Упражнение 1.
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции, выполняемые инфинитивом.
A. Инфинитив в функции дополнения.
- They want to submit a new proposal.
- They claim to be working independently.
- Meteorologists would certainly like to extend their observational system until it covers every corner of the world.
- They hated to join the majority, but this was the only chance for them.
- The Commander-in-chief ordered to withdraw the troops before the appointed date.
B. Инфинитив в функции определения.
- The capacity to absorb heat varies between substances.
- This question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Moscow.
- They called for a top-level conference on disarmament to be held in the first three months of the next year.
- More than hundred employees objected to the type of work to be carried out.
- The first seminar to train radio broadcasters in the technique of bringing modern agricultural knowledge to farmers will be held from March 1 to April 5.
- The Canadian Prime Minister was the first to raise this question.
- This was not the matter to be easily agreed upon.
- Automation is one of the ways to increase production.
- The items to be discussed at the next meeting are known already.
15. It is widely assumed within the industry that specialized films have the greatest potential to reach audiences during the academic year.
C. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельств цели и последующего / сопутствующего действия.
- To make this comparison accurate the thermometer is used.
- The gas thermometer employs a pressure indicator to show the temperature.
- The attempt was too challenging to be taken alone.
- The delegation arrived three days earlier to seize a chance to observe the spring/summer collection by Toronto designer Arthur Mendonca.
- In 1928 he resigned his post never to return to public life.
- I woke one morning to find myself famous.
- The light died down to leave the room darker than before. (C. Dane)
- Britons awoke this morning to ace the prospect of more snow shoveling after an overnight blizzard had dumped another three to six inches of snow over almost the whole of the south of the country.
- We pay tribute to the extraordinary vision of the Declaration’s original drafters and to the many human rights defenders around the world who have struggled to make their vision a reality.
- A distributor will assess this schedule to identify a date.
- At 8.30 Dane entered the office to find corporal Kemp asleep at his desk and a tired-looking kid sat waiting. (J. Steinbeck)
- While the theme of the conference changes each year, the goals of this annual event remain the same: to promote awareness and prompt action among student leaders about human rights in general.
- Japan outstripped West Germany during the first quarter of this year to become the world’s second biggest manufacturer of motor vehicles after the United States.
- The door swung back to reveal a bright room tastefully furnished. (R. Pixe)
- We r ecognize the disparity between voluntary and involuntary migrants and the importance of taking action to get the rights and the proper treatment for all migrants.
- The stake of the peace movement is too huge to be joked about.
- Beautiful streams descend through these valleys to swell the fair rivers of France.
- He had put a carefully prepared tray of toast, biscuits, and hot milk on his wife’s bed, only to have her move clumsily and upset the milk. (D.Eden)
- Laws and theories are formulated from the results of the experiments and then used to predict the results of new experiments.
- Mason fought off the heavy lethargy of the deep sleep which comes during the first part of the night, to grope for the ringing telephone. (Ibid)
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