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Протокол № ___ от ____ ____ 2013 г.

Читайте также:
  2. A 'For and Against' Essay
  3. A - Pseudarthroses hypertrophiques
  4. A - Wellhead to the oil or gas formation
  5. A 3 bed village house in good condition in Magalas
  6. A A/anand some103 Everyone, something, etc
  7. A Access to the inner hose (arrowed) is restricted





Учебный год _2013-2014____

Факультет ____ ФЭП, ФПН, ФОГН_________


Тестовых заданий

Форма контроля __ летняя экзаменационная сессия, очная форма обучения

(зимняя/летняя экзаменационная сессия по формам обучения/комплексный государственный экзамен по

специальности/государственный экзамен по профильным дисциплинам/ экзаменационная сессии

выпускного курса/ экзам. сессия по практике/входной срез/государственный экзамен по специальности )

Дисциплина:: Иностранный язык (intermediate)

Специальность: МО, УиА, Э, РЭиТ

Курс: 1

Параметры теста:

Форма и язык обучения __английский___

Количество кредитов/вопросов _3/360__


Утверждено на заседании ______________________

Протокол № ___ от ____ ________________ 2013 г.


Председатель МС _____________ ____________________________

(ФИО) (подпись, дата)

Декан __________________ ____________________________

(ФИО) (подпись, дата)


Академический/ассоциированный профессор по направлению специальности дисциплины:

______________ ____________________________

(ФИО) (подпись, дата)


______________ ____________________________

(ФИО) (подпись, дата)

Регистратор ______________ ____________________________

(ФИО) (подпись, дата)

Разработчик ______________ ____________________________

(ФИО) (подпись, дата)


$$$1. To have a meal in a restaurant, not at home.

$$ eat out

$ heat up

$ takeaway

$ stew


$$$2. To make cold food hot.

$$ heat up

$ takeaway

$ stew

$ eat out


$$$3. In the US and Europe, many children are ____ fatter because of their bad diets.

$$ getting

$ depending

$ growing

$ changing


$$$4. A balanced diet can help to ____ you from illness.

$$ protect

$ take

$ make

$ try


$$$5. Food you buy from a restaurant to eat at home.

$$ takeaway

$ portions

$ honey

$ wholemeal


$$$6. Made from brown flour.

$$ wholemeal

$ dishes

$ soup

$ stew


$$$7. Many people ____ a change in diet because it makes them feel better.

$$ opt for

$ get

$ depend

$ mind


$$$8. ____ vegetables have more vitamins than when they are cooked.

$$ raw

$ spicy

$ frozen

$ takeaway


$$$9. I love ____ food but I don’t have much time to cook.

$$ home-made

$ raw

$ frozen

$ spicy


$$$10. She doesn’t like Mexican food because it is too ____

$$ spicy

$ frozen

$ raw

$ home-made


$$$11. It ____ raining when he was walking to work.

$$ started

$ starting

$ starts

$ to start


$$$12. The people who watch a sport.

$$ spectators

$ captain

$ coach

$ team


$$$13. The person who is in charge of a team.

$$ coach

$ captain

$ spectators

$ champion


$$$14. What players do before they start playing?

$$ warm up

$ get fit

$ beat

$ play


$$$15. The person who controls e.g. a football match.

$$ referee

$ captain

$ coach

$ leader


$$$16. To prohibit something.

$$ ban

$ cover

$ compete

$ retire


$$$17. A place or location.

$$ site

$ station

$ event

$ crowd


$$$18. Milan ____ Chelsea 3-0.

$$ beat

$ drew

$ injured

$ trained


$$$19. Spain ____ with Brazil 2-2.

$$ drew

$ won

$ lost

$ trained


$$$20. I’ve started going to the gym, because I want to ____.

$$ get fit

$ score

$ warm up

$ get injured


$$$21. It’s dangerous to play tennis on a wet court. You might ____

$$ get injured

$ warm up

$ score

$ get fit


$$$22. He’s a good player. I think he’s going to ____ a lot of goals.

$$ score

$ go

$ play

$ do

$$$23. I ____ basketball twice a week.

$$ play

$ do

$ score

$ warm up


$$$24. My brothers ____ yoga and tai-chi.

$$ do

$ play

$ score

$ warm up


$$$25. Children behave badly because they are given everything they want.

$$ spoilt

$ moody

$ sensitive

$ ambitious


$$$26. People always want to win.

$$ competitive

$ moody

$ sensitive

$ ambitious


$$$27. People get angry quickly and like fighting and arguing.

$$ aggressive

$ charming

$ sensible

$ sociable


$$$28. People have an attractive personality and makes people like them.

$$ charming

$ aggressive

$ moody

$ sociable


$$$29. People have common sense and are practical.

$$ sensible

$ ambitious

$ jealous

$ moody


$$$30. People are friendly and enjoy being with other people.

$$ sociable

$ spoilt

$ aggressive

$ sensitive


$$$31. People are good at influencing other people to do what they want.

$$ manipulative

$ reliable

$ jealous

$ charming


$$$32. People are happy one minute and sad the next, and are often bad-tempered.

$$ moody

$ independent

$ affectionate

$ ambitious


$$$33. People like doing things on their own, without help.

$$ independent

$ bossy

$ charming

$ moody


$$$34. People like giving orders to other people.

$$ bossy

$ charming

$ sensible

$ selfish


$$$35. People think about themselves and not about other people.

$$ selfish

$ sensible

$ bossy

$ charming


$$$36. People show that they love or like people very much.

$$ affectionate

$ ambitious

$ sensible

$ spoilt


$$$37. People understand other people’s feelings or are easily hurt or offended.

$$ sensitive

$ sensible

$ spoilt

$ bossy


$$$38. People want to be successful in life.

$$ ambitious

$ sensitive

$ jealous

$ bossy


$$$39. People think that someone loves another person more than them, or wants what other people have.

$$ jealous

$ sociable

$ selfish

$ aggressive


$$$40. Match the opposite of “clever”

$$ stupid

$ mean

$ lazy

$ shy


$$$41. Match the opposite of “generous”

$$ mean

$ lazy

$ quiet

$ shy


$$$42. Match the opposite of “lazy”

$$ hard-working

$ extrovert

$ honest

$ reliable


$$$43. Match the opposite of “shy”

$$ extrovert

$ selfish

$ sociable

$ tidy


$$$44. Your uncle’s or aunt’s children.

$$ cousins

$ stepmother

$ nephew

$ half-brothers


$$$45. The new wife of your father.

$$ stepmother

$ niece

$ cousin

$ nephew


$$$46. I always ask for steak when we eat ____

$$ out

$ at

$ for

4 from


$$$47. What do you usually have ____ lunch?

$$ for

$ in

$ at

$ with


$$$48. It’s a good idea to warm ____ before you start running.

$$ up

$ in

$ at

$ from


$$$49. Who do you get ____ with best in your family?

$$ on

$ in

$ at

$ from


$$$50. A piece of money made of metal.

$$ coin

$ note

$ salary

$ tax


$$$51. Money a person gets for the work he/she does.

$$ salary

$ note

$ tax

$ coin


$$$52. Money that you pay to the government.

$$ tax

$ coin

$ mortgage

$ salary


$$$53. Money that somebody (or a bank) lends you.

$$ loan

$ mortgage

$ salary

$ coin


$$$54. Money that you borrow from a bank to buy a house.

$$ mortgage

$ tax

$ loan

$ salary


$$$55. A machine inside or outside a bank where you can get money.

$$ cash machine

$ loan

$ mortgage

$ tax


$$$56. I paid ____ the dinner last night.

$$ for

$ in

$ to

$ on


$$$57. When can you pay me ____ the money I lent you?

$$ back

$ on

$ in

$ from


$$$58. Would you like to pay ____ cash or ____ credit card?

$$ in/by

$ at/in

$ on/in

$ at/by


$$$59. I spent $50 ____ books yesterday.

$$ on

$ in

$ with

$ at


$$$60. I don’t like lending money ____ friends.

$$ to

$ at

$ with

$ on


$$$61. I borrowed a lot of money ____ the bank.

$$ from

$ on

$ in

$ for


$$$62. They charged us $60 ____ a bottle of wine.

$$ for

$ in

$ with

$ at


$$$63. I often spend money on stupid things. I often ____ money.

$$ waste

$ earn

$ lend

$ cost


$$$64. I could sell my house for about $200 000. My house ____ about $200 000.

$$ is worth

$ owe

$ lend

$ waste


$$$65. I had to pay the mechanic $ 100 to repair my car. The mechanic ____ me $100.

$$ charged

$ inherited

$ lent

$ bought


$$$66. We ____ to Brazil next week.

$$ are going

$ will go

$ will going

$ going


$$$67. He ____ here since April.

$$ has been working

$ working

$ work

$ to work


$$$68. I ____ her for ages.

$$ have known

$ have been knowing

$ knowing

$ to know


$$$69. Olive oil is ____ for you ____ butter.

$$ better/than

$ good/than

$ better/as

$ best/than


$$$70. You drive ____ me

$$ more slowly than

$ slowly

$ most slowly

$ slow


$$$71. He doesn’t smoke ____ she does.

$$ as much as

$ much as

$ as much

$ as many


$$$72. This test is ____ the last one.

$$ less difficult than

$ difficult than

$ most difficult

$ difficult


$$$73. She’s the ____ in the class.

$$ best student

$ better student

$ good student

$ most good student


$$$74. That’s ____ they’ve ever played.

$$ the worst

$ worst

$ bad

$ worse


$$$75. My father speaks ____ quickly than I do.

$$ more

$ most

$ the most

$ much


$$$76. The journey took longer ____ we expected.

$$ than

$ so

$ much

$ less


$$$77. I sat next to ____ person at the party.

$$ the most boring

$ most boring

$ much boring

$ borriest


$$$78. Having no money.

$$ broke

$ greedy

$ offish

$ oppressive


$$$79. Put into the rubbish bin.

$$ throw away

$ give up

$ turn up

$ set up


$$$80 Stop doing something.

$$ give up

$ turn up

$ set up

$ throw away


$$$81. Arrive, appear.

$$ turn up

$ give away

$ set up

$ give up


$$$82. Give something to somebody without wanting anything in return.

$$ Give away

$ set up

$ turn up

$ look after


$$$83. Start a new company or organization.

$$ set up

$ look after

$ give up

$ throw away


$$$84. Be responsible for somebody or something.

$$ look after

$ turn up

$ set up

$ give away


$$$85. I have been ____ classes with her since October.

$$ having

$ had

$ have

$ to have


$$$86.I have been ____ belly dancing for about 6 years.

$$ teaching

$ teach

$ to teach

$ teaches


$$$87. Of little importance.

$$ trivial

$ blazing

$ filthy

$ tasty


$$$88. Animals like large monkeys.

$$ apes

$ cats

$ dogs

$ birds


$$$89. Give synonym of “very small”.

$$ tiny

$ delicious

$ terrified

$ filthy


$$$90. Give synonym of “very tasty”.

$$ delicious

$ tiny

$ furious

$ enormous


$$$91. Give synonym of “very angry”.

$$ furious

$ terrified

$ exhausted

$ starving


$$$92.Give synonym of “very afraid”.

$$ terrified

$ enormous

$ freezing

$ filthy


$$$93. Give synonym of “very tired”.

$$ exhausted

$ starving

$ enormous

$ filthy


$$$94. Give synonym of “hungry”

$$ starving

$ enormous

$ tiny

$ furious


$$$95. Give synonym of “very big”

$$ enormous

$ tiny

$ delicious

$ starving


$$$96. Give synonym of “very dirty”

$$ filthy

$ starving

$ enormous

$ tiny


$$$97. Give synonym of “very bad”

$$ awful

$ great

$ filthy

$ starving


$$$98. Shall we watch the film? No. I’ve ____ seen it three times.

$$ already

$ yet

$ since

$ till


$$$99. It’s a piece of paper you need to get on a plane.

$$ boarding pass

$ parking fine

$ traffic jam

$ rush hour


$$$100. A place where you can get petrol, often with a shop of café.

$$ petrol station

$ seat belts

$ rush hour

$ speed limit


$$$101. Money you have to pay for parking illegally.

$$ parking fine

$ traffic jam

$ speed limit

$ car park


$$$102. When there is so much traffic that cars can’t move.

$$ traffic jam

$ cycle lane

$ road works

$ taxi rank


$$$103. Where taxis park when they are waiting for customers.

$$ taxi rank

$ pedestrian area

$ traffic jam

$ rush hour


$$$104. What time did the plane take ____?

$$ off

$ out

$ for

$ in


$$$105. She took some money ____ of the cash machine.

$$ out

$ off

$ at

$ by


$$$106. Who paid ____ the meal last night?

$$ for

$ out

$ at

$ by


$$$107. When can you pay me ____ the money you owe me?

$$ back

$ out

$ at

$ by


$$$108. Can I pay ____ credit card?

$$ by

$ at

$ on

$ for


$$$109. A school paid for by the government which gives free education.

$$ state school

$ private school

$ primary school

$ secondary school


$$$110. A non-government school where you have to pay.

$$ private school

$ state school

$ primary school

$ secondary school


$$$111. A school for very young children, e.g 1-4.

$$ nursery school

$ primary school

$ secondary school

$ state school


$$$112. A school for young children, e.g from 4-11.

$$ primary school

$ state school

$ secondary school

$ private school


$$$113. A school for older children, e.g 11-18.

$$ secondary school

$ state school

$ primary school

$ private school


$$$114. A school where pupils live, eat and sleep.

$$ boarding school

$ secondary school

$ state school

$ private school


$$$115. A school where the teachers are often priests or nuns.

$$ religion school

$ boarding school

$ primary school

$ state school


$$$116. A person who has finished university and has degree.

$$ graduate

$ pupil

$ student

$ professor


$$$117. In the UK children ____ school when they are four and can’t ____ before they are 16.

$$ start/leave

$ leave/start

$ pass/do

$ revise/learn


$$$118. He was a rebel at school. He used to ____ very badly.

$$ behave

$ take

$ revise

$ leave


$$$119. You ____ touch that. It’s dangerous.

$$ mustn’t

$ don’t have to

$ have

$ should


$$$120. You ____ pay for the tickets. They are free.

$$ don’t have to

$ should

$ must

$ may


$$$121. They ____ be out. There aren’t any lights on.

$$ must

$ should

$ can

$ have


$$$122. She ____ come tonight. She is ill.

$$ can’t

$ could

$ may

$ must


$$$123. I ____ accept your invitation.

$$ am able to

$ is able to

$ be able

$ to be able


$$$ 124.As soon as you get your exam results, ____ me.

$$ call

$ called

$ calling

$ to call


$$$125. A written legal agreement.

$$ contract

$ experience

$ retire

$ qualification


$$$126. The knowledge you get from doing a job.

$$ experience

$ contract

$ retire

$ qualifications


$$$127. A series of lessons to learn to do a job.

$$ training course

$ working hours

$ qualifications

$ experience


$$$128. To stop working when you reach a certain age.

$$ retire

$ resign

$ train

$ charge


$$$129. Lasting for a short time.

$$ temporary

$ permanent

$ regular

$ full time


$$$130. For only a part of the day or the week.

$$ part-time

$ permanent

$ regular

$ full time


$$$131. I work ____ a multinational company.

$$ for

$ as

$ at

$ with


$$$132. I’m ____ charge ____ the marketing department.

$$ in/of

$ at/of

$ of/in

$ to/in


$$$133. I am ____ university.

$$ at

$ in

$ on

$ with


$$$134. I am ____ my third year.

$$ in

$ at

$ on

$ with


$$$135. A time when shops sell things at lower prices than usual.

$$ sales

$ bargain

$ receipt

$ discount


$$$136. Something that you buy for what you think is a good price.

$$ bargain

$ sales

$ receipt

$ refund


$$$137. A piece of paper which shows you have paid for something.

$$ receipt

$ discount

$ sales

$ bargain


$$$138. A reduction in the price.

$$ discount

$ sales

$ receipt

$ bargain


$$$139. Money that is paid back to you when you are unhappy with something you buy.

$$ refund

$ receipt

$ discount

$ sales


$$$140. The person who is in charge of a shop, hotel, etc.

$$ manager

$ customer

$ shop assistant

$ doctor


$$$141. When we have an argument we always make ____ quickly.

$$ up

$ with

$ on

$ for


$$$142. How do you get ____ with your brothers?

$$ on

$ at

$ up

$ from


$$$143. A German woman gave ____ all her money to charity.

$$ away

$ after

$ off

$ in


$$$144. She works in an animal sanctuary. She looks ____ apes.

$$ after

$ up

$ back

$ out


$$$145. We set ____ early and caught the 6.00 a.m. train

$$ off

$ up

$ in

$ on


$$$146. I picked ____ my suitcase and followed the ‘exit’ signs.

$$ up

$ with

$ in

$ off


$$$147. I checked ____ at the airport and got my boarding pass.

$$ in

$ on

$ with

$ up


$$$148. We were talking on the phone but suddenly she hung ____

$$ up

$ away

$ back

$ out


$$$149. If he’s not at home, I’ll call ____ later.

$$ back

$ off

$ out

$ down


$$$150. The teacher told me to do ____ the button of my shirt.

$$ up

$ on

$ down

$ back


$$$151. After a year she broke ____ with her boyfriend.

$$ up

$ down

$ out

$ in


$$$152. Slow ____! You’re driving too fast.

$$ down

$ up

$ into

$ out


$$$153. You’re very nervous. You need to calm ____

$$ down

$ up

$ away

$ on


$$$154. He was looking ____ ____ having dinner with his friends.

$$ forward to

$ out off

$ away from

$ on with


$$$155. Look ____! There is a car coming.

$$ out

$ away

$ at

$ on


$$$156. Her grandmother passed ____ last year at the age 93.

$$ away

$ at

$ on

$ by


$$$157. Turn ____ the radio. It’s too loud.

$$ down

$ up

$ in

$ away


$$$158. I organized a school reunion but nobody turned ____

$$ up

$ with

$ out

$ away


$$$159. Where can I plug ____ my computer?

$$ in

$ at

$ with

$ out


$$$160. All the people who act in a film.

$$ cast

$ star

$ director

$ scene


$$$161. The most important actor or actress in a film.

$$ star

$ plot

$ scene

$ cast


$$$162. The person who makes a film.

$$ director

$ star

$ cast

$ plot


$$$163. The music of a film.

$$ soundtrack

$ plot

$ scene

$ script


$$$164. The story of a film.

$$ plot

$ scene

$ audience

$ script


$$$165. A part of a film happening in one place.

$$ scene

$ audience

$ sequel

$ script


$$$166. The people who watch a film in a cinema.

$$ audience

$ sequel

$ script

$ plot


$$$167. A film which continues the story of an earlier film.

$$ sequel

$ audience

$ plot

$ scene


$$$168. Images, often created by a computer.

$$ special effects

$ extra

$ sequel

$ audience


$$$169. The words of the film.

$$ script

$ extra

$ sequel

$ cast


$$$170. Person in a film who has a small, unimportant part.

$$ extra

$ sequel

$ cast

$ audience


$$$171. If I don’t pass the exam, I ____ it again in January.

$$ will do

$ did

$ do

$ does


$$$172. You’d sleep better if you ____ less coffee.

$$ drank

$ drink

$ drinking

$ to drink


$$$173. Don’t buy it unless you ____ sure you like it.

$$ are

$ were

$ be

$ to be


$$$174. If I could change a part of my body, I ____ my nose.

$$ would change

$ change

$ changing

$ to change


$$$175. As soon as he ____, we can have dinner.

$$ arrives

$ to arrive

$ arriving

$ arrived


$$$176. Where ____ if you took the job in London?

$$ would you live

$ will you live

$ did you live

$ do you live


$$$177. I used ____ with that boy over there

$$ to go out

$ going out

$ go out

$ go


$$$178. I ____ enjoy flying but now I love it

$$ didn’t use to

$ not used to

$ didn’t used to

$ using


$$$179. ____ to wear glasses?

$$ did she use

$ she used

$ does she use

$ will she use


$$$180. The area outside the central part of a city is called the ____

$$ suburbs

$ village

$ state

$ cottage


$$$181. Smoke comes through the ____

$$ chimney

$ roof

$ gate

$ flat


$$$182. The part which covers the top of a house is the _____

$$ roof

$ gate

$ chimney

$ flat


$$$183. The “door” of a garden is the ____

$$ gate

$ chimney

$ path

$ step


$$$184. Do you keep ____ touch with old school friends?

$$ in

$ at

$ on

$ off


$$$185. We don’t have very much ____ common.

$$ in

$ at

$ upon

$ on


$$$186.No, thanks. I don’t like ____ chocolate.

$$ __

$ the

$ a

$ an


$$$187. Let’s stay in and watch ____ Cup Final on TV.

$$ the

$ a

$ __

$ an


$$$188. I love ____ men with ____ fat stomach. I find them very attractive.

$$ __, __

$ the, the

$ a, a

$ a, the


$$$189. I am not very good at ____ sport

$$ __

$ the

$ a

$ an


$$$190. He always gets ____ late on Fridays.

$$ home

$ to the home

$ to home

$ at home


$$$191. There are ____ people in this class

$$ too many

$ too much

$ too

$ too little


$$$192. I bought a laptop ____ when I’m traveling

$$ to use

$ for use

$ for to use

$ using


$$$193. She works ____ a flight attendant

$$ as

$ at

$ for

$ so


$$$194. Are you good ____ science?

$$ at

$ on

$ in

$ with


$$$195. I have to do a lot of ____ in my new job

$$ overtime

$ reaction

$ happiness

$ resign


$$$196. Could I have a day ____ next Friday?

$$ off

$ on

$ overtime

$ as


$$$197. James asked me if I ____ to have a dinner

$$ wanted

$ wanting

$ to want

$ have wanted


$$$198. My mother asked me ____ the window

$$ to open

$ opening

$ open

$ opens


$$$199. Our company has ____ by an American company

$$ been bought

$ bought

$ buying

$ be buying


$$$200. The teacher told the students ____ talk

$$ not to

$ don’t

$ didn’t

$ won’t


$$$201. That’s the man ____ son goes to my school

$$ whose

$ which

$ what

$ that


$$$202. This is a machine ____ cuts paper

$$ which

$ what

$ who

$ when


$$$203. A shop where you can buy meat

$$ butcher’s

$ baker’s

$ newsagent

$ shoe shop


$$$204. Can I try ____ these trousers, please?

$$ on

$ in

$ at

$ off


$$$205. The film is based ____ a book

$$ on

$ in

$ about

$ at


$$$206. If we hadn’t gone to that meeting, we ____ each other

$$ wouldn’t have met

$ will meet

$ meet

$ to meet


$$$207. Could you tell me what ____?

$$ your name is

$ is your name

$ your name

$ name


$$$208. Do you know ____ after lunch?

$$ if the shop opens

$ if the shop does open

$ if opens the shop

$ if opening the shop


$$$209. You aren’t coming tonight, ____?

$$ are you

$ aren’t you

$ you aren’t

$ you are


$$$210. Could you tell me what time you ____ home last night?

$$ arrived

$ arrive

$ to arrive

$ arriving


$$$211. Do you know if this train ____ in Astana?

$$ stops

$ stop

$ stopping

$ to stop


$$$212. The film finishes at 8.00, ____?

$$ doesn’t it

$ does it

$ do it

$ did it


$$$213. He hates waiting. He’s very ____

$$ impatient

$ lucky

$ quick

$ modern


$$$214. My grandmother brought ____ eight children

$$ up

$ with

$ upon

$ on


$$$215. They ____ up last month, and now she’s got a new boyfriend

$$ broke

$ carry

$ receive

$ get


$$$216. The United Kingdom is a constitutional __________


$ Principality

$ Capital

$ Position


$$$217. When was the new Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?


$ 1991

$ 1998

$ 1997



$$$218. What is the capital of England?


$ Dublin

$ Cardiff

$ Belfast


$$$219. What is “White house?”

$$The residence of president

$ University

$ The exhibition of president

$ House where people live


$$$220. The capital of the USA is ________


$ New York

$ Boston



$$$221. Who was the first president in the USA?


$ Franklin

$ Lincoln

$ Kennedy


$$$222. Kazakhstan has a ________ system


$ one-party

$ totalitarian

$ authoritarian


$$$223. The President of the RK is the _________ of the state


$ legislator

$ monarch

$ chief ideologist



$$$224. The overall area of Kazakhstan is _______________

$$2,717,300 sq.km

$ 1,845,716 sq.km

$ 3,600,200sq.km

$ 3,500,000 sq.km


$$$225. The highest representative body of Kazakhstan is _____________

$$ the Parliament

$ Senate

$ Mazhilis

$ the President


$$$226. The highest judicial body in Kazakhstan is ____________

$$the Supreme Court

$ Senate


$ the Government



$$$227. The independence of Kazakhstan was proclaimed on _______________

$$December, 16, 1991

$ August, 30, 1998

$ October, 25, 1995

$ July 4, 1992


$$$228. The president in Kazakhstan is elected for ___________

$$7 years

$ 4 years

$ 5 years

$ 2 years


$$$229. Diana has a degree __________ engineering from university of London


$ the

$ an

$ a



$$$230. Handball is fast becoming __________ popular sport worldwide


$ -

$ the

$ an


$$$231. _________ problem for today’s students is how to survive financially


$ a

$ -

$ an


$$$232. ____________ by colleagues, the Ministry was forced to resign


$ abandoning

$ abandon

$ have abandoned


$$$233. The baby has stopped__________ during the night now

$$waking up

$ wake up

$ to wake up

$woke up


$$$234. I heard someone ____________ the stairs

$$coming up

$ came up

$ comes up

$ to come up


$$$235. I was totally baffled _____ Tim’s behaviour


$ of

$ with

$ at



$$$236.The new leisure centre doesn’t quite come up to my ________


$ exception

$ distinction

$ access


$$$237.Is it possible to _________ between a hobby and an interest?


$ appeal

$ equip

$ chat


$$$238. A difficult but exciting thing to do


$ report

$ chat

$ payroll


$$$239. To review and include recent changes


$ expand

$ consider

$ focus


$$$240. We are _ testing the popularity of a new line of hot Italian-style sandwiches


$ generally

$ recently

$ already


$$$ 241.__________ yourself with the basics of business and social etiquette


$ great

$ show

$ think



$$$242. 1995- present: Editor of the Trust’s monthly journal

$$work experience

$ skills

$ education

$ personal details


$$$243. Fluent German and proficient in French

$$ skills

$ education

$ referees

$ interests


$$$244. A description of the characteristics of someone or something


$ mission

$ demand

$ campaign



$$$245. Questionnaires are carefully designed to _______ exact needs and demands of consumers


$ appeal

$ already

$ eventually


$$$246. By the time the shop opens, the bakery staff have________ prepared the daily supply


$ always

$ recently

$ eventually


$$$247. If you had more information, you ________ to make a decision

$$would be able

$ is able

$ was able

$ will able



$$$248. If the situation does not improve significantly next year, the bank _____ to consider closing of its branches

$$will have

$ had

$ would have

$ should have


$$$249. ________ have a snack between meals

$$most of us

$ everybody


$ everyone


$$$250. They __________ here for six months

$$have been working

$ are working

$ work

$ would work


$$$251. I wish it ____ Friday because then we could go home


$ was

$ be

$ been


$$$252. _________ his good sense of humor, he often finds it difficult to respond to his audience


$ in spite

$ although

$ even



$$$253. Paper _____ by the Chinese people in the VII century

$$was invented

$ have been invented

$ were invented

$ is invented



$$$254. He_______ shareholders that the outlook for the next quarter was good


$ said

$ tells

$ speaks


$$$255. But the more____ testing aims to measure skills in communications


$ individual

$ international

$ simple


$$$256. She looks very young. She __________ be more than 16


$ should

$ will

$ must


$$$257.Shoppnig centre (US)


$ mortgage

$ loan

$ wallet

$$$258. To spend a lot of money on something






$$$259. Wanting more money, etc. than you really need







$$$260. Where is the statue of Liberty?

$$New York





$$$261. What is the national symbol of America?

$$the bald eagle

$ the rose

$ the shamrock

$ stripes


$$$262. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

$$July, 4

$ December, 25

$February, 14

$September, 1


$$$263. What is the smallest country?

$$Vatican City

$San Marino





$$$264. You don’t live in Atlanta, ________?

$$do you

$don’t you

$isn’t you

$have you



$$$265. The Sahara is the largest _____ in the world






$$$266. To pay special attention

$$to focus

$to tackle

$to train

$to supply


$$$267. E-mail makes ___________ faster, more convenient






$$$268. _________ our sales have risen considerably

$$ recently





$$$269. Polite behaviour






$$$270. Something done in a society because of tradition






$$$271. Did you_____ what time the film starts?

$$ find out

$ run out of

$ put off

$ set off


$$$272. We`ll have to____ the meeting until next week

$$put off

$find out

$set off

$try on


$$$273. We____ early, at 6:00 in the morning

$$set off

$run out off

$put off

$try on


$$$274. Employers usually ____within two minutes of a job interview

$$make up their mind

$tend to

$get on

$were aware


$$$275. People with less attractive names tend to work harder to_____ in life

$$get on



$get off


$$$276. They were working harder to _____ negative attitudes towards their name



$get on

$get off


$$$277. There has been a definite ____ among British parents to choose unusual names






$$$278. It`s bad luck to wear a hat in the house

$$ take it off

$pick it up

$put them away

$throw them away


$$$279. Don`t drop paper in the street

$$pick it up

$take it off

$try it on

$put it out


$$$280. Don`t leave your books on the bed

$$put them away

$make him up

$put it on

$try it on


$$$281. Your brother`s still in bed and it`s 10:00

$$wake him up

$pick it up

$take it off

$put it out


$$$282. I can`t talk to you now. I`m busy

$$call me back

$give it back

$put it on

$try it on


$$$283. You must wear a seatbelt

$$put it on

$try it on

$put it out

$pick it up


$$$284. I`m not sure if that sweater is your size

$$try it on

$put it out

$give it back

$put it on


$$$285. When I was born everybody thought I _____ my grandmother

$$looked like

$get on

$grew up

$brought up


$$$286. I was _____ my grandmother

$$named after

$take after

$brought up

$give up


$$$17. I was____ in a small village in Wales

$$brought up

$get on

$grew up

$take after


$$$287. I didn`t ____ very well with her because we were so different

$$get on

$take after

$grew up

$brought up


$$$288. When I___ I realized what a wonderful person she was

$$grew up

$brought up

$take after

$get on


$$$289. We have a great relationship _____ our different personalities

$$in spite of





$$$290.The police are _______ the case

$$looking into

$look round

$looked up

$look out


$$$291. What a lovely house! Can I ____ it?

$$look round

$look through

$look out

$looking into


$$$292. He___ the magazine and then threw it away

$$looked through

$look out

$looked round

$looked up


$$$293. I`ve always ____ my elder brother. He`s a wonderful person

$$looked up to

$looked round

$look out

$looked through


$$$294. Give a synonym of " Look out"

$$be careful



$read quickly


$$$295. I was___ for work this morning






$$$296. I haven`t seen Gerry____






$$$297. I thought he was French but___ he`s from Belgium






$$$298. We worked_____ all day






$$$299. I_____ remembered anything about my childhood






$$$300. My brother lives quite____






$$$301. This book was ____written for foreign students






$$$302. _____ I managed to convince him

$$in the end

$at the end

$on the end

$through the end


$$$303. I`ll give back the homework_____ of the class

$$at the end

$in the end

$on the end

$through the end


$$$304. Looking at what the most important




$in fact


$$$305. In the end, in spite of difficulty



$in fact



$$$306. According to what people say, it seems






$$$307. Really, actually

$$in fact





$$$308. Clearly, as can easily be seen



$in fact



$$$309. In any case



$in fact



$$$310. In a perfect world, in an ideal situation




$in fact


$$$311. Little by little




$in fact


$$$312. This car`s ____better than that one






$$$313.Give the alternative of " pressing the body"



$homeopathic medicine



$$$314. Give the alternative of " using plants and herbs"

$$homeopathic medicine





$$$315. The paper a doctor gives you with the name of a medicine






$$$316. Unemployment has ____ a lot this year

$$gone up

$shut up

$closed down

$turn down


$$$317. Can you turn the heating ____? It`s very hot






$$$318. When the factory _____ the workers had to find new jobs

$$closed down

$turn on

$cross out

$went on


$$$319. The programme _____ for two hours

$$went on

$give out

$switch off

$gone up


$$$320. The plane will be ____ in a few minutes

$$taking off

$taking on

$cross out

$turn down


$$$321. In this exercise you have to ____ the wrong words

$$cross out

$give out

$take off

$go on


$$$322. I`m going to ___ a list of words for you to learn

$$give out

$cross out

$try on

$turn on


$$$323. A funny story, something which makes you laugh






$$$324. A funny drawing that makes a joke, often about a current event






$$$325. Laugh at sb/ sth in unkind way

$$make fun of





$$$326. Try to make somebody believe sth that is not true, usually as a joke

$$pull somebody`s leg





$$$327. A piece of useful advice






$$$328. Form a wrong opinion of somebody or something






$$$329. Ask for money for something






$$$330. Ask for information






$$$331. Put your arms around somebody to show love/ affection






$$$332. I can`t find my driving licence. Can you help me ___ it?

$$look for

$pick up

$look up

$look like


$$$333. If your car isn`t working I can ___ after work

$$pick you up

$look for

$look up

$take after


$$$334. If you don`t know a word ____ in the dictionary

$$look it up

$look like

$put away

$write down


$$$335. Is that your sister? You don`t ____

$$look like her

$look for

$look up

$look after


$$$336. My father`s very quite too. I____

$$take after him

$look like

$look for

$take for


$$$337. These scissors were ____ designed for left-handed people






$$$338. ____, if you don`t like it you can change it






$$$339. He seemed very unfriendly but ____ he`s just shy






$$$340. Don`t talk to the boss today. She`s not in a very good _____






$$$341. We had a great time in Greece on holiday. It was really_____






$$$342. If your leg was broken, it____ more

$$would hurt

$will hurt




$$$343. I`m sure you would feel better if you____ so much

$$didn`t smoke

$don`t smoke

$won`t smoke

$wouldn`t smoke


$$$344. If you ____ eating so much salt, you`ll get high blood pressure

$$don`t stop

$won`t stop

$wouldn`t stop

$doesn`t stop


$$$345. This ward would be less depressing if there ____ fewer beds






$$$346. If your ankle _____ swollen, it`s probably not serious




$to be


$$$347. The ambulance ____ here in a minute if there`s no traffic

$$will be

$would be




$$$348. She ___ to work unless she feels better

$$won`t go

$wouldn`t go

$didn`t go

$don`t go


$$$349. If the weather forecast is wrong again tomorrow, I _____ watch it any more






$$$350. He is going to see the specialist as soon as he____ the result of his tests






$$$351. I always get stressed if people ____ at me




$will shout


$$$352. Come and see me when you ___ better

$$are feeling


$would feel



$$$353. I`m going to write down your member in case I ___ it


$will need


$would need


$$$354. He never goes to the doctor unless he ____ really terrible

$$is feeling



$will feel


$$$355. The abılıty to see around you.

$$ perıpheral vısıon

$ spatıal abılıty

$ skıll

$ testosterone


$$$356. He won’t give the patient a prescription ________ he’s examined him.

$$ until

$ when

$ in case

$ if


$$$357. She’ll be able to go to home_____ she’s completely got over operation

$$ as soon as

$ unless

$ in case

$ if


$$$358. They’ll start the treatment _____the diagnosis is confirmed

$$ when

$ in case

$ that

$ unless


$$$359. You’d better take a sweater___ it’s cold when you get there

$$ in case

$ as soon as

$ when

$ unless


$$$360. I never take antibiotics _ I’ve got an infection

$$ unless

$ in case

$ when

$ if


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