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Лекция. Сложносочиненное и сложноподчиненное предложения

Читайте также:
  1. Ii. Работа над выводами и предложениями производству
  2. А. Источники предложения и цели спроса
  3. Биржа представляет собой рынок совершенной конкуренции. Цены на бирже формируются под влиянием спроса и предложения. Участники биржевых торгов находятся в одинаковых условия.
  4. Взаимодействие спроса и предложения. Рыночное равновесие
  5. Виды синтаксической связи частей сложного предложения
  6. Вносить предложения в администрацию и органы общественного самоуправления об улучшении жизнедеятельности своего коллектива.
  7. Всегда ли кривая индивидуального предложения капитала имеет подковообразный вид?

Сложное предложение (composite) – это предложение, имеющее в своем составе 2 и более предикативных комплекса, они полипридикативны.

В зависимости от типа связи между предложениями, входящими в состав сложного предложения, сложные предложения подразделяются на сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные.

Сложносочиненное предложение – это предложение, имеющее в своем составе 2 и более предикативных комплекса, предложения, входящие в состав сложного, равнозначны по важности, образуют синтаксическое, семантическое и интонационное целое, то есть не зависят друг от друга. На письме предложения, входящие в состав сложносочиненного предложения, отделяются запятой, точкой с запятой, двоеточием, иногда тире. Иногда они никак не отделяются. В речи выделяются паузой.

Предложения в составе сложносочиненного предложения, могут быть объединены посредством асиндетона или с помощью союзов.

Пример бессоюзной связи: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

Сочинительные союзы: and, but, or, nor …

Сочинительные наречия: moreover, besides, however, yet, still, otherwise, therefore,,,


С точки зрения отношений между простыми предложениями, выделяются следующие виды сочинительных отношений:






Соединительная сочинительная связь (compound) подразумевает, что соединенные предложения сообщают информацию, которая похожа в некотором роде.

Соединительные союзы: and, nor, neither … nor, not only … but also, as well as.

Take these pills and you will feel better.

I didn’t recognize the man, nor did I remember his name.

We went along the street, then we turned left.


Противительная сочинительная связь соединяет предложения, выражающие противопоставление, противоречие, контраст.

Противительные союзы: but, while, whereas,

Противительные наречия: however, yet, still, nevertheless

Противительная частица: only

The story was amusing, but nobody laughed.

Peter is an engineer, while his brother is a musician.


Разделительная сочинительная связь подразумевает выбор между двумя взаимоисключающими альтернативами.

Разделительные союзы: or, either … or,

Разделительные наречия: else, otherwise.

You can join us at the station, or we can wait for you at home.

Either listen to me, or I shall stop listening to you.

Don’t be late, otherwise you may not be let in.


Причинно-следственная сочинительная связь соединяет предложения, в одном из которых содержится причина или следствие действия, выраженного вторым предложением.

Причинно-следственный союз – for.

The days became longer, for it was now springtime.

John must have gone, for nobody answers the call.

Предложения могут быть объединены без союзов:

At first I thought that they were brother and sister, they were so much alike.

Сложно-подчиненное предложение (complex) – предложение, состоящее, как минимум, из двух простых предложений, при этом одно из них главное, а второе подчиненное, которое зависит от главного и не может самостоятельно использоваться.

Предложения в составе сложно-подчиненного предложения могут быть объединены с помощью союзов или коннекторов или без союзов.

Союзы, коннекторы – это служебные слова, которые связывают предложения в составе сложного и показывают связь между предложениями и выражают отношения между ними. Они, как правило, стоят в начале придаточного предложения.

Союзы также выполняют функцию какого-то члена предложения в придаточном предложении.

He doesn’t care what happens to us – what – subject.

This is where we live – where – ad. modifier of place

При объединении предложений без союзов часто используется инверсия.

Had he not forgotten about the meeting, he would have come.


Придаточные предложения могут выполнять функцию любого члена предложения: подлежащее, комплимент, дополнение, определение, обстоятельство, приложение.


СПП с придаточным подлежащим (subject clause)

Эти придаточные вводятся с помощью союзов (that, if, whether, because), соединительных местоимений (who, whoever, what, whatever), соединительным наречий (where, when, whenever, how, why).

1 вид придаточного подлежащего – придаточное предложение предшествует главному, всегда присоединяется к главному с помощью союзов.

What I need is a piece of good advice.

Whether I talked or not made little difference.

How the book will sell depends on its plot and the author.

2 вид придаточного подлежащего – придаточное предложение следует за главным, а первое место в предложение занято формальным подлежащим it.

It seemed unfair to him that he should suffer more than anybody else.

It is understood that modern science allows such experiments.

В восклицательных предложениях it и сказуемое могут быть опущены.

How wonderful that they should meet at last (How wonderful it is …)


СПП с придаточным комплиментом (predicative clause)

Эти придаточные вводятся с помощью союзов (that, if, whether, because, as if, as though, lest, the way), соединительных местоимений (who, whoever, what, whatever), соединительным наречий (where, when, whenever, how, why).

The fact was that he had forgotten about it.

Our fear was lest we should miss him in the crowd.

It seems that there is no cure.

СПП с придаточным дополнительным (object clause)

Эти придаточные вводятся с помощью союзов (that, if, whether, because, as if, as though, lest, the way), соединительных местоимений (who, whoever, what, whatever), соединительным наречий (where, when, whenever, how, why) и без союзов.

Придаточное дополнительное может выполнять функцию прямого дополнения:

I know that I am wasting time.

He said he had never heard of it.

Придаточное дополнительное как и подлежащее может вводиться формальным дополнением it после глаголов feel, believe, consider, find, …

I like it when people are nice to him.

You are to see to it that there should be no quarrel.

Придаточное дополнительное может выполнять функцию косвенного дополнения:

You may give whoever you like any present.

Придаточное дополнительное может выполнять функцию предложного дополнения:

I want to be paid for what I do.

We insisted on it that they should stay with us.


СПП с придаточным определительным (attribute clause)

Эти придаточные вводятся с помощью соединительных местоимений (who, whoever, what, whatever), соединительных наречий (where, when, whenever, how, why) и без союзов.

A man whose voice seemed familiar to me gave commands.

All that remained was to enter his name.

Everything that you may want is in the wardrobe.

This is the best chance that we have.

It is the hour when we sleep.

I see no reason why they should not do so.

He was a man one always forgot.

СПП с придаточным обстоятельственным (adverbial clause)

Эти придаточные классифицируются по значению:

Места: вводятся союзами where, wherever, everywhere

He was standing where he had always stood on the rug before the fire.

Why can’t we go where it`s warm?

Времени: вводятся союзами when, as soon as, as long as, while, till, until …

He didn’t say a word till he was asked.

As they approached the house, they became quieter and quitter.

Since we have been friends we have never quarreled.

We’ll be married the very moment we find a house.

Образа действия: вводятся союзами as, the way.

I am sorry I talked the way I did at lunch.

He could do it as no one else could have done.

Сравнения: вводятся союзами as if, as though, than, as … as

He spoke as timidly as if he were afraid of me.

They don’t have long intervals like they do at other theatres.

He was as obstinate as were most of his relatives.

Условия: вводятся союзами if, once, in case, provided that, supposing that …

If anything troubles you, you’d better tell me.

You can you what you please, provided you do it neatly and don’t make a row over it.

Should he ask for references, send him to me.

If I were you I would change into another dress.

Уступки (concession): вводятся союзами although, though, if, yet, no matter how, in spite of the fact that, even though, even if, …

Though the weather was bad we went for a walk.

Whoever he may be, he seems to be an honest man.

Цели: вводятся союзами that, so that, lest, so as, in order that

I tell you all this so that you may understand me perfectly.

Better chain up the dog for fear he bites.

Причины: вводятся союзами as, because, since, so, that, lest, considering that …

As he was tired he preferred to stay home.

Since there is no help, let’s do it the best we can.

Did you ask him because he was famous or for another reason?

Результата: вводятся союзами so that, that …

Light fell on her there so that Soames could see her face.


Если сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из нескольких придаточных, они образуют иерархию. Выделяют последовательное и параллельное подчинение.

I see that you have lost the key which I gave you. Главное – придаточное – придаточное

I know that you are afraid of me and that you suspect me of something.


Главное and



All she saw was that she might go to prison for a robbery she had committed years ago.


Analyze the sentences:

1. What I need is a piece of good advice. 2. Whoever moved in next would need it more than I. 3. The walls were paneled, because this was the office of the department chairman. 4. It was as though our last meeting was forgotten. 5. I am very sorry that I disturbed you. 6. She looks as if she were ill. 7. He was glad that no one was at home. 8. The only object that gave her joy during those days was the white monkey. 9. Wherever they came people greeted them enthusiastically. 10. I insist upon it that you tell me all the details. 11. She should jump at any opportunity that she might have. 12. He didn’t marry until he was forty. 13. She cooks the turkey exactly as my mother did. 14. She looked as if she had something on her mind. 15. I might have persuaded her to change her mind if she were not so obstinate.


Analyze the sentences:

1. What I need is a piece of good advice. 2. Whoever moved in next would need it more than I. 3. The walls were paneled, because this was the office of the department chairman. 4. It was as though our last meeting was forgotten. 5. I am very sorry that I disturbed you. 6. She looks as if she were ill. 7. He was glad that no one was at home. 8. The only object that gave her joy during those days was the white monkey. 9. Wherever they came people greeted them enthusiastically. 10. I insist upon it that you tell me all the details. 11. She should jump at any opportunity that she might have. 12. He didn’t marry until he was forty. 13. She cooks the turkey exactly as my mother did. 14. She looked as if she had something on her mind. 15. I might have persuaded her to change her mind if she were not so obstinate.


Analyze the sentences:

1. What I need is a piece of good advice. 2. Whoever moved in next would need it more than I. 3. The walls were paneled, because this was the office of the department chairman. 4. It was as though our last meeting was forgotten. 5. I am very sorry that I disturbed you. 6. She looks as if she were ill. 7. He was glad that no one was at home. 8. The only object that gave her joy during those days was the white monkey. 9. Wherever they came people greeted them enthusiastically. 10. I insist upon it that you tell me all the details. 11. She should jump at any opportunity that she might have. 12. He didn’t marry until he was forty. 13. She cooks the turkey exactly as my mother did. 14. She looked as if she had something on her mind. 15. I might have persuaded her to change her mind if she were not so obstinate.


Analyze the sentences:

1. What I need is a piece of good advice. 2. Whoever moved in next would need it more than I. 3. The walls were paneled, because this was the office of the department chairman. 4. It was as though our last meeting was forgotten. 5. I am very sorry that I disturbed you. 6. She looks as if she were ill. 7. He was glad that no one was at home. 8. The only object that gave her joy during those days was the white monkey. 9. Wherever they came people greeted them enthusiastically. 10. I insist upon it that you tell me all the details. 11. She should jump at any opportunity that she might have. 12. He didn’t marry until he was forty. 13. She cooks the turkey exactly as my mother did. 14. She looked as if she had something on her mind. 15. I might have persuaded her to change her mind if she were not so obstinate.


Analyze the sentences:

1. What I need is a piece of good advice. 2. Whoever moved in next would need it more than I. 3. The walls were paneled, because this was the office of the department chairman. 4. It was as though our last meeting was forgotten. 5. I am very sorry that I disturbed you. 6. She looks as if she were ill. 7. He was glad that no one was at home. 8. The only object that gave her joy during those days was the white monkey. 9. Wherever they came people greeted them enthusiastically. 10. I insist upon it that you tell me all the details. 11. She should jump at any opportunity that she might have. 12. He didn’t marry until he was forty. 13. She cooks the turkey exactly as my mother did. 14. She looked as if she had something on her mind. 15. I might have persuaded her to change her mind if she were not so obstinate.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-18; просмотров: 133 | Нарушение авторских прав

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