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Третья часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 5 баллов.

Читайте также:
  1. I. Общая часть.
  2. II. Практическая часть.
  3. Вторая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 3 балла.
  4. Вторая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 3 балла.
  5. Вторая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 3 балла.
  6. Вторая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 3 балла.

11. Match questions from column 1–5 with the tags from column a–f. There is one variant (a–f) you do not have to use.

1) They aren’t doing anything,…

2) They haven’t had my wallet,…

3) They have a lot of time, …

4) They don’t have any money,…

5) They are having a great day, …

a) haven’t they?

b) do they?

c) have they?

d) don’t they?

e) aren’t they

f) are they

12. Match British variants (1–5) with their American equivalents (a–f). There is one extra variant (a–f) you do not have to use.

1) lorry

2) chemist’s

3) trainers

4) rucksack

5) petrol

a) backpack

b) drugstore

c) sidewalk

d) truck

e) sneakers

f) gasoline


13. Match the countries with geographical objects there. There is one variant (a–f) you do not have to use.

1) England 2) Canada 3) Australia 4) Scotland 5) The USA a) The Great Barrier Reef b) The Thames c) Dinosaur Provincial Park-Alberta d) the Mount Rushmore e) The Andes f) Loch Ness



14. Fill in the gaps (1–5) with given words (a–f). There is one extra variant (a–f) you do not have to use.

1) … is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. a) energy

2) Water is vitally important for life so don’t … it! b) environment

3) The Mediterranean … is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.. c) waste

4) The … generated by the windmill gives electricity to the whole area. d) climate

5) Certain chemicals have been banned because of their effect on the … e) ruin

f) deforestation

15. Match the objects with the picture. There is one variant (a–f) you do not have to use.

1) Rainforest

2) Coast

3) Desert

4) Waterfall

5) Ocean

a) b) c)

d) e) f)


16. Put these words in order to make a correct sentence (a statement).

1) the forest 2) cut 3) people 4) by 5) is


17. Read the text and put the paragraphs (1–5) in the correct order.


1) “The front portion of the cow is mine. I can do anything. That is our agreement,” said Abraham.

2) Ali and Abraham were brothers. Their mother died very early. Their father also died after some time. He left for his sons a cow. Ali was greedy. Abraham was kind and honest. He trusted his elder brother. They wanted to divide their father’s property. Ali said, “I will be very fair with you, Abraham. You take the front portion of the cow as your share. I will take back side of the cow. Each one gets his profit only from his share.”

3) A wise man advised Abraham. He said something in the ear of Abraham. The next day Ali was milking the cow. Then Abraham beat the cow in the front portion. The cow started kicking. Ali shouted at Abraham. “You fool! Why do you beat the cow? Do not see me milking the cow?”

4) Ali could not say anything. Finally he agreed to share the money. Abraham said, “Not just money. You must also share the work of feeding and taking care of the cow too.” Ali had to agree.

5) Abraham fed the cow very well with fresh grass and water. The cow became healthy. It gave lots of milk. Ali got the milk. He sold the milk and got a lot of money. But he did not share the money with Abraham. Abraham asked his brother about his share of money. Ali replied, “I got the milk from my portion of our cow. Back part is mine as per the agreement. Each of us gets the benefits only from his part.” Abraham said nothing.

18. This is a short story about one and the same person. Put these sentences in chronological order according to the grammatical forms.

1) I’m going to open my own restaurant some day!

2) Before I moved to Paris I had lived in Warsaw.

3) I work in a restaurant.

4) I came to France five years ago.

5) I have lived in my little flat in Montmartre for almost a year now.


19. Put the phrases in order to show the time. Start with the phrase meaning “the earliest” and move to the phrase meaning “the most recent”:

1) last month

2) at the moment

3) a century ago

4) previous night

5) five years ago


20. Put the words in order to make a correct question.

1) really 2) is 3) cool 4) your 5) teacher


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Часть 1. Задания, оцениваемые в 1 балл.| В трикутнику, периметр якого 60 см, одна із сторін ділиться точкою дотику вписаного в трикутник кола на відрізки 24 см та 5 см. Знайдіть площу трикутника. Варіант 3

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