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Comprehension check. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions to the text.

Читайте также:
  2. Align the marks as shown and check the inlet valves for cylinders 2 and 4
  3. Before writing your own contract read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.
  4. Before you read the article, check the meaning of these words and phrases and memorize them.
  5. Before you travel’ checklist
  6. BP E Comprehension
  7. Canceled Check

Work in pairs. Answer the following questions to the text.


1. What does the law of contract consider?

2. How do primitive societies enforce the commitment of individuals?

3. Did contract law exist in early societies? How were problems solved?

4. What does a true law of contract imply?


Use all the information you have learnt in this Unit so far to describe the Contract law.

Start like this:

“The Contract Law is ……”

Work in pairs. Take turns to describe some of the facts, give your reasons of Contract law in Ukraine.

Language study



6. Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1. commitment of individuals а) товарообмін

2. business civilization b) влада церкви

3. authority of religion c) ушкодження

4. barter d) обов’язки сторін

5. property law e) прибуток

6. penalty f) майнове право

7. benefit g) покарання, штраф

8. damage h) комерційна ера


7. Do your best to understand the meaning of the terms "transaction", "contract Law" and others. Match each term on the left with an explanation on the right.

a) transaction 1) it is a body of the law which regulates relations arising out of binding agreement between the parties, natural persons or legal entities
b) contract 2) is the body of rules, laws or legal principles that govern the rights and duties of nation states in relation to each other.
c) contract law 3) refers to the body of rights and duties of private individuals and business entities of different sovereign states.
d) agreement 4) a business deal
e) international public law 5) mutual assent between two or more legally competent persons, ordinarily leading to a contract
f) international private law 6) a formal written agreement between two or more people or groups which says what each must do for the other, or must not do


Complete these sentences using the words in the box.

a) breach c) damages e) obligations g) terms
b) counter-offer d) formation f) oral contract  


1. Usually, contract ________ occurs when an offer is accepted.

2. A new offer made by one party to another party is called a _________.

3. The price and the subject matter of a contract are the essential _________ of a contract.

4. A contract which is not in written form but has been expressed in spoken words is called an ____________.

5. Under a contract, a party has _________ (that is, certain things it has to do).

6. When a party does not do what it has promised to do under a contract, it can be sued for _______ of contract.

7. A court can award __________ to the non-breaching party.



Match the verb in the box with the nouns they go with in the text.

a) accept c) breach e) enforce g) make i) negotiate
b) reject d) award f) file h) form j) perform


1. an offer

2. a contract

3. damages

4. a lawsuit


10. Which other verb-noun collocations are possible with the words in ex.9?


11. With a partner, take turns to look at each of the verbs in the box in Exercise 6 and discuss whether the following subjects can carry out the action in question:

1. a party

2. the parties

3. the court

4. a lawyer



Example: Well, a party accepts an offer, and a lawyer can accept an offer, too. But I don’t think you can say that a court accepts an offer.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 521 | Нарушение авторских прав

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