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Invitation to the cinema

Читайте также:
  1. A Visit to the Cinema
  3. B. Try to guess the names of the jobs which are common in the cinema world.
  4. Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
  5. Cinema Actors and Cinema Workers

Maggie: I've had enough of staying at home all day. Can't we go to the pictures for a change? There's a good film on with Louis de Funes starring. Will we go and see that?

Jim: All right. Louis de Funes? Hm, not a bad idea! Do they say in the local paper what time it starts?

Maggie: Ten o'clock. That's really a bit too late. Besides, we've seen enough of Louis de Funes lately. One film after another. What about driving to the West End and going to see the new French film? That starts at five. We can just make it (be in time).

Jim: The film with Anni Girardo you mean? Fine! Let's go right away (at once).


Steve: Will we go to the pictures?

Michael: Thanks, I'd like to very much.

Steve: What's being shown at the cinema?

Michael: Let's look in the newspaper and see what's being played just now.

Steve: The screen version of Lawrence's best novel "Lady Chatterly’s Lover".

Michael: I hear it's been running for several months and got the highest praise.


William: Hello, Martha! I've been waiting quite a time for you; I thought you were going to be late for the show.

Martha: So sorry, William. I have just missed a bus and had to wait a long time for another one. When does the performance start?

William: At 7.30. Hurry up, hurry up! Walk down the main aisle. Here are our seats, numbers 10 and 11 in the back row.

Martha: Hush! Watch the screen. They are already presenting the newsreel.


IV. Match the words and phrases from the text with their meanings:


1) To project an image on to a screen a) the state of being without interest or not having enough eager enjoyment

2) Slapstick b) to represent smth in an appropriate way

3) Lack of enthusiasm c) to invent a complex procedure by careful thought

4) To coin money d) not having or showing any depth of character or understanding

5) to reflect ideas e) a process of management involved a certain amount of different people

6) in consequence f) comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events

7) to devise film g) to perform in a way that conveys one’s understanding of the creator’s ideas

8) a film-making process h) to convey pictures by means of special devices

9) to interpret history i) to grow rich

10) a shallow film j) as a result


V. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the expressions from the task above (insert the verbs keeping in mind their proper tense and form):

1) The earliest pictures which were the part of music-hall programme showed comic turns, little romances, _________________ and magic trick pictures.

2) In the beginning of the XXth century the USA became the chief center of production and the foremost ____________________ country.

3) The popularity of the cinema increased greatly so some people who _________________ of the pioneers realized that they could enrich themselves.

4) The representatives of a new film movement called avant-garde attempted ________________________ combining art and psychology.

5) ___________________ Frenchmen managed to create new forms of art.

6) Russian films are considered to be the most important in the movie history as their directors try _________________________ and contemporary Russian life.

7) People who understood the great influence and vast possibilities of the cinema became _____________________ without being conscious of its final effect.

8) Nowadays there is a tendency to make __________________ which not having excellent quality.

9) By the end of the century phonographic motion pictures which ___________________________ became available for general public.

10) The process of making a film is very complicated and long. First of all script writers and directors try _____________________ and implement their visions in the future film.


VI. Study the vocabulary (pp.) and translate the following sentences using words and phrases from it:

1) Що в кінотеатрі зазвичай показують перед початком фільму? Іноді кіножурнал, який висвітлює основні події сьогодення, розпочинає кіносеанс.

2) Як довго триває показ кіножурналу? Зазвичай це не займає багато часу, особливо якщо фільм цікавий, але якщо він досить нудний доводиться постійно дивитися на годинник.

3) Я вважаю що цей двосерійний фільм має сподобатися тобі. Найбільше мене вразила гра акторів. Навіть епізодичні ролі виконували зірки першої величини.

4) Мені цікаво, як часто ви ходите до кінотеатру? Не менше 2 разів на тиждень, але інколи я волію залишитися вдома і подивитися фільм по телевізору.

5) Оскільки це була кінопрем’єра, нам не вдалося купити білети перед початком сеансу. Ми вирішили не ризикувати і забронювати білети заздалегідь.

6) Яким фільмам ти надаєш перевагу: історичним, комедійним, пригодницьким або фантастиці? Найбільше мені подобаються фільми, які поєднують елементи різних жанрів.

7) У ХХ столітті надзвичайною популярністю користувались фільми, засновані на реальних подіях. Саме такі фільми стали візитною карткою радянського, а згодом і російського кінематографа.

8) Хоча серед списку номінантів на цю престижну кінонагороду було декілька картин всесвітньо відомих режисерів, премію було присуджено фільму, який став дебютом одного талановитого, але невідомого кінорежисера.

9) Чи вважаєте Ви, що запорукою успіху будь-якого фільму є лише першокласний склад акторів? Так, це дійсно важливо, але багато залежить від сценарію, режисера-постановника, оператора, звукорежисера тощо.

10) Деякі дорослі вважають, що мультфільми створюють лише тільки для дитячої аудиторії. Чи поділяєте ви їх точку зору? Звісно, я так не думаю, адже я великий шанувальник мультфільмів.


VII. Read this information on 3 past winners of best picture Oscars and complete it using these words: very (1), than (5), most (2), as (2), least (1), less (1), little (1), more (3), much (2):

Titanic: won 11 Oscars (nominated for 14), length 194 minutes
Forrest Gump: won 6 Oscars (nominated for 13), length 141 minutes
Gladiator: won 5 Oscars (nominated for 12), length 155 minutes

Gladiator was a _________ successful movie, but when it comes to awards, Forest Gump was __________ successful, and – of films – Titanic was the _________ successful. It also had __________ bigger earnings at the box office, which is lucky for director James Cameron, because it was one of the ______________ expensive films ever.

All three films are longer _________ two hours. Forrest Gump is the shortest. Gladiator is a _________ longer, but it isn’t __________ long __________ Titanic; Titanic is _________ longer ________ the others.

Forrest Gump had _________ Oscars _________ Gladiator, but it won _______ _______ Titanic. Gladiator was the _________ successful of the three, even with twelve nominations. If Gladiator had won all of its nominations, it would have taken _________ Oscars ________ Titanic.


VIII. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1) Find out some interesting facts from the history of Ukrainian cinema and write an essay based on them.

2) Ukrainian stage director’s contribution to the world cinema industry.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 158 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Мета навчального курсу | Cinema Actors and Cinema Workers | Going to the Movies | VIII. Write the essay on the following topics | Elements of Romantic Comedies | Romantic Comedy Storyline | Characteristics of the Science Fiction Genre | Science Fiction Follows Scientific Rules | FILMS IN FOUR WORDS | Film festivals |
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