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Review Questions

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  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  6. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
  7. A Write the questions for the answers below.

1. Define metabolism.

2. What are the differences between catabolism and anab-olism?

3. What is an enzyme?

4. What factors influence the activity of enzymes?

5. Describe the chemiosmotic theory of ATP generation.

6. Explain what an oxidation-reduction reaction is.

7. Compare and contrast autotrophy and heterotrophy.

8. Describe what occurs during each of the phases of res­piratory metabolism.

9. Describe the similarities and differences between aero­bic and anaerobic respiration.


10. What are the starting substrates and end products of glycolysis?

11. What are the light and dark reactions of photosynthe­sis?

12. What are some commercially useful products of fer­mentative processes?

13. Compare photoautotrophic and chemolithotrophic me­tabolism.

14. What is nitrogen fixation? Why is it an important process?

15. What are the differences between fermentation and res­piration?





Dawes EA: 1986. Microbial Energetics, Glasgow, Blackie.

Discusses microbial metabolism and respiration and how the princi­ples of energy relate to microbial growth. Erickson LE and DY-C Fung: 1988. Handbook on Anaerobic Fermen­tations, New York, Dekker.

Thorough review of fermentative metabolism. Gottschalk G: 1986. Bacterial Metabolism, New York, Springer-Ver-lag.

Review of bacterial physiology and metabolic pathways. Harold FM: 1986. The Vital Force: A Study of Bioenergetics, New York, W. H. Freeman.

Explains the principles of bioenergetics with emphasis on membrane-mediated events. Hellingwerf KJ and WN Konigs: 1985. The energy flow in bacteria: the main free energy intermediates and their regulatory role, Ad­vances in Microbial Physiology 26:125-154.

Detailed discussion of metabolic pathways and their control in bacte­ria. Hinkle P and R McCarty: 1978. How cells make ATP, Scientific American 238(23):104-123.

Reviews how the chemiosmotic theory explains ATP formation in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Latruffe N: 1988. Dynamics of Membrane Proteins and Cellular Ener­gies, Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

Reviews research methodology and analysis of cell membrane pro­teins, metabolism, and transport.

Lehninger AL, DL Nelson and MM Cox: 1993. Principles of Bio­chemistry, ed. 2, New York, Worth Publishers.

An advanced biochemistry text that covers all aspects of the relation­ship of chemistry to living systems. Moody MM: 1986. Microorganisms and iron limitation, Bioscima 36: 618-623.

Discusses siderophores in bacteria and their roles in microbial growth

and transport. Rosen BP and S Silver (eds.): 1987. Ion Transport in Prokaryotes, San Diego, Academic Press.

Discusses the role of ion channels and active biological transport in

microbial metabolism. Stryer L: 1988. Biochemistry, New York, W. H. Freeman.

Excellent text covering all aspects of biochemistry and metabolism. Watson JD, N Hopkins, J Roberts, J Steitz, A Weiner: 1987. Mo­lecular Biology of the Gene, Menlo Park, California; Benjamin/ Cummings.

A comprehensive treatise covering molecular biology and metabolism. Youvan D and B Marrs: 1987. Molecular mechanisms of photosyn­thesis, Scientific American 256(6): 42-50.

A discussion of the molecular basis of ATP generation by photosyn- I

thesis and how spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and molecular |

genetics have helped us understand the process. Zubay G: 1993. Biochemistry, ed. 3, Dubuque, Iowa; W. C. Brown.

An advanced biochemistry text that covers all aspects of the relation- I

ship of chemistry to living systems.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 114 | Нарушение авторских прав

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