| In 1990, with the rise of computer technology, one started to speak about computer engineering, also called computer systems engineering. It is a discipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer systems. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering. Computer engineers are involved in many hardware and software aspects of computing, from the design of individual microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design. This field of engineering not only focuses on how computer systems themselves work, but also how they integrate into the larger picture.
After you have read
Look through
paragraphs 1 and 2
| a) State the part of speech
safely, realize, improvement, creative, application, utilize, singly, combination, economics, safety, particular, property;
b) Translate the international words
definition, to manufacture, creative, combination, specific conditions;
c) Give the corresponding nouns
define, combine, apply, create, improve;
d) Fish out the words that collocate with the word “knowledge”.
| paragraphs 3 - 6
| a) Read the words properly
ancient, structure, mature, refer, distinguish, pulley, innate, mechanical, technology;
b) Find the words of task a) in the text and translate them;
c) State the part of speech
invention, ancient, useful, consistent, originally, constructor, notable, exception, ultimately;
d) Translate the international words
exploit (v), originally, concept, military, ultimately, to operate;
e) State the meaning of as / one / that / those / these.
| paragraphs 7 - 10
| a) Mind the pronunciation of the following words
antikythera mechanism [ˏæntiʹkiʘərə]
gearing [ʹgiəriŋ]
trireme [ʹtrairi:m]
ballista [bəʹlistə]
catapult [ʹkætəpult]
b) State the part of speech
testament, ingenuity, responsible, epicyclic, differential, supervise;
c) Translate the international words
supervise, construction, complex (adj);
d) Point out the predicates in Simple Active and Passive.
| paragraphs 11 - 12
| a) Read the words properly
steam, allow, decade;
b) State the part of speech and translate the words
electrical, originator, publication, industrial, revolution, incorporate, mechanics;
c) Point out the predicates.
| paragraphs 13 - 17
| Find in the text the English for
современный, брать начало, двигатель, в конце века, электронная лампа, ускорили, превосходят (численно), положили начало, средства обслуживания / поддержки, промышленное производство, была создана, создание, имеет дело, термин, первоначальный знания, десятилетие, прочная основа, развитие / подъем, объединяет, необходимые, аппаратные и программные средства, создание микросхем, сосредоточена.
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