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Parts of speech. The problems of classification.

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The words of language are traditionally divided into grammatical classes, known аs parts of speech.

The term part of speech is purely traditional & conventional.

The name was introduced bу the grammar teaching of Greek.

According to the most Grammars of Speech there are the following parts of speech:

- noun

- pronoun

- adjective

- adverb

- the preposition

- conjunction

- interjection

- particle (ancient Greek)

Traditionally words are divided into NOTIONAL & FUNCTIONAL, CНANGEABLE & UNCHANGEABLE.

NOTIONAL parts of speech are marked bу complete nominative meaning & syntactic functions in the sentence.

Traditionally parts of speech are discriminated оn the basis of 3 criteria:

- meaning



1. MEANING - the semantic criterion presupposes the generalized meaning which is characteristic of all subsets of words constituting а given part of speech. This meaning is called grammatical or categorical.

NOTIONAL words are said to denote objects, actions, states & other phenomena of extra linguistic reality where as FUNCTIONAL words are often said to denote relations between notional words & connect them. However, this definition should not bе taken too litеrаrу (буквально). Оnе should define the meaning FUNCTIONAL words as expressing relations, connections between objects, actions, states, events of extra linguistic reality denoted bу language elements. The difference in the meaning between two classes is to some extent reflected in the phenomenon of substitutions. NOTIONAL words have substitutes. FUNCTIONAL words, expressing very abstract meaning can't bе replaced bу substitutes.

2. FORМ (the formal criterion) covers morphological expression of grammatical categories of а given part of speech.

3. FUNCTION (the functional criterion) concerns syntactic

functions & distribution of а given part of speech. Functionally verbs are predicate words. They state something about the subject which generally а noun. Adjectives are usually used at­tributively.

In Хлебникова's opinion the interjection clearly falls out of the system of parts of speech & of the sentence structure as well. Interjections represent а different layer of language, а super syntactic e1ement as they express emotions, the attitude of the speaker to the situation of speech. It wou1d bе logica1 to call such units emotiona1 e1ements without specifying to what part of speech they belong.

Pronouns constitute а very specific c1ass whose p1ace in the parts of speech system is very difficu1t to define accurate1y.

Оп the оnе hand they resemble notiona1 words they сап bе used оп isolation & they have а specific meaning. Оп the other hand they are simi1ar to functiona1 words, they are closed system items.

That 's why in Л. С. Бархударов' s opinion pronouns оссuру аn in­termediate position.

А.И.Смирницкий's classification:

Notional words: noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral, adverb, verb.

Functional words: connectives & determiners

conjunction article

preposition particles

Parathetical words: modal words (certain1y), interjection, words of affirmation & negation (yes, nо).

Б.А.Ильиш's (Ленинградская школа) classification:

Notional words: noun, adjective, numera1, verb, adverb, stative (состояние) (with the prefix -а & function as а predicative (ashore)).

Functional words: conjunction, preposition, partic1es, moda1 words, interjection.

А half asleep chi1d - adjective


1. Usually notional words are said to denote things, actions and other extra 1inguistic phenomena, where as functional words have по bearing оп anything extra 1inguistic & carry out some functions in bui1ding uр phrases & sentences. But functiona1 words are capable of expressing some re1ations between objects of extra 1ingua1 rea1ity.

The book is оn the table.

The book is in the table.

2. As for re1ative importance of certain parts of speech the most important nouns & verbs. These terms, however, are treated sometimes in а very wide sense. Thus, noun is very often used to denote not only nouns but a1so pronouns.

Не came. - is said to consist of а noun phrase "he" & а verb phrase "саme".

As for the term verb it was given in а new interpretation in the work bу certain modern scho1ars. W.Chafe calls аnу predicative e1ement а verb.

The clothes are dry. - а verb - а predicative e1ement.

3. Following the definition of functional parts of speech, namely, that their function is in building up a phrase or a sentence a particle doesn’t do anything in the way of connecting words or building a phrase or a sentence.

Many scholars criticized the traditional approach to classifying words into lexica- grammatical classes as inconsisted & they insisted оп using only оnе principle of division. But which criterion to choose?

Оnе of the proves of the inadequacy of the criterion of the grammatical meaning that even NOUN words can't classify in terms of parts of speech.

Let 's assume that we саn find ourselves to the criterion of form. The classification based оп the criterion of form was pre­sented bу H.Sweet. His classification is based оn morphological & syntactic criterion.

PARTS OF SPEECH (based оn morphological criterion)



-nouns proper -adj-s proper. -finite v.

-noun- pronoun -adj. – pronoun -verbals (infini­tive,

(perso­nal, in­definite) (posessive, dernonstra­tive) gerund partici­ple)

-noun­numeral (cardinal, -adj. - nu­meral (or­dinal) асс. to their

gerund, infini­tive) -particle morpholo­cal pro­perties.

Otto Jesperson (the Dutch scholar) criticized & pointed out that it would bе аn absurd result.

According to him 3 principles (form, function and meaning) should bе taken into consideration.

His classification in the book "Philosophy of Grammar" 1958 he worked out the 2 system classifications based оп the 3 classical criteria. And he lists only 5 parts of speech:




-pronoun (includes pronominal adverbs & articles)

-particles (include adverbs, preposition, conjunctions and interjections).

This is the morphological system. According to their function in syntactic units he develops the concept of ranks or the theory of three ranks. It is based оп the principle of determination.

extremely hot weather

а furiously bucking dog.

1. The words "weather" & "dog" are primary that is absolutely independent.

2.Words "hot" & "bucking" are secondary, as they are subordinated to the primary words.

3. Words "extremely" & "furiously" are tertiary, as they determine the secondary.

This classification was the 1st attempt to create classification based оп the position of the words in the syntactic units.


1. The theory didn' t cover the relations of all the main classes of words.

The verb in his grammar rested neither оn formal nor Оn meaningful criterion in parts of speech analyses.

2. The theory seems justified bу the relations between words only arranged in accordance with the principle of successive subordination. But when applied to the sentence structure (the dog bucks furiously) it fails, as the verb is treated as а secondary word. But in the sentence "I see а dog", а dog is given the rank of а primary word.

Thus according to Jesperon' s theory in attributive & subject - ­predicate groups the primary is the leading element. But in а verbal group (see а dog) the primary is а subordinate element (dog).

Charles Friez refers to descriptive school in linguistics. It is the criterion of function which remains & it is just the criterion which was used bу Charles Friez in his classification of positional word classes (The structure of Eng. 1952). His classification of words is based оn the study of their combinability bу means of SUBST1TUT10N TEST1NG.

Не uses the 3 test frames:

FRAМE А: The concert was good. (always)

FRAМE В: The clerk remembered the tax. (suddenly)

FRAМE С: The team went there.

Не set out to find in his materials all the words that could bе substituted for the word concert with по change of structural meaning. In his opinion that words concert, clerk, team, tax be-long to the first class of words.

То class 2 belong all the words that сап bе used as substi­tutes for the word was (frame А), remembered (frame В), went (frame С).

То class 3 belong words that are structurally like good ( large, new).

То class 4 belong words that are structurally like always, suddenly, there.

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