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Vocabulary Study.

Читайте также:
  2. Active Vocabulary
  4. Exercise 7. Read the dialogues, find the topical vocabulary. Make similar dialogues of your own.
  5. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary.
  7. Reading and Vocabulary

Match the words to their meanings. Work in pairs giving a word by its definition.

1. a coastline all the inhabitants of a particular place
2. a fiord (fjord) situated in the interior of the country rather than on the coast
3. inland a large area of flat land with few trees
4. a moorland the leading or most important position or place
5. a valley a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliffs
6. a plain a group of people living together in one place
7. a feature the land along the coast
8. population an extensive area of moor
9. heavy industry valued objects and qualities such as historic buildings and cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations
10. forefront a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country
11. heritage a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river flowing through it
12. an immigrant a distinctive attribute or aspect
13. a community the manufacture of large, heavy articles and materials in bulk


3. Find the right synonym to the following words. Supply a proper translation.

  synonym translation
a) to penetrate f) spectacular  
b) to divide into to develop  
c) to extend diversion  
d) to pioneer excellent; noticeable  
e) significant known about  
f) beautiful to separate  
g) outstanding strong, forceful  
h) famous for circumstances, facts  
i) vigorous to go into/through  
j) variety great, important  
k) conditions supreme  
l) paramount to spread  


4. Read the text below to get to know some facts about Scotland.

Scotland is a country in the north of Great Britain. It is a part of the United Kingdom. Scotland is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west and by the North Sea in the east. Its coastline is greatly extended. In many places deep fiords penetrate very far inland. Scotland is divided into three natural regions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Highlands and islands. A lot of places in Scotland are a natural paradise, still untouched by man. It has an incomparable variety of geology for an area of its size. It is also the origin of many significant discoveries and important figures in the development of the science.

Scotland is a land of mountains, wild moorlands, narrow valleys and plains. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. The highest of them is Ben Nevis. Scotland is famous for her beautiful large lakes, that are called “lochs”, with mountains, round them. They are not like the English ones; there are not so many trees and flowers, and green hills around them as in England. The beautiful Loch Lomond with its thirty islands is the largest. There are many rivers in Scotland, but they are not long. The longest and is the Tay.

The climate of Scotland is temperate and very changeable, but rarely extreme. Scotland is warmed by the North Atlantic Drift, and experiences much milder conditions than areas on similar latitudes (such as Labrador [΄læbrədo:] in Canada, where icebergs are a common feature in winter). Vigorous Atlantic depressions, also known as European windstorms, are a common feature of the autumn and winter in Scotland.

Comprising an area of some 30,000 square miles (about 79,000 sq. km.) Scotland has a population of just over five million people of whom about one third live in the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee.

Glasgow is Scotland's most populous and the third largest city in Britain. It stands at the lowest bridging point on the river Clyde and has thus become the outstanding market centre for western Scotland. It is associated with heavy industry and some of the worst housing conditions in the country (the district called the Gorbals [΄go:bəlz], although now rebuilt, was famous in this respect). However this image is one-sided. Glasgow has a strong artistic heritage. At the turn of the last century the work of the Glasgow School (led by Mackintosh) put the city at the forefront of European design and architecture. In 1990, it was the European City of Culture. Glasgow is also the home of two well-known football clubs, Glasgow Rangers and Celtic. Over the centuries, Glasgow has received many immigrants from Ireland and in some way it reflects the divisions in the community. For example, of its two rival football teams, one is Catholic (Celtic) and the other is Protestant (Rangers).

Scottish steel has long been used chiefly by the heavy industries of the Glasgow area where shipbuilding has been paramount. For a time Clydeside was the most famous shipbuilding district in the world. Shipyards extended along both banks of the Clyde estuary [΄estjuri] for about 30 km.

Clydeside also benefited by having pioneered the building of ships. Foreign competition, which drove Britain from first to fourth place among shipbuilding nations, seriously affected Clydeside. In the 1970s, further beset by the economic crisis, Clydeside lost its place as the leading shipbuilding area in Britain.

Edinburgh, which is half the size of Glasgow, has a comparatively middle-class image (although class differences between the two cities are not really very great). It is the capital of Scotland and it is associated with scholarship, the law and administration. This reputation, together with its many fine historic buildings, and also perhaps its topography – there is a rock in the middle of the city on which stands the castle – has led to its being called “the Athens of the north”. The annual Edinburgh Festival of arts is internationally famous.


Woldlist. Find a proper equivalent from the text for each vocabulary item:

омываться …  
нетронутый человеком  
несравнимое (бесподобное) разнообразие  
великие открытия  
важные, влиятельные личности  
развитие науки  
умеренный (климат)  
переменчивый, неустойчивый  
подверженный значительно более умеренным климатическим условиям  
экстремальные значения температур редки  
территории, располагающиеся на той же широте/данные широты  
нормальное(обычное) явление  
сильное снижение давления  
одна третья (часть от…)  
третий по величине город  
устье реки Клайд  
так, таким образом  
ассоциироваться, связываться с …  
жилищные условия  
значительное художественное наследие  
…отражать противоречия в обществе  
известный во всём мире  
приносить пользу (вносить вклад)  
приносить вред  
классовые различия  
образованность, учёность  

Listen and say if the statements correspond to the facts about Scotland or give false information.

> Scotland is an independent sovereign state.

> It is situated in the north of Great Britain.

> The climate of Scotland is often extreme.

> The spectacular beauty of Scotland’s hills, mountains and castles is renowned.

> Scotland is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the north-west and by the North Sea in the east.

> Scotland is a very mountainous country; three-fourth of the area of Scotland is occupied by mountains with a great amount of moorland, in which few people live.

> Geographically the territory of Scotland can be divided into three regions: the Nothern Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.

> Edinburgh is the industrial capital of Scotland, its most populous and the third largest city in Britain. > Nowadays Clydeside is the leading shipbuilding area in Britain.

> The typical products of Scotland are timber, whiskey, salmon.

> Glasgow was European City of Science in 1990.

> The annual Edinburgh Festival is one of the world’s leading cultural events.


Correct the false statements, add other details and get ready to tell what you’ve learnt about Scotland.

5. Complete the table using the map, names from the pronunciation drill and the information you’ve learnt from the text (task 4).

Regions Towns Mountains Rivers Lakes



Listen to the teacher and show your cards to identify if the name refers to region, town, mountain, rivers or lake.

♦ Work in pairs. Ask each other questions based on the data in the table and answer them. E.g. ‘What is the capital of Scotland?’, ‘Where does the Tay flow?’, ‘Where is …situated?’, etc.

♦ Prepare a quiz for your mates based upon the information you’ve learnt from the lesson (“What is the longest river?’, ‘What is the most populous town?’, ‘What are the typical products?’, etc)

6. Practice back translation.

◘ Scotland is a country in the north of Great Britain. It is a part of the United Kingdom. Scotland is divided into three natural regions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Highlands and islands. A lot of places in Scotland are a natural paradise, still untouched by man. Столица Шотландии - Эдинбург, известный своими замками. Глазго - промышленная столица Шотландии. Это третий по величине город Великобритании. Типичная продукция, производимая в Шотландии, - лесоматериалы, виски, лососевые рыбы. Эта страна является родиной гольфа, который, наряду с другими видами отдыха на открытом воздухе, пользуется популярностью.
◘ The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, that is well known for its castle. Glasgow is the industrial capital of Scotland. It is the third largest city in Great Britain. The typical products of Scotland are timber, whisky, salmon. Golf originated in this country. Golfing and outdoor holidays are very popular. Шотландия также страна мифов и загадок. В каждом замке есть свой призрак. Говорят, в замке Глэмис их девять. И, конечно, все знают о лохнесском чудовище. Говорят, "Несси" имеет длину примерно шесть метров и длинную тонкую шею. Первые сведения о чудовище датируются 565-м годом. С 1934 года тысячи людей начали утверждать, что они видели чудовище. Ученые исследовали озеро и делали фотографии, но научного объяснения этой загадки не найдено.
◘ Scotland is also the land of myths and mysteries. Еvery castle has its ghost. Glamis Castle is said to have nine of them. And of course everyone knows about the Loch Ness Monster. People say that "Nessie" is about six meters long, and has a long, thin neck. The first report of the monster in Loch Ness was in 565 A.D. Since 1934 thousands of people claimed that they have seen the monster. Scientists have investigated the Loch and taken pictures. But they still can’t give scientific explanation of the mystery. Шотландия - страна на севере Великобритании. Это часть Соединенного Королевства. Шотландия разделена на три области: Южные возвышенности, Центральные низменности и высокогорья, а также острова. Многие места в Шотландии являются настоящим раем, не тронутым человеком.

7. Ghostly ground: a look at some of the most haunted places in Scotland:

Edinburgh Castle

Standing proud at the centre of the city, Edinburgh Castle is one of Scotland’s most iconic landmarks. Yet stories exist here that aren’t painted on the tourist information boards. Tales of lost underground tunnels, haunted by the spirit of a wandering piper, ghostly drums heard in the castle walls, the source rumoured to be the headless spirit of a boy whose beat was first heard as far back as 1650. Welcome to the capital.



♦ Consider the peculiarities and places of interest in Scotland. Imagine yourself to be a travel agent advertising a tour to one of such places. Provide a convincing presentation to your groupmates, describe all the possible advantages. Make use of the information you have received during the whole lesson. Be ready to answer additional questions. And be ready to ask the others questions about their tours! Your presentation should take 5-7 minutes.

Loch Assynt Castle

Eilean Donan Castle

Dunrobin Castle


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