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Protection of Goods.

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The export trade is subject to many risks. Ships may sink or collide; consignments may be lost or damaged. All sensible businessmen now insure their goods for the full value. The idea of insurance is to obtain indemnity in case of damage or loss.

Insurance is against risk. People buy insurance to protect themselves from an accident or a catastrophe. For example, a company involved in a major construction project may have all the necessary skills for completing the job but there is still an element of risk. Extreme weather conditions or a natural disaster could damage or destroy the work that has been done.

While the goods are in a warehouse, the insurance covers the risk of fire, burglary, etc. As soon as the goods are in transit they are insured against pilferage, damage by water, breakage or leakage. Other risks may also be covered.

The insured is better protected if his goods are insured against all risks. The goods may be also covered against general and particular average (losses).

To protect itself the company can pay a sum of money – a premium – to an insurance company who will underwrite the risk of guarantee to provide financial compensation if such an event occurs. The exact details of this insurance are contained in an insurance policy which is a document allowing the risks that have been insured against and the levels of compensation that will be paid.


Упр. 3. Расскажите, что Вы узнали о:

- different risks which can damage or destroy goods;

- an opportunity to protect one’s business against risks;

- the way financial compensation can be provided.


Упр. 4. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What’s the best way to protect your business from losses? Which kind of insurance would you prefer? Why?

2. Do you know anything about the work of the insurance company? Which insurance companies have you ever dealt with?

3. What is an insurance policy like? Is it the only document to provide indemnity to the sufferer?

Упр. 5. Прочитайте текст. Закончите его, вставив недостающие слова (из тех, что даны в конце текста).

( an extract from the contract )

12.1. The buyers are to take care of and to cover the … for insurance of goods under the Contract with Rosno, from the moment of the dispatch of goods from the Sellers’ works up to the moment of their arrival at the Buyers’ works.

12.2. The cost of insurance of the goods from the Sellers’ works up to the moment of their loading on board the vessel … … … of 0,075 per cent of the value of the insured goods will be … to the Sellers account and dedicated from the Sellers’ invoices when payments are made.

12.3. Insurance … the whole period of transportation and … will be effected on the conditions of “Responsibility for Particular Average” … … … item 2, paragraph 2 of the “Rules for Transport Insurance of Goods”, Rosno, including … to the goods … by hooks, oil, fresh water (excluding condensation) and contact with other cargoes, breakage, theft of whole cases, or their contents and non-delivery of cases in all the above –mentioned circumstances independent of a … of the damage.

12.4. Within two months from the date of the contract the Buyers are to send to the Sellers the Insurance … issued in the name of the Sellers and covering insurance of the goods from the Sellers’ works up to FOB port of Sochi.


(Policy, transshipment, damage, covering, charged, caused, in accordance with, degree, at the rate, expenses).

Упр. 6. Прочитайте текст и выполните последующие задания

a). Объясните значение цифр, используемых в тексте. 850; 90%; 50; 26,000; 350; 240; 24; 70%.

b) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русских слов и словосочетаний:

Имеющие право; постоянное медицинское страхование; страховать любой риск; размер страховки варьируется; полный набор страховых контрактов; страховщик

b) Напишите пятью предложениями, что Вы узнали о страховой компании Lloyd’s и страховании компанией товаров и услуг.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 82 | Нарушение авторских прав

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