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Speak English on aviation problems

Читайте также:
  2. A chapter-by-chapter commentary on the major difficulties of the text and the cultural and historical facts that may be unknown to Russian-speaking readers.
  3. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  4. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  5. Aim: develop sts’ speaking for fluency with the functional language on the topic Dates.
  6. Aim: develop sts’ speaking for fluency with the functional language on the topic.
  7. Airport English


Цель данного учебника – научить слушателей вести беседу или сделать сообщение на предлагаемые темы, связанные с гражданской авиацией (самолеты, аэропорты, авиакомпании, правила перевозок, международные организации гражданской авиации, безопасность и другие).

Лексико-грамматический материал расположен по темам, для закрепления данного материала предлагается система упражнений. В учебнике использован оригинальный материал зарубежных журналов.

Предлагается большое количество текстов для глубокой проработки каждой темы. Продолжительность изучения каждой темы, зависит от уровня подготовки слушателей и от усвоения учебного материала. Предусматривается отработка тем этапами: для активного и пассивного усвоения, аудирования и других видов работ.

Дополнительно к авиационной тематике предлагается для изучения лексический материал по бытовой тематике.




The main objective of Aeroflot Representative is to attract more passengers and cargo and to make passenger and cargo transportation as profitable as possible. Aeroflot reprentative has a lot of work to do. His working day begins early. It consists of giving instructions to his staff, telephone conversations, business talks, reception of visitors, making arrangements, discussion of important business problems with his personnel and representatives of other airlines. Every day he looks through the telexes and letters and if there are express or urgent ones he gives answers without delay.

He makes all catering arrangements for our flights. He makes an order for food on the previous day and on the day of departure he checks it and confirms the order. He corrects the order if there are any changes in the number of passengers, class of service or the menu. He also puts currency documents in order and he arranges conflicts if there are any claims on our crews, the loss of tickets or luggage. He takes actions if there are any changes in the schedule, flight cancellations, delays, non-scheduled flights, incidents or accidents at the airport. He prepares the mail which he sends to Moscow, he hands it over to the co-pilot together with the documents of the previous flight (a load, passenger and cargo manifests, flight coupons, an airway bill and a passenger list if necessary).

The Aeroflot representative receives a departure telex and informs the Embassy officials on duty of the departure time. A departure telex includes the time of departure, the crew members, the number of passenger and VIPs who are other airlines officials. The Embassy staff meets them if they are officials of higher rank. It is also the responsibility of the representative to develop cooperation with other airlines and tourist firms and to advertise our routes. At about 12 o’clock it is time for lunch, after lunch he resumes his work and at 5 the working hours are over. If he works at the airport he works late hours and meets our flights, contacts our crew, deals with aircraft maintenance, loading, unloading, embarkation, baggage identification, passenger check-in and security checks. He’s responsible for collecting cargo for transportation. He cooperates with the Embassy, Consulate and Police officials, too.



1. Read, translate, render and discuss the text.

2. Translate the following words into Russian:

Objective (aim, purpose, goal), to represent-representative, to attract-attractive, as profitable as possible, as soon as possible, early, late, to consist of, staff-personnel, to receive-reception, to visit-visitor, to arrange-arrangement, to discuss-discussion, to look through, express-urgent, to give an answer, to answer, without delay, to cater-catering, catering arrangements, to make an order for food, food-meals, to put the documents in order, on the previous day, on the day of departure, to depart-departure, to check, to confirm-confirmation, to correct-correction, to change-a change, the number of passengers, the flight number, currency documents, to arrange conflicts, to claim-a claim, loss, to act-action,to take actions, schedule, scheduled flights, non-scheduled flights, charter flights, to delay-a delay, an incident, an accident, a duty-a responsibility, to prepare-preparation, mail, to hand over, a load sheet, a passenger manifest, a flights coupon, an airwaybill, to list-a list, to inform-information, an official, a high rank, Embassy, to cooperate-cooperation, to develop-development, to advertise-advertisement, to resume, to be over, the working hours.

3. Translate from Russian into English:

Выгодный, привлекать, представитель, цель, прием, просматривать почту, дать ответ, без задержки, бортпитание, отправление, подтверждать, исправлять, количество пассажиров и членов экипажа, приводить в порядок, потеря билета, потеря багажа, задержка рейса, передавать почту, посольство, развивать сотрудничество, рекламировать, возобновлять, предпринимать действия, расписание, полет вне расписания, срочная почта, ранний рейс, организовать бортпитание, валюта, устранить конфликты, пассажирские перевозки, грузовые перевозки, как можно выгоднее, масса работы, рабочий день, состоять, включать, день вылета, отмена рейсов, отправлять почту, список пассажиров, ответственность, заканчиваться, грузовой манифест, другие фирмы, пища.

4. Answer the following questions:

1.What’s the main objective of Aeroflot representative?

2.Has he got a lot of work to do every day?

3.When does his working day begin?

4.What does his working day consist of?

5.How does he arrange catering for our flights?

6.Why does he confirm the order?

7.Are there any changes in the number of passengers?

8.What conflicts does he arrange?

9.Are there any claims on our crews?

10.Who takes actions if there are any changes in the schedule?

11.What mail does he send to Moscow?

12.Whom does he hand over the mail?

13.What documents does he hand over to the co-pilot?

14.Who does he inform of the departure time?

15.What information does a departure telex include?

16.Who meets VIPs?

17.What are his other responsibilities?

18.How long does he stay in his office?

19.Does he stay in his office long?

20.How long does his working day last?

21.When does he have lunch?

22.When does he resume his work?

23.Why does he stay longer?

24.Why does he discuss business problems with?

25.What visitors does he receive in his office?

26.What arrangements does he make?

27.What instructions does he give to his staff?

28.He meets VIPs, doesn’t he?

29.Who meets officials of higher ranks?

30.What actions does Aeroflot representative take if there are accidents or incidents at the airport?

5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Мы рекомендуем наши маршруты, чтобы привлечь больше пассажиров.

2. Мы привлекаем больше пассажиров и грузов, чтобы сделать работу нашей фирмы как можно выгоднее.

3. Нет изменений в количестве пассажиров.

4. Есть изменения в расписании?

5. Имеется задержка рейса в Москву.

6. Мы сотрудничаем с этой фирмой.

7. Пора обедать, около 12 часов.

8. Мой рабочий день заканчивается в 6 часов.

9. Я остаюсь в офисе долго.

10. У вас много работы в офисе?

11. Когда начинается ваш рабочий день?

12. Прием клиентов занимает много времени.

13. Есть срочные письма?

14. Вы занимаетесь бортпитанием?

15. Нет изменений в меню?

16. Нет отмены рейса в Лондон.

17. Какое время вылета этого рейса?

18. Вы знаете время вылета?

19. Какое количество пассажиров на рейс в Париж?

20. Мы сотрудничаем с представителями этой фирмы.

21. Эта фирма рекламирует бортпитание.

22. Где посольство?

23. Закажите бортпитание на 12 членов экипажа.

24. Передайте эти документы второму пилоту.

25. Проверьте список пассажиров.

26. До какого часа вы остаетесь в офисе?

27. Где ваш офис?

28. Когда заканчивается ваш рабочий день?

29. Я всегда встречаю наши рейсы.

30. Есть какие-либо жалобы на наши экипажи?

31. Где находиться наш экипаж? Он уже в гостинице?



Saturday and Sunday are days off. Saturday is a shopping day at a supermarket and on Sunday it is customary to go to the country on picnics which are very popular. On weekdays there are receptions, cocktail parties and banquets which are on the following occasions: inauguration of new routes, opening of new offices, representative’s resignation or new assignment, putting into operation of new equipment, issuing tourist programmes for the new season, national holidays or arrival of our touring companies.

The invitation contains the following: date and time, occasion, address (dress if necessary).

When you receive an invitation card, you accept it and inform the sender about it.

If you reject it, you send him your apologies and reasons.

They often arrange excursions for the staff.

If the representative leaves the town, he inform the official on duty in the Embassy. For a trip to a neighbouring country a permission of Consulate is necessary.




1.Read the text and dicuss it.

2.Translate the following words into Russian:

Days off, a shopping day, a supermarket, it’s customary, to go to the country, receptions, to arrange, on weekdays, occasion, inaugurate – inauguration, resign – resignation, assign – assignment, to put into operation, to issue a programme, to invite – invitation, to contain, an invitation card, to accept, to reject, to inform, to send apologies, a reason, excursion, to leave, a neighbour, a neighbouring country, to permit – permission, Consulate, official, the official on duty.

3.Translate the following words into English:

Приглашение, принять приглашение, причина, экскурсия, повод, разрешение, отправитель, организовать, прием, открытие нового маршрута, отставка, назначение, прибытие, введение в строй нового оборудования.

4.Answer the following questions:

1. What is it customary to do on the days off?

2. Are there any days off?

3. When do they arrange receptions?

4. On what occasions do they arrange cocktail parties?

5. What does the invitation card contain?

6. What do you do if you accept the invitation?

7. What do you do if you reject the invitation?

8. When is a permission of Consulate necessary?

9. What do you do if you want to leave the town?

10. Who do you inform of your trip to a neighbouring country?

11. Are trips to other countries possible for the representative?

12.What are the days off?

13. Is Sunday a shopping day?

14. What is very popular on days off?

5.Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Вы принимаете их приглашение?

2. Почему вы отвергаете их приглашение?

3. Мы часто организуем экскурсии.

4. У меня есть разрешение на поездку в соседнюю страну.

5. Мы часто получаем приглашения на пикники.

6. Принято выезжать на пикники по воскресеньям.

7. Я приглашаю вас на вечер по поводу открытия нового маршрута.

8. Они часто открывают новые маршруты?

9. Они открывают новые офисы?

10. Приглашение включает адрес?

11. Я принимаю ваше приглашение.

12. Я не часто езжу на экскурсии, у меня много работы.

13. У вас есть разрешение на поездку в эту страну?

14. Вы часто покидаете город?

15. По какому поводу банкет?

16. Как часто вы покидаете город?

17.Прием по поводу назначения нового представителя?

18. Они приглашают нас на прием по поводу открытия маршрута.

19. Какое оборудование она вводят в строй?

20. По какой причине вы отказываетесь от приглашения?

21. Кого вы информируете о поездке в другие города?



Great Britain is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The population is over 55 mln. London has about 8 mln inhabitants. Britain is an industrial country.

Wales is rich in coal. Britain is well known for its shipbuilding, machinebuilding, steel and textile industries.

Sheffield and Manchester are big industrial centers, Liverpool is one of it’s big ports, Glasgow is a large sea port and big shipbuilding center. Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburg are university towns.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland forms a constitutional monarchy. The Queen’s power is limited by Parliament. Parliament consists of two Chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

There are several political parties: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Party, the Communist Party.


Canada is the world’s second largest country. It has an area of about 10 mlnsq km. Canada has about 15 percent of the world’s fresh water surface. There are very many lakes in Canada. The Hiagara Falls is one of the largest falls. The climate of Canada varies greatly. Canada is very rich in mineral resources: gold, silver, oil, gas and coal. There are numerous forests, which are the greatest Canada’s resources. The waters of Canada are rich in fish. Canada is a highly industrialized and agricultural country.

The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The main industrial cities are Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Engineering specializes in the production of motor vehicles, diesel – electric locomotives and aircraft. There are also electrical engineering, electronics, wood – working and paper industries occupy a key position in Canada’s industrial structure. Paper and other wood products are exported in large quantities.

Agricultural products are also key export items. Wheat is the chief export crop of Canada’s agriculture.

Stock – breeding jields more than 50 percent of agricultural output.



Australia lies in the southern hemisphere not far from the equator. It’s washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It’s the smallest continent in the world. There is a mountain range in the east along the Pacific coast. Rivers have cut deep canyons.

Australia is rich in coal, in the mountains in the east. In most regions of Australia the climate is dry. The largest river the Murrai is in the south. There are many salt water lakes. In summer the water disappears and salt remains. Australia consists of deserts in western and central parts. In the south – east it rains all year round. The animals and birds are numerous there. Stock – breeding and farming are highly developed in Australia. The population is about 9 mln, it has the smallest number of inhabitants per square mile.

The post of Sydney is the largest city. Melbourne is the second in size. A small but beautiful town called Canberra is the capital of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia with the Queen at its head is a federation of States, each with its own elected government and capital city. The Commonwealth government controlsdefence, overseas affairs, postal services. Agriculture, trade and industry are controlled jointly by the Commonwealth and state governments.

Melbourne, capital of Victoria and Sydney, capital of New South Wales are among the great cities of the world.

Sydney, Australia’s chief city is a great commercial and industrial city.


Its population is 5 mln, an average density is only 16 per sq km.

Annual growth rate is 0.3 percent. Life expectancy is 75 years. 54 percent of the populations live in houses. 76 percent are urban – dwellers.

0.8 mln live in Helsinki and the adjacent cities. 94 percent speak Finnish, 6 percent Swedish. 50 percent have completed post – primary education, and 14 percent have university degrees. Its area is 338.000 sq km of which of the country. Finland is a sovereign parliamentary republic since 1917. It was within the Russian Empire

(1309 - 1917), before that a part of the Kingdom of Sweden for several centuries.

The President is elected every six years. 200 members of Parliament are elected for 4 – years terms.

Economic structure is: industry 22 percent, construction 8 percent, financial services 10 percent, transport and communications 7 percent, agriculture and forestry 8 percent, commerce 16 percent, miscellaneous services 29 percent.

Mean monthly temperatures in Helsinki are: January -6 degrees, May +10,

September +11. 73, 2 percent of women are employed outside the home. The unemployment rate is 7 percent. Average monthly earnings are: men 2680 and women 2140 US D.

Finland is an expensive country. It’s a tourist country. There are many ski resorts, slalom is becoming very popular. The season begins in October and continues until early May.

People of Finland have been building log houses since the dawn of history. Finland sells them in export markets. Estonia is one of Finland’s closest neighbours. Tallinn is a 20 min flight across the Baltic from Helsinki. Regular passenger traffic to Tallinn started in 1965.


1.Translate into Russian:

West, north, south – west, east, population, inhabitants, climate, forest, lake, river, capital, specialize, government, defence, overseas, affairs, trade, industry, agriculture, resources, average, density, urban – dwellers, annual, growth, life expectancy, coal, silver, gold, adjacent, paper industry, cover, education, elect, commerce, employ, unemployment, monthly earnings, ski resorts, sell, export, market, neighbor, sea port, shipbuilding, output.

2.Answer the following questions:

1. What’s the population of GB?

2. How many inhabitants has London?

3. What are the big cities of UK?

4. What’s the second largest country?

5. What’s the capital of Canada?

6. What are the main industrial cities of Canada?

7. What’s the capital of Russia?

8. What’s the population of Australia?

9. What’s the largest city of Australia?

10. What’s the capital of Australia?

11. What’s the population of Finland?

12. What’s the average density in Finland?

13. What’s the unemployment rate in Finland?

14. What are the average monthly earnings in Finland?

15. For how many years is the President elected in Finland?

16. How many members are there in the FinnishParlament?

17. What does Finland sell?

18. Is GB an industrial or agricultural country?

19. What English university towns do you know?

20. What’s becoming very popular in Finland?



IL – 86.

IL – 86 is wide – body aircraft. It can carry 350 passengers in 3 cabins. There are 2 decks – the upper deck and the upper deck. There are 3 luggage cabins, 2 cargo holds, the galley and the technical area on the lower deck. There are 3 doors on the left – side of the fuselage. There are built – in (integral) passenger stairways. There are aircraft controls and instruments in the cockpit. There are 3 members in the crew. Its payload is 42000kg. Its take off weight is 206000 kg. Cruising speed is 900-950 km\h. Its range is 3600 km. Runway length is 2300-2600 m. Engines are turbofan – 4 NK – 86.

The first flight was made in 1978. IL – 86 started regular international passenger flights to Prague, Berlin, Brussels and Hamburg. The range of its first flight was 2000 km, it carried more than 65 tons at the rate of 971 km\h. In its second flight it covered 1000 km at the rate of 956 km\h with payload of 80 tons.

If flies on routes with the heaviest traffic.

IL – 96M.

The Ilyushin IL – 96M wide-body transport is equipped with 4 Pratt and Whitney engines and Rockwell – Collins avionics.

The IL – 96M fuselage is stretched by 9 m over the Soloviev PS – 90A – powered IL – 96 – 300, allowing for up to 311 passengers in 3 – class configuration. Payload capacity is increased by 50 percent to 52600 kg. Range is increased from 7500 km to 11500 km.

Pratt and Whitney is supplying 10 engines for the 2 aircraft which are being converted.

The Collins avionics replace the IL – 96 – 300 s triplex flight control system with a fully digital system which enables two – pilot operations and Certification is scheduled for mid – 1995.

The Boeing 747

The Boeing – 747 is one of the biggest jets. It can carry up to 490 passengers. There are 10 doors, 5 each side. The carry – on luggage is individual overhead compartments. Passenger luggage is in special containers.

It has special wing desing and powerful engines. The passenger version of the B747 can carry over 29 tons of cargo in its lower hold.

The cargo plane can carry 120 tons. Loading and unloading can last only 30 minutes by 3 men.

The movement of containers is fully mechanized.

A – 300 Airbus

It is one of the latest, quietest wide – body jetliners. There are 2 engines under the wind on each side of the fuselage. It has low fuel consumption. There are 4 overhead hat racks. It has take off weight of 140 tons, fuel capacity of 43000 liters and fuel consumption of 7100 liters per hour. Its cruising speed is 840 km\h. there are cargo pallets and containers.

The 777

The programme has been approved to launch the stretched 777. It’s larger capacity version of the long range B – market aircraft. The aircraft will have a maximum gross take off weight of 268000 kg, requiring 89000 lb of thrust from each engine.

The 777 stretch will carry 420 passengers in 3 classes and 44 cargo containers or 30 t of freight. It will be 3.5 m longer than the 747 – 400, at around 74 m.

The first 777 will be received in 1998. First delivery of the aircraft to United Airlines is planned for 1995.

MD – 11

MD – 11 aircraft is wide-bodied. It can offer passengers the most up – to - date comfortable efficient transport. The flying characteristics are excellent, it has sophisticated equipment.

MC. Donnell Douglas has delivered Finnair some aircraft.

MD – 11s carry 381 passengers, this can be increased to 400.

MD – 11 is a development of the DC – 10. There are DC – 10s in Finnair’s fleet. The DC – 10 speed is about 900 km\h. Three pilots operate the DC – 10 and only two are required to fly the MD – 11. The avionics and navigation systems have new designs.

The first MD – 11 operates on charter services, it services all destinations. New routes are being planned. MD – 11 can serve charter and scheduled routes, it has been significant for cargo traffic, too. It can carry about 24 t of cargo in addition to a full passenger load.

Passenger comfort is improved, there’s more space and more efficient catering facilities. Videos can be viewed, the picture quality is better. Its wing span is 51.7 m, length is 61.2 m, cruising altitude 13.100m, its cruising speed is 910 km\h.

A – 320.

A – 320 offers better performance, greater range, better fuel economy and ability to fly at higher altitudes.

A – 320 carries 150 passenger. It’s powered by 2 engines made by companies Pratt and Whitney and Rolls – Royce. A – 320 requires two pilots in the cockpit, and it uses 30 to 40 percent less fuel. New advanced flight controls result in better fuel economy and less maintenance.

Airbus is made by France, Spain, Britain and Germany. The A – 320 technology is shared by other aircraft made by Airbus like the A – 321, A – 330 and A – 340. Between now and the year 2000 new aircraft will be needed to replace ageing and outmoded single aisle aircraft in the 120 seat category. The first A – 320 was delivered in November, 1993 to US United Airlines.


1.Translate into Russian:

A wide – body aircraft, to carry; decks; the upper deck; the lower deck; a cockpit; a luggage cabin; a cargo hold; a galley; a technical area; the left – side of the fuselage; built – in passenger stairways; payload; take off weight; cruising speed; range; runway length; engine; at the rate of; to cover; heavy traffic; the heaviest traffic; route; to equip; to be stretched; power; configuration; capacity; payload capacity; to supply; to convert; avionics; fully digital system; operate; operation; level; automatic landing; certify; certification; scheduled flights; carry – on luggage; overhead compartment; special wing design; powerful engines; version; load – loading; unload – unloading; to last; to move – movement; quietest; low fuel consumption; hat racks; fuel capacity; pallets; to approve; to launch; short – range; long – range; thrust; freight; delivery; up – to – date.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. IL – 96 is a wide – body aircraft, isn’t it?

2. How many passengers can it take?

3. How many decks are there?

4. How many passenger compartments are there?

5. How many luggage cabins and cargo holds are there?

6. Where’s the technical area?

7. What kind of stairways has IL – 86?

8. How many members are there in its crew?

9. What is its payload?

10. Is there a navigator in the crew?

11. How many engines has it?

12. How far can it fly?

13. How many passengers can B 747 take?

14. How much cargo can a passenger version of B 747 carry?

15. Is there a cargo version of B 747?

16. How much time does it take to load and unload the aircraft?

17. What aircraft has low fuel consumption?

18. What’s the passenger capacity of the B 777?

19. What is the development of the DC – 10?

20. How many pilots are required to fly the MD – 11?

21. What routes do MD – 11 aircraft serve?

22. How much cargo can MD – 11 carry?

23. How is passenger comfort improved?

24. What are A – 320’s flying characteristics?

25. What aircraft will be needed?

26. Is the A – 320 technology shared by any other aircraft?

27. How many engines is A – 320 powered by?

28. How many passengers will be carried by B – 777?

29. When will the first B 777 be received?

30. Which company is supplying engines for IL – 96 M?

31. What routes are serviced by MD – 11’s?

32. What is payload capacity of IL – 96 M?

33. Is certification scheduled?

34. What can modern aircraft offer passengers?





There are many airports in our country. There are some international airports. There is an aerodrome, a terminal, some buildings and offices at the airport; on the aerodrome there are some taxiways and runways. Runways are 2000 m long and more. Some taxiway are long, other taxiway are short. There are hangars there. There are beacons, too. At the terminal there is an apron, on it there are many stands for aircraft and there are pads for helicopters. At very aerodrome there is a meteorological office, a tower and a fire station. There is a settlement for the personnel and hotel for passengers and crews at every airport. The airport is not far from the city. It doesn’t take much time to get to the airport. It may be a 20 – 40 minute drive by bus or train.


Kastrup Airport is 8 km from Copenhagen. There are 10 stands for aircraft on the apron in front of the administration building. There is an apron in front of the hangars, too. There are taxiways and runways. The taxiway is 500 m long, the runway is 2000 m long. There’s the control tower to control aircraft on and near the airport. There are the controllers to clear the pilots to land or take – off, to taxi or to stop. There’s the met.office, too.


Frankfurt Airport is airport number 3 in Western Europe. There are about 5000 flights to and from some 170 cities in 80 countries every week. There are 40000 passengers a day. Boeing 747 planes land and take – off here. This aircraft is for 490 passengers. There’s a new terminal for 24 mln passengers. There are 3 landing areas for 36 aircraft. There’s a special hangar for B – 747. There’s a control tower 34 m high. There are 900 air traffic specialists to control flights.


Paris Airport consists of three airports: Orly, Bourge and Roissy. Orly and Bourge service Paris and its area. The aircraft of 160 air companies make regular flights to these airports. Over 13 mln passengers use the Airport every year and every year about 300000 aircraft take – off and land here. Now the airport has modern equipment and technical buildings to control the aircraft of all types.

In Orly there are four runways and a control tower controlling the traffic in the airport area. The passenger terminal building services over 10 mln passengers a year.

The area of Bourge airport is smaller, there are two runways. It services over 3 mln passengers a year. At Bourge Airport there is the International Exhibition Area. Aviation and Space Equipment Show takes place every two years.

Roissy is a new airport. Its area is 3000 hectares. It services over 50 mln passengers and 2 mln tons of cargo a year.

To services such a number of passenger the airport has five runways, four of which are parallel. 150 planes take – off and land here every hour. The passenger terminal is very comfortable. There is everything to take a passenger from a car to the aircraft quickly and comfortably.


The modern airport is a center of most diversified services. Among the airport services are: flight assistance service, air traffic control – airport traffic control, approach control, air route traffic control; radio communications and weather service observation and forecasting.

The airport has to maintain a number of supplementary service – rescue and security services. There must be an airport clinic, a fire brigade, special vehicles and equipment units (water trucks, catering trucks, air freight and baggage handling units, tow tractors for moving aircraft to the apron).

Other services cover maintenance, overhaul and repair of stationary and mobile equipment, the supply of electricity, water, heat and air conditioning. There is the Aircraft Maintenance Base with many maintenance specialists. There’s the fuel supply center with underground pipelines.

The facilities include runways, air navigation aids, passenger and cargo terminal buildings. The airport offers a hotel, a post office, bank offices, restaurants, snackbars, car rental firms and a number of other facilities from pharmacy to the travel office, from the barber and beauty shop to the supermarket and waiting lounges.

There must be everything for quick passenger handling. The modern passender air terminal operates a dozen of services. In the reception halls at the check – in desks the suitcases are weighed and labeled. Baggage check – in facilities utilize conveyors to move baggage without delays.

In the terminal there’s an electronic flight information board to list departure and arrival times. Near the board there are departure areas for passengers to board their flights. Passengers board the aircraft via loading bridges (passegeways or fingers). The baggage claim carousel is on the lower floor. Flight numbers enable passengers to find their luggage location easily.

It has become difficult for travelers to locate various facilities and services they need. The ICAO Council has developed uniform signs for use at international airports to facilitate travelers: ARRIVALS; DEPAR. URES; FIRST AID; NURSERY POINT; PASSENGER CHECK – IN; ELEVATORS; HOTEL RESERVATIONS; LOST AND FOUND; LEFT LUGGAGE, and so on.


The capacity of Sheremetyevo Airport has increased. The terminal can receive up to 2100 passengers every hour, the total capacity of the complex is 15 mln passengers a year. Sheremetyevo 2 is situated 28 km north – west of Moscow. It is the center of international air traffic of Russia. Sheremetyevo 2 was inaugurated in 1980, its capacity is 2100 passengers an hour, it can handle 6 mln passengers a year. It’s a 9 – storey building with 19 telescopic ladders (fingers). It has been assembled by the West German firm. It has the most up – to – date equipment for handling passengers. There is a new runway which can handle all types of aircraft. Radio navigation equipment and the air traffic control system have been modernized. The new check – in counters, computers and 10 automatic luggage conveyors cut the time needed for receiving passengers and handling luggage down to 5 minutes. The automatic baggage conveyors reduce luggage waitingtime after arrival to 7 minutes.

There are halls for passengers, 4 restaurants, a banquet hall, bars, snack bars to cater for 1600 passengers at a time. There’s a conference hall for 500 seats. There’s a hotel for 500 transit passengers, a modern complex for centralized fueling of aircraft, engineering communications and other facilities.

There are arrivals, departures, transit and waiting halls in the terminal. The terminal has all the latest equipment to handle numerous passengers much cargo and baggage. Boarding is done through one of the 19 passages (telescopic gangways). There are foreign airline offices on the upper floors. There is a parking place for 1200 cars. It takes only 35 minutes to get to the center of the city. Ticket registration and luggage weighing and labeling are computerized. There’s the computer information system to provide passengers with necessary flight information.

Passengers can make a long – distance telephone call, send a cable, exchange currency, buy souvenirs and other goods at the duty – free shops. There are two sections for kids with sleeping rooms and playgrounds.

Payment of shipment is accepted in cash, cheque letter of credit. Sheremetyevo – 1, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Bykovo are used for domestic lines only; Sheremetyevo – 2 is one of four major airports in Europe.


The new gateway to the Swedish capital is the International Terminal at Arlanda. The airport is designed to handle up to 20 mln passengers a year. Arlanda International terminal is planned for 4.5 mln passengers service. There’s a big parking area for 2000 cars in the open and 1000 in a parking garage, a 4 – storey building. More additional garages will be built within the parking area. The parking area and the garage are connected to the terminal building by a pedestrian tunnel under the road.

The new international terminal is composed of a 4 – storey building with two three – storey piers extending from it and a smaller two – storey building for SAS flight operations. Each pier has 10 gates. The basement (level 1) contains technical installations, storage, maintenance shops, catering supply and shop. A hairdresser, lost property office, toilets, nursery and restrooms are situated there.

Arrivals, ground level (level 2) is for arriving passengers. They enter via escalators, stairs or lift from the pier corridors to the passport control at each end of the central building. The baggage claim area contains 4 conveyors. Separate exits are provided for taxic, buses, private cars and chartered buses and an escalator leads down to the garage and the parking area. In the arrivals there are information services, bank, post office, car rental agencies, coffee shop and a food shop, as well as escalators and lifts to the departures lobby on level 3.

On this level the piers are designed for ramp equipment, offices and ramp services. In the departure hall (level 3) there are 22 check – in desks per the right – hand pier and the left – hand pier. Each check – in area has its own baggage transit system. The general information counter is located in the center of the hall and there are airline counters, travel bureaus and banks in the departure hall. There’re shops, toilets, restrooms, traffic offices, pressroom, VIP lounger, telecommunications station and a corridor connecting the two piers. The baggage is transported from the check – in counter to the baggage hall by the computer controlled system. Baggage is loaded on to a cart or into a container and driven out to the aircraft. Arriving baggage is unloaded on to conveyor belts in the sorting hall, which carry it into the baggage claim area.

The public address system for passenger information has 1700 loud – speakers in the departures and arrivals lobbies, the piers, the restaurants and other public areas. Passenger information is also displayed on large boards above the check – in counters and at each end of the departures and arrivals lobbies. Other boards are used to tell the truck drivers the conveyors belt at which baggage from a particular incoming flight is to be unloaded. The visual information system includes TV monitors located in all passenger areas. The flight number, departure time for the next boarding flight and the gate number are indicated on a TV monitor at each gate. Information boards and TV monitors are controlled by computers which in addition to information about departure and arrivals also handle special information for the terminal personnel.


It is 24 km west of London center. There are 125 parking stands. There’re 3 terminals. Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 are for shorthair routes, Terminal 3 is for longhaul routes. Heathrow services about 27mln passengers a year. 45000 people work at Heathrow, in its 260 offices. There are 74 airlines offices with cargo agents, salesmen, charwomen, typists, mechanics, medical personnel, policemen, Customs officers, Passport Control officers, etc.

One of the most important problems of Heathrow is the noise of aircraft. There are some restrictions for night flights. The aircraft engines are becoming quieter. Another problem is the congestion of Terminal 3, the terminal is overcrowded, it handles about 10 mln passengers a year.

A new 4th terminal is planned, it can handle 2000 passengers an hour and its capacity is 8 mln passengers a year. It can receive the biggest aircraft. There are 22 stands.


Gatwick is 45 km south of London. It was inaugurated in 1936. It is connected by railway with the center of London. Its capacity is 16 mln passengers a year, but when a new terminal was opened, its capacity has increased to 25 mln. It can handle 8 wide-body aircraft simultaneously. Gatwick’s main runway is 10165 feet long. It handles 40 aircraft movements per hour, while the northern runway handles 18 per hour.



Australia depends on the aircraft more than any other country, as itlies fan away from other countries. There are two state – owned carriers – Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) and Qantas. There’s privately – owned Ansett Airlines of Australia. The biggest airport presents the biggest problems.

There’s a night flying ban at Kingsford Smith Airport between 2 p.m. and 6 a.m. During the peak hours there are delays because the airspace and the apron are overcrowded. Kinsford Smith Airport dates back to 1919 and has now become cramped.

There are only 13 aircraft stands for the international terminal. International traffic was growing so fast that TAA andAnsett International had to move to new terminals on the other side of the field.

Sydney needs a new international terminal, but there is no suitable site within 30 or 40 km of the city center. The most urgent need is to build a parallel runway.

A new cargo building is designed for an ultimate capacity of 350000 tons a year.

Kinsford Smith Airport has the capacity of 7 mln passengers a year, 100000 tons of cargo.

Bankstown Airport has the capacity of 350000 aircraft movements a year, it is the second airport in the Sydney region. The situation at the new airport at Melbourne is relaxed, it handles 5 mln passengers, 70000 tons of cargo, 80000 aircraft movements a year.

The old Essendon Airport is available for charter operations by small aircraft and for cargo flights.

Melbourne’s Airport Moorabbin has 260000 aircraft movements a year. Australia’s capital Canberra with the population of 160000 has an airport used by 1 mln passengers a year. The Australian Ministry of Transport operates 78 airfields, 7 more are operated jointly with the military and 371 fields are officially certificated. The fleet comprises Boeings and DCs.




There are 8 major airports in Britain – Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Southampton, Prestwick, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

There are 450 staff in airports UK, but there are 9500 within the group to provide support as necessary.

Southampton airport was purchased in 1990 by BAA. The airport has an old terminal building which was built in 1917. Their plan is to replace completely all the airport facilities. The plan costs 20 million. There will be a new passenger terminal, a control tower, a fire station, car parking areas – a completely new airport will be built around the old runway.

There is a railway station which provides 55 – minute non – stop train services to London. Southampton is the UK’s fastest growing airport. They have installed an instrument landing system. A new hotel is to be built next to the terminal.

Local people can fly to European destination from Southampton.

Southampton has become an important air freight centre. Traffic has greatly increased.

They have introduced a weekly transatlantic service. Flights are to operate non – stop to Toronto. New facilities are installed including shops and catering points.

Stansted is one of the most comfortable and easy to use airports. Departures are on the left, arrivals on the right. Everything you need is on one level. Passengers walk from the entrance through check – in, security and Passport Control to the departure lounge, the distance of 150 metres. From the departure lounge an automatic transit system will carry passengers quickly to the satellite on the apron where they’ll board their plane.

Stansted is ideally located, it takes 41 minutes by train from London. There are 12 new European destinations and holiday flights are also offered.


Its population is 4 million. The official statistics list 43 aerodromes with regular air services. In Norway most of the airfields are shared by military and civil operators and purely military fields are few. Some 20 smaller aerodromes are used for shorthaul services by STOL aircraft. Another 5 similar fields will be added. The runways as a rule are 800 m long. There is an efficient snow and ice removal service.

A major development plan for the Norwegian airports is expected to be announced. The runways are being lengthened. This was done at some airports. New taxiways are under construction at some airports. New passengers terminals are inaugurated. New terminals are to be opened and terminal capacity is to be increased in the 90s. More traffic is expected at some airports.

The airport serving the capital Oslo provides the greatest problems. Oslo – Fornebu is only 9 km from the city center. More than 1.5 mln people live within its area. The night flying restrictions have been in force at this airport since 1971. Only delayed scheduled flights may land here between 11.30 p.m. and 7 a.m. The new airport will be needed for Oslo. The favored site is Hobo about 30 km to the south of Oslo.

Oslo – Fournebu has numerous problems, the first is the problem of aircraft noise, there are complains from local residents. Another problem is the adequate length of the main runway, it’s only 2200 m. No transatlantic vices can be operated from Oslo, instead SAS offers non – stop services to New York three times a week from Bergen. The third problem is the traffic congestion at Fornebu. A new cargo terminal is to be built here.

The project will include a lengthening of runway by 400 m, light aircraft hangar, workshops, fuel depot, fire station, helicopter pad, cargo terminal, winter service, catering, airmail, parking garage, satellites, and office building. There is a plan to enlarge the Customs facilities.


The problem today is to learn to look forward at least 30 years into the future. The crowded condition of the airways is being repeated throughout the world. More passengers should be carried per aircraft unit in order not to increase the number of aircraft units flying. The costs of aircraft have changed radically in the past few years. Every minute of the aircraft life must be considered as of great economic value. To do reasonable planning, it is necessary to know what aircraft of tomorrow may be.

The second planning problem is runway limitations. The runway must be planned to provide a very high driving speed.

Of next concern are taxiways, the avoidance of delays on a taxiway, awaiting runway clearance. The next problem is the apron. An apron layout should be studied carefully to avoid the trapping of aircraft between fingers.

To eliminate apron delays the design of a round building is preferred.

Air cargo is a major factor in the growth of the airport in the future. It is also of concern to handle cargo safety and quickly.


1.Translate into Russian:

Distance, destination, fleet, display, carrier, night flying ban, delay, airspace, apron, stand, staff, terminal, traffic, field, runway, taxiway, cargo, cargo building, design, capacity, move, movement, handle, charter operations, cargo flights, parking stand, short -haul routes, long- haul routes, service, noise, restriction, engine, congestion, overcrowded, receive, widebody, volume, increase, reduce, connect, gate, install, installation, storage, maintain, maintenance, catering, supply, arrive, arrivals, depart, departure, enter, entry, via escalators, stairs, passport Control, Customs, baggage claim area, exit, information services, lobby, ramp, check – in desks, load, unload, loading, unloading, the public address system, a loudspeaker, information board, incoming flight, to locate, flight number, departure time, gate number, indicate, total capacity, finger, up – to – date, equip, equipment, hangar, handle passengers, cargo and baggage handling, foreign airline offices, weigh, label, exchange, currency, payment, shipment, helicopter pad, accept, in cash, rescue and security services, vehicle, unit, truck, satellites, baggage handling unit, enlarge, tow tractor, cover, overhaul, repair, mobile equipment, fuel, facility, aids, offer, wait, waiting lounge, reception hall, suitcase, utilize, without delays, enable, location, uniform signs, facilitate, First Aid, Lost and Found, Left Luggage, snow and ice removal service, night flight restrictions, to be in force, scheduled flights, length, width, non – stop services.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What is it necessary to know to do reasonable airport planning?

2. What are the main airport planning problems?

3. What kind of a terminal building is preferred?

4. What factors is considered in the growth of the airport in the future?

5. What restrictions are in force at some airports?

6. What are the main problems of modern airports?

7. How many major airports are there in Great Britain?

8. What country is well served by air?

9. What offices and services are there at the airport?

10. How can one locate various services?

11. At which airport does Aviation and Space Equipment Show take place every two years?

12. What facilities are used for quick passenger handling?

13. Where can passengers get flight information?

14. Where is the baggage claim carousel located?

15. What helps passengers to locate various facilities and services they need?

16. What has ICAO done to facilitate travelers?

17. What’s the capacity of Sheremetyevo Airport?

18. How is boarding done at a modern airport?

19. What’s done at the airports to increase their capacity?

20. What information can a passenger get at the airport?

3. Translate the following into English:

Самолетный парк, обслуживать пассажиров, обслуживать самолет, время вылета, номер рейса, задержка, запрет на ночные полеты, пропускная способность, шум, ограничение, бортпитание, прибытие, техобслуживание самолета, грузовая стоянка самолета, загрузка, разгрузка, современный, оборудование, вес, валюта, оплата, ремонт, топливо, без задержки, телескопический трап, широкофюзеляжный реактивный самолет, зал ожидания, уборка снега, камера хранения багажа.



Topic 5.airlines.aeroflot.


Aeroflot was founded in I923. Its history began with the first flight between Moscow and Nizhni Novgorod. The 9th of February is considered to be its birthday.

Our country did not have any planes of its own. We flew by planes bought from Germany. We {lad to buy and fly on foreign planes. Aeroflot began to fly on Russian-made planes in 1935.

By 1941,before the war, we had many airports, large aviation plants, flying schools, colleges and institutes.

Aeroflot has done much in the war time for our victory.

After the war Aeroflot developed rapidly and successfully.

One of the first jet passenger aircraft was put into service in 1956, it was

TU-I04. Then the new jet aircraft TU-I34, TU-I54, IL-62 were designed and

built. Aeroflot has become one of the largest companies in the world. Its

routes were serviced by reliable passenger and cargo aircraft including

jets of the second generation.

In 1970 our country became a member of ICAO -International Civil Aviation Organization, which was established in Chicago in 1944.

Cooperation with air companies of other countries within the ICAO frame­work enabled Aeroflot to introduce the most advanced methods of operation. This cooperation was fruitful in the joint programmes on designing, build­ing and introducing new planes, as well as in the training of flying and technical personnel.

Aeroflot traffic has become particularly heavy to our neighbouring count­ries. Our country has supplied many countries with our aircraft, aircraft technology and helped them to master new types of aircraft. A modern training center for flight and ground personnel was opened in our country. It has helped to train a great number of civil aviation specialists for many countries.

Many routes have been initiated and many flights have been introduced. Aeroflot has seen intensive expansion in civil aviation international operations. Many communications agreements have been concluded between our country and other countries.

New types of aircraft have been designed and built. There are new designs such as TU-204, IL-96 and some other designs. Aeroflot has also bought some Western-built airliners A-3I0, Boeings. They can offer new levels of comfort and service on our domestic and international routes.



The Russian airline industry has undergone massive change with Aeroflot now an operational airline. The name "Aeroflot" denoted not only the Soviet national airline but the entire field of civil aviation activity-airline operations, АТС and Government regulatory agencies (even military transport and other aircraft belonging to the aerospace industry were also in Aeroflot colours).

Now Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines -resembles an airline in the West. Its fleet has dropped to 103 operational aircraft, these inc­lude IL-62 Ms, IL-86s, IL-36s, TU-I54s and TU-I34s. It also operates five Airbus Industrie A-3IO-300s on lease.

Former regional Aeroflot directorates have become independent operators in Russia and the rest of CIS, these include Aerovolga, Baikalavia, Komi-avia, Magadan Airlines, Moscow Airways, Sibavia, and others. This creates specific problems, they are now going through a painful process of working together and establishing themselves in the new free-market environment. Shortly before the Soviet Union collapsed in I99I, the Inter-State Aviation Committee (МАК) was formed to succeed the Soviet civil aviation ministry. Now there are regulatory civil aviation bodies in each of the former Soviet republics. In Russia, this is the Department of Air Transport (DAT) of the Ministry of Transport (HOT).The DAT is assuming responsibility for more and more functions.

The Air Register provides the registration and certification of all civil aircraft in Russia and the CIS is still a part of the HAK Committee. There are about 200 registered enterprises in Russia, providing commercial lights, some of them operating one or a small number of aircraft.

There are also private operators leasing perhaps two aircraft to operate occasional charter flights.

The DAT is losing control over "wild" operators which frequently neglect safety regulations. The situation is to be rectified, new regulations for licensing air transport operations in Russia have been put into effect. The new order requires licences for passenger and cargo flights, airport activities and special flights. Licences are valid for up to 5 years. A DAT commission will issue permission for particular routes to be flown. The winner will be chosen after consideration of "qualificatlon" of flight crews and ground personnal, the quality of services offered, availability of jet fuel and spares in operator's storage and the level of tariffs.


It is predicted that small airlines will have to unite, forming more power­ful operators. The most successful carrier, other than Aeroflot, appears to be Transaero providing scheduled flights from Moscow to Norilsk, Sochi, Kiev, Almaty, Minsk and Riga. It has a booking office in the centre of Moscow and it has become the first domestic operator of foreign commercial aircraft in the CIS. Transaero has been operating a pair of leased B-737-200s on do­mestic flights.


Fleet Modernization.


The Russian commercial fleet is worn out and obsolete. Most of the air­craft are old, fuel-inefficient, ecologically dirty and do not have enough range. When re-equipping Aeroflot gives priority to new-generation Russian airliner such as the IL-96 and TU-204 powered by Russian PS-90 A engines. The same aircraft powered by Western engines are significantly more expen­sive.

There are problems even with purchasing Russian-built aircraft. The Voronezh plant is able to produce only eight IL-96 a year, but the demand is higher. The average age of Russian airliners is about 20 years and the fleet is on average 70% through its lifespan. The older examples of earlier types are retired.

New independent airlines do not have enough funds to buy new aircraft, so they are purchased for them by the state. The level of financing avail­able is decreasing. Less money is allocated for buying new aircraft. The highest priority is being given to extending aircraft lives. Small regional and utility aircraft were imported, mostly from Poland and former Czechoslovakia, about 5,000 such aircraft are operational in Russia, but there is a great problem - severe shortage of spare parts which now have to be bought with hard currency. Now the Government cannot afford it and a high percentage of aircraft made in the former socialist countries are grounded. To improve the situation, the AN-38 and AN-3,utility aircraft will substitute the AN-28 and AN-2 licence-built in Poland. The Be-32 and IL-II2 will be ordered instead of the Czech L-4I0 and L-6I0.




Now the internal price of jet fuel in the CIS is approaching the in­ternational level. Ticket prices have led to a sharp decrease in passengers -30% in the first half of 1993. The situation is even worse In Ukraine and Belarus dependent on oil imports from Russia.

The number of flights leaving Kharkov airport daily his dropped from about 100 to three while flights from regional airports to Moscow and Kiev have been suspended.


Hundreds of aircraft remain idle on the ground some are charted to foreign airlines or are operating ad hoc flights abroad for local enterpreneurs.

In Relorus the national carrier Belavia has suspended practically all of
its international flights.

Airport authorities demand cash from aircrews for maintenance and refuel­ing at international landing points.

Only some of the operators using their resourcefulness manage to remain profitable and stay reliable. The Volga-Dnepr cargo carrier flying on AN-I24 Ruslans worldwide is a good example. Three basic principles of the company's activity are: healthy competition, extremely high quality and collaboration and partnership with maximum convenience for customers. This is the best way to prove that Russia remains a great aviation power. Volga-Dnepr has found itself a successful market,


I. Translate the following words into Russian:

to undergo changes, to belong, to resemble, fleet, to drop, on lease, independent, to create, to go through, environment, to collapse, to succeed, certi­fication, enterprise, to lose, to neglect safety regulations, to rectify the situation, to put into effect, to require, to be valid, to issue, permission, to consider- consideration, to offer, services, avallability, to offer service convenience spares, to predict, power-powerful, carrier, domestic operator, foreign aircraft, leased aircraft, domestic nights, worn out fleet, obsole­te aircraft, inefficient, dirty, range, re-equip, priority, to purchase, Russian built aircraft, to demand-a demand, average age, on average, to retire, to decrease, to allocate money, to extend aircraft lives, to import, shortage, to afford, to ground aircraft, to substitute, to suspend flights, to remain idle reliable, to remain profitable.

II. Answer the following questions:

1.What did the name "Aeroflot" denote?

2.Has its fleet dropped greatly?

3.Can you name any independent operators?

4.What problems did independent operators create?

5.Why is this process of working together painful?

6.When was МАК formed?

7.How many enterprises are registered in Russia to provide commercial flights?

8.Are there any private operators to operate charter flights?

9. What is the problem with "wild" operators?

10.Which way isthe situation to be rectified?

11.How long are licences valid?

12. Are there any successful carriers?

13. What is the problem of the Russian fleet?

14. Why is there the problem of purchasing Russian-built aircraft?

15.What is the average age of Russian airliners?

16.How many aircraft imported from Poland and Czechoslovakia are opera­tional in Russia?

17.What is the problem with these imported aircraft? 18. Are these aircraft grounded?

19.How can this situation be improved?

20.What has to a sharp decrease in passengers?

21.Why is the situation worse in Ukraine and Belorus?

22.What Kind of cash is demanded from aircrews at international airports?

23.Do any operators manage to remain profitable and reliable?

24.What are the basic principles of the successful operator's activity?

25.The Russian airline has undergone massive change,hasn4 it? 26. Aeroflot is now an operational airline, isn't it?


III. Translate the following into English:


самолеты нового поколения,покупать, дефицит, запчасти, заменять самолеты, снижаться, подвергаться изменениям, создавать пробле­мы, предприятия, безопасность, вводить новые правила,требовать, исправлять, действительный, давать разрешение, объединяться, устаревший, зависимый, независимый, количество рейсов, заправка, техобслуживание, надежный, выгодный, успешный, запрещать полеты, приостанавливать полеты, сотрудничество, высокое качество, гру­зовой перевозчик, покупка самолетов, отечественные самолеты, иностранный, требование, брать в аренду,/быть в состоянии/позволить себе, ассигновать, изношенным, изымать из обращения, выдача свиде­тельства,окружающая среда, оставаться. пренебрегать, наличие, средний возраст, в среднем, продлить, свозить, приоритет, принадлежать, переоборудовать.



Lufthansa was formed in 1926 from the two survivors of some 30 air­lines operating in Germany between 1919 and that date, the new merger was called "Deutsche LuftHansa". It began operations with 19 different types of aircraft. First scheduled service was made in 1926 from Berlin to Zurich. It flew non-stop Berlin-New York in 24 hours and 36 minutes in, 1938 with 26 passengers and a crew of 4.

The end of the World War II saw a temporary end to Lufthansa activities, but in 1953 "Luftag" was founded and in 1954 its name was changed to "Luft-Hansa".Four Constellations were purchased, later in 1958-1959 nine Viscounts were brought into service and the first jetliner Boeing-707 was received in I960. In 1965 the company was the sixth in western international air transport tables. In 1970 it was the first of European airlines to use Boeing-747. In 1974 the DC-IO was added to the fleet and in 1975 it order­ed 3 airbuses. One jumbo is completely cargo and a second is converted to take an increased freight-load with less passenger capacity. The Lufthansa Training Centre was opened in 1973. The Frankfort-Moscow route extended to Tokyo is the busiest.


SAS was fronded in 1946. SAS represents three countries - Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian Airline System has a plan of changes invol­ving aircraft, uniforms, ground vehicles, ticket off ices, fleet reequipment. The airline authorities are talking with the manufacturers about developing new aircraft to replace old aircraft. The airline has had contact with Boe­ing, Mc Donnell Douglas and Airbus.

The SAS fleet has to be replaced. SAS has contacts with Scandinavian car producer to use their vehicles to take SAS business passengers to and from airports. SAS is turning into a businessman's airline. Some aircraft are being fitted with new interiors.

Changes will spread to ticket offices, thousands of service vehicles, tickets, timetable, even business calling cards.

Turning the ideas into practice will provide work for a lot of people in Scandinavia, West Germany. Scotland and Switzeland.


Midway Airlines was born in 1979. It has been a low fare carrier with the unique advantage of Midway Airport to serve the Nation's second city-Chicago. Midway has become the nation's first business class airline.

The Midway fleet will get restyled interiors with 4-abreast seating and large overhead bins for carry-on luggage.

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