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Завдання 8. Заповніть пропуски відповідними прийменниками де необхідно.

Читайте также:
  1. VI. Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова и вставьте в пропуски. Подчеркните их.
  2. Адвокатура в Україні: основні завдання і функції
  3. Бонусні завдання
  4. Виконання спеціального завдання з попередження або озкриття злочинної діяльності організованої групи або злочинної організації
  5. Для виконання індивідуального завдання за темою
  6. Домашнє завдання
  7. Домашнє завдання

Sometimes she meets her friends and talk …..them.

A lot … students go … college every year.

My friend's son is … college now.

My son is going … college next year.

Sometimes I go to my work …..foot.

She always help her mother …….the house.

I work ….. an office.



Завдання 1. Прочитайте, перекладіть текст і виконайте наступні завдання.

Teams with bright ideas

Тeams are important in modern business. Many companies want all their employees to be good at teamwork and they want the CEO, directors and managers to be good at organising teamwork. : In traditional teams, people usually work for the same company. Sometimes •earn members are from the same department and sometimes from different departments. Today, colleagues:tten work on international projects, and modern technology helps members of the team to communicate. People use the internet and video conferences to talk to each other when they are in different countries.

Teams are not always formal. Employees often meet with people from other departments at work, for example over coffee. These groups are not organised teams, but they are important. They network and talk about work, and they help to communicate information between departments.

Some companies have teams that meet in unusual places. Companies build rooms for teamwork so that these special teams can meet outside their normal office. The rooms look different from normal offices, for example painted in bright colours. Some managers think this helps teams to be creative. It is also important to have regular contact with other departments in the main company - such as design, marketing, production and finance. This sometimes helps the team to decide if an idea is good or bad

Read the article again. Are these statements true or false?

7. Modern companies want bosses to organise teams, true

8. Team members are always from the same country.

9. Teams are never informal.

10. Colleagues meet to discuss work.

11. Some teams meet away from the office.

12. It isn't important for teams to communicate with other departments.

Завдання 2. Утворить множину іменників та перекладіть їх.

text, man, dress, foot, mouse

Завдання 3. Утворіть ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників і перекладіть їх.

merry, cheap, good, important, young.

Завдання 4. Використайте прикметники у дужках у

відповідному ступені порівняння:

The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday.

Who’s (old) student in the group?

My secretary is (good) of the three.

This is (big) building in the world.

Завдання 5. Виберіть правильний займенник у дужках.

(I, me) had dinner with Nick last night.

He meats (he, his) friends every evening.

Excuse (her, him). She is busy.

This our school. This school is (our, ours).

Are there (some, any) armchairs in the room?

This is my coat. This coat is (my, mine).

I have (some, any) English books.

Mary invited (me, my) sister to the cinema.


Завдання 6. Вставте правильну форму дієслова “to be”.

Your cigarettes…in your bag.

Those flowers… very beautiful.

……there any English books in your library?

There …… no lessons yesterday.

They….. at the college tomorrow.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-26; просмотров: 84 | Нарушение авторских прав

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