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Слов из шаблона – 147. Из 140 слов, написанных на экзамене, 20 взяты из пояснения к заданию. И только 120 придумано на месте.

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  6. Бессоюзные сложные предложения со значением причины, пояснения, изъяснения.
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In the three pie charts we can see some changes in spending for a school in the UK for the years of 1981, 1991 and 2001. The total spending is divided into five types. Namely they are insurance, teachers’ and other workers’ salaries, spending on study resources and furniture plus equipment.

As an overall trend it can be clearly seen that teachers’ salaries were significantly higher than all the other types of spending. The figure for them was (by far the highest) varying from two fifths in 1981 to half in 1991 and settling at 45% in 2001. Whereas insurance share stayed the smallest over the whole period of the study but rising steadily starting at just 2% in 1981 and quadrupling to 8% by the year 2001.

It is interesting to note that study resources and spending on furniture & equipment had the same shares back in 1981 at 15% each but in ten years’ time the latter dropped dramatically three times to only 5% whereas the former rose a bit and stabilized at a fifth of the spending in 1991. And these seem to be the most unstable ones as in 2001 the situation changed again and furniture and equipment took nearly a quarter or 23% of the spending, while study resources did not reach even a tenth and stayed at 9%. (220)

Test 4. Task1.

The graph shows some information on the goods transported in the United Kingdom by four kinds of transport. Namely they are road transport, water one, railway and pipelines. The data are available for the 29-year period from 1974 to 2002.

As an overall trend it can be clearly seen that the quantity of goods carried by road transport was significantly higher than all the other three starting at around 70 million tonnes at the beginning of the time of the study and reaching the level of just under 100 million at the end of it. It was nearly four times higher than that transported by pipelines, for example, which just exceeded 20 million tonnes in 2002. As it is shown by the graph all the types of transport experienced a gradual increase with the exception of railroad during the twenty-year period from 1978 to 1998 when it was losing up to a third of its quantity.


It is interesting to note that railroad and water transport had nearly the same figures back in 1974 which were both around 40 million tonnes. Whereas the latter had risen more than by half by 2002 and come to over 60 million the former had had some ups and downs and by the same year just exceeded its level of the year of 1974. (219)

К сожалению, мне не удалось остаться в рамках близких к 150. 200+ это, конечно, много. Оптимально писать сочинения объёмом 180 слов. Тогда на экзамене у вас не будет опасности недобрать слов и понаделать ошибок (чем длиннее текст, тем выше вероятность, просто по невнимательности, напортачить) или потратить слишком много времени на эту часть. Потому что в Task1 наша задача «не наломать дров», ведь оценка зависит в основном от Task2, Task1 может её разве что только испортить.


Итак, переходим к разбору предлагаемого алгоритма создания essay Task 2.

● Task 2
Опять же, обратите внимание, прежде всего я говорю о форме, и лишь затем – о содержании.

Абзац 1 – льём воду по поводу темы essay, переставляем слова, не вкладывая много смысла, нужно въехать в тему, в словарь и т.д.

Абзац 2 – аргументы «за»

Абзац 3 – аргументы «против»

Абзац 4 – вывод

Нужно ещё добавить своё личное отношение и/или пример из своей жизни. По ситуации, можно его включить или в Абзац 2, или в Абзац 3, или вынести в Абзац 4.


Теперь, что я подразумеваю под аргументами «за» и аргументами «против».
Также как и в Task1 вы должны очень быстро решить, что вы будете писать, и потом уже не отвлекаться на это, а думать о том, как вы это пишете. Этому нужно чуть-чуть поучиться и в этом моменте есть свои тонкости и рекомендации.
Итак, об Абзаце 1 думать не нужно, он пишется автоматически, для любой темы по шаблону. А вот два следующих абзаца требуют некоторой, самой минимальной изобретательности. Причём, лучше, если это будут не абстрактные размышления, а простые, жизненные ситуации.

Пример из своей жизни тоже можно иметь заготовленным, стандартным, не обязательно правдивым, лучше придуманным.


● Раскрытие темы

Сразу несколько слов по ТЕМЕ. Если вы оперируете словами, которые по смыслу попадают под выбранную тему, никто не сможет вас упрекнуть, что вы пишете не по теме. Понятия раскрыть тему в сочинении отсутствует, в том понимании, как нас учат в русскоязычной школе!
То есть, единственное, в чём вас смогут упрекнуть, так это, например, в том, что говоря о проблемах молодёжи, вы говорите о проблемах, например, зоопарков. То есть, используете лексикон другой смысловой группы – ВСЁ!
В остальном вы свободны писать любую чушь, грамотно и структурировано.
И поверьте, лучше писать заготовленную лабуду, чем пытаться что-то изобрести на месте.
Так вернёмся к аргументам «за» и «против».

● «За» и «против»

Я имею в виду два противоположных взгляда на проблему, безотносительно, что думаете об этом вы сами.
Итак, на примерах научимся быстро решать, о чём будем писать во втором и третьем абзацах.
Тема из Cambridge IELTS Examination Papers № 8, Test 1, Task 2, стр. 31

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Абзац 2 – аргументы «за»: родители – лучше, они всегда рядом, они могут найти индивидуальный подход к своим детям, поделиться своим опытом. Пример из своей жизни – я очень благодарен своему отцу за то, сколько внимания он уделял, чтобы развить моё правильное отношение ко всему, что происходит в обществе.
NB Тема не раскрыта, если вы не связываете влияние родителей на становление их детей В ОБЩЕСТВЕ.

Абзац 3 – аргументы «против»: школа – лучше, так как там группа людей, учителей, которые обладают гораздо более широкими знаниями, чем два, а иногда, один родитель. К тому же, школа – уже сама по себе модель общества.

Вот примерный ход. На самом деле, здесь даже больше идей, чем требуется для сочинения на 7 по моей схеме, достаточно было бы и половины этого.

Ещё одна тема из Cambridge IELTS Examination Papers № 8, Test 2, Task 2, стр. 54
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relation people make?
Has that become a positive or negative development?

Абзац 2 – аргументы «за»: технология позволила расширить круг людей, с которыми мы можем вступать в общение, позволяя нам заводить друзей в других городах и странах, на других континентах – дистанционное общение. Пример из жизни: скайп помогает мне быть в курсе дел моих родителей ежедневно, хотя они живут на расстоянии 1500 км.


Абзац 3 – аргументы «против»: но многие друзья, с которыми мы никогда не виделись, и общались только дистанционно, не могут называться друзьями на самом деле и никогда не заменят реальное общение. Тем не менее, создается видимость общения и отношений.
Возможно, что в результате человек будет чувствовать, что ему чего-то не хватает – будет испытывать депрессии без видимой причины.

Опять же, я overdid чуть-чуть. Достаточно и половины тех идей, что я предлагаю.

Теперь, когда мы решили, о чём мы пишем, давайте поговорим о том, как мы это напишем. И здесь нам опять помогут шаблонные фразы – блоки нашего будущего эссе.

Абзац 1
Начну я с той же фразы, которой начинал каждое своё сочинение мой ученик, который несколько лет назад уехал в Австралию, получил гражданство и сейчас оканчивает курсы, чтобы подтвердить свой медицинский диплом.

Almost any day of the week you can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing…
There are several controversial points of view on this issue…
The first regards… as harmful due to some probability that…
An alternative point is based on the advantages of…


Problems relating to… in general have always been one of the topical issues of all over the world. How should we deal with deciding whether…? Discussing this controversial question it is impossible to give one well-defined answer for sure.

Таким образом, имея три-четыре абзаца, мы должны «упаковывать» в каждый по 60-90 слов. Первые абзацы по объёму готовы уже на две трети. Остальные слова добираем из темы. Итого, имеем.

Test 1

Almost any day of the week you can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing how to make our children good members of our society. There are several controversial points of view on this issue. The first regards schools as harmful in this respect due to some probability that is difficult to find individual approaches to every child and prefers to turn to family as the best option to do this job. An alternative point is based on the advantages of schools as social institutions to teach this. (89)

PS Треть сочинения написана.
ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ! Здесь я продемонстрировал приём, который позволяет избежать самых распространённых ошибок даже в очень хороших сочинениях – артикли!

Для того, чтобы минимизировать эту весьма распространенную ошибку, я прошу своих учеников максимально насыщать свои сочинения притяжательными местоимениями
…how to make our children good members of our society…
И второй момент – использование множественного числа существительных где только это возможно
…is difficult to find individual approaches
…on the advantages of schools as social institutions to teach this.

А теперь уберите множественное число и подумайте, легко ли вам определиться с артиклем перед каждым существительным: a/an, the, <zero article>?
Итак, мой совет – множественное число и притяжательные местоимения.


Следующий абзац.


Test 2

Problems relating to new technologies in general have always been one of the topical issues of all over the world. How should we deal with them especially when it comes to relations that people make? How do they affect us? Are there more positive or rather negative effects in all that? Discussing these controversial questions it is impossible to give one well-defined answer for sure. (66)

Обратите внимание на замену this на these при переходе от единственного числа question к множественному числу questions – распространённая ошибка.

Переходим к написанию Абзаца 2 и Абзаца 3. Какие шаблонные фразы могу предложить?

On the one hand, it is obvious that…
It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that…
Probably nobody would argue that…
I think each country should have a law regulating…
And some countries are carrying out the policy which aims at encouraging…
For example, some Asian countries have adopted this approach and the vast majority of people living there welcome it.
Presumably, this very attitude is one of the most sensible and results in an adequate way to resolve a lot of problems.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that…
Nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace…with…totally.
From my point of view it makes sense definitely.
But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define the matter in question.
Therefore it may remain for many a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality.
This is the second point of view that I am in favour of, although I also realize how difficult it is to achieve sometimes.

И несколько идей для заключительного абзаца, если таковой вдруг напишется.
Абзац 4
It is impossible to estimate all the benefits and drawbacks of…
In any case, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal circumstances or background.
But I firmly believe that individuals have no right to stand aside.
We should say whether we agree or disagree with what is going on in this area.

Итак, Test 1

On the one hand, it is obvious that parents are the ones who are always close to their children. And they can find individual approaches to them and share their own experience. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that we are like our relatives and likely to follow their way in becoming good or bad members of our society as well. So their experience, whether successful or not, may be of the prime value for us. (86)

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that only schools are able to deliver all the information necessary to become true members of the society with long history. Ordinary people may lack knowledge and skills to teach anything even to their own children. Moreover, schools can be taken as models of the society which students are going to join in their adulthood. So these institutions may be considered the best for the job. (79)

From my point of view it makes sense definitely. In any case, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal circumstances or background. (32)

Итак, Test 2

On the one hand, it is obvious that IT allows us to get in touch with each other more easily.
Probably nobody would argue that it is an advantage. We can make new fiends from quite a wide range of places even on the other continents. But what is more important for me, for example, I can daily contact my family living thousands kilometers away by Skype. From my point of view it makes sense definitely. It helps me stay aware of my family’s circumstances and brings me closer to my mum and dad.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that it is not real communication. Nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace face-to-face conversations with virtual ones totally. Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define the matter in question. Going back to my point of ‘distant’ friends, are they real friends? People who you never see in person come to your life and sometimes may influence your decisions, for instance. I would stay quite cautious about that. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case. (101)

I think it is impossible to estimate all the benefits and drawbacks of technology affecting our relations with different people.


Итого, имеем, привожу полный текст сочинений:
Test 1

Almost any day of the week you can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing how to make our children good members of our society. There are several controversial points of view on this issue. The first regards schools as harmful in this respect due to some probability that it is difficult to find individual approaches to every child and prefers to turn to family as the best option to do this job. An alternative point is based on the advantages of schools as social institutions to teach this.

On the one hand, it is obvious that parents are the ones who are always close to their children. And they can find individual approaches to them and share their own experience. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that we are like our relatives and likely to follow their way in becoming good or bad members of our society as well. So their experience, whether successful or not, may be of the prime value for us.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that only schools are able to deliver all the information necessary to become true members of the society with long history. Ordinary people may lack knowledge and skills to teach anything even to their own children. Moreover, schools can be taken as models of the society which students are going to join in their adulthood. So these institutions may be considered the best for the job.

From my point of view it makes sense definitely. In any case, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal circumstances or background. (287)

То же сочинение, но цветом выделены шаблонные фразы и подчёркнуты фразы, взятые из пояснения к заданию, из темы.
Test 1

Almost any day of the week you can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing how to make our children good members of our society. There are several controversial points of view on this issue. The first regards schools as harmful in this respect due to some probability that it is difficult to find individual approaches to every child and prefers to turn to family as the best option to do this job. An alternative point is based on the advantages of schools as social institutions to teach this.

On the one hand, it is obvious that parents are the ones who are always close to their children. And they can find individual approaches to them and share their own experience. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that we are like our relatives and likely to follow their way in becoming good or bad members of our society as well. So their experience, whether successful or not, may be of the prime value for us.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that only schools are able to deliver all the information necessary to become true members of the society with long history. Ordinary people may lack knowledge and skills to teach anything even to their own children. Moreover, schools can be taken as models of the society which students are going to join in their adulthood. So these institutions may be considered the best for the job.

From my point of view it makes sense definitely. In any case, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal circumstances or background.

Слов из шаблона – 147. Из 140 слов, написанных на экзамене, 20 взяты из пояснения к заданию. И только 120 придумано на месте.

Обратите внимание, насколько просты фразы, набранные чёрным шрифтом. Это те фразы, которые придуманы на месте, они не взяты из шаблона или описания задания. Все сложные фразы этого сочинения – это части шаблона. Если у вас достойный шаблон, на экзамене можно не заморачиваться.


Test 2

Problems relating to new technologies in general have always been one of the topical issues of all over the world. How should we deal with them especially when it comes to relations that people make? How do they affect us? Are there more positive or rather negative effects in all that? Discussing these controversial questions it is impossible to give one well-defined answer for sure. On the one hand, it is obvious that IT allows us to get in touch with each other more easily. Probably nobody would argue that it is an advantage. We can make new fiends from quite a wide range of places even on the other continents. But what is more important for me, for example, I can daily contact my family living thousands kilometers away by Skype. From my point of view it makes sense definitely. It helps me stay aware of my family’s circumstances and brings me closer to my mum and dad.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that it is not real communication. Nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace face-to-face conversations with virtual ones totally. Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define the matter in question. Going back to my point of ‘distant’ friends, are they real friends? People who you never see in person come to your life and sometimes may influence your decisions, for instance. I would stay quite cautious about that. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

I think it is impossible to estimate all the benefits and drawbacks of technology affecting our relations with different people. (282)

То же сочинение, но цветом выделены шаблонные фразы, подчёркнуты фразы из темы.

Test 2

Problems relating to new technologies in general have always been one of the topical issues of all over the world. How should we deal with them especially when it comes to relations that people make? How do they affect us? Are there more positive or rather negative effects in all that? Discussing these controversial questions it is impossible to give one well-defined answer for sure. On the one hand, it is obvious that IT allows us to get in touch with each other more easily. Probably nobody would argue that it is an advantage. We can make new fiends from quite a wide range of places even on the other continents. But what is more important for me, for example, I can daily contact my family living thousands kilometers away by Skype. From my point of view it makes sense definitely. It helps me stay aware of my family’s circumstances and brings me closer to my mum and dad.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that it is not real communication. Nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace face-to-face conversations with virtual ones totally. Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define the matter in question. Going back to my point of ‘distant’ friends, are they real friends? People who you never see in person come to your life and sometimes may influence your decisions, for instance. I would stay quite cautious about that. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

I think it is impossible to estimate all the benefits and drawbacks of technology affecting our relations with different people.

Слов из шаблона – 177. Из 105 слов, написанных на экзамене, 8 взяты из пояснения к заданию. И только 97 придумано непосредственно на экзамене.

Для того, чтобы ознакомиться с бòльшим количеством примеров, взятых из конкретной практики подготовки к экзамену, рекомендую также обратиться к моему пособию «IELTS: стратегия победы. История одного эссе».

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав

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