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Here are 12 words that appeared in Unit 6 and the explanation to them. Find the words according to their explanation.

Читайте также:
  1. A breeze blows through the window and the top pages flutter. We both slam our palms down to catch them.
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A student visited a dermatovenerologist complaining of erosion on penis which had appeared some days before. Examination of the patient determined painless ulcer of
  5. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  6. A) Identify each of the electronic components below and draw their circuit symbol in the space provided.
  7. A) Match the idioms with their definitions.

CAREFUL! Two words are NOT used!


cruise clearance announce
chart information altitude
foot permanent height
permit expect descent

a) permission;

b) detailed map used to help navigation by air;

c) travel at a moderate speed, using fuel efficiency;

d) allow;

e) measure of length: 12 inches;

f) to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody/something will come;

g) distance (of an object or a position) above ground;

h) make something known publicly;

i) coming or going down;

j) facts told, heard or discovered.


remain forename proceed
at once descend recommend
hope descent complete (adj)
welcome call approximately

a) shout; cry;

b) immediately, without delay;

c) go on; make one’s way;

d) greet somebody on his arrival;

e) name proceeding the family name;

g) desire for something to happen, combined with the expectation that it will;

h) coming or going down;

i) finished; ended;

j) almost correctly and exactly but not completely.


purpose signature descend
regret permanent descent
foot collect aboard
coast speed remain

a) quickness of movements;

b) feel sorrow about (the loss of somebody/something); to wish to have somebody/something again;

c) person’s name written by himself;

d) bring or gather something together;

e) come or go down;

f) stay in the same place;

g) land bordering the sea;

h) lasting or expected to last for a long period or for ever; not likely to change;

j) thing that one intends to do, get, be; intention.



aboard [E7bO:d] на борту на борту
Alitalia [Eli7tXljE] Italian national airline  
announce [E7nauns] объявлять оголошувати
approximately [E7prOksimitli] приблизительно приблизно
British Airways [7britiS7BEweiz] British national airline  
coast [koust] побережье узбережжя
call [kO:l] вызов виклик
chart [tSa:t] карта, схема, таблица карта, схема, таблиця
clearance [7kliErEns] разрешение дозвіл
collect [kE7lect] собирать збирати
complete [kEm7pli:t] заполнять заповнювати
complete stop полная остановка (зд. двигателей) повна зупинка (тут: двигунів)
cruise [kru:z] лететь на крейсерском режиме летіти на крейсерському режимі
descend [di7send] снижаться знижуватися
expect [iks7pekt] ожидать, предпо- лагать чекати, передбачати
foot pl. feet [fut] [fi:t] фут фут
forename [7fO:neim] имя (в отличие от фамилии на бланках) iм'я (на відміну від прізвищ на бланках)
height [hait] высота (относительная) висота (відносна)
hope [houp] надеяться надіятися
Iberia [ai7biEriE] Spanish national airline  
information desk пункт (табло) информации (напр. о рейсах) пункт (табло) інформації (напр. про рейси)
miles per hour миль в час миль на годину
Olympic Airways [E7limpik7BEweiz] Greek national airline  
at once [Et7wVns] сразу же одразу ж
permanent address [7pE:mEnEntEd7res] постоянный адрес постійна адреса
permit [pE7mit] позволять, разрешать дозволяти
peseta [pE7seitE] песета песета
proceed [prE7si:d] следовать, направляться направлятися
purpose [7pE:pEs] цель мета
recommend [6rekE7mend] рекомендовать, советовать рекомендувати, радити
regret [ri7gret] сожалеть шкодувати
remain [ri7mein] оставаться залишатися
Sabena [sE7bi:nE] Belgian national airline  
S.A.S. Scandinavian Airlines System  
signature [7signitSE] подпись пiдпис
speed [spi:d] cкорость швидкiсть
welcome [7welkEm] приветствовать вiтати


U N I T 7

Learning points: Reading comprehension: Travelling by Air

Review points: Past Perfect Tense

1. Read the story.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 132 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Complete the sentences. | Here are 12 words that appeared in Unit 1 and the explanation to them. Find the words according to their explanation. | Listen to the airport announcements and complete the chart. | Here are 12 words that appeared in Unit 4 and the explanation to them. Find the words according to their explanation. | Study this information from a brochure for people travelling from other countries to London Heathrow Airport. | Look at the pictures and write down the number that corresponds to these words. | KEYS TO EXERCISES | Answer the questions to the story. | FLYING - THEN AND NOW | Translate into English. |
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Change the sentences above which are false so that they are true.| TRAVELLING BY AIR

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