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Chapters 10-13

Читайте также:
  1. Answer the questions to the chapters.
  2. Chapters 1-8
  3. CHAPTERS 11-15
  4. Chapters 11-26: Jane's time as governess at Thornfield Hall
  5. Chapters 14, Ex.5,6 p.269, 7 p.270, 11 p.270, 15, 16, 17 p.273.
  6. Chapters 20-22

Aldous Huxley. Crome Yellow.

Chapters 1-5

1. Translate into Russian the passage on p.37:

He left his luggage....»

... they were informed with the subtlety of art.”


2. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations ana reproduce the situation in which they are used:

1) отклониться от сути,

2) застать врасплох,

3) рассказ о Лондоне,

4) не сознавая чего-либо,

5)"тоска зеленая",

6) раскрыть тайну (разгласить)

7) компенсировать,

8) «усечь»,

9) Я тут ничего не могу поделать,

10) быть выбитым из колеи,

11) готовые идеи,

12)принимать что-либо, как оно есть,

13) дышать свежим воздухом.


3. Comment on the following;

the use of the definite article in tne sentence on pp. 35-36.

extensive use of the word “оne and the effect it produces.


4. Give a brief summary of the events in the chapters.


5. Describe Denis' arrival (Ch. 1)


6. Speak about Denis: What is he? What does he look like? How his views of life characterize him? (see р.36) What’s his attitude to other characters? What’s the writer’s attitude to Denis?


7. Speak about Anna and her relationship witn Denis. Are their ideas of life alike?


8. Describe the party assembled. Comment on some of the names. How are they arranged? Aren't tney all like Jenny in their conversation? (p.52.)


9. Speak about Mrs.Wimbush: her appearance (pay attention to grotesyque), her manner. Who does she pretend to be?' What's her real self? How is her real self revealed? /Don’t forget that one of Huxley’s favourite devices is counter­point and its techniques/. Denis' attitude to her

10. Look through the chapters once again and comment on their composition and arrangement.



Aldous Huxley. Crome Yellow.

Chapters 6-9

1.Translate into Russian the passages on p.67

“That’s my secret…

…Before Inspiration and after.”


2. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases and reproduce the situations they are used in:

1) я рад, что Вам понравилось;

2) извиниться и уйти;

3) сдаюсь;

4) отбивать такт;

5) в этом-то и проблема;

6) я не рискну дать Вам совет;

7) я отказываюсь брать на себя ответственность;

8) не появляться на людях;

9) он был надежен;

10) не на ту сторону;

11) то и дело;

12) завершить;

13) приписываемый кому-либо.


3. Give a brief summary of the events.


4. Speak about Mr. Barbecue-Smith. Find all the incongruities between his occupation and his appearance and manner. Mind: these incongruities insinuate the truth about the character.


5. Give an account of the talk between Mr. Barbecue-Smith and Denis about Inspiration. How does it characterize him? What’s Denis’ attitude to him? Prove your opinion by the text. How does the writer insinuate the true nature of his writing?


6. Speak about Mary. (Ch. 7)

What’s she like? How is her true character revealed? What’s Anne’s attitude to her?


7. Retell Ch. 8.


8. Speak of Mr. Chasuble. Describe his appearance. What kind of person is he? (Don’t forget that the background helps to reveal the character.) Comment on the seraon: is it really solentific? Does it follow historical facts? What’s the writer’s attitude to him? How is it shown?

Aldous Huxley. Crome Yellow.

Chapters 10-13

1. Translate into Russian the passage on p.99

“Eccentricity......What then?”

What’s Mr.Scogan’s attitude to the "Redskins"?


2. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases and reproduce the situa­tions they are used in:

1)подвергнуть кого-либо допросу; 2) быть склон­ным что-либо делать; 3) свидетельствовать о чем-либо; 4) радовать сердце; 5) подвести, обмануть кого-либо; 6) прорабатывать, 7) привле­кать внимание; 8) быть растерянным (2 варианта),

9) Что он замышляет?


3. Comment on the use of the verb ’’would in Anne’s phrase (p.100):

“A man who would not talk seriously to a woman just because she was a woman...”

Was it really the case with Denis?


4. Give a summary of the events in the chapters.


5. Reproduce Chapter X. Pay attention to Denis and his attitude to other guests.


6. Comment on the story of Crome construction.

What stylistic device is used to achieve ironic effect? Do you agree with Mr.Scogan’s view of art?


7. Look up all literary and historic allusions in Chapters XI-XII?


8. Speak on Chapter XII: Tell, what you learn about Caravaggio. Comment upon Mary’s views of art. What’s Gombauld’s attitude to her? How is it revealed? Pay attention to the end of the chapter (what device is used here?)

9. Reproduce the story of the Lapiths. Use the following expressions:

1)невзлюбить кого-либо,

2) пристраститься к...

3) достичь совершеннолетия,

4) иметь хороший музыкальный слух,

5) уйти от мира,

6)распространиться (о слухе),

7) пережить что-либо,

8) на том основвнии что,

издеваться над кем-либо,

отправить кого-либо куда-либо,

11) раздраженный,

12) преследовать кого-либо (в мыслях).



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