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Outline of the lecture

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History of Kazakhstan I year students

Lecture 1 All departments

Primitive society. 2007-2008 academic year

Winter trimester

The objective of the lecture: to show common and peculiarities of the primitive society development on the territory of Kazakhstan. The main stages of the primitive society, evolution of labor instrument, origination of people and formation social institutes.

Outline of the lecture

  1. Characteristic of the primitive society.
  2. Stages of the primitive society.
  3. Historical monuments of the primitive society.

The brief content of the lecture: The problem of the origin of the modern human being and the most ancient stages of his development in the Stone Age according to the scientists terminology in one of the complex problem of the science.

The modern genetics came to conclusion, that labour played the decisive role in the evolution of man. The other factors – biological and social, participated in the process of anthropogenesis. Man is differed from the animal by his knowing how to work and how to make the labour instruments. The first instruments made from stone by man gave the name to the Stone Age, the early and longest period of the history.

By the beginning of the XX. the following division of the Stone Age into periods was established:


I. Paleolithic

1. Ancient Paleolithic:

Doshell – 2,5 mln.-800 th. B.C.

Shell, Ashell - 800-140 th. B.C.


2. Middle Paleolithic

Upper Ashell and Mousterian period – 140-40 th. B.C.


3. Upper Paleolithic

40-10 th. B.C.


II. Mesolithic XII-V th. B.C.

III. Neolithic V-II th. B.C.

The first men on the territory of Kazakhstan appeared about 700-500 th. years ago during the Paleolithic Age. The ear5liest men lived near rivers Isym, Chu, Betpak-Dala. On the banks of the Arystandy river the most ancient stone instruments were discovered. The more numerous sites of the late times were Shabakty, Temirkazgan, Borykazgan etc. The hand bifaces (hand axes), points more than 5 th. various flint instruments were collected there.


During the Mousterian epoch the method of production of stone instruments developed. Among the Mousterian sites discovered in the Karatau, one was situated in Karasai, on the right bank of the Arystandy river. The enormous concentration of the flint and chalcedony hand-mades were revealed and wild animals bones and charcoal were found. The finds of the Mousterian instruments are known in the middle flow of the Sarysu river in Central Kazakhstan and Priirtyshie.

Neolithic. The Neolithic hunters, fithermen and collectors lived in Pri-Ural and Irtysh. The natural environment of that time was almost the same as in our days. The technology of working up of stone in the epoch of Neolithic achieved the highest level, people learned how to saw and polish the stone and make the mini stone-blades (micro-lit). The durable crockery ceramics were made with help of baking by Neolithic people.

In the epoch of Upper Neolithic and Eneolithic one more important event was happened in the life of people. The animals have been domesticated and became domestic animals. People began to be occupied with farming.

The appearance of the beginnings of mining, mastery of metals, soft-ones – copper, gold, lead took place.

During the Neolithic Age the family communes with Matriarchy appeared. At the Neolithic the earliest men began to use fire and make work tools from metal – at first it was copper, then bronze.

  1. Glossary
Hand axe топор  
Point остроконечник  
Chalcedony халцедон  
Charcoal древесный уголь  
To saw пилить  
Blade лезвие  
Durable прочный  
Crockery глиняный  
  1. Tasks for IWS: Make up a table: “Chronology of primitive society.”
  2. Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Evolution of labor tools”.
  3. Home tasks: readF. Engels«Origination of family, private property and state» and prepare annotation.

List of the reference of the theme:

  1. Асфендияров С.Д. История Казахстана (с древних времен): Уч.пособие под ред. А.С.Такенова. – Алма-Ата, 1993. – 2-е издание.
  2. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993.
  3. История Казахстана: Пособие для студентов. – Алматы: Казинтерграф, 1998.
  4. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000.
  5. Оразбаева А.И. Курс лекций по истории Казахстана для студентов неисторических факультетов. Часть 1. Древняя и средневековая история Казахстана. – Алматы: Казак университети, 2001.
  6. История Казахстана (с древнейших времен до наших дней). В 5 т. – Алматы. 1996-2000.
  7. Алпысбаев Х.А. Памятники нижнего палеолита Южного Казахстана. – Алма-Ата: Гылым, 1979.
  8. Ирмуханов Б.Б. Этническая история древнего Казахстана. – Алматы, 1998.
  9. Исмагулов О. Этническая антропология Казахстана. – Алма-Ата, 1977.



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