Читайте также:
1. The quantity of money (can use/ can be used) like property or precious metals.
2. Paper money consists almost entirely of Federal Reserve notes, which (issued/ is issued) by the 12 Federal Reserve Banks.
3. The U.S. Treasury (issues/ is issued) the only other paper money in the U.S. today.
4. Coins come in various denominations (based/ is based) on the value of a dollar.
5. Paper money issued in the U. S. (consists/ is consisted) almost entirely of Federal Reserve notes.
Подчеркните сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог.
1. Coins come in denominations based on the value of a dollar.
2. Paper money issued in the United States consists almost entirely of Federal Reserve notes.
3. Both United States notes and Federal Reserve notes carry the printed signatures of the Treasury.
4. On the face of English banknotes one can read the denomination given both in figures and in words.
5. The first signature is that of the person authorized by the government and the Bank of England.
Вставьте предлоги.
1. The quantity of money…the economy is central to determining the state of economy.
2. Money in the U.S. consists…coins and paper currency.
3. According…federal law, only the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve System can issue U.S. currency.
4. Coins come…various denominations based…the value of a dollar.
5. Federal Reserve notes are issued…the 12 Federal Reserve Banks…the Federal Reserve System.
6. Переведите на английский язык данные словосочетания:
Количество денег, уровень цен, темп экономического роста, средство обмена, драгоценные металлы, достоинство денежной единицы, выпускать денежные единицы, федеральная резервная система.
7. Переведите деловое письмо:
Crowley and Bullock Ltd.
24 Heartley Lane
Kent England 21st June, 199x
Dear Sirs,
We have not yet received payment of your outstanding balance of 2.850.00. Nor have we received acknowledgement of your letters of 18th April and 2 May.
When we telephoned on 23rd May we were assured by your Chief Buyer, Mr. K. Innis that a cheque would be forwarded to us that day.
We should like to draw your attention to the fact that you have considerable exceeded the term of credit usually allowed. We must therefore insist on receiving payment by 28 June Failing this, we shall have no alternative but to refer the matter to our solicitors.
Yours faithfully,
Company Secretary.
Контрольная работа №6
Составители: канд. пед. наук А.Е. Тугуз
ст. пр. А.С. Кочарян
Контрольное задание №6 предназначено для студентов II курса заочной формы обучения (специальности – экономика и управление на предприятии 080502б, коммерция – торговое дело 080301).
Лексический материал соответствует данной специальности. Контрольное задание предлагается в четырёх вариантах. Последний номер зачетной книжки студентa – 1, 2 или 3 - 1– ый вариант; 4, 5 или 6 – 2 – ой вариант; 7 или 8 – 3 – ий вариант; 9 или 0 – 4 – ый вариант.
Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена в отдельной рабочей тетради. На обложке тетради необходимо указать: факультет, курс, номер группы, фамилию, имя и отчество, дату, номер контрольного задания и вариант
Вариант 2
Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, связанные с тематикой текста.
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