of winter.

Кр.ш.: I cannot stop. Mother said I must not play around along the way.

Leprechaun: Picking spruce twig is not playing around. Besides, a small Christmas-present will cheer your Granny up and make her feel better.

Кр.ш.: Perhaps you are right.

(Уходит лепрекон, Шапочка пошла окольной дорожкой, музыка на песню Over the rainbow.Появляются 3 охотника входят на сцену с песней On the one road)

Охотники втроем: Good morning!

Кр.ш: Good morning.

Охотник1: What are you doing so far from home, Little Red Riding Hood?

Кр.ш.: My Granny is not feeling well and am going to visit her

Охотник2:It’s a pity that she is in bed. You are good girl that you don’t leave her alone at such moment.

Охотник1: Butwe will no longer detain you. Go to you Granny and remember us to her!

Кр.ш: Thank you...sorry… I haven’t seen you before, who are you?

(Обращение к Джеку)

Джек: I am Jack. I am a Hunter, but only a beginner.

Кр.ш.: Everyone calls me little Red Riding Hood. It was nice to meet you. Oh sorry I have to go, see you!

Охотники все: See you!

Сцена 3 дом бабушки

Narrator: While Little Red Riding Hood was trying to find the best spruce twig to her Grand-mother, the Leprechaun slipped away and sped to the other side of the forest.

(Бабушка читает сонету на английском, когда она ее заканчивает, мама читает сонету на русском языке, и только после этого лепрекон стучит в дверь)

Grand Mother: Who is it?

Leprechaun: It is I, Little Red Riding Hood. I have brought you Gold..kh-kh fruits, cakes, and honey.

Grand Mother: Come in dear. The door is open.

Leprechaun: FREEZE!

(Лепрекон заколдовал бабушку, и начал обыскивать комнату на наличие золота, но ничего не находит. В это время в дверь стучит КР.Ш.)

Leprechaun: Who is it?

Red Riding Hood: It is I, Little Red Riding Hood. I have brought you some presents to cheer you.

(Лепрекон накидывает покрывало на стоящую бабушку и залезает в кровать)

Leprechaun: Come in. The door is open.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big ears you have!

Leprechaun: The better to hear you with, my dear. Come closer.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big eyes you have!

Leprechaun: The better to see you with my dear. Come closer.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big teeth you have!

Leprechaun: The better to eat you with!

(лепрекон cсбрасывает с себя одеяло и колдует)

Leprechaun: FREEZE! (заморозил Кр.ш)

What a silly human-being!.. Now I will get what desire…Let’s me see (осматривает корзинку)… What?! There is no gold! It can’t be. I hate people…Wait a minute. I can pick up Riding Hood and ask for ransom! I am genius!

Narrator: When leprechaun went away, magic spells faded away from poor Granny too… She just found the note where was written that Riding Hood was abducted and she headed to the hunters for help.

Сцена 4 Бар

(в пабе сидят: три охотника и странник+ 2 обобщающих песронажа.. Поют песню The high kings-The fields of glory)

Охотник2: What’s the matter with Jack? He is pretty scattered today.

Охотник1: Ah, Don’t pay attention. He falls in love.

Охотник2: You mean with Riding Hood? Yes, she is beautiful girl.

(Врывается запыхавшаяся бабушка)

Бабу: Help me! An evil leprechaun, poke up my drand-daughter, Little red riding hood and demands ransom. Where can elderly get a lot of money?(плачет)

Джек: Where did he pick up her?

Бабу: He took away her over the rainbow, it said in note

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 139 | Нарушение авторских прав

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НАШ ГОСТЬ 24 СЕНТЯБРЯ 2013 Г.| Джек: I will save your grand-daughter, whatever worth it!

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