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Visit to Dietician

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D r. J о n e s: Good morning, Mrs. Fat. Sit down, please.

Mrs. Fat: Good morning. Dr. Jones. Do you mind if I sit on the sofa?

D r. J о n e s: No, not at аll. You can take any seat you like. So you would tike to lose weight, wouldn't you?

Mrs. Fat: Exactly. I've been overweight all my life and now I think it's time I started dieting.

D r. J o n e s: Oh, yes. I see. You know... before I can recom­mend you a particular diet I must team all about your eating habits. How many meals a day do you normally have?

Mrs. Fat: I usually have only three meals a day. I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, but unfortunately I very often eat between meals.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for breakfast?

Mrs. Fat: A traditional English breakfast. I have a glass of orange juice, a bowl of cereal and bacon and eggs. And then I drink tea.

D r. J о n e s: Do you take milk in your tea?

Mrs. Fat: I normally drink tea with cream, though I rea­lise that I should have it with skimmed milk.

D r. J о n e s: And what about lunch?

Mrs. Fat: Well, that depends. On some days I just have a couple of sandwiches for lunch, but sometimes I also have a bowl of soup and cakes or pies to follow.

Dr. Jones: What do you have for dinner and when do you have it?

Mrs. Fat: I normally have dinner at 8 p.m. I know it's a bit too late, it just happens so. What do I have? You know, I like to have a very substantial din­ner — a starter, like a salad or assorted meat, followed by a main course such as beefsteak or fish and chips and then dessert and tea or coffee.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for dessert as a rule?

Mrs. Fat: Ice-cream or cakes, or both.

D r. J о n e s: And what do you eat between meals?

Mrs. Fat: Peanuts, chocolate, popcorn, crisps and stuff. Sometimes I just like to nibble candies.

D r. J о n e s: In fact, many people do the same and yet they have no problems with excess weight. Let me see... Do you fry one or two eggs with your ba­con in the morning?

Mrs. Fat: I actually take eight eggs, but I share my break­fast with my toy-poodle dog.

D r. J о n e s: I see. Here is my prescription: Don't change your diet. Change your dog. Replace it with a

Labrador. Or keep both dogs and share all your meals with them. And here is the telephone number of a vet, who is a very good dog dietician, just in case your dogs might need a cor­rection of their diet.

II. Explain the meaning of the following words:

food, meal, dish, course, overweight, diet, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snack.

III. Dramatize the dialogue between Mrs. Fat and Dr. Jones.

IV. Translate into English:

1. Я завтракаю в восемь часов утра.

2. За завтраком я обычно съедаю бутерброд и выпиваю чашку чая.

3. Мои брат всегда ест яичницу с ветчиной на завтрак.

4. Что ты ешь в обед на второе?

5. Какой десерт нравится твоей маме?

6. Я никогда не перекусываю между завтраком, обедом и ужином.

7. Вы хотели бы похудеть?

8. У тебя нет лишнего веса и тебе не надо садиться на диету.

9. Я терпеть не могу рыбу с картошкой.

10. Мой друг постоянно ест жареный арахис или соленую воздушную кукурузу. Меня это раздражает.

11. — Что такое традиционный английский завтрак? — По-моему, это стакан сока, кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичница с ветчиной и чай.

12. Я люблю плотно поесть в обед — закуску, суп, второе, десерт и выпить чашечку крепкого кофе.

Exercise 18

Say which drinks are good for health and which are not. Give your reasons.

Orange juice, milk, skimmed milk, tea, coffee, beer, brandy, cognac, Scotch whisky, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, apple juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, gin, rum, vodka, champagne, port, dry sherry, sweet sherry, vermouth, ale, lager.

Exercise 19

Play a game. Write a healthy menu for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and start the name of each dish with the same letter.


Asparagus soup

Aubergines in sauce

Apple tart

Apricot juice

Exercise 20

Translate into English.

1. Я люблю всё мучное. Я знаю, что от пирожков, бу­лочек, пирожных и печенья ужасно полнеют, но ни­чего не могу с собой поделать.

2. Сейчас очень многие увлекаются вегетарианской пи­щей. Они едят любые овощи — картошку, морковь, свёклу, цветную капусту, горох, салат, но совсем не едят мяса.

3. Постарайтесь сократить употребление говядины, сви­нины, баранины. Лучше ешьте куру, только без кожи. Это пойдет Вам на пользу.

4. — Какое масло лучше использовать для приготовле­ния пищи — сливочное или растительное?

— Смотря для чего. Если хочешь, чтобы было сыт­нее, то сливочное, а если хочешь быть здоровее, то растительное. Говорят, самое полезное масло — рас­тительное.

5. Какие блюда самые популярные в русской кухне? Блины, борщ, котлеты, пироги, грибы, пельмени. А из напитков, пожалуй, чай, квас, кисель, клюквенный морс.

6. — Я заказал столик на двоих на девять часов, но мы минут на пятнадцать опоздаем.

— Ничего страшного.

7. Я буду есть то, что ест вон та дама. Посмотри, с каким чувством она поглощает то, что лежит у неё на та­релке.

8. Ну ты и сладкоежка! Неужели ты не понимаешь, что нельзя есть столько шоколада и конфет. Кстати, ты давно не была у зубного, не так ли?

9. Когда поедем на пикник, надо не забыть взять ведро и поварёшку. Без ножей и вилок мы, может быть, и обойдёмся, а вот ложки надо взять обязательно.

10. — Посмотри, какой обжора там за столиком у окна. Он ест ужасно быстро и жадно.

— Может, он просто очень голоден.

11. Этот пудинг очень сытный, я буду есть его без сливок и без сметаны.

12. Какой сочный арбуз! Я, пожалуй, съем еще кусочек.

13. Дай мне дольку апельсина, кусок сахара, щепотку соли, кусочек хлеба и плитку шоколада. Я буду гото­вить свое фирменное блюдо.

14. — Я знаю людей, которые не едят ничего жареного или варёного. Они едят только сырую пищу.

— Неужели? И они ещё живы?

— Да, живы и здоровы.

15. Некоторые девушки так усердствуют с похуданием, что заболевают. Всё хорошо в меру.

Exercise 21

1. Look at the picture and tell the class how one should lay the table for two. Say where one puts:

a soup plate, a dinner plate, a bottom plate, a bread plate, a knife, a fork, a table spoon, a napkin, salt, pepper, mustard, a wine glass.

Exercise 22

I. Read the list of Table Don'ts.

1. Elbows are never put on the table while one is eating.

2. Don't lift your plate up to your mouth.

3. Don't push back your plate when finished. It remains exac­tly where it is until whoever is waiting on you removes it.

4. Don't lean back and announce, 'I'm through'. The fact that you have put your fork and knife together on the plate shows that you have finished.

5. Don't wait until all plates are served; after a few guests have been served, it is perfectly all right to start eating.

6. Don't let others see what you have in your mouth.

7. Don't make a noise when eating.

8. Put the food in your mouth with your fork, never with your knife.

II. Look at the pictures and say which Table Don'ts are not observed.

II. Read the list of Table Dos.

1. Put your napkin on your lap. Do not wear it around your neck.

2. Gravy should be put on the meat, and the condiment, pickles and jelly at the side of whatever they accompany.

3. All juicy or soft fruit or cake is best eaten with a fork and when necessary a spoon or a knife also.

4. When passing your plate for a second helping always leave a knife and a fork on the plate and be sure the handles are far enough on not to topple off.

5. You may use your knife or a piece of dry crust as a pusher to guide and hold each mouthful for the fork to lift.

6. Fish bones are taken between finger and thumb and re­moved between compressed lips.

7. Bread should always be broken into moderate-sized pieces with the fingers before being eaten.

IV. Complete the list of Table Dos and say how one should eat: soup, meat, poultry, lobster, bananas, oranges, apples, melons and watermel­ons.

Exercise 23

Give the Russian equivalents to the following verbs and phrases and use them in sentences: heat, simmer, boil, stir, cut, mince, chop, rub something into something, soak, bake, beat, mix, strain off the liquid, pour, roll out, melt, whisk, peel, squeeze out, bring to the boil.

Exercise 24

1. Look at the pictures below and name the objects, choosing words from the list:

saucepan, frying pan, bowl, scoop, whistling kettle, colander, mincer, coffee pot.

II. Say which of these objects you use when you perform actions denoted by the words from exercise 23.

Pattern: When I boil water I use a saucepan.

Exercise 25

Translate the following recipes into Russian.

1. Hot chocolate.

Heat 600 ml (1 pint) milk, add 100g (4 oz) chopped plain or bitter chocolate and stir, when melted, bring to a simmer and whisk for 3 minutes. Sweeten to taste. Pour hot into cups and top with whipped cream.

2. Oat cakes.

Sift flour into a bowl and add salt. Rub in fat until texture resembles breadcrumbs. Add currant, lemon juice and rind, then mix to a fairly firm dough with about 4 tablespoons water or milk and water. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and put on to a floured surface. Roll into circles and fry in the oil until brown all over. Drain well and eat hot, sprinkled with sugar.

3. Ham baked with chestnuts.

Mash the chestnuts well, add the sugar and either butter or cream and some pepper. Lay the ham on a board and stuff it with as much of this as will hold, then press together and secure. Put into an ovenproof dish. Make a criss-cross pat­tern with a sharp knife on the top of the ham. Mix the breadcrumbs into the rest of the chestnut mixture and press this over the top. Put the ham into a pre-heated oven at 200° С (400° F) for about 1/2 hour or until the top is crisp.

Exercise 26

I. Match the names of the dishes and their descriptions (1-3) with the reci­pes (A-C).

II. Choose the dish you would like to make. Explain why you have chosen this particular recipe.

III. Think of some Russian dishes with peculiar names, i.e. "селёдка под шубой", etc. Explain their names and make up recipes.



These little almond cakes are said to have been first made at Richmond Palace when Henry VIII was king. The young girl who first made them gave her recipe to a Mr. Billet, who, after her death, opened a "Maids of Honour" shop in Richmond. The se­cret was kept in the family for many generations. However, a certain Mr. Newen went to work in Mr. Billet's shop and bought the recipe from the owner for a thousand guineas. The present Mr. Newen still makes them by hand at 288 Kew Road, Kew Gar­dens.


The dish was often served at country hotels, or pubs, in the last century. Toad-in-the-Hole has deteriorated very much over the years. Up until the 1920s it was often made with good steak, chopped into pieces, some­times with some kidneys added, but nowadays it is more often served made with sausages. It can be ex­tremely good eaten piping hot from the oven.


Salmon from the Tweed river is well known for its flavour and the tradi­tional methods of cooking preserve that delicacy. The pan in which the salmon is cooked is always called a fish kettle.

A. 900g (2 lb.) fresh salmon, middle cut or tail end, salt and pepper, pinch of nut­meg, water, 1 small onion, chopped, 3 tablespoons whi­te wine vinegar, 2 tablespo­ons parsley, chopped. Serves about 6

В. 450g(1 lb.) prepared puff pastry, 225g (8 oz) cheese, 175g (6 oz) wanned butter, 2 egg yolks, 100g (4 oz) sugar, 2 tablespoons brandy, 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, level, 50g (2 oz) ground almonds, 1 lemon. This amount makes about 24 cakes.

C. 675g (1 1/2 lb.) pork sausages, 225g (8 oz) flour, pinch of salt, 3 eggs, 600 ml (1 pint) milk. Serves 4.

Exercise 27

I. What is your specialty? Can you share the recipe with the class?

II. Make a list of foodstuffs you hate and say why.

III. Which cuisine is the best in the world? Rank the following cuisines in order of preference and explain your choice. Russian, Mexican, Georgian, English, French, German, American, Chinese, Italian, Indian.

Exercise 28

I. Make up an advertisement for the food you enjoy. Use the adverts below as a guide.

II. Read your adverts in turn. Each student should find fault with the food advertised before when his or her turn comes.

Pattern: a) The ice-cream you advertise may be tasty, but I'm sure it's too cold for me. I hate having a sore throat.

b) Peanut butter is certainly very nourishing, but I don't like the way it smells.

c) It sounds like a great thing to eat, but I'm afraid it will stick to my teeth. Besides, it's too fattening.

Exercise 29

Work in pairs. Imagine that you are going on a picnic. Make up dialogues discussing the food and utensils that you are going to take. You can use the following expressions:

Why don't we take...

We can't do without...

... is a must.

We'll certainly need...

We are sure to need...

... will be of use, no doubt.

It could be a good idea to take...

Exercise 30

Explain the meaning of the following proverbs.

1. The glutton digs his grave with his teeth.

2. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

3. You can't eat a cake and have it.

4. The appetite comes with eating.

5. Man does not live by bread alone.

6. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

7. First catch your hare then cook him.

8. You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.

9. Enough is as good as a feast.

10. Hunger is the best sauce.

11. Dog does not eat dog.

Exercise 31

Comment on the quotations:

'Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.'

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

'Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.'

Samuel Butler

'A gourmet is just a glutton with brains.'

Philip W. Haberman Jr.

'Where the guests at a gathering are well-acquainted, they eat 20 percent more than they otherwise would.'

Edgar Watson Hawe

'The whole of nature, as has been said, is a conjugation of the verb to eat in the active and passive.'

William Ralph Inge

Exercise 32

Find out what the following English idioms

1. to bite off more than one can chew A. to have a lot of tasks

2. to take something with a pinch of salt B. extremely rich in producing food

3. to have a lot on one's plate C. to be sold out very quickly

4. to know which side one's bread is buttered on D. to make an unpleasant thing seem less so

5. flowing with milk and honey E. not to believe entirely

6. to sell like hot cakes F. to be an unwanted member of a trio

7. a storm in a tea-cup G. where one is in a position of advantage

8. to sugar the pill H. for certain

9. to play gooseberry I. to attempt to do more than one can

10. as sure as eggs is eggs J. disturbance over a trifling matter

mean matching the two parts.

Exercise 33

Role play "A Students' Party"

Setting: At a university hostel.

Situation: Two groups of Russian and British students decide to celebrate some holiday (Christmas, New Year, Easter, etc.) together and cook national dishes to treat each other. They cook, discuss the recipes, make others guess, what they have put into the dishes, and choose the best cooks.

Cards I—VII — Russian students. They cook ravioli, borsch, Russian salad.

Cards VIII—XIV — English students. They cook a pudding, turkey, vegetables.


Exercise 1

Prepare to write a dictation. Learn the spelling of the words in bold type from Introductory Reading and the words from exercise 1 on page 176.

Exercise 2

Translate the text in writing.

В этом году всё сложилось удачно. Праздник 8 марта совпал с масленицей, вместе с ней и закончился. Нам, грешным, одним искушением меньше. Прямо с понеде­льника начался Великий пост.

Во время первой русской революции и последнего царя пищей называлось «всякое вещество... годное для поддержания, обновления и увеличения тела». И увеличе­ние никого не смущало. В то время в салат «Оливье» вме­сто картошки полагалось класть черную икру. Так, по крайней мере, советовали в тогдашней поваренной книге.

Оглянуться не успели, еда из удовольствия преврати­лась в проблему. Каких-нибудь полвека спустя знамени­тая сталинская «Книга о вкусной и здоровой пище» от­крылась словами: «Проблема питания — одна из основ­ных проблем».

Дальше — больше. Выяснилось, что от еды жди беды. Сахар — это белая смерть, кофе — черная, масло — жел­тая...

Откусывая очередной кусок, надо помнить: жирное вредно для сердца, нежирное — для желудка. Отсутствие мяса замедляет процесс старения и делает организм более выносливым. Каждое движение челюстей — это выбор между бодрой старостью и затянувшейся, безрадостной молодостью. Здоровый образ жизни — тот самый, где об­раз есть, а жизни нет.

В общем, как говаривал великий шотландец Роберт Бёрнс, благодарите Бога, если ваши желания совпадают с вашими возможностями: «У которых есть, что есть, те подчас не могут есть. А другие могут есть, да сидят без хлеба.»

Социологические обследования показывают: стоит на­шим гражданам разбогатеть, они сразу накидываются на постненькое. «Новые русские» едят почти в три раза боль­ше фруктов и рыбы, чем «старые».

По данным Всероссийского центра уровня жизни, мяса и масла на российских столах вполовину меньше, чем на американских. Зато молока, сыра и яиц — легко усвояемых белков - на 20% больше. Мы на верном пути — к здоровому образу жизни. Жаль только, что со здоровьем по-прежнему как-то неважно. Видно, голодание не всегда лечебное.

(Из еженедельника «Аргументы и факты»)

Exercise 3

Write a dream menu for a day.

Exercise 4

Write an essay on one of the following topics:


1. From All Diets I Choose...

2. Non-Traditional Food — Pros and Cons.

3. Better Cooks — Men or Women?

4. Each Family Has its Own Style of Cooking.

5. What I Like and What I Hate to Eat.


1. It's No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk.

2. There is Many a Slip Between a Cup and a Lip.

3. Half a Loaf is Better than No Bread.


Punctuation (continued from page 167.)

Punctuation marks with direct speech are used differently in British English. There are two approaches. The prevailing one is to use double quotation marks for most purposes, and single ones for quotations within quotations (e.g. "Well, so he said to me 'What do you mean by it?' and I said 'I didn't mean any­thing' ". Single quotation marks are also used for isolated words, short phrases, and anything that can hardly be called a formal quotation.

The other method is that adopted by the Oxford University Press, of reserving the double marks exclusively for quotations within quotations.

But for this difference the use of other punctuation marks in both approaches is similar:

1) quotation marks are placed at the top of the line;

2) the words introducing direct speech are followed by a comma (or occasionally by a colon, particularly when the di­rect speech starts a new paragraph);

3) when the words of the author interrupt direct speech in the middle of a clause they are set off by commas and the first word of the second half of the clause is spelt with a small letter (e.g. 'Oh,' he said, 'so that is the long and the short of it?');

4) when the words of the author are inserted between two independent clauses these words are preceded by a comma or the punctuation mark required after the first clause. The words of the author are followed by a roll stop (e.g. 'Quite correct, said the host. 'Quite correct.' / 'What is this? ' he asked. 'I do not understand.').


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