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Dental Laboratory Hygiene

Читайте также:
  1. Assessment of laboratory and instrumental studies of women in obstetrics and gynecology (two laboratory results, and one instrumental)
  2. Bacteriological Laboratory
  3. Chemistry Laboratory Safety Quiz
  4. Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules
  5. Dental Laboratory Equipment

Dental Laboratory Hygiene

Text: Dental Laboratory Hygiene

Grammar: Nouns: Singular and Plural Forms. Possessive Case


І. Active Vocabulary

staff hygiene barrier clothing workbench   to encourage to inoculate hepatitis B influenza to supply to decontaminate sealed to set aside incoming jobs gloves apron running water to soak detergent   wax bite   try-in metal coping repair tweezers face-bow part   to treat tap waste bin impervious flooring   moisture resistant continuous vinyl to discourage accumulation changing room [stRf] ['haIGJn] ['bxrIq 'klqVDIN] ['wE:k"bentS]   [In'kArIG] [I'nPkjVleIt] ["hepa'taItIs bJ] ["InflV'enzq] [sq'plaI] ["dJkqn'txmIneIt] [sJld] ['setq'saId] ['InkAmIN'GPbz] [glAvz] ['eIprqn] ['rAnIN'wLtq] [sqVk] [dI'tE:G(q)nt]   ['wxks'baIt]   [traI'In] ['metl'kPpIN] [rI'peq] ['twJzqz] ['feIs'baV'pRt]   [trJt] [txp] ['weIst'bIn] [Im'pE:vIqs'flLrIN]   ['mOIstSq"rI'zIstqnt] [kqn'tInjVqs] [dIs'kArIG] [q"kjHmjVleIS(q)n] ['tSeInGIN"ru(:)m] службовий персонал гігієна захисний одяг автоматизоване робоче місце сприяти робити щеплення гепатит Б грип постачати, забезпечувати дезинфікувати, очищати герметичний виділяти моделі, що надходять рукавички фартух протічна вода замочувати детергент, очищаючий дизинфікуючий засіб восковий прикусний шаблон примірка металічний ковпак, копінг відновлений елемент пінцет частина ортодонтичної лицевої дуги обробляти кран відро для сміття, відходів непроникне покриття підлоги вологонепроникний суцільний вінілопласт перешкоджати накопичення роздягалка

Dental Laboratory Hygiene

All members of staff must be committed to working in an infection free and safe working environment. This can be achieved in a number of ways:

· Personal hygiene.

· Staff training. There should be a program of staff training in matters relating to health and safety, it is as important as training in the use of equipment and techniques.

· The employer should ensure that all necessary safety equipment and barrier clothing is supplied to staff.

· Staff should not eat or smoke at workbenches.

· It should be encouraged that all staff be inoculated against hepatitis B and influenza.

All materials transported into and out of the dental laboratory should be decontaminated, disinfected and placed into a sealed container.

An area should be set aside to receive incoming jobs. When opening work gloves, mask, glasses and apron should be worn. If required, impressions and jobs should be decontaminated and disinfected. The procedure involves rinsing the job under running water and soaking in a neutral detergent. Dental impressions are contaminated with saliva and sometimes blood. That's why jobs which have already been inserted into the mouth require special attention, e. g. wax bites, try-ins, metal copings and repairs. Any instruments or materials (such as spatulas, wax knives and carvers, tweezers, face-bow parts) which have been in contact with jobs need to be cleaned and disinfected. What cannot be heat sterilized must be chemically treated.

Other features to be considered include:

· Sufficient space to divide the lab into specific work areas, e. g. work area, receiving area, wet area etc.

· Adequate water, with preferably automatically operating taps.

· Natural light.

· Enough ventilation. There should be a constant flow of air so that dust, fumes and heat produced from some laboratory procedures may be removed. Air conditioners which can harbour dangerous microorganisms need to be regularly cleaned.

· Covered bins for receiving waste materials.

· Impervious flooring. Floors should be covered with impervious, moisture resistant material, such as continuous vinyl.

· A similar quality of workbench areas. They must be hard, smooth and easy to clean (stainless steel is a good choice).

· All fixtures and fittings should be designed to allow for easy cleaning and to discourage the accumulation of dust.

· Separate areas for staff changing rooms should be available.

· Food and eating areas should be separate from the changing rooms.

1. What kind of environment must all members of staff be committed to working in?

2. In what way can it be achieved?

3. May staff eat or smoke at their workbenches?

4. What diseases should all staff be inoculated against?

5. Where should all materials transported into and out of the dental laboratory be placed into?

6. Should gloves, mask, glasses and apron be worn when opening incoming jobs?

7. What does the procedure of disinfection involve?

8. Why do jobs which have already been inserted into the mouth require special attention?

9. What cannot be heat sterilized must be chemically treated, mustn't it?

10.What are other important factors of a good hygiene at the dental lab?


III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

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