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My future profession

Читайте также:
  1. Anticipated Future Releases
  2. Ex. 29. Speak about your future profession using the following table.
  3. Future Perfect
  4. My Future Profession
  5. Quality of professional staff, their research potential & development

I am a student of Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. My future profession is an investigator (an economic crime lawyer, an operative worker) and I am mastering it at the investigators’ training faculty (economic crime fighting faculty, criminal detection faculty).

Our future profession is law, crime detection and crime investigation. Our main task as future law enforcement professionals is to fight, prevent and solve crimes.

What qualities does this profession require? To solve crimes and expose criminals quickly and accurately an investigator should possess intelligence, initiative, energy, persistence, patience and investigative ability. An investigator must always remember that the destiny of a man very often depends on his ability to serve “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

The profession of an investigator is interesting, difficult, important, honorable and necessary at the same time. Crime rate is rising nowadays in our country. Crimes are not always easy to detect, criminals are hard to be found, detained and interrogated, much effort is necessary to find and interview witnesses, to identify, locate and arrest suspects. That is why we should study Criminalistics, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Special Course of Detective Activity, Crime Psychology and other special subjects. We study general subjects to be well-read and educated persons.

We should master special means and methods of crime solution. At our Institute we can get such professional skills and abilities as to conduct crime investigation, to handle and collect evidence, to identify, locate and apprehend a suspect or a criminal, to interview witnesses, to interrogate criminals, to examine a crime scene, to conduct search, to take pictures of things at the crime scene, to use weapon, to drive a car, to deal with militia documentation - criminal records, reports etc.

Very often the actual solution of a crime is in the crime scene. On arriving at the crime scene an investigator should first of all render medical assistance to a victim; he should safeguard and isolate the crime scene. Witnesses should be separated from each other and instructed not to discuss the crime until they are interviewed. An investigator finds, collects, protects evidence, such as fingerprints, blood stains, tool marks and other traces of the crime act. This evidence as well as the witnesses’ testimony can help an investigator to identify the perpetrator, to establish his modus operandi, to reconstruct the happening and as a result, to answer the questions: Who? What? When? Where? How?

Interviews and interrogations are also the greatest source of getting information. The effectiveness of an investigator greatly depends on his ability to obtain information from complainants, witnesses, informants, and suspects.

The final purpose of an investigator is to establish evidence of guilt of the suspect and produce it before court.

After the preliminary investigation is over an investigator prepares an indictment and presents it to the prosecutor and the accused.

Investigators detect such crimes as murder, manslaughter, robbery, housebreaking, burglary, larceny, traffic accidents, as well as crimes committed by juveniles. After graduating from our Institute we shall work in investigative bodies of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (of Russia’s Ministry of the Interior).


evidence n [ ‘evid()ns] - улики, доказательства

material evidence - вещественные доказательства

physical evidence - материальные доказательства

to handle evidence - обращаться, иметь дело с уликами

to search for evidence - искать улики

to protect evidence - защищать, охранять улики

to collect evidence [k ‘lekt] - собирать улики

suspect n [‘s spekt] - подозреваемый

v [ s s’pekt] - подозревать

to locate a suspect [ l u’keit] - установить местонахождение подозреваемого

to apprehend a suspect [ pri’hend] - задержать, арестовать подозреваемого

to take pictures - фотографировать

to deal with - иметь дело

documentation n - документы, документация

criminal record [‘rek:d] - досье преступника (совершенных им


criminal report [ri’p:t] - криминалистический учет

to render medical assistance - оказывать медицинскую помощь

safeguard v [‘seifga:d] - защищать, охранять

isolate v [ ‘ais leit] - изолировать

fingerprints - отпечатки пальцев руки

blood stains [bl d steinz] - пятна крови

tool marks [tu:l ] - инструменты, орудия преступления

to establish corpus delicti - установить состав преступления

to reconstruct the happening - восстановить случившееся

to obtain information

to get information - получить информацию

complain v [k m’plein] - жаловаться

complaint n [k m’pleint] - жалоба, иск

complainant n - жалобщик

informants n [in’f m nts] - информанты

testimony n [‘testim ni] - показание, свидетельство

source n [s: s] - источник

to establish evidence of guilt - доказать факт виновности

to produce evidence before the court - представлять доказательства перед судом

preliminary investigation - предварительное расследование

to be over - быть оконченным

indictment n [in’daitment] - обвинительный акт

prosecutor n [‘pr sikju:t ] - обвинитель, истец

accused n [ ‘kju:zd] - обвиняемый, подсудимый

manslaughter n [m nsl:t ] - простое (без злого предумышления) убийство

murder n [‘m: d ] - тяжкое убийство (убийство, совершенное с заранее обдуманным злым умыслом)

robbery n [‘r b ri] - грабеж

housebreaking n - взлом дома

burglary n [ ‘b:gl ri] - ночная кража со взломом

larceny n [ ‘la:sni] - воровство

traffic accident [‘ ksid nt] - дорожно-транспортное происшествие

juvenile n [‘d u: vinail ] - юноша, подросток

a - юный, юношеский

investigative bodies - следственные органы

highly qualified - высоко-квалифицированный

noble а [‘ noubl] - благородный


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