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Private lesson in supplementary education of children

Читайте также:
  1. A Ticket to Private School.
  2. A two-level system of higher education.
  3. A. behaviour of children
  4. A. The mediator conducts a caucus or private session with
  5. After finishing secondary school or college you can apply to a university, polytechnic, college of education or you can continue to study in a college of further education.
  6. American educational system

Group III

Preliminary Round

- A video excerpt of a private lesson (duration 10-12 minutes) in one of the disciplines: piano, bowstrings, percussions, winds, brass, folk instruments, solo voice, or ensembles;

- A reflective analysis of the lesson (in written form);

- The list of the music pieces used specifying composers and titles.

Age of pupil: no limit.


- A private lesson taught by the candidate to a student of a children’s supplementary education institution, who the Organization committee will offer to the candidate, in a discipline at candidate’s discretion: either piano, or bowstrings, or percussions, or winds, or brass, or folk instruments, or solo voice, or ensembles (duration 30 minutes). Candidates should demonstrate pedagogical proficiency in various styles, genres, forms and characters of music;

- The defense and reflective analysis of the lesson (duration 5-10 minutes).

Category III

Out-of-class event video

Groups I and II

Preliminary Round

- An out-of-class event video (duration: 45 minutes);

- An annotation, including:

ü the scenario of the out-of-class event;

ü the title, goals and objectives of the event;

ü the prerequisites for the project (the type of educational institution, age of students, year of study, and necessary equipment);

ü the expected results;

ü the format (a thematic festivity, a theatrical show, a literary-and-music composition, a musical show, a musical drama, a music-and-theatre salon, or a concert of a school’s performing group, such as a choir, an orchestra etc.); and

ü the list of musical and literary materials on the video with specification of authors and titles.

Age of students: 7–18 years.


The presentation, defense and reflective analysis of the out-of-class event video submitted for the Preliminary Round (duration: 15 minutes).

Category IV

Music lesson plan in general education

Group I

Preliminary Round

- A music lesson plan(intended for a 45 minute lesson);

- The scenario of the lesson, including:

ü the title, goals and objectives of the lesson;

ü the musical material of the lesson with specification of composers and titles of musical compositions;

ü the prerequisites for the project (the type of educational institution, age of students, year of study, and necessary technical equipment); and

ü the information on realization of the project;

Age of pupils: 6–14 years


The presentation and defense of the music lesson plansubmitted for the Preliminary Round (duration: 15 minutes). The presentations are welcome to include video excerpts of music lessons conducted by the candidates.

Category V

Open preschool music lesson

Groups I and IV

Preliminary Round

- A music lesson video (duration: 20 minutes):

- The scenario of the lesson, including:

ü the title, goals and objectives of the lesson;

ü the musical and literary materials used during the lesson with specification of authors and titles;

Age of pupils: 5–7 years.



- An open music lesson with children from a St. Petersburg preschool institution (duration: 20 minutes).

- The defense and reflective analysis of the open music lesson (duration: 5-10 minutes).

Prizes and awards

- None but the results of the Final will be definitive to award laureateships and honorable mentions. The laureates will receive prizes and souvenirs. In some cases, one place could be shared.

- The Jury has a right to encourage particular aspects of presentation (a unique pedagogical and artistic idea of the lesson, demonstrable organization of certain types of children’s music activity, impressive performance of vocal or instrumental compositions etc.).

- Music teachers who prepared schoolchildren for the competition will receive special prizes. Governmental and non-governmental organizations, artistic associations, mass media, institutions and firms may establish special prizes by content of the Jury.



The Jury will consist of reputed musicians, methodologists, music teachers and scholars in the sphere of music education.

The composition of the Jury as well as any changes in it depends on the Organization Committee.

The Jury shall use10-score system to evaluate each performance.

The decisions of Jury are final and beyond appeal.


6. Organization Committee


The Organization Board is in charge of organization and carrying out of the competition. The Rector of the Herzen University has appointed the members of the Organization Committee.

The Organization Board reserves all the rights for audio/video recording of the competition without any payment to the participants, including whatever further use of the above materials.

7. Financial regulations


The Entry Fee is 1000 Rubles for the Group I, and 1500 Rubles — for Groups II and III.

The Entry Fee is not refundable.

All traveling, accommodation and other expenses are the responsibility of the sending party or the candidates.

Candidates must acquire their passports, visas and medical insurances on their own.

The Herzen University Hotel is ready to provide an accommodation for participants of the competition.

The competition identifies nationality of candidates by passport rather than by place of their study.

Order of application


The competition registration deadline is 10 March 2013. By that date, the candidates should email or mail (in the latter case the postmark indicating the mailing date will be definitive) the following documents and competition materials to the Organization Committee:

- the completed application form;

- photocopies of all documents specified on the application form;

- two good-quality electronic photographs: a portrait one plus a group one with pupils (the latter may be both staged and non-staged);

- a photocopy of the bank receipt transfer proving payment of the entry fee;

- a photocopy of the degree certificate (for professional music teachers) or a documentary confirmation of studentship (for music pedagogy majors);

- a resume not exceeding two thousand characters with spaces (for Groups II and III);

- a video recording of a music lesson, or an out-of-class event as required by the chosen category (the video should not be edited; neither cuts nor paste-up operations are allowed);

- a scenario of a lesson or an out-of-class event (Categories I, III, IV and V); and

- sheet music of vocal exercises as well as songs and other musical compositions on the video (for all categories).

Submission requirements:

- video – one of the following formats: DVD video / avi / mp4 / wmv / mpg / mov

- audio - one of the following formats: Audio CD / mp3 / wav / aac / aif;

- text materials (scenarios, annotations, and a music lesson plans): MS Office Word(in hard copy and electronic form).

Note: In case of the online submission, the Categories III and IV candidates admitted to the Final will have to submit the above three types of materials on corresponding electronic storage mediums as well as to provide the Jury with a hard copy of the text materials on their arrival to St. Petersburg.

The foreign candidates’ applications and submitted materials may be in English as well as their live appearances in the Final.



9. Competition addresses and phones


Organization Committee,

Herzen University School of Music,

2 Pereulok Kakhovskogo,

199155, St. Petersburg,


Phone: +7(812) 350 2401. Phone/fax: +7 (812) 350 9652

Email: urok-myz@mail.ru

The nearest subway station is “Primorskaya”

Bank data for entry fee payment

Abbreviation of the recipient РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
Address 48 Moika Emb., 191186, St. Petersburg, Russia
Phone (812) 312-44-92
Код отчисления по ОКОНХ  
Код отрасли по ОКПО  
Name of the bank ГРКЦГУ Банка России по г. Санкт-Петербургу г. Санкт-Петербург
Recipient of payment: ИНН 7808027849 КПП 784001001 ОКАТО 40298562000 УФК по г. Санкт-Петербургу (РГПУ им. А. И.Герцена, л/с 20726U76910)
Account 40 501 810 300 002 000 001
Корреспондентский счет нет
БИК 044 030 001

Please, indicate in bank transfer receipt: КБК 000 000 00 000 0000 130 «The entry fee of the International competition “Music teachers in the contemporary cultural context”


1. Please, make sure you have a copy of bank transfer receipt on you.

2. In case of any dispute, the Russian version of the Regulations will be the final authority.



Application Form

Full name_____________________________________________________________


Date and place of birth___________________________________________________


Educational institution___________________________________________________


(full name)




Home address _________________________________________________________


email _______________________________________________________________


I abide by the regulations of the competition.




Reservation at Herzen University Hotel:


Please tick the kind of room you reserve:

Room cost per night V
one bed in a double room in a block 27,5 USD  
one bed in a double self-contained room 29,5 USD  
one bed in a two-roomed double 96,5 USD  


The hotel administration kindly requests finalists to make their reservations in good time. The hotel may also provide boarding. The finalists should pay for their accommodation and boarding upon arrival.

______________________ Signature



1. Please, inform us about desirable accommodation for persons accompanying you.

2. Gender information is required of all persons reserving the accommodation.

3. Please, indicate your phone/fax (with country/area code) and your e-mail address.

4. No claim on accommodation is considered on the day of arrival.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 113 | Нарушение авторских прав

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