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Ancient Britain

Читайте также:
  1. Britain and the Colonies
  2. Britain in the 19th Century
  3. In Great Britain, an Easier Out
  5. Text 2. GREAT BRITAIN

PART TWO. Test of Reading Textl

The very first stages of the existence of people on the British Isles are frequently described as prehistoric and referred to as unwritten history of Britain.

The geographical position of the land was both a blessing and a problem: on the one hand the insular position protected the country from invasions; and on the other - the lowland facing the continent always invited invasions.

The first ever inhabitants are believed to be hunters of the Old Stone Age who came from the Continent, to be followed by new waves of immigrants

By the end of the Stone Age "the Beaker people" who were called so after the clay mugs or "beakers" they could make, — were fanners and metal was already being used.

The beginning of the Iron Age coincided with the arrival of new invaders, mainly from France. They were the Celts. Reputed to be tall, fair and well built, they had artistic skills and were good craftsmen. Their dialects were imposed on the native population. It was the Brythonic tribe of the Celts that gave its name to the whole country.

The culture of Celts in the Iron Age was not altogether barbaric. Their Priests, the Druids, were skillful in teaching and administration.

But the Romans came with a heavy hand,

And bridged and roaded and ruled the land,...

wrote R. Kipling

The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar carried out two expeditions in 55 and 54 BC, neither of which led to immediate Roman settlement in Britain. Caesar's summer expeditions were a failure. Almost a century later in 43 AD Emperor Claudius sent his legions over the seas to occupy Britain. The occupation was to last more than three centuries and the Romans saw their mission of civilizing the country. The British were not conquered easily. There was a resistance in Wales and the Romans destroyed the Druids, a class of Celtic priests (or witchdoctors) as their rituals allegedly involved human sacrifice.

The Roman occupation was spread mainly over England, while Wales, Scotland and Ireland remained unconquered areas of the Celtic fringe — preserving Celtic culture and traditions.

The Romans were in Great Britain for over 350 years, they were both an occupying army and the rulers. They imposed Pax Romana,— Roman peace — which stopped tribal wars, and protected Britain from the attacks of outsiders — Picts in the North, Saxons from overseas.


1. It follows from the text that

A. the geographical position of the British Isles in ancient times was better than now,

B. the lands of the British Isles were rather inviting.

C. ancient Britain was absolutely unprotected from invasions.

D. the insular position could hardly serve as a protection.


2. Celts were new invaders and were good at

A. hunting

B. practising crafts

C. growing crops

D. selling goods


3. The name Great Britain originates from

A. the language of first inhabitants.

B. the dialect of the native population

C. one of the Celtk dialect

D. the language of Druids


4. Which of the following is contrary to the text:

A. The Druids were the priests who could have involved human sacrifice in their rituals.

B. The Romans occupied mostly the central part of Great Britain.

C. The Roman occupation played a positive role in the history of Britain.

D. Britain was settled by the Romans as a result of the second Caesar's expedition.


5. According to the author Celtic culture originates from

A. Scotland.

B. the invaders from the Continent..

C. the native population of the British Isles.

D. the Saxons.


Text 2

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