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Choose the correct word.
Many African countries were of
European countries until the 20th century.
И your debt is, you don't
need to pay the money back.
A person is able to have
tlungs that others cannot have.
Political happens when a
country's political system does not work properly.
A is money given to someone (or a
country) without them having to pay it back.
If you are to do something, you
don't really want to do it.
Another word for help is
When something you, it stops you
from doing what you want to do.
goods are goods which are used in order to produce other goods, or things which can be consumed without being processed
means fully developed.
goods are the factories and machinery that an economy needs in order to produce other goods.
Human is the educational level and
the health of the working populanon.
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Й Reading 1
Less developed countries
What do we mean when vu s.i\,1 country is W< r</<>/>< </V The I'nitcd Nations uses three measures lite expectancy education and real individual income. It we use these measures t<. describe the world, we quickly understand that only a privileged tew live in developed countries Poverty, lor instance, causes the deaths of about ЛО.ПОО children every day. Over billion people cannot read or write. Half the world earns less than SJ a day. Clearly, most of the world's Imputation live in less developed countries. But why is development so difficult for these nations':-
There are many reasons Some countries lack the raw materials and capital needed for growth (hlicrs regularly suffer from natural disasters such;iv droughts ami tliwids Diseases sik!i as cholera and AIDS are widespread in many less developed countries. This causes suffering ю millions of individual-, ami families, but it is also disastrous for the economies of these nations l.ack of education also holds back development This may 1ч- because governments cannot afford to provide schools and colleges However, millions of families in these nations arc caught in a poverty trap. This prevents their children from getting a basic education even when it К av ailable Without quality human capital, these economies cannot grow
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Political insecurity is another reason for underdevelopment. Many of these countries belonged to colonies in the past When the foreign powers finally left, these countries. >t'tvii fell into y«..irs of political instability and war. Kveil when peace comes to these countries, political corruption makes development difficult as there is still a climati of political instability. Foreign companies do not want to invest in a Country which suffers front corruption. Similarly, foreign governments are reluctant to give aid when they see that their money is spent badly or simply disappears
All of these problems make it very difficult for less developed countries to improv e their economies. However, there are other more complex issues which hamper development. The first of these ts debt I'he second is unfair trading. Many peopk' K-lieve that these two problems are the cause ot all the other problems that developing countries face.
Many of the world's poorest countries are trapped in a cycle of debt. This is because they need to borrow money in order to pay the interest on debts they already have. The poorest <>" countries owe inaiiv hundreds of billions of dollars. However, tiny spend more money paying off <k bis than they receive in aid. I'nless these debts ire i aneclled. these countries will never escape the cycle
After years ot slow development, it is hard for poorer countries to compete with develojK-d countries for international tr^.le Without mature industries of their own, they must rely on exports of primary gorxls These primary goods do not earn as much money as the products that developed countries export. What's more. because poor countries rely on grants from rich countries, they are often forced to spend the money on manufactured imports This means they cannot buy the tilings they really need: capital gcxxls to help their economies grow.
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