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Public diplomacy as an instrument of foreign policy of People's Republic of China

Public diplomacy is an effective tool to exercise soft power and nowadays it's growing in importance in world politics.

My graduation paper deals with the problem of the Chinese public diplomacy. Recently China has made a great effort to develop its ability to communicate with foreign publics, to influence on public attitude and promote its culture abroad.

The goal of this study is to understand what makes public diplomacy of PRC successful or unsuccessful.

The study will present a detailed review of main characteristics of Chinese Public Diplomacy and its instruments. The problem of effective way to exercise soft power is of great interest for governments and persons involved in foreign policy. The results of the study will provide an information about strong and weak sides of public diplomacy of China and thus give examples of effective and ineffective way to use public diplomacy.

In this paper we sought to achieve the following aims:

- to investigate definition of public diplomacy and interpretation of it in China

- to explore the history of development of the public diplomacy of PRC

- to reveal main instruments of Chinese PD and estimate their efficiency

Over the past two decades in the wake of interest towards the problem of soft power such researchers as Joseph Nye, Jan Mellissen, Nicholas Cull, Joshua Kurlantzick, Artem (Urievich) Tsvetkov, Svetlana Krivochiczh, Alexander Lukin, Alexey Dolinskiy have investigated the issue of public diplomacy and Chinese public diplomacy.

The work is interdisciplinary as it combines historical, political, and cultural aspects.

The paper consists of contents, introduction, three chapters – and each of them divided into two paragraphs – and the conclusion. The topic of the first chapter is the definition of the public diplomacy and its understanding in China. The second chapter observes history of public diplomacy in China and its structure. The third chapter is devoted to review of the mass media and cultural diplomacy as part of public diplomacy of PRC.

The research undertaken has revealed that:

First of all, public diplomacy is a complex phenomena and public diplomacy of China has its own unique characteristics due to its ancient culture, traditions and growth.

Second, history of public diplomacy of China traces its roots back to ancient time, but just recently Chinese government has focused on the issue of improving its image abroad.

Third, main instruments of Chinese PD are mass media (Central Chinese TV, Chinese Radio International and Xinhua News Agency) and cultural diplomacy on the base of Institute Confucius. The efficiency of Chinese mass media is not quite high because of its reactive policy and a lack of awareness of laws of media market. Cultural diplomacy especially program institute Confucius has achieved a great success all over the world. This result could be explained by great efforts of Chinese government in response to growing need and passion for Chinese language learning that they have admitted in time.

To put it in a nutshell, PD of China has achieved significant results but there is much to be done to improve image of PRC abroad.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 123 | Нарушение авторских прав

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