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Historical-materialist and organic theory

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Historical-materialist theory. Its supporters were Desnytskiy S., L. Morgan, Marx, Engels etc. According to this theory the state arose as a result of natural development of primitive society. First of all, economic development, which, in addition to the material conditions of the origin of the state and the law, defines social changes in society.

They argued that the emergence of the state - a natural historical, objective process. The state launched in the late phase of communal-tribal system and develops over a long historical period. The main terms of its establishment (III-IV millennium BC) were the additional public good due to the improvement of the productive forces and production relations, appearance of property inequality, division of labor and classes.

As a result of these processes management activity over society gradually transformed into a relatively independent function that the ruling class provides. This class (in an antagonistic society) through the state apparatus ("state machine") holds in subjection all the other classes and strata of the population, thanks to ownership by means of production. In socialist, non- antagonistic society, according to the creators of the theory, the state from the tool of conquer of the other people becomes an instrument of building a new, justice society. [1, p.244]

Organic theory. The process of functioning of state is identified with the biological organism. The idea of the state as a kind of human body have been formulated by Plato. In the nineteenth century these views were developed by G. Spencer, who said that the state is a public body which consists of individuals as well as the human body consists of cells.

According to the organic theory the state like the body is based on the differentiation and specialization. Differentiation meant that the state initially appears as the simplest political reality and during the process of its formation becomes complicated and grows. This process ends with the death of the state as a result of aging. Thus, the organic theory assumes that the state is born, grows, becomes bigger, gets old and dies, that it is an analogue of the body.

As for specialization, it implies that state formation is accompanied by the union of the individuals into the group of organs, where each organ has a clear, peculiar feature. As a result a system of state bodies is created. And all this happens as in a living organism, parts of which are specialized in certain function of the system as unity.



The state is one of major institutes of society, a central element of its political system. One of major tasks of the political science is the analysis of development of its essence lines, social role of its functions, forms of state rule and political regime, principles of intergovernmental policy, carried out by it.

There are many theories of the origin of the state. In my report I tried to analyze the most popular ones (such as patriarchal, psychological, theological, historical-materialist, organic theory and the theory of violence and the theory of social contract). Apart from these theories, there are also many theories of the origin of the state, but none of them can claim absolute certainty.

This pluralism of scientific views is due to historical patterns of development of social consciousness and economic system (historical period), originality of certain regions of the world, the ideological commitment of the authors, the tasks they set for themselves, and other causes. In epistemological terms the existence of many theories of the origin of the state shows the relativity of human knowledge, the absolute impossibility of creating a theory in this area.

Therefore, each of the theories have cognitive value, since they complement each other and contribute to a more complete picture of the reconstruction process of the origin state. So, in theory there is no consensus about the causes and laws of the state. Each of the theories inherent drawbacks as well as positive aspects, but they all have the right to exist, they are the reflection of the level of economic and social development of the society and consciousness of humanity and they promote better understanding of the conditions and causes of the origin of the state.



1. Політологія: Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / За ред. О.В.Бабкіної, В.П.Горбатенка, – К.: Видавничий центр «Академія», 2003. – 528с.

2. Горлач М.І., Кремень В.Г. Політологія: наука про політику: підручник для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / М.І.Грибан, В.Г.Кремень – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2009. – 840с.

3. Політологія: Підручник / За заг. ред. І.С.Дзюбка, К.М.Левківського. - К.: Вища школа, 1998. – 415с.

4. Політологія у схемах, таблицях, визначеннях: Навч. посібник / За ред. І.С.Дзюбка, І.Г.Оніщенко, К.М.Левківського, З.І.Тимошенко. - К.: УФІМБ, 1999. – 161с.

5. Carneiro, Robert L. «A Theory of the Origin of the State» / Studies in Social Theory No 3. Menlo Park, CA: Institute for Humane Studies, 1977. – p.3-21.

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