Chapter 3. Nation, state & government
Chapter 1. Science and politics
- Write a short Essay about the “Politics in Everyday life”.
Book, “Politics – the Basics”, pages 1-3
- Write a short Essay about how you perceived the question “What is Politics?”
Book, “Politics – the Basics”, pages 3-6
- What is politics and political science?
(chapter 1, “Political science definition”)
- Please, explain the Politics in following four ways; - “Politics as an activity”, “Politics as ‘current affairs’”, “Politics as what the government does”, “Politics as the conflict and the resolution of conflict”.
(chapter 1, “BOOK, what is politics and P.S.”)
- What is Political Science? Explain in the following ways; - “Political science as philosophy and theory”, “Political science as the study of conflict”,
(chapter 1, “BOOK, what is politics and P.S.” word format document pages 3-5)
- What is Political Science? Explain in the following ways; - “Political science as international relations”, “Political science as the study of institutions”.
(chapter 1, “BOOK, what is politics and P.S.” word format document pages 5-6)
- What are the subfields of Political Science?
(Book. P.S. pages 2-5 & chapter1, “politics & P.S. subfields”)
Chapter 2. Power, Legitimacy and Authority
- Please, explain shortly the resources of the power; weaponry, wealth, numbers, strategic location, information, skills and reputation.
(chapter 2, “Power, legitimacy and authority”, pages 2-4)
- Explain, please, the styles of exercising power; coercion, manipulation and influence.
(chapter 2, “Power, legitimacy and authority”, pages 4-5)
- What is an Authority? Explain three types of Authority of Max Weber; traditional, legal & charismatic.
(chapter 2, “Power, legitimacy and authority”, pages 8-9)
- Explain shortly how you observed Legitimacy, Sovereignty, & Authority.
(Book P.S. (M.G. Roskin) page 6-7, key concepts) or Book “People & Power” (E.D Girdner) pages 13-15
12. Please, explain briefly the Bases of Power? Force, Incentive, persuasion, love, psychology, legality, charisma, tradition.
(Book “People and Power (Eddie J. Girdner)” page 9 - 13)
Chapter 3. Nation, state & government
- What is the nation? Define it with the help of the main factors; Cultural, Political & Psychological.
(chapter 3. Nation, state & government, “Definition of the Nation”)
- Explain the State as an apparatus of control; Guardian of law, Treasurer, Inspector, Allocator of values & Coordinator
(chapter 3. Nation, state & government, “Definition of the state”, word doc, pages 7-9)
- Define the Classical perception of the state according to the Kenneth Dyson? Historical analysis: The state as a reflection of a hierarchic social order. The state as a reflection of an individualistic social order. The state as an embodiment of the community.
(chapter 3. “Definition of the state” pages 10-12)
- Define the Classical perception of the state according to the Kenneth Dyson? Non-historical conceptions: The state as legitimacy. The state as law. The state as might
(Chapter 3. “Definition of the state” pages 13)
- What are the Elements of Nationhood? Define them in detail with your examples - Territory, population, independence & government.
(Book P.S. page 37-41)
- What are the Crises of Nation building? Define them in detail with your examples - Identity, legitimacy, penetration participation & distribution?
(Book P.S. page 41-44)
- How do we Classify Governments? You can draw the table to explain. Statist, socialist, laissez-faire & welfare state. (Book P.S. page 45-47)
- Please explain “Aristotle’s six types of government”.
- (Book P.S. page 46) or (Book People & Power. Pages 29-33)
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