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Oral Hygiene

Читайте также:
  1. Dental Laboratory Hygiene
  2. Excessive body hygiene of internal ear canals



Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

measure ['meʒə]

plaque [pla:k]

calculus ['kælkjələs]

hygiene ['haidʒi:n]

debris ['deibri:]

detergent [di'tə:dʒ(ə)nt]

raw [rנ:]

fibrous ['faibrəs]

swallow ['swנləu]

firm [fə:m]

tough [tΛf]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

measure засіб, міра

remnant залишки

to eliminate ліквідувати, знищити

debris відкладення, наліт

stagnation застій

to avoid уникати

detergent очищаючий

occasion випадок

plain простий

raw сирий, необроблений

to rinse полоскати

firm твердий

substitute замінник

tough жорсткий


Exercise 3. Read the words and word combinations and translate them:

raw: raw food, raw meat, raw materials, in the raw, a raw person

require: to require much chewing, to require extra help, to be required by law;

firm: firm fruits, firm muscles, firm voice, to stand firmly; substitute: substitute for sugar, to substitute


Exercise 4. Form and translate the new words using the given suffixes:

-tion: to prevent, to eliminate, to form, to irritate, to contribute, to inflame, to educate

- ly: effective, rapid, particular, proper, firm, direct, regular, automatical

Exercise 5. Choose the correct definitions to the following terms:


1. Resistance of teeth to disease 1.Першопричина карієсу та захворювань пародонту
2. The primary cause of caries and periodontal disease 2.Стійкість зубів до захворювань  
3. Satisfactory alternative to brushing 3.Полоскання рота звичайною водою
4. Plain water mouth rinse 4. Усунення залишків їжі
5. Elimination of food stagnation 5.Утримання зубів чистими від залишків їжі
6. Keeping the teeth free from food debris 6.Задовільна альтернатива чищенню


Exercise 6. Find Ukrainian equivalents:

Dental disorder, supporting tissue, food stagnation, primary cause, public health measures, bacterial irritation, plaque formation, detergent food, food remnants, plain water, loose food particles, mouth rinsing


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:

Oral Hygiene and the Prevention of Dental Disease

Most dental disorders arise directly or indirectly from two basic diseases of the teeth and their supporting tissues — caries and periodontal disease. Prevention of dental disease includes elimination of food stagnation, as this is the primary cause of caries and periodontal disease. Food stagnation causes plaque formation, which in turn1 leads to acid production, in the case of caries; and to bacterial irritation and calculus in periodontal disease. The methods of prevention are oral hygiene, which is the patients' responsibility; preventive dentistry that is the dental surgeon's contribution; dental health education and increasing the resistance of teeth to disease, which are public health measures. If everyone realized it, a lot of tooth problems would be avoided.

Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene consists simply of keeping the teeth free of food debris,2 thus preventing plaque formation which leads to dental disease. It can be achieved by cleaning the teeth regularly after meals and not eating between meals. Cleaning is best performed by brushing as this is the only way3 of removing plaque. If brushing is not possible, food debris can be removed by finishing the meal with a detergent food. Such foods are raw, firm, fibrous fruits or vegetables, e.g. apples, pears, carrots, celery, etc. Because of tough fibrous consistency they require much chewing and clean the teeth of food remnants.

Although it is easy enough to brush the teeth or eat an apple after meals at home, it may often be inconvenient elsewhere. On such occasions a plain water mouth rinse, which can be swallowed afterwards, is better than nothing. Of all these methods of cleaning teeth, tooth brushing is the most effective. When properly done4 it removes plaque, whereas detergent foods can only clean away loose food particles. Thus the role of detergent foods or mouth rinsing is not that of a satisfactory alternative to brushing; but an additional measure at the end of a meal, or a substitute when brushing is not possible.


1 which in turn —яке, в свою чергу

2keeping the teeth free of food debris —підтримка зубів чистими від залишків їжі

3 the only way — единий щлях

4 when properly done — коли воно правильно здійснено


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. What do most disorders arise from?

2. What does food stagnation cause?

3. What methods of prevention do you know?

4. How can plaque formation be prevented?

5. What is oral hygiene?

6. Why is cleaning best performed by brushing?

7. How can food debris be removed if brushing is not possible?

8. What detergent food can you name?

9. What one must do if brushing or eating an apple is not possible?

10.What is the most effective method of cleaning teeth?


Exercise 9. Translate the following words putting each of them into the appropriate column of the table according to the part of speech they belong to:

Dental, basic, rinse, particle, debris, to substitute, free, to remove, periodontal, simply, primary, to clean, brushing, bacterial, to brush, oral, possible, оn, regularly, can, cleaning, to rinse meal, detergent, after, raw, firm, tough, mouth, at, fibrous, measure, inconvenient, effective, of, clean, consistency, from, satisfactory, additional, properly, to do.


  Noun   Verb   Preposition   Adjective   Adverb
measure to do of firm properly


Exercise 10. Find 5 words formed by conversion:

E.g. play – to play


Exercise 11.Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

прямо чи посередньо; зубной наліт; призводить до...; уникнути; залишки їжі; сирий; полоскання рота водою; краще, чим нічого; чистка зубів зубною щіткою; тверді продукти; додаткова міра; профілактика карієсу; резистентність тканин зуба; видалення зубних відкладень; дія етиологічних засобів.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 95 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Первая школа научного менеджмента| Exercise 12. Read the passage filling in the missing active words.

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