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Chapters 14, Ex.5,6 p.269, 7 p.270, 11 p.270, 15, 16, 17 p.273.

Читайте также:
  1. Answer the questions to the chapters.
  2. Chapters 1-8
  3. Chapters 10-13
  4. CHAPTERS 11-15
  5. Chapters 11-26: Jane's time as governess at Thornfield Hall
  6. Chapters 20-22



Regional varieties of the English vocabulary.


1. Regional varieties of English.

2. American English.

3. Lexical divergents and analogues.

4. The vocabulary of the “Common Core”.



Match the terms with their definitions.

2. American English (AE) a. names of places, rivers, lakes, states, etc.
3. British English (BE) b. word or set-expression peculiar to the English language as spoken in England
4. Local dialects c. words identical in meaning but differing in sound form
5. Americanism d. words identical in sound form but different in meaning
6. Briticism e. words belonging to both British and American English
7. Toponyms f. varieties of a language used as a means of oral communication and having no literary norm of their own
8. Lexical divergents g. a word or set-expression peculiar to the English language as spoken in the USA
9. Lexical analogues h. a regional variety of the English language spoken in the United States and having a literary norm of its own (Standard American)
10. Vocabulary of the “Common Core” i. a regional variety of the English language spoken in Great Britain and having a literary norm of its own (Standard English)


Specify the basic peculiarities of American English in Phonetics.




Specify the basic peculiarities of American English in Grammar.





Ex. 1, p.28 World of Words.

Revise the material about the vocabulary of American English. Label the following groups of words. Get ready to define all the terms.

H___________ Am_________s


Fall (BE-autumn); guess (BE-think); sick (BE- ill, unwell.

Am_________s Pr________r

Backwoods (“wooded, uninhabited districts”) лесная глушь
Blue-grass (“ a sort of grass peculiar to North America”) мятник (бот.)
Sun-fish (“a fish with a round flat golden body”) разновидность рыб
Egg-plant (“a plant with edible fruit”) баклажан (бот.)
Cat-bird (“a small North –American bird whose call resembles the mewing of a cat”) разновидность птиц

L__________l ______________

Детская коляска Консервная банка Конфеты Почтовый ящик Багаж Лифт Железная дорога Parambulator Tin Sweets Pillarbox Luggage Lift Railway Baby-carriage Can Candy Mailbox Baggage Elevator Railroad
  “Common Core” AE
Кабинет министров Government Administration
  “Common Core” AE
Передовая статья Editorial Leader

L______________ _______________

Word   Common Core Meaning BE Meaning AE Meaning
Faculty (n.)   Способность, дар, власть, право Факультет, отделение Профессорско-преподавательский состав
Dumb (adj.)   Немой, бессловесный - Глупый
Regiment (n.)     Полк (воен). Пехотный полк, основу которого составляют жители определенного города или графства, напр. The Manchester Regiment -


A____________ ______________


From Spanish: ranch, sombrero, canyon, etc.

From Indian: wigwam, squaw, canoe, moccasin, tomahawk, etc.

Names of places (toponyms) from Indian: Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee, Ilinois, Kentucky, etc.

Ex. 2, p. 39 World of Words.

Ex. 3, 4 p. 40 World of Words.

DO THE FOLLOWING EXERCISES FROM THE BOOK Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В. Лексикология английского языка. М., Изд-во «Дрофа», 1999:

Chapters 14, Ex.5,6 p.269, 7 p.270, 11 p.270, 15, 16, 17 p.273.



1. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В. Лексикология английского языка. М., Изд-во «Дрофа», 1999

2. Гвишиани Н.Б. Современный английский язык. Лексикология. Москва., Изд-во Московского университета, 2000

3. Минаева Л.В. Лексикология и лексикография современного английского языка. М., Изд-во Ступени, 2003

4. Морозова А.Н., Мишина Ю.Е. Лексикология английского языка. Самара, Изд-во СГПУ, 2003


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