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In order to have a plan for the improvement of your English, look through the questionnaire and answer the questions.

Читайте также:
  1. A breeze blows through the window and the top pages flutter. We both slam our palms down to catch them.
  2. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  5. A Slide the fork up through the bottom yoke...
  6. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
  7. A Write the questions for the answers below.

Summary 4-1

Tag Questions

1. # I'm late, aren't I?


2. # Give me a hand, will you?



3. # Don't forget, will you?



4. # Let’s have fun, shall we?



5. # There's little we can do, is there?


6. # Everybody wants it, don’t they (we/you)?


7. # Nothing can happen, can it?

Tag Trainer

1. Ты еще не посплетничала с ней, да? You haven’t gossiped with her yet, have you?
2. У твоего брата тяжелый характер, верно? Your brother has a bad temper, doesn’t he?
3. Джон обычно не берет инициативу на себя, не так ли? John doesn’t usually take the initiative, does he?
4. Уже слишком поздно откладывать это на потом, правда? It's too late to put it off now, isn’t it?
5. Здесь есть крупные ученые, не правда ли? There are prominent scientists here, aren't there?
6. Он произвел на тебя неизгладимое впечатление, да? He made a lasting impression on you, didn’t he?
7. Ты же не был закомплексованным? You weren’t insecure, were you?
8. Дети еще не вернулись из школы когда я звонил, да? The kids hadn’t returned from school when I called, had they?
9. Мне следует говорить погромче, правда? I should speak up, shouldn’t I?
10. Дети должны иметь чистый и аккуратный внешний вид, не так ли? The children must have a neat and tidy appearance, mustn't they?
11. Он никогда не делает тебе комплименты, да? He never gives you compliments, does he?
12. Я напористый человек, правда? I am an assertive person, aren't I?
13. Я же не высокомерный, правда? I am not arrogant, am I?
14. Давай убедим его пойти в кино, а? Let's convince him to go to the cinema, shall we?
15. Давай не будем хвастать, ладно? Let's not boast, shall we?
16. Все ценят его, правда? Everybody appreciates him, don't they?
17. Никого нет здесь, да? Nobody is here, are they?
18. Все ведь прекрасно, да? Everything is great, isn’t it?
19. Попробуй сделать это, а? Give it a shot, will you?
20. Да не думай ты так много, ладно? Don't think so hard, will you?
21. Мы мало что можем сделать, да? There's little we can do, is there?


In order to have a plan for the improvement of your English, look through the questionnaire and answer the questions.

learner questionnaire

a) I'm learning English for pleasure / because I have to / for ……………………………………..


b) I'm attending this course because I need / will need English in my job / for my studies / at some point in the future.

c) I intend / do not intend to take (name of exam(s))………………………………………………


d) Reading/writing/speaking/listening/all four are particularly important for me because………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


a) I never/sometimes/often practise my English outside class.

b) I am usually very active/quiet/rather lazy in class, and I never/sometimes/often ask questions.

c) I'm very/reasonably/not at all confident about speaking English in front of a group of people.

d) I worry a lot/worry a bit/don't worry at all about making mistakes.

e) I always/sometimes/never make notes during the lesson.

f) I have/don't have a monolingual dictionary. I sometimes/never/often use it for my homework.

g) Expanding my vocabulary is/isn't one of my main priorities.

h) I am very/fairly/not very interested in work on English phrases and idioms.

i) Studying and remembering grammar rules is/isn't very important to me. I feel / don't feel I need to do a lot of work on grammar.

j) I feel/don't feel I need to revise a lot of the grammar and vocabulary I have learnt in the past. (Especially ………………………………………………………………………………………..)

k) I think it's extremely important/quite important/not very important to have good pronunciation in English. Improving my pronunciation is/isn't a priority for me.

l) For me, writing essays, letters, etc. in English is reasonably easy/a real problem /not that important.


Remember these phrases:

Useful Phrases:


I'm (not) the kind of person who... Я не такой человек, кто/который…
One thing I'm good at is... То, что у меня хорошо получается, это…
One of my worst faults is that I (never)... Моя самая большая ошибка это то, что я (никогда)…
I feel pretty happy about my... Я доволен своим…
For me, I (don't) feel... is very important/useful. Что касается меня, я не считаю, что … очень важно/полезно
Personally, I'd like to concentrate on... Лично я хотел бы сконцентрироваться на…



My main aim is to... Моя главная цель, это…
... is one of my main priorities because of... … - это один из моих приоритетов сейчас, потому что…
Another important area for me is... Еще одна важная область для меня – это…
So for that reason, I'm aiming to... По этой причине, я ставлю себе цель…
Another thing I thought might be a good idea is to... Еще одна идея, которая может оказаться хорошей, это…


Prepare an action plan for this school year. You don’t have to show it to anybody.


ACTION PLAN Name:..................................................................

1) Areas where I feel confident:

Areas where I need to improve:


2) Areas I particularly want to study:

Other useful things I’d like to know:


3) Questions to ask my teacher:

4) SIX targets for this year (Be realistic!}

In class:

1) Speak more in group/pair work,· answer more questions in class

2) ……………………………………………………………………………

3) ……………………………………………………………………………

Outside class

1) Do my homework - esp. writing exercises!

2) …………………………………………………………………………….

3) ……………………………………………………………………………



Homework for the

1. Review the 9th level words and Tag Question rules.

2. Make up tag questions using the tag given and at least one 10th level word in each sentence.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, hasn’t she?

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, didn't it?

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, wasn't I?

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, can't she?

5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, is there?

6. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, won't we?

7. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, aren’t I?

8. ____________________________________________________________________________________________, shouldn't we?

9. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, shall we?

10. _______________________________________________________________________________________________, will you?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав

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